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- - - - - CONTENTS - XYZ - - - - -
- - - XXX - - -
- - - YYY - - -
. Yabase ningyoo 八橋人形 dolls from Yabase .
Akita (not Yatsuhashi)
. yabitsu ヤビツ / 矢櫃 quiver for arrows .
. Yachiko Daruma dolls ヤチコダルマ .
. Yaegakihime, Yaegaki Hime 八重垣姫 Princess Yaegaki dolls .
. Yaeyama minsaa 八重山ミンサー cotton cloth . - Okinawa
- - - - - Yaeyama joofu 八重山上布 Yaeyama ramie cloth
. Yahyoe 白鼠弥兵衛物語 The Tale of White-rat Yahyoe - The Tale of Mice. Nehyōe .
. yakaji ヤカジ arrow decoration / ya kazari 矢飾.
. Yakimono 焼物 / Setomono 瀬戸物 pottery, crockery .
. Yakimono 焼物 お守り amulets from pottery .
..... toosei ema 陶製絵馬 votive tablets from pottery
- - - - - . Yakimono - Culture Sketches - Faceboo Group .
. yakibina 焼き雛 "pottery dolls" . clay dolls from Shizuoka
. yakkodako, yakko tako 奴凧 kite with a Yakko .
and Daruma Yakko Daruma 奴だるま
. yakubarai ningyoo 厄払い人形 doll to ward off evil .
Iwate, Shirokino area
. Yakubyoogami 疫病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases
eyami no kami えやみのかみ / gyooyakujin 行疫神 gyoyakujin / ekijin, yakujin 疫神
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Buddha of Healing and amulets .
- - - - - yakutsubo no omamori 薬壺のお守り medicine jar amulet
. . . . . . Yakushi Yudono 薬師湯殿 The Yakushi Bath Hall . at 霊山寺 Ryosen-Ji, Nara
. yakusugi 屋久杉 cedar art from Yakushima island .
Yakuyoke 厄除お守り warding off evil
personal yakudoshi 厄年 "years of personal calamity"
yakubarai 厄払い casting off the old impurities and sins
..... yakuotoshi 厄落とし
- - - - - . yakuyoke Daishi 厄除弘法大師 Kobo Daishi to ward off evil influence .
- - - - - . yakuyoke uchiwa 厄除けうちわ handfan to ward off evil influence .
. yamachichi 山チチ / 山地乳 Yamachichi yokai monster .
. . YAMAGATA . Yamagata .
. Yamagata hariko 山形張り子 papermachee dolls from Yamagata town . - Yamagata
- - - - - Shibue ningyoo 渋江人形 dolls made by Shibue Choshiro 渋江長四郎
. Yamagata Mingei 山形市民芸 Folk art from Yamagata city .
. . YAMAGUCHI . Yamaguchi .
. Yamaguchi hariko 山口張り子 papermachee dolls from Yamaguchi .
. Yamaguchi ningyoo 山口人形 clay dolls from Yamaguchi hamlet . - Niigata
. Yamakasa ningyoo 山笠人形 Yamakasa festival float dolls .
Fukuoka (Yamagasa やまがさ
. . YAMANASHI . Yamanashi .
. Yamanaka Urushi 山中漆器 lacquer ware from Yamanaka Hot Spring . Ishikawa
. Yamashina-e 山科絵 Yamashina paintings .
. Yamata no Orochi 八岐の大蛇 Serpent with eight heads . - figures from Tottori
. Yamazaki no inoshishi 山崎の猪 wild boar from Yamazaki . Kyoto
. Yamegoma 八女独楽 spinning top from Yame . - Fukuoka
. Yanagi ningyoo 柳人形 willow dolls .
Also called "Kamo Dolls (kamo ningyoo 加茂人形)
. Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 . - (1875 - 1962)
and minzokugaku 民俗学 ethnology . (Yanagida Kunio)
. Yanai no kingyo choochin 柳井の金魚堤灯 goldfish lanterns from Yanai village . - Yamaguchi
. Yanaizu 柳津 dolls from Yanaizu, Fukushima .
. yaruki Jizoo やる気地蔵 / 弥留気地蔵 Yaruki Jizo to make you carry on .
. yasha ga ike, yashagaike 夜叉ケ池 the Demon Pond .
- and - Legends about the Master of the Pond 池の主 と伝説 ike no nushi
. Yassa Daruman やっさだるマン Mihara 三原 Hiroshima .
. Yasugibushi ningyoo安来節 dolls from the Yasugi bushi song . Shimane
. yatagarasu ema 八咫烏絵馬 votive tablet with a three-legged crow .
- - - - - Kumano and Nachi amulets - 熊野 那智
. yatsubana やつ花 "flower with six corners" kite from Shizuoka .
Yatsuhashi tsuchi ningyoo 八橋土人形, see above Yabase, Akita
. yatsujika odori no men 八鹿踊りの面 deer masks for the dance with 8 deer .
. Yawata no kanzashi 八幡のかんざし hairpin from Yawata (Yahata) . - Kyoto
. yodarekake よだれ掛け - 涎掛け bib, Kinderlatz .
. yogen no tori 予言の鳥 / ヨゲンノトリ prophecy bird .
. yokanbee よかんべえ Yakko kite . - Oita
. yokomuki tora 横向き虎 papermachee tiger looking to the side .
. yome-iri, yomeiri 嫁入り人形 bridal dolls, wedding dolls - INFO .
. yome odoshi men, yomeodoshi 嫁おどし面 mask to scare the bride .
. Yomitan Pottery Village 読谷山焼 Yachimun No Sato . - Okinawa
. Yonago 米子人形 Yonago Ningyo Dolls - Tottori .
. Yookai 妖怪 Monsters and Demons - Introduction .
bakemono 化け物 o-bake お化け, yuurei 幽霊 ghost
- - - . yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters art motives - Gallery .
- . Edo Yookai Karuta 江戸妖怪かるた Edo Yokai monsters card game .
. yooshi koojoo 容姿向上 joshi kojo - to pray for improvement of female style .
. yorigitoo 憑祈祷 exorcistic 祈祷 kito rituals .
. Yoroku tsuchiningyoo 与六土人形 clay dolls made by Yoroku . - Yamagata
. Yosakoi ningyoo よさこい人形 Yosakoi dance dolls .
Kochi, special Bon dance dolls
. Yosegi saiku, yosegizaiku 寄木細工 yosegi-woodwork / parquetry .
. Yoshinobina 吉野雛 hina dolls from Yoshino . - Nara
. Yookaichidako 八日市凧 Giant Tako Kite from Yokaichi .
. yooyoo ヨーヨー Yo-yo, yoyo .
. yubi ningyoo 指人形 finger dolls . - even with Daruma
. yubiwa omamori ゆびわお守り/ 指輪 fingerring as amulet .
. yudan taiteki 油断大敵 Do not be inattentive! .
amulet from Enryaku-Ji and Rikyu Hachimangu, Kyoto
. yuki Daruma, yukidaruma 雪だるま snowman Daruma .
. yukigutsu 雪靴, waragutsu 藁沓 snow shoes from straw .
. yumemakura 夢枕 "dream pillow" .
. Yumihama-gasuri, Yumihama Kasuri 弓浜絣 Ikat - Tottori .
. Yumino ningyoo 弓野人形 Yumino dolls / 弓野土人形 Yumino clay dolls .
. yurayura hatobue ゆらゆら鳩笛 pidgeon flute . - Aomori
. yurikago ゆりかご / 揺り籃 cradle .
. yusubue 柞(ゆす)笛 flute (whistle) from Yusu seeds . - Oita
. yuukaraori 優佳良織 Yukara-Ori weaving textiles . - Hokkaido
. yuuzen 友禅 Yuzen kimono dyeing technique .
..... Edo Yuuzen 江戸友禅 Edo Yuzen
..... Kaga yuuzen 加賀友禅 Yuzen from the Kaga region
- - - ZZZ - - -
. Zaiun koojoo 財運向上 make more money .
. zaru ざる / 笊 flat bamboo basket .
. zoo 象 elephant, der Elefant - art motives .
象唐子 elephant with Chinese child
. zoogan 象嵌 zogan, inlay .
- Kaga Zogan 加賀象嵌 from Kanazawa *
. zooge 象牙 ivory netsuke .
----- . Edo zooge 江戸象牙 ivory from Edo . and more Ivory Art
. zoori 草履 sandals for dolls .
. Zubonbo ずぼんぼ Zubonbo lion or tiger . Asakusa, Tokyo
. zugurigoma, zuguri koma ずぐり独楽 spinning tops . - Tohoku
. zui-un, zuiun 瑞雲文様 auspicious cloud art motives .
sai-un, saiun, sai un 彩雲 "colorful clouds"
. zukkyan-kyan ずっきゃんきゃん piggy-back doll . - Nagasaki

- - - - - Come back soon !
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