Shoobai Hanjoo 商売繁盛 good business
kinun, kin un 金運お守り to make money
. . . kinun shoorai 金運招来
zaiun koojoo 財運向上 make more money
akinai mamori 商い守り protect business
The Deity EBISU is a good helper on the way!
. Ebisu 夷 恵比寿 恵比須 えびす、エビス .
Everyone wants to become a rich person and suceed in business.
Here is the first go, with Daruma as your mentor.
. Akinai mamori 商い守 for good business .
It brings a thousand visitors to the store 千客万来.
On the beautiful silken black bag the Chinese character for Business 商 is emproidered. kuroji 黒生地 black material, is a pun with "black figures" 黒字 in the balance book.
Shiba Daimyoojinguu 芝大神宮 Tokyo, Shiba Daimyojin Shrine
. Hanjo Daruma 繁盛ダルマ .
. Kanemochi Daruma 金持ちだるま "Rich Man Daruma" .
. Masumasu 升々 measuring cup with Daruma .
fukumasu, fuku masu 福枡 auspicious masu
益々福が増す升 -masumasu fuku ga masu masu
. kinun Jizoo 金運地蔵 Kin-Un Jizo for Money .
- - - - - 金福地蔵 Kinpuku Jizo for Luck with Money
- - - - - 銭塚地蔵尊 Asakusa Zenizuka Jizo - かんかん地蔵 Kankan Jizo
fukuzeni, fuku zeni 福銭 auspicious coin
The 5 yen coin 五円 with a hole in the middle is good for
go-en ga aru 五円 / ご縁 to be bound to good fortune and money

from Zeni-arai Benten in Kamakura
gozaisen go saisen 御賽銭 honorable offering money
kane no naru ki 金の成る木 a tree to become rich

with Daikoku sama 大黒

(click for more samples)
from temple Saijooji 最乗寺 Saijo-Ji in Kanagawa 神奈川県南足柄市大雄町
kane ni naru ki 金に成る木 - a tree to become rich
. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .
shoobai hanjoo 商売繁盛 お守り

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference .
. Entries with MONEY .
. Entries with BUSINESS .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
1 comment:
Ootori Jinja 鷲神社 Otori Jinja
----- Deities in residence :
天日鷲命 Amenohiwashi no Mikoto
shoobai hanjoo 商売繁盛 Good business
東京下町八社巡り Pilgrimage to 8 Shrines in Shitamachi
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