Online Reference and Books
Chigonoya Doll Store : with many exhibitions
source : www.colle-vill.com/chigo
Cow toys on Japanese stamps
source : Kiyoyasu Satou

Dresser, Christopher Dresser - Traditional Arts and Crafts of Japan
Great Victorian classic offers unsurpassed coverage of architecture, ornament, pottery, calligraphy, drawing, lacquerware, metalware, textiles, religious symbols and more.
eto 干支 zodiac animal toys of all sorts /Bingoya 備後屋
(rabbit, tiger) paper masks, Sagara tsuchi ningyoo 相良(さがら)土人形
and other prefecture toys
Field, Kala Field - Folk Toys Souvenirs - Private collection
Folk Craft Samurai Japan
source : folkcraft.samurai47.com
Folk Toys from all of Japan
. 全国郷土玩具ガイド .
. Furusato no Gangu . Asahi
. Furusato Gangu Gallery : Kimoto .
. Fushimi Clay Dolls .
garasu no kobeya .. small things from Japan
from all regions, clay bells 土鈴 dorei
source : nino-art.at.webry.info

Handbook for the Appreciation of Japanese Traditional Crafts
source : www.nihon-kogeikai.com
Jacobsen Natalie - Tokyo Weekender
- Japanese Lucky Charms: A Guide to Omamori -
Success Talisman – (勝守 “katsumori”)
Ward Away Evil Amulet – (厄除け “yakuyoke”)
Money Talisman – (商売繁盛 “shoubaihanjou”)
Education & Learning Talisman – (学業成就 “gakugyou-jouju”)
Traffic Safety Amulet – (交通安全 “koutsuanzen”)
Love Talisman – (縁結び “enmusubi”)
Luck-Boosting Talisman – (開運 “kaiun”)
Happiness Amulet – (幸せ “shiawase”)
- - - - - Special Omamori Along the way
Liar Bird - Uso / Sexual Health / Beauty of Legs, Skin, and Anti-Aging / Fox Kitsune Wallet Protection / Sports Talisman / Protection for Returning Home – Octopus + Sea Edition / Technology Boost / Zodiac / Good Luck Cat / Monthly Boost, Nezu shrine /
JapanARTSandCRAFTS.com - Japan ARTS and CRAFTS .com
Enter the name of each prefecture to find all the details !
JCRAFTS - supports the inheritance of traditional Japanese beauty and craftsmanship by delivering its value to people around the world.
- also available in 日本語
- source : www.jcrafts.com/eg/shop

Japan Toy Museum 日本玩具博物館 (Japanese and English)
Kasai, near Himeji
Kogei Japan - Densan
- source : kogeijapan.com... -
Lancashire Terence Lancashire
An Introduction to Japanese Folk Performing Arts
- books.google.co.jp -
Kashiwazaki Collection Village 柏崎コレクション
More than 9000 pieces and many essays
Koonan machi no densetsu 江南町の伝説 Legends about places, deities and people
source : www.kumagaya-bunkazai.j
Kyodo Gangu no Mori 郷土玩具の杜 regional toys
source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp...
Kyodo Ningyo Bijutsukan 郷土人形美術館 Regional Dolls (and clay dolls) !!!
Lee, Sherman E. Lee - The Genius of Japanese Design
The art of Japan is at once an expression of the relative unity of Far Eastern culture and a sophisticated metamorphosis of native aesthetic canons that has produced an international style as distinctive as the Rococo and the Islamic. In a brilliant crystallization of the essence of Japanese design, Dr. Sherman Lee, one of the foremost authorities in the field, recalls the supremacy of Chinese civilization in Asian culture, and reveals, first, how the Far Eastern situation differed from that of the Western world, and then, in light of this, how the Japanese came to assert their own aesthetic inclinations. Dr. Lee's lucid analysis, substantiated by the finest examples of Japanese art (32 color plates, 800 black-and-white plates, including 17 pages of Japanese mon, or family crests), offers a stimulating discussion of how Japanese art differs from Chinese, going beyond mere generalities to the quintessence of Japanese aesthetic design.
According to Dr. Lee,
the Japanese eye delights in asymmetry, intuitive placement, subtle shades and combinations of colors, as compared to the Chinese proclivity toward balance, rational sequence, and purity and separation of colors. The vocabulary of Japanese design is distinguished by the dominance of asymmetric composition, the dominance of the material over the carefully reticent hand of the artist, the dominance of pattern and of motif, often traditional and with literary overtones.
More than an essay about art divorced from culture,
Dr. Lee's sensitive introductory text acknowledges the role of the natural and social environment upon the Japanese psyche. His chronological treatment examines the maturation of a sumptuous decorative style that finds its antecedents in Yamato-e of the Fujiwara Period (897-1185). Enhanced by the tea taste of the Momoyama Period (1573-1615), this culminated in the splendid Rimpa style which today still colors the aesthetic sense of modern Japanese. In addition, he discusses the place of ukiyo-e and garden art to present a full consideration of the distinctive vocabulary and singular spirit of Japanese design.
source : www.amazon.com
Kingdom of Beauty: Mingei and the Politics of Folk Art in Imperial Japan
Brandt Kim
- google books
Legends of Japan - Mukashibanashi and Kotowaza
Lotz Doll Pages
Michi shiru みちしる - to know your way around - local specialities introduced by NHK
from the program : Shin Nihon Fudoki 新日本風土記」
Click on any prefecture on this map:
source : www.nhk.or.jp/michi
Mingei Japan - Japanese Folk Art and Toys
Mingeihin, Koogeihin
source : folkcraft.samurai47.com
. Miyagemon みやげもん
more than 180 folk toys in Japanese
ナニソレ・コレクション館 nani kore - collection
A huge collection of many things, including kokeshi and other dolls
source : homepage2.nifty.com/zenmaitarow
日本伝承大鑑 - Japan Mystery
- reference source : japanmystery.com... -
. 日本伝承大鑑 Nihon Densho Daikan - Okayama collection .

Nihon no kyoodoo gangu 日本の郷土玩具 著者: 木下亀城他
source : google books
Omamori Kenkyuukai - with regional chapters
ペット for your domestic animals
返納・供養 . . . and many more
source : omamorida.com
Omocha, Old toys 古玩具 and clay dolls of all regions
Regional Cultural Asset Portal
Japan Foundation for Regional Art-Activities
Saint-Gilles Amaury
Mingei: Japan's Enduring Folk Arts
- google books
Sanuki no gangu 讃岐の玩具 . Takamatsu
Sarudama - Japanese Folklore
Traditional crafts of Tokyo and Edo - detailed introduction of 40 items (August 2014)
- source : www.sangyo-rodo.metro.tokyo.jp/shoko/dentokogei
Tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 clay dolls
from all regions
Weber, The John C. Weber Collection
The collection reveals Dr. Weber's discriminating eye and high standards. There are elegant poetry scrolls reflecting Japan’s literary accomplishments and courtly tastes. Luxury lacquers and ceramics of surprising modernity belie painstaking craftsmanship. Textiles of high design and astonishing technique — many of which are included at the MIA venue only — provide a glimpse into Japan’s sophisticated fashions.

Ravishing images of courtesans and the opulent settings in which they lived offer insight into two centuries of Japanese “pleasure” quarters and life in the “floating world.” Providing a quiet and contemplative contrast to these colorful works are restrained ink paintings and somber ceramics associated with the tea ceremony and life within Buddhist monasteries. Rich in painted folding screens, the Weber collection provides breathtaking panoramas of epic battles, voyeuristic glimpses into aristocratic mansions, and bird's-eye views of places long renowned for their scenic beauty.
MORE : arttattler.com/designartsofjapan
ぞえじいの福々巡り Zoeji no fukubuku meguri
Things for good luck, by Grandpa Zoei
ごりやく民俗講座 / ご利益GOODS
source : www.zoeji.com
The Overlooked Asian Influence on Art of the Colonial Americas--
The Asian influence on arts and crafts of the Americas goes back centuries earlier than most people think. On August 18, the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), Boston opens Made in the Americas: The New World Discovers Asia with over 90 objects demonstrating how aesthetics and art traditions of China, Japan, and other Asian countries influenced the colonial-era Americas
Local Legends
タヌキ Tanuki, キツネ」 kitsune, 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi
Legends from Ehime, Iyo and Shikoku

Japanese Folk Toys: The Playful Arts
Lea Batten
ISBN-10: 4079756127
source : www.amazon.co.jp
Online Sources and Materials:
The Encyclopedia of Shinto, a project of Kokugakuin University.
The Obakemono Project, a database of traditional Japanese ghosts, monsters and apparitions. Accurate, well researched, and fully cited.
Kojiki: Records of Ancient Matters, an online text of the primary source of Japanese myth.
Hotsuma Tsutae, an online text of the alternate Japanese mythology.
Classic Literature on Shinto & Japanese Religion, a database of online texts on various relevant subjects.
Digital copy of Japanese Folktales, by Yanagita Kunio, translated by Fanny Hagin Meyer. [pdf file]
The entire back issues of the journal Asian Folklore Studies online, available for download in .pdf format.
"Male Characters in the Japanese Folk Tale", a thesis by Gergana Petrova. [pdf file]
"Kamikakushi: Spirit Captives in Japan's North Country", an article by A.W. Sadler on supernatural disappearances in the writings of Yanagita Kunio. [pdf file]
The Samurai Archives: a great encyclopedic site on the military history and culture of traditional Japan. Also, Samurai Archives Forums.
Hyperlinks are here
source : ioreth.org/mukashi
Unai no tomo うないのとも
(A Child's Friends; Japanese folk toys)
. Shimizu Seifu (Seifuu) 清水清風 .
日本画家 - 出身地別 Japanese painters, list
- source : yuagariart.com/artist -
- #reference #booksaboutjapan #onlinereference -
Mingei of Japan: The Legacy of the Founders: Shoji Hamada - Kanjiro Kawai - Soetsu Yanagi
by Martha W. Longenecker
300 pages. 185 color photographs by Lynton Gardiner with selected photographs courtesy of Tohoku Fukushi University, Serizawa, Keisuke Art & Craft Museum and Nihon Mingeikan, Tokyo Commentary by Martha W. Longenecker, Founding President and Director Emerita, Mingei International Museum, excerpts from Mingei Movement and I by Sori Yanagi and The Way of Tea by Dr. Soetsu Yanagi. Foreword by Teiko Utsumi.
at amazon com
Mingei: Japan's Enduring Folk Arts
by Amaury Saint-Gilles
Mingei literally means the "arts of the people" and is a treasured expression of Japanese culture and history. This book of Japanese folk art introduces 116 exquisite and interesting Japanese pieces, describing their origins, showing how they are made and used, and relating the background of myth and folklore associated with each.
Illustrated with many line drawings and color photographs, Mingei offers readers a concise and informative introduction to a rich and varied artistic tradition.
at amazon com
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