Shizuoka Folk Art - 静岡県
Tōtōmi Province 遠江(とおとうみ)Totomi Province
Suruga Province 駿河 and Izu Province 伊豆.
. Mount Fuji 富士山 Fujisan Fujiyama .

静岡自慢のだるま - Daruma advertising all the good things from Shizuoka
静岡新聞 広告
Fujieda town 藤枝市
. Fujieda Daruma 藤枝だるま
Yagumo Daruma 八雲だるま Lafcadio Hearn Daruma
. Yui no takarabune 由比の宝舟 "treasure ship" from Yui village .
. Fuji Tengu 富士天狗(富士太郎)Tengu from Mount Fuji .
. Reiken Jinja 霊犬神社 "Dog Shrine" amulets .
Hamamatsu town 浜松市
. Shizuoka hariko 静岡張り子 papermachee dolls .
Hamamatsu hariko 浜松張り子 papermachee dolls from Hamamatsu
tora hariko 虎張り子 tiger papermachee tiger from Hamamatsu

kakinori saru 柿乗り猿 monkey on a persimmon
usagiguruma, usagi kuruma 兎車 rabbit with wheels
CLICK for more dolls !
. Hamamatsu tako 浜松凧 kite from Hamamatsu .
. Hamakita no kazaguruma 浜北の風車 windwheel from Hamakita .
Inatori town 稲取
. tsurushibina 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .
okatagoro おかたごろ aristocratic dolls

o-kata, honorable lady,
is an aristocratic lady. This hanging doll is depicted in the robes of a bride with the wish that the girl might marry into a good and rich family and become very happy.
Kanaya 金谷
. Kanaya tsuchi ningyo 金谷土人形 clay dolls from Kanaya .
part of Haibara 榛原 town
- chatsumi musume 茶摘み娘土鈴 girl picking tea - clay bell
Mishima town 三島
. origami shinzoo 折紙神像 god figures from folded paper .
From Mishima Shrine
and Mishima Ebisu Daruma
Mori village 周智郡森町
. Ishimatsu ningyoo 石松人形 dolls of Ishimatsu .
and Daruma like Ishimatsu and his yakuza boss, Shimizu no Jirocho.
. Daikoku Daruma 大黒だるま .
. Mori no bukadako, tako 森のぶか凧 kite .
Ogasa district 小笠町
boonoya ningyoo 坊ノ谷人形 clay dolls from Bonoya valley
Made by 高木家、山田家 the families of Takagi and Yamada since about 1860.
高木弥左エ門 Takagi Yazaemon was the first, but the family Takagi stopped in 1935, Yamada in 1938.
There are not many clay dolls made in Shizuoka. They were called
yakibina 焼き雛 "pottery dolls" in the local dialect.

Tenjin 天神

source : miyagemon-180...
manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat
坊ノ谷土人形の亀次郎翁 Old Man Kamejiro from Bonoya
Kamejiro had moved to Hokkaido and then came back to his hometown in 1999, to revive the doll making.

- reference source : nekorekuto.com/bounoya... -
Ooikawa town 大井川町 Oikawa
. Munadaka tako 宗高凧 kite from Munadaka village .
. Shida tenjin 志太天神 Tenjin sama .
Shimizu town 清水市

Ichiron san no kubi ningyoo いちろんさんの首人形 head dolls
Ichiron is the name of a shop. The first owner was Horio Ichirozaemon 堀尾市郎右衛門, today the shop is in the 5th generation. The themes of his dolls are related to the lord Minamoto no Tametomo 源為朝 (1139 - 1177).
The first Ichiron set up his shop on the old Tokaido, where samurai were passing from Kyoto to Edo. The faces of his samurai dolls looked much like the "real men", because he made them with all his prayers for the samurai and offered them at the shrine Yamanashi Kasamori Inari jinja 月見里笠森稲荷神社.
. Kasamori Inari Fox Shrines .

People believed these simple doll heads would protect children from crying at night and therefore called them in local dialect
Ichironsan no dekkorobo いちろんさんのでっころぼう
(dekunobo, puppets)
Ichironsan produced head dolls in two sizes, small and large.
The shop also sells other papermachee dolls and Daruma dolls.
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
kushi ningyoo 串人形 dolls on a stick
. Shimizu Daruma 清水だるま .
. Ikawa no ogi tako 井川の扇凧 handfan kite from Ikawa village .
Shirahama town, Shimoda 下田市白浜
. Daikoku and Ebisu hariko 大黒 恵比寿 張子 .
Shizuoka town 静岡市

Shizuoka tsuchi ningyoo 静岡土人形 clay folls from Shizuoka
Made after the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905).
The craftsman had experience of the war and made many dolls with guns and weapons, also with a trumpet of the army.
This doll of a young man holds a trumpet, it is about 9 cm high. ラッパ持ち小僧
After the second world war they were not made any more.
. Shizuoka anesama 静岡姉様 elder sister doll .
. Shizuoka hariko 静岡張り子 papermachee dolls .
. hige Daruma ひげだるま Daruma with a beard .
. iwaidai, iwai no tai 祝い鯛 sea bream for celebrations .
Daruma daki kozoo 達磨抱き小僧 boy holding Daruma
papermachee doll
Made by 沢屋 / 静岡市葵区梅屋町5

okanjake おかんじゃけ / 御髪下
stick with hair made from bamboo
A piece of young bamboo was used to make it, and families can make it themselves. The thinly cut part was painted with red or purple.
It is ment to ward off evil and kept in the Shinto house altar, but children may also use it as a toy. Girls use it to comb their hair. Boys use it as a weapon in their war games.
The name derives from a local pronounciation, osagekami おさげかみ, to have your hair hang down.
At the temple Tokei-In 洞慶院 (Tookeiin) it was sold in stalls on the celebrations of the founder, on July 19 and 20. People bought it as a talisman to stay healthy during the summer months, for good business of lodgings and restaurants and for artists to prosper. They displayed it at the cashier place of their business in the hope to attract "ten thousand visitors" 千客万来.
It may also be related to the
. iwaibo, fertility stick .
. ebi えび / 海老 / 蝦 lobster, prawn, shrimp .
. Suruga takezaiku 駿河竹細工 Suruga bamboo basketry .
Surugadako, Suruga tako 駿河凧 kite from Suruga

Ushiwakamaru 牛若丸
This dates back to the local regent Imagawa Yoshimoto, who flew this kite over his Suruga castle.
. Imagawa Yoshimoto 今川義元 (1519 – 1560) .
- source : reference -
. Ushiwakamaru Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源の義経 (1159 - 1189) .
- Introduction -
. tanukiguruma 狸車 tanuki badger with wheels .
Shizuoka hikimono 静岡挽物 Shizuoka Turnery
- quote -
静岡挽物 Shizuoka Turnery
Shizuoka turnery is woodwork handed down in Shizuoka Pref. The turnery technique was first introduced to this area in 1864, when Yonekichi Sakai, a craftsman in this prefecture learned the technique from a turner in Hakone, Kanagawa Pref. and opened his own workshop in the town of Shimogoku in present-day Shizuoka City. After the World War II, pepper grinders were made in large quantity to export to the U.S.A. and the area grew into a major producing center of turnery products.

Now, kitchen ware, stationery, toys, furniture parts, and construction fittings are made and used in various industries. Turnery is indispensable technique to create rounded surface in woodwork, so it has been an important local industry in the prefecture. Woodwork and bamboo products made by Shizuoka turnery are favored as people’s daily necessities.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -
. Nagiso Rokuro Zaiku 南木曽 ろくろ細工 Nagiso Wood Turnery, Nagiso woodturning . - Nagano
hikimono shokunin 挽物職人 craftsmen making turnery

source : edoichiba.jp..hikimono...
. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .
Shuuzenji 修善寺 Shuzen-Ji
. mugikara saiku 麦稈細工 craft from wheat straw .
Toyooka village 豊岡村
. Hirosedako, tako 広瀬凧 kite from Hirose store .
- - - - - gunjindako 軍人凧 kite with a soldier
Yaizu town 焼津市
. Ooigawa no neri Tenjin 大井川の練天神 twisted clay doll .

- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp
Yaizu sakana tako 焼津魚凧 fish kite
maguro tako まぐろ凧 Bonito kite

Yaizu Daruma 焼津だるま
Yoshiwara 吉原
. Suzukawa Daruma 鈴川だるま .
Ikawa menpa 井川メンパ is a lacquered hinoki wooden lunch box
- reference source : shizuoka-kougei.jp/craft/ikawa-menpa -
Atami 熱海楠細工
Fujieda 藤枝桐箪笥
Fukuroi 遠州鬼瓦
Kakegawa 掛川手織葛布
Moriyama yaki 森山焼
Shimoda 下田脂松細工
Shizuoka town
Shimada Shitoro ware 志戸呂焼
- source : www.fujinokunibunkashigen.net/resouce
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
- #shizuoka #suruga #izu #mishima #hamamatsu -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Shizuoka
. Shizuoka Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Inari Jinja 稲荷神社 Fox Shrines and their amulets .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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