. Ebisu えびす / 恵比寿と伝説 Legends about Ebisu .
Daikoku and Ebisu 大黒と恵比寿 art motives - Gallery
. Daikoku 大黒 - Introduction .
. Ebisu, Ebesu えびす / 恵比寿 - Introduction .
They belong to the
. shichi fukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .

Money from 1884 !
. hariko 張子 papermachee dolls .

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. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls .

from 卯三郎こけし Usaburo
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. tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 tsuchiningyo clay dolls .

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Daikoku carries a daifukuchoo 大福帳 account book "for good luck".

. Aichi, 碧南大浜土人形 Ohama Clay Dolls.
about 22 cm high, made by 禰宜田佐太郎 Negita san

. Fukuoka toys - Chikugo 筑後 Akasaka 赤坂 .

Sagara tsuchi ningyoo 相良土人形 clay dolls from Sagara, Yamagata
Ebisu and Daikoku carry a wooden pole with a huge tai 鯛 sea bream.
Close to the 堤人形 Tsutsumi ningyo doll.

二福神鯛車 Two Lucky Gods with a sea bream on a cart
Nekkocho ningyo 根っ子町土人形 / Nekocho 根子町人形 clay dolls / Fukushima

with the seven gods of good luck
. daifukuchoo 大福帳 account book "for good luck" .

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. dorei どれい / 土鈴 clay bells .

source : Nishinomiya Shrine Collection
. kirara suzu きらら鈴 Kirara clay bells .

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. maneki neko, manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .

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. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .

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. fukuroo 嚢 / ふくろう fukuro owls .
- - - fu kuroo 不苦労 no hardships, no worries

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. soroban 算盤 / 十呂盤 / そろばん Abacus, Abakus .
with a soroban and register book of a merchant そろばんとエビス大黒

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. ukiyo-e 浮世絵 "pictures of the floating world" .

source : Temple Ensen-Ji 七福神-お姿・掛軸・浮世絵-

Painting by 加納祥山 Kano Shozen
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The Deities of Good Luck throwing beans at the demons
Daikoku, Ebisu and O-Fuku

. 河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai (1831 - 1889) .
. oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!" Setsubun .

source : 十日えびす Toka Ebisu
恵比寿大黒の料理 Ebisu and Daikoku preparing food
喜多川歌麿 Kitagawa Utamaro

藤沢・江の島ゆかりの浮世絵ポストカー Postcards from Fujizawa / Enoshima
Princess Otohime / 乙しめ 坂東三津五郎 Bando Mutsugoro
. Join the Ukiyo-E friends on facebook ! .
. tako 凧 kites with Daikoku sama .
- - - - - More art motives - - - - -
. Ebisu and Daikoku performing 三番叟 the Sanbaso dance .

楽しく踊り合うえびすさんに大黒さん。Dancing Ebisu and Daikoku
Ebisu and Daikoku enjoy dancing while a tai fish and a big sack are left aside.
- source and more photos : eonet.ne.jp/~yohi -

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- reference : 恵比寿 大黒 踊り -

- - - - - CLICK for more samples ! - - - - -
chawan 茶碗 tea bowls with Daikoku and Ebisu

netsuke 根付 with Daikoku and Ebisu

sara 皿 plates with Daikoku and Ebisu

yakimono 焼物 pottery with Daikoku and Ebisu

- ABC - List of Ebisu and Daikoku art motives from the Prefectures
................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県

about 20 cm high
. Ichihara tsuchi ningyoo 市原土人形 clay dolls from Ichihara .
................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県

source : asahi-net.or.jp/~vc3k-nrm
三春の恵比寿・大黒(郡山市) From Miharu, Koriyama
................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
Nishinomiya Ebisu Jinja shrine has a large collection:

two dolls from Akita, Yatsuhashi 秋田市八橋の八橋土人形

fuufu Ebisu 夫婦えびす像 Husband and Wife Ebisu
Nishinomiya Jinja 兵庫県西宮市社家町1-17
ー 西宮のえべっさん Nishinomiya no Ebess San -
- Collection of Ebisu and Daikoku - Database
- reference source : nishinomiya-ebisu.com/ebisudb -
. Ebisu kigo for the New Year .
Nishinomiya no igomori 西宮の居籠 night recluse at Nishinomiya
..... igomori 居籠(いごもり)
In Nishinomiya town, Hyogo prefecture, at the shrine Ebisu Jinja.
In the night of January 9/10.
The main deity from Ebisu shrine is brought to the shrine Hirota Jinja 広田神社.
People who see the procession will be blessed in the coming year.
- and
The great festival of Ebisu "Ebessan" 胡子大祭(えべっさん)
At Nishinomiya Jinja 西宮神社
On January 8, a large tuna fish is offered to the deity. The visitors place their offering money coins on the fish and pray for good business.
This festival started in 1970.
................................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県
from the Shrine 新井神社 Arai Jinja
from the Shrine 白浜神社 Shirahama Jinja
伊古奈比咩命神社 Ikonahime no Mikoto Jinja
下田市白浜 Izu Shimoda, Shirahama
source and more photos : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/shizuoka...
Ebisu Daruma 恵比寿だるま

. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Ebisu えびす / 恵比寿と伝説 Legends about Ebisu .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #daikokuebisu #ebisudaikoku -
1 comment:
Sugoroku for Success in the First Sale of the New Year
(Hatsuakinai Shusse Sugoroku 初商出世双六)
This is a Sugoroku (a Japanese boardgame similar to western Snakes and Ladders) of the lineup of products sold at the cosmetics store founded by a popular novelist, 式亭三馬 Shikitei Sanba and was succeeded by his son, 小三馬 Kosanba. The prices are also displayed.
The Seven Gods of Good Fortune are depicted on this Sugoroku, and thus, this work is assumed to be a New Year's gift distributed as a form of advertisment.
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