Fukuoka Folk Art - 福岡県
Fukuoka (福岡市 Fukuoka-shi) is the capital city of Fukuoka Prefecture and is situated on the northern shore of the island of Kyushu in Japan.
Fukuoka hosts more than 2 million foreign visitors annually, with the majority coming from neighboring South Korea and China.
- - - - - Museums
Fukuoka Art Museum – In Ohori Park; contains a wide selection of contemporary and other art from around the world, including works by Mark Rothko, Roy Lichtenstein, and Salvador Dalí
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum – contains art from various countries of Asia.
Fukuoka City Museum – displays a broad range of items from the region's history, including a spectacular gold seal.
Genko Historical Museum (元寇史料館?, Museum of the Mongol Invasion) – In Higashi Koen (East Park); displays Japanese and Mongolian arms and armor from the 13th century as well as paintings on historical subjects. Open on weekends.
Hakata Machiya Folk Museum – Dedicated to displaying the traditional ways of life, speech, and culture of the Fukuoka region.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. oidashi neko 追い出し猫 cat to drive out illness and bad influence .
Miyawaka Town in Kyushu 九州宮若 - Fukuoka
Miyawaka specialities :
- source : www.wakakanko.jp/blue
Agano 上野 Agano town
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Agano yaki 上野焼 Agano ware
Rare variety of lightweight ceramics derived from the tea ceremony culture
- What is Agano ware ?
Agano ware (called Agano yaki) is a form of pottery produced around the town of Fukuchi in Fukuoka prefecture. Agano ware is elegant and lightweight, stemming from its development as a tea bowl for use in tea ceremonies.
In some cases, the foot of the bowl is taller than other types of pottery and opens onto a wide base. Many different types of enamel are used, like blue-green, iron, white-brown, and transparent, producing a diversity of colors, textures, luster, and patterns. The most representative enamel for Agano ware is a green rust using oxidized copper, which gives an attractive blue color. Ceramics using iron enamel look like an unglazed reddish brown and spotted enamel ends up with an evenly lined grain that appears to have been eaten by insects. While there is an infinite variety of vessels, they all share a graceful quality.
- More
- source : kogeijapan.com/locale... -
Amagi 甘木市 Amagi town
On March 20, 2006, Amagi, along with the towns of Asakura and Haki (both from Asakura District), was merged to create the city of Asakura 朝倉市.
CLICK for more photos !
Amagi batabata 甘木バタバタ small drum
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“Batabata Ichi (Bazaar) ” in Amagi
Held every January 4 and 5,
“Batabata Ichi” is the first bazaar of the new year at Mt. Kanboku’s Anchoji Temple. The tradition is said to have started with the bartering fair begun by imperial estate administrator and founder of Anchoji Temple, Amagi Yasunaga (for whom the region was also named), while the name “Batabata Ichi” is rumored to have come from the name for a spinning drum toy (“Amagi batabata”) that was sold on the temple grounds and supposedly warded off smallpox.
Toy drums are still sold today and come in two patterns (the faces of a young boy and a young girl), which are customarily bought as a set.
Even now when the fear of smallpox has been virtually eliminated, many people praying for their child’s healthy growth buy them!
- source : www.crossroadfukuoka.jp
. Japanese Drums - Introduction .
Chikugo 筑後 Akasaka 赤坂
Akasaka tsuchi ningyo 赤坂土人形 Akasaka clay dolls

Fukuoka 福岡市
. ebi えび / 海老 / 蝦 lobster, prawn, shrimp dolls.
Hakata 博多
Hakata Machiya Furusato Kan 博多町家ふるさと館 Hakata Machiya Folk Museum
Although Hakata may have undergone a drastic change over the years, the people’s hearts remain the same. The open and unconventional Hakata temperament has been passed down together with many festivals and traditions, making Hakata a hometown beloved by the people that live here. The life and culture of Hakata, mainly of the Meiji and Taisho eras, are introduced from various perspectives at this Museum.
Enjoy for an exploration into the heart of Hakata.
- source : www.hakatamachiya.com

Hakata Yamagasa dorei 山笠土鈴 clay bells with a hat (yamakasa)
. Dolls from Hakata / 博多人形
Hakata hariko 博多張子 Papermachee dolls
Hakata ningyoo 博多人形 Hakata clay dolls (Hakata Daruma)
. Shoojoo 猩猩 /猩々 Shojo, a legendary drunkard
. Hakata semi dako 博多せみ凧 kite like a cicada .

Hakata chanpon 博多ちゃんぽん Champon toy
. WASHOKU - 博多ちゃんぽん Hakata chanpon noodle soup
Hakata ori 博多織 weaving from Hakata
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Many other items of continental culture entered Japan through Hakata.
For instance, the city is also famous for its arts and crafts, many of which originated in the continent. Hakata’s famous textile tradition, known as Hakata-ori, dates back to a young tradesmen who accompanied Shōichi Kokushi to Song China and brought knowledge of Chinese weaving techniques back with him to Japan. The most famous of all local fabric patterns is kenjōgara, which was originally a special high-quality silk woven as an official gift for “presentation” (the meaning of the word kenjō) to the Tokugawa shōguns.

Not far from the temples, the Hakata Traditional Craft Center displays some of Hakata’s best traditional arts and crafts. Naturally, Hakata-ori is one of the main exhibits. “Hakata-ori is prized for the softness of its silk. This makes Hakata-ori the fabric of choice all over Japan for the obi sash worn with a traditional kimono,” says staff member Sakaguchi Yūri. Each of the elements used in the kenjōgara pattern has a special significance. The intricately woven lines use votive items found on a Buddhist altar as a motif. Thicker lines are thought to represent parents, while the thinner lines are compared to children. “Where the thicker lines surround the thinner ones, we say that the parents are watching over their children,” says Sakaguchi. “When it’s the other way round, we say the children are now looking after their parents in their old age.” The colors of the designs also draw on Chinese cosmological and philosophical traditions. Purple represents virtue; blue is for benevolence; red stands for ritual propriety; yellow for honesty; and navy blue for wisdom.
Visitors can watch Hakata-ori weavers at work
at the Hakata Machiya Furusato Kan, a museum dedicated to the living history and traditions of the local area. The museum stands in a renovated traditional building that originally served as the living quarters and workshop of a Hakata-ori weaving family around the turn of the last century. One of the weavers is Takiguchi Ryōko, a young woman who left her job as an office worker to fulfill her dream of working in arts and crafts. “The large number of vertical warp threads used in the cloth is one of the distinctive qualities of Hakata-ori,” she explains. ”It’s the interplay between the warp and the weft that creates these beautiful patterns.” Visitors have the opportunity to try their hand at weaving a cloth of their own. But it would take many years of painstaking practice to attain anything like Takiguchi’s marvelous dexterity and mastery of her craft. Thanks to the dedication and skills of Takiguchi and others like her, Japan’s craft traditions have a bright future in Hakata, where so many of them began.
- source : rekishinihon.com
Hakata ori shokunin 博多織職 craftsman for Hakata weaving

source : edoichiba.jp...hakataori...
Imajuku 今宿
Imajuku Ningyo 今宿人形 dolls from Imajuku
brought from Hakata to Imajuku by 大橋清助 Ohashi Seisuke.
- CLICK for more photos ! - manekineko 招き猫 auspicious cat
saru men 猿面 monkey mask to protect form fire
Sasano Saizo 笹野才蔵 / O-Tafuku mask おたふく面
- reference source with photos : 今宿人形 -
In Imajuku is also a museum
Hakushu Do 博秀堂
with 博多土鈴 clay bells from Hakata. 博秀土鈴
- reference source : bussanfukuoka.jp/member/hakushudo -
. . . CLICK here for more Photos - 博秀土鈴 !
Hita 日田 (mostly in Oita prefecture)
. Hita 日田市 - Bungo no Kuni Hita 豊後国日田 .
with a rich cultural heritage
Kitakyushu, Kita Kyushu 北九州
Kitakyushu is famous for its various types of kites which have to resist the strong winds of the season.
. magojidako, Magoji-dako 孫次凧 Magoji kite .
孫次義博 Magoji Yoshihiro.
. kijiuma, kiji uma きじ馬 "pheasant horse" .
宗像市 Munakata city
Koishiwara 小石原
Koishiwara Pottery 小石原焼き

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Koishiwara-yaki, deriving its name from a town in Fukuoka, Kyushu, is a traditional Japanese pottery that has been loved by general public for everyday use. Unlike the lavish and colorful Arita and Imari porcelains, both from Kyushu, which charmed Europe and the world when first introduced at the end of 17th century, Koishiwara is known for its homely warmth of clay.
Its origin dates back to the early stage of Edo Period (1603-1868) when the lord of Kuroda Clan invited potters from Imari to produce fine porcelains. Then, at the beginning of 18th century, unknown craftsmen began making the daily earthenware that Koishiwara-yaki is today. Its practical yet distinctive design has since been lauded as the you no bi (beauty in utility).
Koishiwara Pottery,
a totally new brand of Koishiwara-yaki, was launched to aim for the new Japanese Mingei modernism.A collaboration between Tokyo-based food coordinator Tomoko NAGAO and potters in Koishiwara, and under the concept “Tableware to Enhance Your Meals”, we’ve been creating modern tableware that goes with any kind of cuisine.
- source : koishiwara.jp/english -
Kurume town 久留米市
rantai shikki 籃胎漆器 Rantai laquer ware
This fine lacquer ware, which uses only long-jointed bamboo from Kyushu, is characterized by its elegant gloss and refinement.
The bamboo ware is available in many varieties, ranging from chopsticks, coasters, baskets to chairs.

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The technique whereby bamboo strips are woven into shapes and coated with lacquer.
Also called kagoji 籠地 (basket base) when a basket is made with peeled bamboo or vines and lacquered. Made in Han period China and late Jomon period Japan, there are examples in the Shosoin 正倉院. It is still made in Thailand and Burma and, in modern Japan, in Takamatsu 高松 Kagawa prefecture, Kurume 久留米 Fukuoka prefecture, and Beppu 別府 Ooita prefecture.
- source : JAANUS -
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Rantai lacquer ware is the traditional lacquer ware made in Kurume City, Fukuoka Pref.

In Rantai lacquer ware, lacquer is applied many times to a bamboo basket. Then the lacquered basket is polished up and given decorations to finish. The word “rantai” literally means the lacquer ware which has a bamboo basket inside.
The technique of making such lacquer ware was already seen in the excavated articles of the Jomon period, but the present style of making Rantai lacquer ware was established in the early Meiji period, and it is said that the name “Rantai” began to be used since the middle of the Meiji period. This lacquer ware is elegant and light in weight, but lasting and acid / alkaline resistant. It increases its beauty and takes on refined taste as you use it longer.
At the present this lacquer ware is produced only in Kyushu District.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -
Moji 門司 the harbour of Moji

fuguhime Daruma 河豚姫だるま Hime Daruma with Fugu design

Daruma with manekineko cat on his head

tobi Daruma 飛びだるま Daruma to fly or jump

Mojigaseki Facebook Gallery
Mojigaseki Ningyoo 門司ヶ関人形工房 Mojigaseki Dolls
source : Mojigaseki Doll Gallery
直方 Nogata
. Noogata hariko 直方張子 papermachee dolls from Nogata
Akasaka tsuchi ningyoo 赤坂土人形 Akasaka clay dolls
Hassaku no Uma 八朔の馬 Hassaku straw horse
Nogata Daruma 直方だるま Daruma dolls from Nogata
Tanishi Ningyoo たにし人形 mud-snail dolls
Tsuyasaki tsuchi ningyo 津屋崎土人形 clay dolls from Tsuyasaki
. Daikoku and Ebisu 大黒と恵比寿 Akasaka clay dolls .
. Chikuzen Bunbun-Dako 筑前ブンブン凧 humming kite from Chikuzen .
. WKD : 八朔 Hassaku celebrations .
First day of the eighth lunar month.
Ozaki, Osaki 尾崎
Ozaki, Onga, Onga District, Fukuoka and Kanzaki town 神崎
part of Yanagawa town 柳川
kiji uma 柳川きじ馬 "pheasant horse" , pheasant on wheels
. Kiji-guruma きじ車 pheasant on wheels Kyushu
Ozaki ningyoo 尾崎人形 clay dolls from Ozaki
The town is closer to Saga.
. Saga Folk Art - 佐賀県 .
Ozaki no ningyobue 尾崎の人形笛 flute in human form

Ariake fukuchoochin ありあけ福ちょうちん / 有明 福ちょうちん ふぐ提灯
"auspicious lantern" of a puffer fish
. fugu 河豚 blowfish, pufferfish - Spheroides fam. .

Yanagawa no hagoita 柳川の羽子板 Yanagawa battledore
. hagoita 羽子板 Battledore, Shuttlecock .
. Yanagawadako 柳川凧 kites from Yanagawa town .
Yame 八女市 Yame town
Yamegoma 八女独楽 spinning top from Yame
Yame is a town best known for its green tea - Yamecha 八女茶 .
Woodcraft workers have been making these tops since the beginning of the Meiji period until just before WWII. Now there is just one workshop to make them.
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. . . a somewhat flat spinning top called the Yamegoma. One of the characteristics of the Yamegoma is the belly button top!
According to Mr. Kazunobu Kumamoto, a 6th generation maker of koma, "I want to continue to grow my ability to make new tops”. Mr.Kumamoto throws himself at his work by using the skill and techniques of making koma and wooden toys passed down to him. There are many young fans who appreciate Mr.Kumamoto’s immense skill and refined designs. ”I don’t concern myself with superficial designs. I make these tops for children. I choose the best materials, and spend an incredible amount of time polishing the tops until I think they are of the highest quality.
- source : www.crossroadfukuoka.jp/chikugo

- source : www.yamegoma.jp/SHOP
The Yamegoma has a pin of metal and the side is bent outside just a bit, with the middle curved inside. They have the form almost of a bead for a soroban ソロバン玉 abacus calculator.
Many spinning tops of Kyushu have the form of a rakkyo 辣韮 scallop, but in Yame they are called
boozugoma 坊主独楽 spinning top in the form of the shaven head of a monk
Photos of spinning tops from Sasebo 佐世保九十九(くじゅうく)こま (Nagasaki)
with boozugoma.
- source : park15.wakwak.com/~eohashi
. Spinning Top 独楽(コマ) koma .
. Ehamadoo 絵羽馬堂 Ehama Do - Papermache Dolls .
福岡県八女市馬場760の2 / 760-2 Baba, Yame-shi, Fukuoka
Omuta Daija Matsuri 大牟田 大蛇山 Great Serpent Fire festival
- reference source : omuta-daijayam... -

Daija means “large snake” and at this festival, floats in the image of snakes (10-meter long, 5-meter tall and weighing 3 tons) will be paraded around town. Placing a child inside the mouth of a Daija supposedly grants sound health for one year. It’s better if the child cries! Don’t miss the group dance of 10,000 people on Jul. 27 (5:50 p.m.), and watch out for the finale when the 13 Daija floats come together in a marvelous parade.
- source : fukuoka-now.com/en/event... -
- more to be added -
Fukuoka town 福岡市
福岡の藤崎猿面 Fujisaki
芦屋 Ashiya 八朔のうま。だごびーな。
Dasaifu 太宰府 太宰府のうそ。
小郡市 Ogori 小郡人形。
Yoshii village 吉井町
kijiguruma 雉子車
Yoshii doguu 吉井土偶
Kurume 久留米
久留米のつぼね人形 Tsubone Ningyo
瀬高町 Setaka town 清水寺のきじ車
大牟田市 Omuta 三池の諸玩具。三池のきじ車。黒崎のガラガラ。三池姉様。
県内各地 Hassakubina 八朔雛 Hassaku dolls
深江の八朔雛 Fukae Hassakubina
Fukuoka: The Ancient Gateway to Japan
Kōrokan treasures / Hakata-Ori Weaving
- source : rekishinihon.com
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
Mount Hikosan 英彦山
. Hikosan no garagara 英彦山のガラガラ clay bell against insects .
Hikosan dorei 英彦山土鈴 clay bell
Hikosan no itajishi, ita shishi 英彦山の板獅子 lion head on a wooden plate
from Hikosan Jinguu 英彦山神宮 Shrine Hikosan Jingu
. Kushida Jinja 櫛田神社 Kushida Shrine .
1-41 Kamikawabatamachi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka
oshioi no tebo お潮井のてぼ basket with sea sand
shioi 海砂 sand from the sea
tebo - 竹かご bamboo basket

. Kites from Kyushu 九州の凧 - Introduction .
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Japan
. Fukuoka Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #fukuoka #kyushu #hakata #omuta #akasaka -
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