Saitama Folk Art - 埼玉県
Most of Saitama's cities can be described as suburbs of Tokyo.
. Nakasendoo 中山道 The Nakasendo Road .
under construction
Central and Northern Saitama
okino san おきのさん Okino Deity
okinu san おきぬさん "silk deity" / okiyo san おきよさん

Deity to watch over the kitchen and hearth of a farmhouse in Northern and Central Saitama.The simple figure is made of paper. It is said to be an incarnation of a snake. This deity also watches over the silk worms.
Some are made with leftover pieces of material and torn paper from paper sliding doors and other useless things in a farmhouse.
The face was not painted, but lately some have eyes or a mouth and even some lipstick.
During the New Year, old torn figures were floated down the river and new ones made for the Shelf of the Gods or a place near the kitchen sink, where the housewife could say her prayers every day.
source : www.kumagaya-bunkazai.jp
- - - - - Okino san is a kind of :
. anesama ningyoo 姉様人形 "elder sister" dolls .
Arashiyama Kijin jinja 嵐山町鬼鎮神社
Shrine Kijin jinja at Arashiyama
. oni no ema 鬼の絵馬 votive tablets of demons
kanabo no omamori 金棒のお守り demon stick amulet .

. mukai Tengu 向い天狗 two Tengu facing each other .
more ema 絵馬 votive tablets
Chichibu town 秩父市
Chichibu matsuri no dashi 秩父祭の山車 festival floats from the Chichibu festival
. Chichibu Night Festival (Chichibu Yomatsuri 秩父夜祭)
Chichibu meisen 秩父銘仙 dyeing technique

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This textile originated in the Edo period, and in 1908, the unique hogushi nassen dyeing technique was patented, and the craft prospered.
The weft of the loom is made up of complimentary colors in order to create an iridescent sheen, and plant motifs are a common feature of this silk woven textile.
- source : kougeihin.jp.e.oo.hp....-
ちちぶ銘仙館 Chichibu Meisenkan Museum
8-1 Kumagimachi, Chichibu, Saitama
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Timeless charm and appeal of Chichibu-Meisen
Chichibu-Meisen is a traditional silk fabric produced in Chichibu, Saitama prefecture. It was very popular in early the Showa period.
The design was attractive to young women. Brilliant floral design is one of the most distinctive characteristics of Chichibu-Meisen. The charm and appeal of traditional Chichibu-Meisen techniques have remained unchanged over 100 years.
Chichibu-Meisen has been designated as a Traditional Crafts of Japan in 2013.
..... Silk used to be produced in Chichibu for many years. The Museum displays historical items and sells Chichibu-Meisen dyed and woven goods.
We demonstrate all the processes to make a Meisen Kimono from the cocoon every second Saturday of the month.
- reference source : meisenkan.com...-

Gyoda 行田
. tabi 足袋 Tabi from Gyoda city .
Hannoo town 飯能市 Hanno

Daruma and other dolls
marukibori ningyoo 丸木彫り人形 plain woodcarving dolls
. Tennoozan Takedera Somin Shoorai 天王山竹寺蘇民将来
Somin Shorai Amulet from temple Takedera

gedoo 外道 "different deity"
(not from Buddhism)
also lion dance figures from Hanno
source : hannou_shishimai
. shishimai 獅子舞 lion dance kokeshi .
gonbei naruko ごんべい鳴子 clappers with Gonbei
Goseki (not Gokan) ward of Urawa 浦和市 五関
Goseki hariko 五関張子 papermachee dolls from Goseki

They have been made since the early Meiji period but later came into decline.
Mostly Daruma san or a person carrying Daruma, tiger with wiggeling head and human figures.
Many have a shining luster finish.
. Goseki no hariko 五関の張り子 papermachee dolls .
by Igarashi Kenji 五十嵐健二
Hidaka town 日高市

天下大将軍 / 地下女将軍 Two deities from Korea
Koma jinja no shoogun hyoo 高麗神社の将軍標 memorials for Korean Deities
. Koma Shrine 高麗神社 "Korea Shrine" .
. kideko, ki deko 木でこ head made from wood / Ootomo ningyoo 大友人形 Otomo dolls .
and - 朝鮮の将軍標 shogunhyo dolls from Korea
. O-Saru Sama お猿様 Honoarble Mister Monkey .
Hagihiyoshi jinja no saru 萩日吉神社の猿 monkey from shrine Hagi Hiyoshi Jinja.
Higashi Matsuyama 東松山市
temple Myooanji 妙安寺
. . . CLICK here for temple Photos !

Bushuu Kamioka no ema 武州上岡の絵馬 votive tablets from temple Myoan-Ji
Each year on February 19th there is a special market to sell these ema. People from all over the Kanto, who have any connection to horses or horse riding region come to buy them.
The temple is also called "Horse-headed Kannon of Kamioka" 上岡の馬頭観音 and is one of the three great Horse-Headed Kannon temples of Kanto.
In olden times, when horses were important for transportation, this deity was venerated.
. Horseheaded Kannon (Batoo Kannon 馬頭観音) .
Bushuu Kamioka no ema 武州上岡 絵馬 votive tablets from Bushu
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
Iwatsuki town
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Iwatsuki ningyoo 岩槻人形 Iwatsuki doll

Iwatsuki doll is a Japanese doll made in the city of Saitama, Iwatsuki ward, Saitama prefecture. The characteristics of Iwatsuki doll are its round face with big eyes that give it an adorable appearance and brilliant colors. The skin of the doll is smooth and beautiful and its hair is shiny like real human hair. The smooth and beautiful skin are created by glue and a kind of pigment made from ground clamshells (kofun in Japanese) and the hair is made from raw silk. Soft raw silk resembling human hair is used and the hair is carefully tended to by a doll hair stylist (called kamitsuke shi in Japanese).
Many paulownia products including chests and a pair of Japanese traditional sandals (geta) have been produced in Iwatsuki ward and its surroundings for a long time. Iwatsuki ward also used to be a castle town blessed with greenery, which possibly produced a good source of water. This was a suitable environment for making dolls. Iwatsuki ward gradually prospered as a town of dolls. Various Japanese dolls including Hina dolls, Gotatsu dolls and Ukiyoe dolls are produced in this area even today.
- - - - - History
The history of Iwatsuki dolls started in the Edo period (1603-1868). Many artisans visited Iwatsuki to see the construction of Nikko Toshogu (a shrine registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site) that started in 1634. Some of the artisans settled down in Iwatsuki and among them, there were artisans who were skillful at making dolls. Moreover, Iwatsuki was blessed with an environment suitable for doll making, which evolved inevitably as a town of dolls. Then, this suitable doll making environment resulted in developing a technique called tosogashira using paulownia sawdust that is still used now.
The fact of playing with dolls (called hina asobi in Japanese) was introduced to Edo (ancient name of Tokyo) from Kyoto and contributed to develop the background of Iwatsuki's success as a town of dolls. This was a very popular game in Edo at that time and even Kazuko TOKUGAWA (a granddaughter of the important military director Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, 1607-1678) brought dolls as gifts when she went to Kyoto to enter the Imperial Court in 1626.
Doll markets and doll merchants increased so much that Iwatsuki was even drawn in an illustrated guide describing famous places and depicting their scenery called Edo meisho zue before 1868. The game was gradually related to a purification ritual called Joshi no harai and the current Hina festival (held every 3rd of March) was founded.
- source and more : kogeijapan.com... -
. Issunboshi 一寸法師 Tom Thumb doll .
Kasukabe town 春日部市
. Kasukabe Hariko 春日部張子 Papermachee dolls

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com...
toonasu nezumi 唐茄子鼠(とうなすねずみ)mouse and pumpkin
A mouse comes out of a pumpkin, with its head wiggeling.
Funado Hariko papermachee dolls 舟渡の張子
. Daruma seoi 達磨背負い carrying Daruma .
. matsutake seoi o-kame 松茸背負いおかめ O-Kame carrying mushrooms .
Kawagoe town 川越市
. Kawagoe Daruma 川越だるま
. Kawagoe dashi 川越山車 festival float from Kawagoe .
. Kita-In Daruma Market 川越喜多院

Tengu koma 天狗独楽 spinning top with a Tengu
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .
Koonosu town 鴻巣市 Konosu
. Ko no Su Daruam Dolls 鴻巣達磨 .
..... including
..... akamono, aka mono 赤もの red things (for good luck)
..... nerimono 練り物 "twisted" clay dolls (hitsuji 羊 )
..... shoobu taichi 菖蒲太刀 iris sword
..... aka Tenjin 赤天神 red Tenjin sama
..... kuro Tenjin 黒天神 black Tenjin sama
..... kamishimobina, kamishimo hina 裃雛
..... kosei bina 古製雛 old hina dolls
. akamono 赤もの Red things to prevent disease .
. donkorogoma どんころ独楽 Donkoro spinning top for gambling .
with the "Akamono"
komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso begging monk and Saigyoo 西行 the poet Saigyo .
. kumakin kuma kin 熊金 Kintaro on a bear .
. ryuutoo 龍頭 Ryuto Dragon Head .
Koshigaya town 越谷市
. Koshigaya Daruma 越谷だるま .
... Koshigaya Daruma 越谷だるま(武州だるま)
... goshiki Daruma 五色だるま Daruma in five colors
... Fuji Musume 藤娘
... Benkei 釣鐘弁慶
... tako 蛸三番 octopus dancing the Sanbaso 三番叟
. inu hariko 犬張り子 papermachee dog .
... inubako 犬筥 / 犬箱 two boxes of papermachee dogs // otogi inu お伽犬 doll couple lying down
source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/saitama...
matsutake daki 松茸抱き embracing a pine mushroom
. matsutake (まつたけ) 松茸 pine mushroom / Kiefernpilz .
Funawatashi no hariko 船渡の張り子 Funawatashi papermachee dolls
Funado, Funato 船渡 are other readings.
舟渡(ふなど)Funado is a town in Tokyo, Itabashi ward 東京都板橋区

. Funawatashi 船渡の張り子 Funawatashi papermachee dolls .
Funawatashi no tenjin 船渡の天神 Tenjin sama
Koshigaya danbina 越谷段雛 hina dolls
nerimono 練り物 "twisted" clay dolls
. shirako hatobue しらこ鳩笛 / 白子鳩笛 white pidgeon flute .
. Sunahara Hariko 砂原張子 papermachee dolls from Sunahara .
tako 凧, oogi tako (oogidako) 扇凧 kite like a hand fan
from 富士見市 Fujimi town and 川越 Kawagoe
Since the end of the Edo period.
They have an auspicious form of 末広がりで縁起 "suehirogari" opening up good luck for a long time.

Many farming families made these kites in the winter time to earn some extra money.
Now Fujimi has a perservation group for these kites 郷土民芸扇だこのつくりかた.
Together with the Daruma kites from Kawagoe they are now well loved.

. hand fan (oogi 扇 - uchiwa 団扇) .
tsurushi mono 吊るし物 "hanging things"

The turtle has a platein its mouth and as it hangs can move its legs slowly.
In former times, many toys were related to sex, called
warai mono わらい things to laugh at or
matsutake mono 松竹(茸)もの things with mushrooms.
O-Kame san hangs there with a mushroom on her back. The is about 14 cm.
. Watoonai 和唐内 / 和藤内 Watonai dolls .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
- reference source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp... -
- #saitama #chichibu -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Saitama
. Saitama Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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