Tokyo and Edo Folk Art
Edo, The City That Became Tokyo- now with its own BLOG
. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .
. Edo Daruma 江戸だるま 江戸達磨 .
. Edo koma, Edo-koma 江戸独楽 spinning top from Edo / Tokyo .
The 松井源水 Matsui Gensui family from Asakusa
. Edo Gangu 江戸玩具 Edo Toys and the Color Red
. . . Hoosoo e 疱瘡絵 - Smallpox, Red and Daruma
. Edo Fuuzoku Ningyoo 江戸風俗人形 Edo Fuzoku Dolls - Manners .
. Patterns of the Edo Period .
puns with words, dajare 駄洒落 / だじゃれ
hanji-e 判じ絵 puzzle pictures, Rebus of Edo
Edo komon 江戸小紋 small fine patterns of Edo

under construction
Many are amulets and talismans sold at the many temples and shrines of the city.
In Edo there were Inari fox shrines at every corner.
. Inari Fox Shrines 稲荷神社 .
Shrines in honor of Sugawara no Michizane were also very popular.
Since fires where a constant threat to the city of Edo,
many amulets were against fire. see Atago shrine below.
shinko 神狐 fox deity
. Inari Jinja 稲荷神社 Fox Shrines and their amulets .
..... including :
Hikan jinja shrine 被官稲荷社
teppoo kitsune 鉄砲狐 "cannon fox"
Kuchi-ire Inari shrine 口入稲荷
haori kitsune 羽織狐 fox wearing haori coat
kamishimo kitsune 裃狐 fox wearing formal kamishimo
. . . . .
. Ooji Inari Jinja 王子稲荷神社 Oji Inari Fox Shrine .
..... including :
hibuse no tako 火防の凧 kite against fire
shibaraku kitsune 暫狐 fox like a kabuki actor
Ooji jinja shrine 王子神社 Oji Shrine
Ooji Gongen no yari 王子権現の槍 spear of Oji Gongen
Shoozoku Inari shrine, Shozoku 装束稲荷
hibuse no tako 火防の凧 kite against fire
. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
and the 天満宮 Tenmangu Shrines
. Tenjin Sama 天神さま Michizane Folk Toys .
. Uso うそ / 鷽 bullfinch and Tenjin sama
Gojoo Tenjin shrine 五条天神
. uso うそ bullfinch ema .
Kameido Tenmangu shrine 亀戸天満宮
. uso うそ bullfinch うそ .

uso dorei うそ土鈴 clay bell with bullfinch
. uzuchi, u no tsuchi 卯槌 amulet to wards off evil influence..
on the first day of the rabbit
Yushima Tenjin shrine 湯島天神
. uso うそ bullfinch ema .
. Tookyoo jusha 東京十社 Tokyu Jusha
the ten most important shrines of Tokyo .
not mentioned any more in the list below.
Ana Hachimangu 穴八幡宮
. Ichiyoo raifuku 一陽来福 "luck is coming back".
Winter Solstice in Edo
Arai Yakushi Temple 新井薬師
. Meme ema めめ絵馬 votive tablet for eye disease.
. Atago Jinja 愛宕神社 Minato ward .
. hagoita 羽子板 battledore .
Fuji Jinja 富士神社 Fuji Shrine, Komagome
- - - - - Asakusa Fuji Sengen Jinja 浅草富士浅間神社
. mugiwara hebi 麦藁蛇 serpent made from straw .
. Fukagawa Fudo Temple 深川不動堂 .
goma seihai 護摩聖灰 sacred ashes from a Goma fire ritual
gankake kitsune 願掛けきつね Inari fox to make a wish
at Fukagawa Shusse Inari shrine 深川出世稲荷
..... and a few more
Gootokuji 豪徳寺 Gotoku-Ji
. manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .
. Ikegami Honmon-Ji 池上本門寺 and Saint Nichiren 日蓮 .
mantoo 万燈 light offerings for Saint Nichiren
fukubato, fuku hato omamori 福鳩お守り amulet with auspicious dove
Jindaiji temple 深大寺
. Jindai-Ji Daruma 深大寺の達磨
akagoma, akai koma 赤駒 red straw horse
Ganzan Daishi no gooma fuda 元三大師降魔札
amulet to ward off evil in honor of Ganzan
Kishibojin temple, Kishimojin 鬼子母神
. Asagao mamori 朝顔守 morning glory amulet .
. Kishimojin 鬼子母神 Kariteimoten (Hariti) .
zakuro ema 鬼子母神のざくろ votive tablet with pommegranate
. susuki no mimizuku すすきのみみずく owl from susuki grass .
- - - - -
. Matsuchiyama Shooen 待乳山聖天 at temple 本龍院 Honryu-In .
kinchaku gata kintama 巾着型貯金玉 money pouch in form of a kinchaku bag
. Matsushima Jinja 松島神社 .
ryoomu fuda 『良夢札(りょうむふだ)』 for a good dream
kootsuu anzen 『交通安全御守護』travelling
Okusawa Jinja 奥澤神社
Yakuyoke daija no ema 厄除け大蛇の絵馬
votive tablet of the giant snake to ward off evil
Onoterusaki jinja 小野照崎神社 / Onoterusaki sama 小野照さま
. hebi dorei 蛇土鈴 clay bell with serpent/snake .
Seishoo koo 清正公 Seisho-Ko (覚林寺 Temple Kakurin-Ji)- 加藤清正 Kato Kiyomasa
. koinobori, koi nobori 鯉のぼり carp streamers amulet .
. Shibamata Taishaku Ten 柴又帝釈天 .
- - - - - ita honzon 板本尊 main deity carved on a wooden plank (ita)
- . monkeys - hajiki saru はじき猿 / kizaru 木猿 wooden monkey .
go-hei saru ご弊猿 ward with monkey
Shirahige jinja shrine 白鬚神社
. magatama suzu 勾玉鈴 3 clay bells in magatama form .
The shrine is located in Mukojima, on the bank of the Sumida river.
Shirahige (白髭), the old fisherman, the Shinto kami who has to yield his land to Shaka, is none other than Sarutahiko-no-kami (猿田彦神) . . .
- Mark Schumacher
Soogenji, Temple Sogen-Ji 曹源寺
. naminori kappa 波乗り河童 Kappa riding the waves .
and the legend around Kappabashi 合羽橋 in Asakusa .
Suitenguu 水天宮 Suitengu Shrine for the Water God
. amulets for pregnancy and safe delivery .
. Fuku-Taroo, a kappa goblin mask 河童面 .
Tamonji temple 多聞寺
. tanuki no chokin tama 狸の貯金玉 piggy bank with badger
tanuki no dorei 狸土鈴 clay bell with racoon dog .
Tsumagoi Jinja shrine 嬬恋神社
. Yumemakura, yume makura 夢枕 "dream pillow" .
Ushijima jinja shrine 牛島神社
. Ushi no Gozen no nade ushi 牛御前の撫牛 bull to stroke .
at shrine "Ushi no Gozen" 牛の御前王子権現社 , Sumida ward
Yanagimori jinja shrine 柳森神社
. Oyako tanuki 親子狸 parent and child badger .
Kanda, Akihabara
. 八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu and the Tokugawa clan 徳川家 .
. Asakusa Kannon Temple 浅草観音 .
Asakusa 浅草の廃絶玩具 old toys
Asakusa 浅草:江戸小物玩具。

inu hariko 浅草の犬張子 papermachee dogs
Azuma hariko 東張子 papermachee dolls from Azuma
(old name for the Kanto region).
These cute little dogs are amulets to wish for easy childbirth and healthy children.
denden inu hariko でんでん犬張子
papermachee dogs with a little denden drum
Amulet to keep away evil influence and bad luck with the drumming.
Both sides of the drum symbolize honesty and faithfulness, a wish for upbringing healthy children.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. zaru-kaburi inu 笊かぶり犬 dog wearing a basket .
When the children grow up, they play with these dolls and eventually break them and tear them apart. This shows the parents that the child has grown strong and healthy and they are happy about it and do not scold the kids.
. Edo hariko 江戸張子 papermachee dolls from Edo - dog .
- from hayashi an 林庵
. Mingei Kukkii みんげいクッキー Mingei Folk Art Cookies .
dogs as cookies
tondari hanetari 浅草の とんだりはねたり "jumping and hopping"
A little doll or animal figure sits on a piece of bamboo and is covered with a wooden basket.
When a spring is moved, the basket jumps off (hane-agaru) and the doll below it also jumps up and away.

There are other versions with animals under cover.
A popular souvenir in the Nakamise street of Asakusa.

source : www.asahi-net.or.jp
. Uchihamono, uchi-hamono 東京打刃物 Hand-Forged Blades .
zubonbo 浅草のずぼんぼ Zubonbo lion or tiger
zubonbo is a refrain of the lion dance, with no special meaning.
The small paper toy dates back to about 1785 and was sold at the Asakusa Kannon Temple.
It has the form of a lion or a tiger. The legs are made of little shijimi clams, like a horseshoe. They were the "fishing weight" to balance the toy. But it can lift up if you put it in front of a small folding screen and use a handfan to bring air under its belly. This was signifying "To move up from your bed".
This toy was an amulet to recover from health fast, and often given to ill people.
This toy came out of favor in the Meiji period, but was revived somehow in Hiroshima.
shijimi clams were a speciality of Edo.
. kakkome かっこめ Kakkome rake .
kumade omamori 熊手御守り Kumade rake amulet
for good luck at the New Year Market 酉の市 Tori no Ichi Fair
Ootori Jinja 鷲神社 Eagle Shrine
. Imado ningyoo 今戸人形 dolls from Imado .
Tile Dolls 瓦人形 kawara ningyoo
. ryooen manekineko 良縁招き猫 beckoning cat for a good match .
Imado Shrine 今戸神社, Imado jinja
Kita Senju 北千住
tsukegi no ema 北千住 付け木の絵馬 votive tablet on a wooden frame

There is now just one shop in Kita Senju which makes these, the Ema-Ya 絵馬屋.
The wooden frame is about 7 x 13 cm. It is covered with gofun 胡粉 and then a colorful animal painted on it.
The Inari fox is for a good harvest, the rooster for Koojin 荒神様 to prevent fire and disaster, the Tengu for the 金毘羅様 Konpira deity, the dove for Kannon Bosatsu, the serpent for Benten . . .
The horse and bull are messengers of the Deity of Water 水神さま and bring a good harvest. These amulets were stuck on a bamboo pole and placed at the water inlet of the rice paddies.

Now made at Yoshidaya 吉田家.
- source : rica.jp/senjyu -
. Edo - Senju 千住 Senju district .
Musashino 武蔵野
mushiokuri ningyoo 虫送り人形 figure to see off the bugs

- and 南部小絵馬 . 深大寺の赤駒 . 竜泉寺の串馬 . 古賀土人形 馬乗り猿
- source : tatemonoen.gdd.jp -
. Seeing off the bugs (mushiokuri, mushi okuri) .
. Nishi tama no Daruma ichi 西多摩のだるま市 Daruma Markets .
. Daruma daki maneki neko だるま抱き招き猫 embracing Daruma .
Tama Papermachee Doll
tako 凧 kite, kites
. Edodako, Edo-dako 江戸凧 Kites of Edo .
. Tokyo ginki 東京銀器 Tokyo Silversmithery .
silver objects made in Tokyo
Yanaka 谷中
. Kikujuudoo Isetatsu 菊寿堂いせ辰 store named Isetatsu .
"Ise Dragon" いせ辰
They sell Chiyogami, a colorful handmade paper printed with Japanese traditional patterns ond designs.
inu hariko 犬張り子 papermachee dog
(Yanaka is famous for its ginger.)
. Edo anesama 江戸姉様 "elder sister" dolls from Edo .
Zooshigaya 雑司ヶ谷
. susuki mimizuku すすきみみずく owl from Susuki grass .
Traditional Crafts of Tokyo
Currently, 40 art and craft items are designated as "Traditional Crafts of Tokyo".
6 Tokyo Kumihimo (Braided Cords) 東京くみひも
9 Edo Shikki (Lacquerware)
10 Edo Bekko (Tortoiseshell Products) 10 江戸鼈甲
11 Edo Hake (Edo Brushes) 江戸刷毛
12 Tokyo Butsudan (Buddhist Altars) 東京仏壇
13 Edo Tsumami-Kanzashi (Ornamental Hairpins) 江戸つまみ簪
14 Tokyo Gakubuchi (Picture Frames) 東京額縁
15 Edo Zoge (Ivory Carvings) 江戸象牙
16 Edo Sashimono (Wood Joinery) 江戸指物
17 Edo Sudare (Slatted Blinds) 江戸簾
20 Edo Wazao (Bamboo Fishing Rods) 江戸和竿
23 Edo Oshi-e Hagoita (Padded Collage Paddles) 江戸押絵羽子板
25 Tokyo Tokogei (Rattan Craft) 東京籐工芸
28 Tokyo Chokin (Metal Chasing) 東京彫金
29 Tokyo Uchihamono (Hand-Forged Blades) 東京打刃物
31 Tokyo Shamisen (Three-Stringed Musical Instrument) 東京三味線
34 Tokyo Koto (Japanese Harp) 東京琴
37 Tokyo Shippo (Cloisonne Enamelware) 東京七宝
38 Tokyo Teue Brush (Handmade Brushes) 東京手植ブラシ
The full list is here
. Traditional Crafts of Tokyo and Edo .
Edo Tegaki Chochin and more
- source : dento-tokyo.jp/english -

浮世絵のなかの江戸玩具 ― 消えたみみずく、だるまが笑う
Edo toys in Ukiyo-e paintings
藤岡摩里子 Fujioka Mariko

CLICK for more books about the toys of Edo.
江戸の縁起物 - 浅草仲見世 助六物語
Engimono - The Good Luck Charms of Edo
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
Folkcraft Samurai
増上寺『旅行安全御守 safe travelling』
芝大神宮『商い守』 akinai business
明治神宮『学業成就守』Meiji Shrine Studies
明治神宮『旅行安全御守』 travelling
根津神社『無事御守護』buji safety
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Japan .
. Tokyo Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #tokyo #edo #tokyoedo #edotokyo -
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