Kyoto Folk Art - 京都(府)
Kyoto, (京都 Kyōto, Kyooto, Kioto)
The old capital, famous for its many temples and shrines.
to be updated
. Fushimi ningyoo 伏見人形 clay dolls from Fushimi .
Southern Kyoto (Rakunan 落南)
Choroken ちょろけん / チヨロケン坊主 / ちよろけん / 長老舞
Seven Fushimi dolls in the form of Hotei 布袋
Fushimi Hariko 伏見張子 papermachee dolls
Fukakusa-yaki 深草焼 Clay Dolls from Fukakusa
. umanori kitsune 馬乗り狐 inari fox riding a horse .
The horse as the messenger of the fox-deity is used by the god from the Inari Fox Mountain (Inariyama 稲荷山) to inspect the mountains and fields.
. Fushimi Inari Taisha 伏見稲荷大社 .
. Inari Jinja 稲荷神社 Fox Shrines and their amulets .

manekineko 招き猫親子 beckoning cat with children
by 六代目丹嘉 potter Tanka 6th generation
. Kyoto no dorei 京都の土鈴 clay bells from Kyoto .
From the many Shrines and Temples of Kyoto !
. Kyo sashimono 京指物 Kyoto joinery and furniture .
. Kyoto Clay Dolls 京都土人形 Kyoto tsuchi ningyoo .
. . . . . and
Kiyomizu mame ningyoo 清水豆人形 small dolls from Kiyomizu
Yamazaki no inoshishi 山崎の猪 wild boar from Yamazaki, 離宮八幡宮
. Hooshakuji no uchide to kozuchi 宝積寺の打出と小槌 lucky mallet .
temple Hoshaku-Ji , auspicious mallet
kimekomi ningyoo 木目込人形 Kimekomi dolls
made from wood and cloth
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Kimekomi Ningyou were created by Takahashi Tadashige, a priest at a Kyoto shrine, in the middle of the Edo period (1600-1868).
He made a small wooden doll that he had carved from scraps of willow which were left over from boxes used in a festival at Kamigamo shrine in Kyoto. Then using remnants of fabric from his priest's clothing, he dressed the doll by inserting the ends of the fabric into the wooden torso. At first, they were called Kamigamo dolls (Kamigamo ningyoo 上賀茂人形) after the place where they were made.
Later, however, they were called Kimekomi dolls because of the way that the fabric was inserted into slits in the wood, and the name stuck. "Ki" means wood, "Mekomi" means the technique that is used to tuck the fabric into the grooves on the doll's body. Subsequently, they were brought to Edo (Tokyo) where the craft became established.
source : dento-tokyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp...
. kimekomi ningyoo 木目込人形 Kimekomi dolls .
..... 江戸木目込人形 kimekomi dolls from Edo
. tsuchibato 土鳩 clay pidgeon .
from Miyake Hachiman shrine
Miyake Hachiman tsuchibue 三宅八幡土笛 clay whistle
Senbon shakado 千本釈迦堂おかめ面 mask of O-Kame
. Senbon Shakado Hall, Temple Daiho-Onji 大報恩寺
. Somin Shorai and Sominsai Festival 蘇民祭 .
and the Gion Festival
Kitano Tenmangu kuro ushi 北野天満宮黒牛 * black cow
. Tenmangu Shrines and Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
Gion matsuri no yamaboko 祇園祭の山鉾 floats from the Gion festival
. WKD : Gion Festival (Gion matsuri 祇園祭り)
. Gosho ningyoo 御所人形 Gosho dolls from the Imperial Palace .
Mibudera men mamori 壬生寺面守り maks amulets from temple Mibudera
. Temple Mibudera and Mibu Kyogen 壬生狂言
. Kesoobumi 懸想文 kesobumi love letter .
special amulet from shrine Suga Jinja 須賀神社
. Kyoowagasa 京和傘 Kyo-Wagasa paper umbralla .
Rakuchuu 洛中 Central Kyoto

Daruma dorei だるま土鈴 clay bell with Daruma
Daruma gofu だるま護符 talisman with Daruma
. Daruma Temple Horin-Ji 法輪寺 .
. manju kui ningyo 饅頭食い人形 / 饅頭喰い boy eating manju
- okame fuku-men おかめ福面 auspicious mask of O-Kame -
- men omamori 面お守り mask talismans and amulets -
Rakuhoku 洛北 Northern Kyoto
. Mount Kurama 鞍馬山 Kurama Yama .
and its festivals
- - - - - including
Kurama karakuri gangu 鞍馬のからくり玩具 mechanical dolls from Kurama

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com
Kuramadera no koi ningyoo 鞍馬寺 鯉の人形 Kurama carp dolls
carp dolls from Temple Kuramadera
They look like carp streamers, but are rather small.

Kurama yama no a-un-tora 鞍馬山のあうん虎 tiger amulets

Kurama kubi ningyoo くらま首人形 head dolls
with the heros of the Kurama legends
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
Goma sen, gomasen 護摩扇 ritual fan from Kurama
. Tengu uchiwa handfan from Kurama 天狗のうちわ .
More about the legends and heroes of this region:
. Mount Kuramayama 鞍馬山 - Temple Kuramadera 鞍馬寺 .

ushiguruma 牛車 cart with oxen
from 北野神社 Kitano Jinja

onimen, oni men 鬼面 demon masks
from 梨木神社 Nashinoki Jijna
. Heian Jinguu 平安神宮 Heian Jingu Shrine .
Sakyoo 左京 Sakyo
..... 降魔扇 fan
..... 福虎 lucky tiger
Famous places in Rakuhoku - too many to list here.
- reference : kyotokk.com/enkouzi -
Rakuhoku Area
The magnificent and noble Shugaku-in Imperial Villa located in the ancient capital. Enjoy the peaceful tranquility of Kyoto in the Rakuhoku area. Also enjoy Takano, a fashionable street in a historic site along the river. And Enko-ji Temple, built as a school by the first shogun of Tokugawa.
- source : jnto.go.jp/eng -
. Hiyoshi Taisha 日吉大社 Grand Hiyoshi Shrine .
shin en omamori (Masaru) 神猿お守り まさる talisman of the sacred monkey
saru no dorei 猿の土鈴 monkey clay bells
yubizaru 指猿 finger monkey
Rakusei 洛西 Western Kyoto

hariko no tora 張り子の虎 papermachee tiger and Daruma
from 入船堂 Irifune-Do

牛祭り面 maks from the Ox festival
from 広隆寺 Temple Koryu-Ji
. Teri-furi ningyoo 照り降り人形 "weather forecasting dolls" .

ryuutoobune 竜頭船 boat with dragon head
ningyoo suzuri 人形硯 ink stone in doll form
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Saga men 嵯峨面 masks from Saga .
Arashiyama 嵐山, Shakado
. Saga ningyoo 嵯峨人形 Saga Dolls .

a kind of Kimekomi ningyo made in Saga near Kyoto.
The themes are courtesans, the merchants and people of Kyoto and religious topics.
hadaka Saga 裸嵯峨 naked Saga dolls
They often wear a long bib (haragake 腹掛け).
Edo Saga ningyoo 江戸嵯峨人形 a newer kind, made in Edo
There are two theories to the original creators of Saga dolls:
They were created by Noh mask carvers. The mask carvers were skilled artisans who were very familiar with the use of sabi (gesso).
Buddhist monks or temple craftsmen created them. These artisans were skilled carvers who sculpted Buddhist figures.
source : lotzdollpages.com
Rakutoo 洛東 Rakuto, Eastern Kyoto
Kyoo ningyoo 京人形 Dolls from Kyoto .. see above
ミニチュアの鉾と山 miniature festival floats
Somin shoorai 蘇民将来
suribachi 摺り鉢 mortar (to grind food)
gyooretsu ningyoo 行列人形 dolls of a procession
mokaribune no ema 藻刈り船の絵馬
votive tablet with boat for harvesting seaweed
Sumiyoshi odori 住吉踊り Sumiyoshi dance
ukebune 有卦船 auspicious boat
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
hyootangata no ema 瓢箪形の絵馬 votive tablet in form of a gourd
*** goshinchoo, goshin choo, goshindori 御神烏 * sacred bird
Tango 丹後
. Tango chirimen 丹後縮緬 silk crepe .
Uji 宇治
. cha no ki ningyoo, chanoki 茶の木人形 dolls from tea trees .
Uji ningyoo 宇治人形 dolls from Uji
Yamashina 山科
. Yamashina-e 山科絵 Yamashina paintings
similar to Otsu Paintings (大津絵)
. Bishamonten no tora 毘沙門天の虎 tiger from Bishamonten.
tora no men 虎面 tiger masks
Yawata town 八幡市

Yawata no kanzashi 八幡のかんざし hairpin from Yawata (Yahata)
They were sold during the New Year season along the road to 石清水八幡宮 Iwashimizu Hachimangu (男山の八幡宮 Otokoyama no Hachimangu). The shrine was located on Mount Otokoyama.
Decorations were put on a thin bamboo stick, like ears of rice, a white arrow, a bamboo ladle, a dove or crane and other items.
. 石清水八幡宮 Iwashimizu Hachimangu .
- from the former 男山八幡宮 Otokoyama Hachimangu
many items with a
hato 鳩 dove
tsuchi hato 土鳩 clay dove, mame hato 豆鳩 very small dove, hatobue 鳩笛 dove whistle。
kamigoi, kami koi 紙鯉 paper carps

. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
Kyoto City Web provides a lot of information about special items (59 as of February 2016).
- Here are just a few:
Yane-kanban (Roof signs) / 'Mushiko' windows (Mushiko-mado) / Float covers (Doukake) /Ningyo-dzuka (Ningyozuka, A Doll Mound) / Bengara red-ocher wall / Oni-gawara ridge-end tiles / Hitogata doll / Kakutou (The Eaves' Lantern) / Takarabune Treasure Ship / Tsukubai / Chibyo 乳鋲 metal ornaments / Kawara-bei fence /
- source : - city.kyoto.lg.jp/koho/eng -
Specialities from Kyoto 老舗モール
source : www.shinise.ne.jp
A guide to well–established shops with over 100 years of history
Specially selected Kyoto Souvenirs & Gourmet Guide
- source : thekyoto.kyoto...-

source : hushimi/8kai
To make these items yourself at the Handicraft Center:
Kyoto Damascene / Woodblock Printing / Cloisonne 【Silver】or【Copper】 / Claybell doll / Folding fan painting / Shichimi Spices Blending / Japanese Incense Bag Nioibukuro / Spinning Top Koma
- source : kyoto handicraft center.com -
21 Shougoin Entomi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8323,
Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts (Fureaikan)
inside the Miyako Messe Convention Center in Okazaki and
Kyoto Handicraft Center
byobu folding screens
chochin paper lanterns
kyo-sensu (Kyoto folding fan)
Lacquerware / Incense / Masks /Fine ceramics
- - - - - and much more
- source : japanvisitor.com/kyoto-
Kyo Kanoko 京鹿子 Kyo dyed textiles ( 京鹿の子絞 Kyo kanoko shibori)-
A tiny pointed tie dye, regarded as the highest class tie dye
- source : kimono.or.jp/dictionary/eng... -
- source : kogeijapan.com/locale... -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Kyoto
. KYOTO Sweets .
. Kyoto Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #kyoto #kioto -
1 comment:
Shyi Miyako Meisho Zue (拾遺都名所図会), Supplement to the Illustrated Guide to the Famous Places of Kyoto, dating from 1788,
shows three Dutch visitors on their way to Edo visiting the Nikenjaya tea house in Gion (祇園二軒茶屋) being amazed how delicate cutting of Gion Tofu (祇園豆腐) can be to the extent that does not exist in Holland. . . .
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