Kanagawa Folk Art - 神奈川県
The capital is Yokohama 横浜.
. Yokohama and Chinatown .
. Kamakura 鎌倉 the old capital .
Kamakura Shogunate (Kamakura Jidai, 鎌倉時代 1185–1333)
Daibutsu made from lego
. Kamakura Daibutsu 大仏 - the Big Buddha .
under construction
. tako 凧 Kites of Japan - Introduction .
- - - - - Two kites from from Isehara 伊勢原

abudako, abu tako あぶ凧 / 虻凧 kite like a gadfly
A well-loved souvenir from the pilgrimage to Oyama. Local people held kite competitions for the Boy's festival in May 端午の節句. The painting is simple and the colors strong.
It flies well, even with little wind.
Other kites with insects from Japan are semidako 蝉凧 cicada、chodako 蝶凧 butterfly , hachidako 蜂凧 bee and others.

semidako, semi tako 蝉凧 cicada kite
From the temple treasures of 大宝寺 Taiho-Ji. The temple members made it in the Meiji period to earn some extra money. They used bamboo from the forest in the back of the temple and imitated the cicadas, which were quite noisy in the temple compound. After WW II the production almost stopped.
from Hatano - Hadano 秦野
. Darumadako, Daruma tako だるま凧 Daruma kite .
shoogidako, shoogi tako 将棋凧 Japanese Shogi chess kite
from Chigasaki茅ヶ崎

It has a long tail made by rope and is made to withstand strong wind. It has a small hummer on top of the kite (yumi unari 弓うなり), which makes the sound of ”ビーン” biiiin .
Made first in the early Meiji time by 服部定右衛門 Hattori Sadaemon to celebrate the birthday of a child. Later other villagers followed suit.
Later the tradition was revived by 浅岡正幸 Asaoka Masayuki .
. shoogi shōgi - 将棋 Shogi, generals' chess. .
Atsugi 厚木市

ayu dorei 鮎土鈴 clay bell with a trout
Hakone region 箱根
This is a mountainous region famous for its wooden toys.

puzzle Daruma
. Hakone yosegi saiku 箱根寄せ木細工 yosegi-woodwork .
(秘密箱など puzzle box and more)
kumiki gangu 組木玩具 wooden puzzle toys
Wooden Puzzle Blocks are designed so that the rectangular wooden blocks can be assembled to form a certain shape without the use of any adhesive. The number of blocks to complete a single shape ranges from 3 pieces to over 100 pieces, with a variety of different assembling and disassembling patterns.
The technique for disassembling the completed blocks is to find that one special block, which is the key to the whole structure.
source : hakone-zaiku.jp
. Kumiki gangu 組木玩具 wooden puzzle toys .
hikimono 挽き物 wooden toys made on a wheel
kotoribue, kotori no fue 小鳥笛 whistle like small birds
Two birds are mounted on a small whistle. The birds are made from Hakone cedar wood.
The head and tail move if you blow the whistle made from bamboo.

. mame cha doogu 豆茶道具 small tea ceremony toys
. Teri-furi ningyoo 照り降り人形 "weather forecasting dolls" .
ji-u ningyoo 晴雨人形 "shine and rain dolls"
yama kago 山駕籠 sedan chair for the mountains
. Palanquin, sedan chair (kago 篭 or かご) .

source : Matt on facebook
Hiratsuka town 平塚

Hiratsuka Daruma 平塚だるま
. Sooshuu Daruma 相州だるま Soshu Daruma
... 相模だるま Sagami Daruma
. Hiratsuka Hige Daruma
Isehara town, Mount Oyama 伊勢原市大山
. Shrine Hibita Jinja 比々多神社 .
. Oyama koma 大山こま Oyama spinning top . -
Ooyama no hikimono gangu 大山の挽き物玩具 wooden toys made on a wheel
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
Kamakura city 鎌倉
Special amulets and talismans from the many temples and shrines of Kamakura

source : pinterest.jp - fufufu san

観音像土鈴 clay bell with Kannon Bosatsu
Engakuji no dorei 円覚寺の土鈴 clay bells from temple Engaku-Ji
. san saru dorei 三猿土鈴 clay bell with three monkeys .

Hongakuji no nigiri fuku 本覚寺のにぎり福 "good luck to grasp"
To keep these smiling faces in your hand for good luck, good business and good health.
They come with five different letters on the backside:

ai 愛 - love
fuku 福 - good luck
kenko 健康 - health
gakumon 学問 - education, studies
zaisan 財産 - money
You buy one with your special wish and clasp it every day - until your wish has come true.
The temple maidens prepare them one by one for the New Years market of the temple, which is located close to Kamakura station and draws many visitors.
The deity of business, Ebisu, is also venerated at this temple and at the New Years market other amulets of Ebisu for good business are also sold.
source : Hongakuji...

Hookaiji no takarabukuro omamori 宝戒寺の宝袋お守り札 - treasure bag talisman
wooden votive amulets 板守 from temple Hokai-Ji
. takarabukuro 宝袋 the Treasure Bag of Hotei .
. Kamakuraguu no ita shishi 鎌倉宮の板獅子
lion head on a board from shrine Kamakura-Gu
..... shishigashira no o-mamori 獅子頭のお守り

source : shukuken.com/sugimotodera...
Sugimotodera no kifuda mamori 杉本寺の木札守
wooden votive amulets from temple Sugimoto-Dera
. Tsuruoka Hachimangu no hatobue 鶴岡八幡宮の鳩笛 Tsurugaoka
... pidgeon whistle from shrine Hachimangu .

clay dolls from Hachimangu, like Shizuka Gozen 静御前像

Enoshima no fugu choochin 江の島ふぐ堤灯 pufferfish lantern from Enoshima

Enoshima no fugu dorei 江の島フグ土鈴 pufferfish clay bell from Enoshima

Kamakura hariko 鎌倉張り子 papermachee dolls
made by Teshigawara Yukiko 勅使河原ゆき子
. . . . .

Kamakura dorei 鎌倉土鈴 clay bells
They come in all kinds of shapes and local patterns, mostly the main flowers of temples.
kai byoobu 貝屏風 Byobu folding screen with shells
. kaizaiku, kai zaiku 貝細工 craft from clams and sea shells .
Kawasaki town 川崎
. Kawasaki Daruma 川崎だるま
Kawasaki Daishi temple 川崎大師 - and the famous Daruma market だるま市
Miura Peninsulaa 三浦半島
Miura peninsula has a pilgrimage to seven temples of the gods of good luck.
. Shichifukujin 七福神尊 seven gods of good luck .
chakkirako ちゃっきらこ / チャッキラコ dance festival
at the shrine Kainan Jinja 海南神社 in Miura town, Kanagawa. Jan. 15.
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... to celebrate the New Year and bring good fortune, especially in fishing ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Odawara town 小田原
. Odawara choochin 小田原堤灯 Chochin lanterns from Odawara .
. kyoogibune, kyoogi no fune 経木舟
kyogibune, boats from paper-thin sheets of wood .
kyoogi, kyōgi 経木 "lit. sutra tree" - paper-thin sheets of wood
Odawara Daruma Market 小田原 ダルマ市
Sekino Junichiro 関野準一郎 (1914 - 1988)
taisoo ningyoo 体操人形 dolls doing gymnastics
Made from bamboo and wood, but the last maker died a few years ago.
Similar dolls are made in other parts of Japan.
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Odawara shikki 小田原漆器 Odawara Lacquerware
Odawara lacquerware is a government-designated traditional craft from the city of Odawara. The Odawara style of lacquerware differs from other forms in that it allows the beauty of the underlying wood to clearly shine through.
The origin of Odawara lacquerware
can be traced back to the mid-Muromachi Period (1338-1573), when utensils were carved out of wood utilizing the abundant lumber resources of the Hakone mountain region on the outskirts of Odawara. In the middle days of the period, the Hojo Clan, which succeeded the regency of the Kamakura shogunate, invited lacquerers to the castle town and promoted the advancement of lacquering techniques, turning Odawara into a lacquerware production hub. An excellent bowl called Seriwan (meaning parsley bowl) made back in the Muromachi Period is still preserved in Sounji Temple, the Hojo clan’s family temple in Hakone Yumoto. In the Edo Period (1603-1868), large quantities of practical-use lacquerware such as bowls and trays were exported to Edo (present-day Tokyo), as well as other products such as lacquered armor.

Odawara lacquerware is made by rubbing lacquer into wood that has been shaved using a potter’s wheel, followed by lacquer painting methods that make use of the coarse wood grains. “Print-painting lacquer” is a technique that accentuates the beauty of the coarse grains by covering them with a thin layer of raw lacquer. “Polish painting wood grain” is a technique where a raw lacquer called suki urushi, or transparent lacquer—which has water removed to increase its transparency—is painted on the wood grain. Thus, the coarse grain is not covered, and can be seen in its genuine form. Using primarily Japanese zelkova as its main material, this results in products that are durable and experience minimal warping.
Odawara lacquerware
does not feature ornate designs and vivid coloring, but emphasizes the raw beauty of the coarse grain. All stages of production are done by hand. First, the raw wood is shaved. The wood is then lacquered and dried numerous times. It is said that that it takes about 10 years to attain this skill alone.
The tradition has been handed down to this day,
and Odawara lacquerware is still manufactured in the same way. Keep an eye out for Odawara lacquerware as you visit the area’s hot-spring resorts!
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -
Odawara imono 小田原 鋳物 Odawara casting

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In Japanese culture, there are many bells and ringing instruments made through casting, such as furin 風鈴 (wind chimes) that sing out refreshing sounds during the summer, and temple bells that gently resonate in people’s hearts. In Kanagawa Prefecture, Odawara City has built up an outstanding Japanese casting culture.
According to historical evidence,
in 1534, during the third year of the Tembun Era (1532-1555), 山田二郎左衛門 Yamada Jirozaemon pioneered the casting industry in Odawara after moving to the area from Kawachi Province, today’s eastern Osaka Prefecture. This is said to be the origin of Odawara casting. Given that this was a period of civil war, it is presumed that there was a very high demand for casting products, including Buddhist ceremonial fittings and statues, firearms, helmets, and even daily necessities such as pots and pans.
In 1686, the Kashiwagi family
relocated to Odawara’s Nabe Town under the auspices of the Okubo family, where they started a casting business as well. When Yamada Jirozaemon’s descendants moved to Tokyo in 1891, the Kashiwagi family purchased the Yamada family’s casting facilities lock, stock and barrel. With this, the Kashiwagi family’s production capabilities increased dramatically, and the techniques they developed form the backbone of today’s Odawara casting methods.
Bells and ringing instruments
were the most common products developed at this time. Various products such as signal bells for ships, bonsho bells for temples, and instrumental cymbals were manufactured and sold both domestically and abroad.
Bells made through Odawara casting
differ from standard iron products, and use a copper alloy with traces of silver, lead or tin, giving them a harder, stiffer quality that better resonates sound. Bells and instruments made through Odawara casting are highly valued, and have been used in various prestigious settings. For example, the hand bell used by the chairman in the National Diet, the gong in the Shinjuku Imperial Garden, and the furin wind chimes used in director Akira Kurosawa’s film, Red Beard, were all products of Odawara casting.
The hand-made manufacturing processes of Odawara casting have been passed down to the present day. Try enjoying Japan’s summer by cooling yourself and listening to the beautiful sounds of furin made through the pride of this historic Odawara technique.
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts/metal_work-
Yokohama town 横浜
Okamura Tenjin no uso mamori 岡村天神のうそ守り bullfinch amulet from shrine Okamura Tenjin

. usokae うそ替え exchanging bullfinches .
. suika Tenjin 西瓜天神 Tenjin like a watermelon slice .
Tenjin 天神 Tenjn sama - Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
Okamura Tenmangu 岡村天満宮 was established toward the end of the 12th century, by a vassal of Minamoto no Yoritomo, Shogun in Kamakura, who had brought an image from the Kitano Tenjin shrine in Kyoto.
It was first called "Sugiyama Tenmangu 杉山天満宮".
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the shrine !
- HP of the shrine
. source : okamura-tenmangu.com...

Yokohama Kaikoo Ningyoo 横浜開港人形 dolls from the port-opening times
. Yokohama Kaiko-sai 横浜開港祭 Yokohama Port Opening Festival .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
. Reference : popeye.sakura.ne 神奈川県 玩具 -
- #kanagawa #odawara #kamakura #yokohama #hakone #enoshima -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Kanagawa
. Kanagawa Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
1 comment:
Sugimotodera 杉本寺 Sugimoto-Dera - Kamakura
大蔵山 Taizosan 観音院 Kannon-In 杉本寺 Sugimotodera
神奈川県鎌倉市二階堂903 / 903 Nikaidō, Kamakura, Kanagawa
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