Iwate Folk Art - 岩手県
The capital is Morioka 盛岡, and part belonged to the old domain of Nanbu 南部 Nambu.
amulets from
. Toono Go Hachimangu 遠野郷八幡宮 Tono Hachimangu Shrine.
. Toono monogatari, Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Tono Monogatari
Legends of Tono .
. Hiraizumi 平泉 .
Fujiwara no Hidehira 藤原秀衡 (1122 - 1187) / Hidehira-nuri Lacquerware
chaguchagu umako チャグチャグ馬コ festival horses
CLICK for more colorful photos !
chaguchagu umakko ちゃぐちゃぐ馬っこ Chaguchagu horse festival
. Chaguchagu horse festival .
June 15 or second sunday in June
. Nanbu tetsubin 南部鉄瓶 Nambu iron kettles .
. choo jirushi, choojirushi 町印(ちょうじるし) "town markers" .
Mizusawa town 水沢
and the festival 日高火防祭 Hidaka Hibuse Festival
Hidaka Jinja 日高神社

Hanamaki ningyoo 花巻人形 dolls from Hanamaki
Hanamaki花巻市 (with Daruma) Hanamaki Market
Hanamaki Dolls, along with Sendai’s Tsutsumi and Yonezawa’s Sagara, are counted as one of the three major doll-types of Tohoku. Although production ceased for a time because of a lack of craftsmen, a local toy producer and the city cooperated to revive the traditional doll-making techniques.

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com
Gongen Mai Statue 権現舞
This statue, known as “Gongen San”, is displayed in homes in the hope that wishes will be granted. They are carved from Ohasama-grown wood using only one chisel. The chisel is called “Tsuki Nomi”.
. Hayachine Kagura men 早池峰神楽面 Hayachine dance masks .
and folk art from Hayachine

source : blog.nihondorei.com
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .
. . . . .
. Hanamaki Daruma 花巻だるま
and clay dolls
Hanamaki no kinbekko 花巻の金ペコ golden cow from Hanamaki
. ushi 丑 ox, oxen (cow, bull, calf) .
Hanamaki no uma 花巻の馬 horse from Hanamaki

kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls from Hanamaki
On the right is a set of five heads 五人かしら gonin kashira
Children coul dress the dolls with paper or old pieces of cloth.
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
. Sumo wrestler Tanikaze Kajinosuke 谷風梶之助 from Mutsu 陸奥 .
花巻人形 Hanamaki Ningyo Dolls

source : ihatov/hanamaki
. kakumaki ningyoo 角巻き人形 dolls with scarf .
Ichinoseki 一関市

oni kenbai 鬼剣舞 "demon sword dance"
kenbai mai 剣舞舞 kenbai sword dance

Hanamaki 花巻
Oni Kenbai
is a traditional dance in the Kitakami area of Iwate, which is very popular with foreign visitors and children for its dynamic samurai-like choreography, danced with swords in hands.
Local children keep this tradition alive, as the dance is taught in elementary and junior high schools in the area. In 1993, it was designated as a national important intangible folk cultural property.
There are generally 8 dancers in a group; the number of dancers vary depending on the program.
In addition, there are musical accompanists, consisting of a taiko drummer, two to four flutists, and one or two bell ringers. Dancers wear masks of five different colors; the lead dancer in the center wears a white mask. Even though “oni” means “demon,” the dancers represent Buddha rather than demons, so there are no demon horns on the masks. The unique costume includes a mask, a wig, chain mail, gaiters, white split-toe socks, straw sandals, a sword, a fan, and a vajra ( Buddhist ritual object ) .
One of the elements of the dance is “henbai,” a unique step which symbolizes “purification of the land by stomping on the demons” and which is said to appease vengeful spirits through chanting of sutras.
source : www.japan-iwate.info

source : www.kitakami-kanko.jp
kokeshi from Oni Kenbai dance
kokeshi 岩手のこけし . wooden dolls from Iwate .
ki no uma gangu 木の馬玩具 horse toys from wood
Hanamaki, Morioka
- reference source : horse toys -
- reference source : suisui horse collection -
. Jooboji 浄法寺塗 Joboji nuri, Joboji Lacquer Ware.
madobutsu まどぶつ toy for the girl's festival

Their production has died out.
They were produced to "hit a target" matu ochi 的射ち to ward off evil influence for the seasonal festival on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month, now March 3, the Girl's festival.
Bow and arrow are made from bamboo, large enough to play with it.
The target is from round washi paper, with the painting of a demon.
They were last introduced by 村上新太郎「郷土玩具製作所」Murakami Shintaro.
. Matsuyo tora まつよ虎 Tiger from Matsuyo san .
Hanamaki 花巻

source : blog.livedoor.jp/kiteman
Nanbu Morioka Tako 南部盛岡凧 kite from Morioka - Nambu
the motive is a semi 蝉 cicada .
source : 古美術 三坂堂
Nanbu no ema 南部の絵馬 votive tablets from the Nambu domaine
. EMA 絵馬 Votive Tablets and Prayer Boards .

source : amanaimages.com/info...
Nanbu senryoo ushi 南部千両牛 Ox with a 1000 gold coins box
. oshirasama おしらさま人形 amulet for silk production .
(Rikuzen) Takata ningyoo 陸前高田人形 dolls from Takata
Clay is mixed with washi paper. Humans often have red robes with plum blossom motives.
The carpenters from Kesen (気仙大工 / 気仙川 River Kesengawa) had learned the craft on their trips around the country. But the art has died down around 1955.

- source : d.hatena.ne.jp/seinen-shichokai
source - more photos : www.ibc.co.jp/jajajafri
Takata with Daruma

dogs fom Takata
ushi gangu 牛玩具 toys with cows and oxen from Takata
. ushi 丑 ox, oxen (cow, bull, calf) .
was reported to have been "wiped off the map" by the tsunami following the Tōhoku earthquake.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Rokuhara Hariko 六原張り子 papermachee dolls from Rokuhara
Kanegaseki 金ケ崎町

A great collection of humorous charming dolls, beckoning cats and zodiac animals.
Made by Sawahan kooboo さわはん工房 Sawahan workshop
- source : fujimaki-select.com

LOOK at a great collection :
- source : coshell.shop-pro.jp
Exhibition to promote local craft from Iwate
. KOKO LUMINE - exhibition .
Tokyo, July 2013

source : upp.so-net.ne.jp/u1cku/gangu5
sansa odori さんさ踊り Sansa Dance
. Sansa Odori さんさ踊り Sansa Dance .
August 1 - 4, Morioka

shishi odori, shika odori 鹿踊り dance of the deer
Popular in Tono, a ritual of the Bon season to bless the area and protect the village from evil influences.

- quote -
Shishi-Odori ( Deer Dance )
Shishi-odori, or deer dance, is performed in various parts of Iwate. There are various stories concerning the origin of the dance, such as: that it was to pray for a deer that was killed; that it imitated the movement of a wild deer; that it was a ritual associated with Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara, etc.
There are many shishi-odori programs, but they can roughly be classified into 2 groups:
the taiko-odori programs are danced with taiko drums and are mostly performed in southern Iwate, while
the maku-odori programs are danced without taiko drums and are mostly performed in northern Iwate.

The late Taro Okamoto, one of the most renowned Japanese artists, once saw a dynamic taiko shishi-odori performance, and compared its rhythm to “dry jazz.”
Shishi-odori is performed at the Hanamaki Festival, the Tono Fall Festival, and at various events at some hot spring inns. Shishi-odori is usually performed by 8 dancers; however, on August 16, the Dance of One Hundred Deer is performed at Esashi Fujiwara-no-Sato Heritage Park in Oshu City.
- source : www.japan-iwate.info -
. Shinobigoma 偲び駒 secret votive straw horse .
Somin 蘇民塔柱 Somin pillar
. Somin Shorai 蘇民将来 Somin Shorai Amulets .

tawara ushi 俵牛 cow with straw bundle
A well liked motive, also on tea cups etc.
. Iwayadoo tansu 岩谷堂箪笥 Tansu from Iwayado .

Tsukimoshi ningyoo 附馬牛人形 Dolls from Tsukimoshi
In the local dialect they are called ツギモシズンゾー tsugimoshi zunzoo
Toonoo 遠野市 Tono Town, Tsukimoshi village, Tsukimōshi-mura
Contact the Tono Furusato Village - 遠野郷土人形民芸村 - 佐々孝工房

They are made from washi paper and clay, put into a mold, then painted white with gofun. Next they are colored with natural paints to give them a great shine. Similar to the Fushimi dolls of Kyoto. The motives are auspicious topics and they are given as presents for festive situations.
. 神功皇后と武内宿禰 / 竹内宿弥 Empress Jingu and Takenouchi no Sukune .
. yakubarai ningyoo 厄払い人形 doll to ward off evil .
岩手県和賀郡白木野地域 Waga district, Shirokino area : Yudamachi 湯田町
Miss Iwate Doll
- quote -

Miss Iwate and the Japanese Goodwill Dolls of 1927
The Birmingham Public Library and the Birmingham Doll Club present "An Evening with Miss Iwate and Alan Pate" on Thursday, February 21 at 6:00 p.m. in the Arrington Auditorium of the downtown Birmingham Public Library located at 2100 Park Place in Birmingham, Alabama. Mr. Pate, a preeminent authority on traditional Japanese dolls, will deliver a talk titled "The Long Journey of Friendship: Miss Iwate and the Japanese Goodwill Dolls of 1927". Miss Iwate, one of the Japanese Goodwill Dolls, will be on hand for viewing. The program is free and open to the public.
Miss Iwate
has resided at the Birmingham Public Library (BPL) since 1928. She is in exceptionally good condition and still has most of the accoutrements that originally came with her, including lacquer furniture, tea ceremony utensils, and her own dolls. She is kept in storage in the Southern History Department of BPL.
In 1926,
Dr. Sidney Gulick, a missionary living in Japan, initiated a project for American children to send dolls to the children of Japan as a way to try to ease tensions between the two countries. Approximately 12,700 dolls were sent to Japan and were enthusiastically welcomed by Japanese children. Inspired by this act of goodwill, Japanese industrialist Eiichi Shibusawa organized the collection of money from children throughout Japan to pay for the making of 58 special dolls to be sent to the United States.
The best doll makers in Japan were commissioned to produce these dolls. The 58 Japanese Goodwill Dolls arrived in the U.S. in November 1927. The doll "ambassadors" then traveled throughout the country for several months, where many American children and adults gave them a warm welcome. After this tour, the dolls were sent to permanent homes in museums and other organizations in each state.
source : www.birmingham365.org
家具・木工品 // 陶磁器 // 竹・わら細工 // 伝統工芸 // 装飾品 // 南部鉄器 // 岩谷洞箪笥 // 秀衡塗
東山和紙 // ドライフラワー // 成島和紙 // 花巻傘 // ほおずき細工 // 久慈砂鉄鍋 // 鮭革細工 // 紫雲石硯 // 紫雲石硯(東方紫雲)//
- - - 郷土玩具 :
遠刈田系湯田こけし / 南部系覚平こけし / 南部系こけし / 盛岡のこけし / 雪やけこけし
more details on the HP
- reference source : iwate.jp/dentou/kougei... -
. Reference and Photos . 佐藤研氏 .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
- reference source : city.hanamaki.iwate.jp/shisei -
Hanamaki Umbrella / Pottery / Fur Craft
Towa’s homespun cloth / Dyed Products
. WASHOKU . - Regional Dishes from Iwate -
. Iwate Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #iwate #iwatemingei #iwatefolklore #nanbu #hanamaki #rikuzentakata -
1 comment:
Hayachine no tsurube otoshi ya kami no koe
the autumn sunset
in the Hayachine mountains -
voice of the Kami / voice of the Gods
下田靜子 Shimoda Shizuko
kami no koe 神の声
the voice of the Kami, voice of "God"
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