Ibaraki Folk Art - Ibaraki 茨城県 - (Ibaragi)
The capital is Mito 水戸.
. Mito Komon 水戸黄門 - Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀 .
July 11, 1628 - January 14, 1701
and the famous plum park, Kairaku-En 偕楽園.
Ibaraki Prefecture was previously known as Hitachi Province, 常陸国 Hitachi no Kuni.
Shimofusa 下総 refers to the Southern part of Ibaraki and Northern part of Chiba.
Kashima District 鹿島郡
Tsukuba District 筑波郡
under construction
Hitachi town 日立市

Hitachi take ningyoo ひたち竹人形 bamboo dolls
Bamboo was pushed by the lord Mito Mitsukuni 水戸光圀公.
Some craftsmen, who had seen bamboo dolls from Echigo, tried their hand.
Some figures are from Kabuki and Noh theater, but also Mito Komon dolls and plum ladies (ume musume 梅娘人形 ).
The annual zodiac animals are also made.
. take gangu 竹玩具 bamboo toys and dolls .
Isohama port 磯浜 / Ooarai village 大洗町 Oarai
. Isohama Daruma 磯浜だるま .
Kasumigaura region 霞ヶ浦周辺

makomo uma まこも馬 wild rice straw horse
from the Shimofusa region
They also made cows and oxen at Itako town 潮来の真菰牛馬 .
. Horse Toys of Japan .
makomo 菰 is a kind of wild rice
Zizania latifolia, Z. cauducifolia.
. makomo 菰 wild rice and kigo .

tanishi ningyoo たにし人形 dolls from Tanishi water snails
CLICK for more images !

source : www.city.tsuchiura.lg.jp
Kasumi ningyoo かすみ人形 Kasumi dolls
from Tsuchiura town 土浦市
Tsuchiura no hisago ningyoo 土浦のひさご人形 dolls made from Hisago 瓠 gourds
Image toward the end of this PDF file from
source : city.tsuchiura.lg.jp
Makabe city 真壁
. Makabe Stone Lanterns 真壁石燈籠 Ishidoro .
Mito town 水戸
. noo ningyoo 農人形 dolls of farmers .
Kairakuen yaki 偕楽焼農人
Kasama yaki 笠間焼 pottery from Kasama village

- quote -
Kasama-yaki is a type of traditional pottery that originated in Kasama, Ibaraki during the Anei Period (1772-1781).
Kasama-yaki is produced from large amounts of iron, resulting in reddish-brown finished product which is then glazed with black paint. Kasama-yaki originally created mostly kitchenware products such as large pots but recently is being used to create more modern ceramic arts. Kasama Kogei no Oka, also known as Kasama Craft Hills in Ibaraki, is a great place to view kasama-yaki. The craft center also holds workshops where you can try creating your very own Kasama-yaki. Kasama Craft Hills has both exhibitions to view pottery as well as souvenir shops to purchase these traditional Ibaraki ceramics.
- source : japandeluxetours.com -

Another doll of Mito Komon
Nakaminato port 那珂湊
Nakaminato hariko 那珂湊張り子 papermachee dolls
... . Nakaminato no Daruma 那珂湊のだるま .
... tora 虎 tiger / ... usagi うさぎ rabbit with wiggeling head
Tookai village 東海村 Tokai Mura - Hitachi Ota
Muramatsu village, temple Kokuuzoo Doo 村松山虚空藏堂 Kokuzo-Do
. Takarabune 宝船 treasure ship .
Mayumi koma 真弓駒, Mayumi uma 真弓馬 horse amulet from Mayumi village
shrine Mayumi Jinja 真弓神社
. Horse Toys of Japan - 馬 - Introduction .
. Yuuki tsumugi, Yūki-tsumugi 結城紬 Yuki pongee .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
- #ibaraki #ibaragi -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Ibaraki
. Ibaraki Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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