. Fukushima Folk Art - 福島県
Aizu Wakamatsu 会津若松
Bandai Atami 磐梯熱海
Shirakawa 白河市:
. furi-daiko 振り太鼓 wooden drum to swing around .
福島市 Fukushima City

ふくしま夢通信 Fukushima Yume Tsushin - January 2018
. Fukushima Daruma 福島だるま
. Kokeshi こけし wooden dolls
. Masaru まさる good luck charm

Nekkocho ningyo 根っ子町土人形 / Nekocho 根子町人形 clay dolls
clay dolls from Nekkocho Town - Nekkomachi
Made in a suburb of Fukushima, Shimizucho 清水町, which was formerly called Nekkochoo. The dolls are very similar to Tsutsumi ningyo dolls and Hanamaki dolls.
Their history goes back to the Edo period, around 1805. They were first made by the owner of a lodging, who was also versed in painting and woodcarving, Takahashi Kichijiroo 高橋吉郎次.
During the time of his grandson Zooe 増兵衛, dolls for the seasonal girls festival became popular, but he also made Anesama sister dolls of cloth.
This family business was given up in the Meiji period.
. 二福神鯛車 Two Lucky Gods with a sea bream on a cart .
Daikoku and Ebisu
. shishi kaburi 獅子かぶり carrying a Shishi on the head .
. anesama ningyoo 姉様人形 paper doll in the form of a kimono-clad woman .

waraji tako わらじ凧 kite in the form of a straw sandal
This kite is made in memory of the great straw sandal from Mount Haguro. It is about 1 meter long and is used during the New Year celebrations.
Mount Haguro, Mount Gassan and Mount Yudono in Dewa
. Mount Haguro 羽黒出羽三山 .
. Kite 凧 tako .
会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu City
Aizu Wakamatsu no kazaguruma 会津若松の風車 windwheel
. Aizu Wakamatsu Daruma 会津だるま
Aizu hariko 会津張り子 会津張子 papermachee dolls,
Aizu Nakayugawa Clay Dolls 会津中湯川土人形 Nakayukawa
Anesama ningyoo 姉様 Anesama Sister Dolls
Onna tochibina 女土地雛 clay dolls of women
higanjishi 彼岸獅子 lion dance dolls
. . . . . the zodiac rooster on a catfish ナマズの上に鶏 .
. . . . . and more Nayakugawa dolls on a catfish
. Daruma and Rabbit from Nakayugawa
. . . . . . Daruma on a plump sparrow .
. . . . . . Inu 戌 / 犬 Dog from Nakayukawa .

Click for more Nakayugawa clay dolls !
. akabeko あかべこ / 赤べこ Aka-Beko - red cow, red bull .
. byakko hariko 白虎張り子 white tiger .
byakkotai okiagari 白虎隊起き上がり Daruma wobbeling doll soldier
. Fukura suzume ふくら雀 plump sparrow . and Daruma
. Aizu Fukusuke 会津福助 doll .
. E roosoku 絵ろうそくcolored candles .
. Kokeshi こけし wooden dolls
. koransho usagi こらんしょ兎 rabbit welcoming people .
. Nozawa Hariko 野沢張子 papermachee dolls
including Daruma san
. oogi-mochi hitsuji 扇持ち未 sheep holding a handfan .
. Aizu toojin tako 会津唐人凧 Aizu Tojin - Chinese face kites / karabito 唐人 .
OkuAizu 奥会津 is famous for its kago かご baskets and zaru ざる sieves made from natural materials.
braided craft -

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Oku-Aizu Amikumi Zaiku 奥会津編み組細工 (Mishima-machi)

Oku-Aizu Amikumi Zaiku”, or Oku-Aizu braided craft products, is said to have been started by farmers as a handiwork during the off-season in winter. The daily necessities such as baskets and sieves made with plants of wild vine and silver vine are popular for their simple taste.
610 Kawaitenyabara, Mishima-machi, Onuma-gun, Fukushima
- source : japan-magazine.jnto.go.jp -
The mino 蓑raincoats of the farmers were made of hiroro ヒロロ, local dialect for ミヤマカンスゲ/ 深山寒菅 miyama kansuge (Carex morrowii).
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What is Oku-aizu braided crafts ?
Okuaizu Amikumi Zaiku is basketry produced in the Mishima Town area, Onuma County, Fukushima Prefecture. This mountainous area in the Okuaizu region has much snow and during winter farmers are unable to work in the fields; as handwork in the snowy season, the craft of basketry has been handed down from olden times.
Three plants growing in this region are used for basket making and give rise to three different types of products: they are the
ヒロロ細工 Hiroro Craft made from sedge grass;
山ブドウ細工 Yamabudo Craft made from crimson glory vine; and
マタタビ細工 Matatabi Craft made from silver vine.
Okuaizu Basketry is distinguished by the use of local natural materials and their superb hand-weaving, which although simple, has a distinctive delicacy.
As Hiroro Craft, hand baskets, large baskets, and shoulder baskets are made by fine-weaving the sedge grass into a finish resembling lace stitches. In Yamabudo Craft, the tough crimson glory vine lends itself to making robust baskets and confectionery bowls. For Matatabi Craft, cooking utensils are mainly produced because silver vine baskets are pleasant to the touch and easy draining.
Okuaizu Basketry is a traditional craft embodying the spirit of monozukuri (art of craftsmanship), in which local people in harmony with nature make the daily necessities of life.
- History
Fragments of simple basketry and rope were discovered at the Arayashiki archaeological site in Mishima Town, proving that such skills and techniques already existed in the area as far back as the Jomon period (14,000 to 300 BC). More recently, in old documents such as the “Aizu Nosho (Book on Agriculture in Aizu)” written in 1684 and “Toyu Zakki (Record of Journey to the Ou Region” in 1788, we find descriptions of basketry; although the origins are not clear, it would seem Okuaizu Basketry items have been made on a daily basis in this region for several hundred years at least.
The skills have been handed down to the present, but during the late 1960s, due to an aging population, the number of basket weavers decreased. Mishima Town was concerned if nothing was done, the craft would be lost, and aiming at the establishment of a local industry, the town embarked on a movement to promote the use of such handcrafted utensils and baskets on a daily basis. This campaign has spread through the region over the years and at present, more than 100 artisans are keeping the skills and techniques of Okuaizu Basketry very much alive.
- General Production Process
in detail here
- source : kogeijapan.com/locale -

- CLICK for more photos !

Bandai Atami no hariko 磐梯熱海の張り子
papermachee dolls from Bandai Atami
The image shows a man leading a monkey, 猿まわし sarumawashi.
Other dolls of this unique kind are Kintaro on a carp, the god of wind and more. They are sold in the shops of the hotspring.
tsukushi kooboo つくし工房 store - 福島県郡山市熱海町熱海1-94-21
Yanaizu no neushi, ne ushi 柳津の寝牛 cow lying down

Yanaizu bisai chookoku 柳津微細彫刻 delicate carvings from Yanaizu

Mostly very small Buddha statues, fitting into a walnut.
富山工房 Fuzan Kobo / Kawanuma District, Yanaizu, Kaminakadairako
- reference source : okuaizu.net/spot... -
. kurumi zaiku 胡桃細工 / クルミ細工 carvings in walnut shells .
Aizu urushi, Aizu nuri 会津漆 Aizu lacquerware
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Refined Skills in Division of Labor Create High-Class Lacquerware
In the area around the Aizu basin, which lies in the middle of Fukushima Prefecture, lacquer working dates back to about the 15th century. The firm foundations for Aizu lacquerware were later laid when a number of lacquer craftsmen were brought in by a new feudal lord who was transferred from Shiga to rule the land. In the second half of the 18th century the feudal administration of Aizu took the initiative and started directing production after inviting various craftsmen from Kyoto, who specialized in gold dust application and other decorative techniques.

Aizu lacquerware is the product of a distinctive manufacturing system involving a fine division of labor, that allows volume production while using handcrafting techniques. Specialist craftworkers perform separate tasks such as wood forming and lacquering, so each contributes a high level of skill that leads to the creation of finished items of superior quality. The types of lacquerwork being particularly famous are a special technique called hananuri (a lacquering technique that goes through the process of coating with lacquer, drying and finishing without polishing) and the decorative use of gold dust to create gorgeous designs known as makie.
Aizu remains one of the most famous lacquerware production centers, producing mainly furniture and other items for household use, including bowls, trays, cake dishes, stacking boxes, and sake servers.
- source : web-japan.org/atlas
. urushi 漆 lacquer ware from Japan .

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Aoki cotton 青木縞
Among the different types of Aizu cotton, a traditional handicraft product from the Aizu area in western Fukushima Prefecture, Aoki cotton once enjoyed great popularity for its quality.
Demand for Aoki cotton took a downturn, though, amid changing lifestyles after World War II and all production plants in the town of Aizubange were closed some 30 years ago.
In October 2011, reluctant to allow local craftsmanship to fade into history, young entrepreneur Takuro Yazu set up a company in 会津坂下 Aizubange to work on reviving Aoki cotton.
His company, IIE Co., involve people who evacuated from areas affected by the March 2011 nuclear meltdowns at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.’s Fukushima No. 1 power plant in the prefecture.
Last year,
IIE successfully revived Aoki cotton for the first time in 30 years, using refurbished century-old looms.
- source : Japan Times -
- HP of the store :
Miyata-205 Aoki, Aizubange-machi, Kawanuma-gun, Fukushima
- source : iie-aizu.jp -
Aizuya 会津屋 store in Edo, selling Aizu specialities, especially laquer ware
There were two stores in Edo, also called Aizu lacquerware dealers 漆物問屋.

source : aizuya.exblog.jp...
Display from the old Aizuya store.
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .
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- source : welcome-fukushima.com... -
and mingei information about Iwaki, Koriyama, Fukushima, Shirakawa
福島市 Fukushima
. haradashi 腹出し showing the belly doll .
from Kabuki, 暫“Shibaraku”
. inoshishi hariko 猪張り子 papermachee wild boar .
. tatsuguruma, tatsu-guruma 龍車 dragon on wheels .
田村市船引町 :Funahiki village
. O-Ningyoo Sama お人形様 O-Ningyo Sama Deity .
飯坂町 Iizaka Onsen
. Kokeshi こけし wooden dolls
. . . . .
土湯温泉 Tsuchiyu Onsen
. Kokeshi こけし wooden dolls
- - - - - . Momoko モモコ kokeshi . in cooperation with Tsugaru, Aomori
二本松市 Nihonmatsu city
Nihonmatsu kodai gangu 二本松古代玩具 toys from olden times, from Nihonmatsu

source : asahi-net.or.jp/~vc3k-nrm/gang...
- From left to right:
Kurozuka ningyoo 黒塚人形 Kurozuka dolls,
Adatara no suzu あだたらの鈴 bells
uzuraguruma 鶉車 quail car toy
They are called "from olden times" because they refere to ancient legends.
. Adachi koma 安達駒 horses from Adachi .
. Kurozuka ningyoo 黒塚人形 Kurozuka dolls .
安達が原の鬼女伝説 Adachigahara demon woman legend and Noh play
. uzuraguruma うずら車 - 鶉車 quail car toy
Adatara no suzu あだたらの鈴 / あだたら鈴 bells
Adatarayama is a volcano in the North of Fukushima prefecture.
三春町 Miharu town
. Miharu koma 三春駒 horse .
. Miharu Daruma 三春だるま .
Miharu hariko 三春張り子 papermachee dolls
. Miharu medetai 目出鯛 auspicious carp .

kubi furi shishimai 三春張子首振獅子舞 lion dancers moving their head
Miharu hariko

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com
kakko 鞨鼓(かっこ) drummer dancing girl
The drum is part of the ancient court music, gagaku 雅楽. Both sides are ment for hitting with the drumstick, resembling the drums from ancient China and Korea.
This girl has the drum in front of her belly and dances while hitting the drum.

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/whnyn809
Miharu hariko 三春張子
. gagaku 雅楽 court music .
郡山市 : Koriyama town
. Kokeshi こけし wooden dolls
Hariko 張り子 papermachee dolls
富岡町:Tomioka town
. Hariko 富岡張り子 papermachee dolls.
. Tanabata uma 七夕馬 straw horse for Tanabata
The Star Festival on July 7
久之浜町:Hisanohama, Hisa no Hama
. Hariko 久の浜張り子 Papermachee dolls
久之浜 Ku no Hama Daruma, Hisanohama Daruma
西田町 Nishita Machi
deko ningyoo 高柴デコ屋敷 papermachee dolls with a swinging head

The Deko Yashiki dates way back to the Edo period and the present owner is in the 21st generation.
Look at more samples HERE
source : www.city.koriyama.fukushima.jp
- quote
House of Papier-Mâché in Koriyama
”Takashiba Deco Yashiki” in Koriyama consists of five houses where people create papier-mâché (paper dolls).
Dolls crafted here have free-flowing line created by a wooden mold and pasting paper.
Creators re-designed this year’s Oriental zodiac dolls whose mouth opens more charmingly than a previous one, which makes a smiling face.

Its product name is “Auspicious snake”. It was created with a hope that it brings smiles to viewers.
- source : en.tohokukanko.jp
須賀川市:Sukagawa town

Sukagawa dorei すか川土鈴 clay bell
They have been made until the Showa period.
This is a bell with the deity for god luck, Daikoku
and three white rabbits, usagi Daikoku 兎大黒.
. Usagi Daikoku 兎大黒 Rabbits and Daikoku .
. . . . .

Hagoita 羽子板 battledore
. . . . .
. Taimatsu Akashi 松明あかし Torches Festival in 2011 .
白河市:Shirakawa town
. Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま
Iwaki Daruma 岩木、いわきだるま
伊達市 Date town
kumiki 組み木 wooden puzzle dolls
kumiki gangu 組木玩具 wooden puzzle toys

They are made with patterns for the doll festival of the girls or the Boy's festival and other seasonal festivals. They also feature legendary people and animals. They are cut out from one piece of wood and then laquered.
Made by the workshop Sora Tobu Kujira 空とぶくじら
(A whale flies in the sky)
Even the imperial family buys dolls from this store.
. Kumiki gangu 組木玩具 wooden puzzle toys .
. . . . .

shoofuku kokeshi 招福こけし wooden dolls to invite good luck
They are fairly new, made for about 50 years by Sato Kooson 佐藤香村 Sato Koson
The inspriation for them are the kendama toys けん玉 of a ball on a string.
They are rather simple with happy faces. Koson has won many prizes for this dolls and other artwork.
香村工芸 Koson Art Workshop
. Cup and Ball けん玉 kendama - Introduction .
原町市:Haramachi town

source : asahi/narumi
Haramachi odoke 原町おどけ funny dolls of Haramachi town
During the great famine of Tenmei in 1782 the number of inhabitants of the fiefdom of Soma declined rapidly. The daimyo of that time tried to get second and third sons of other fiefdoms to settle in his domaine and bring it back to life. Many came from Toyama, where they had been living in a difficult situation under a determined priest and strong religious rules. People made small funny dolls of these imigrants in their travel gear, putting them on sticks (kushi ningyoo 串人形) and tried to express their suffering in the strange funny faces.
At that time the domain of Soma increased about more than 1300 people in 10 years.
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
kushi ningyoo 串人形 dolls on a stick
. Famine in Japan 飢饉 kikin .
koma 駒 horse toys

Nomaoi dolls from Haramachi 野馬追人形
. Horse toys from Fukushima .
. Koma 駒 horse folk toys from Japan
enobori, e-nobori 絵のぼり picture flags
Iwaki enobori いわき絵のぼり picture flags from Iwaki
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Sukagawa enobori 須賀川絵のぼり picture flags from Sukagawa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

source : oyashirazu.exblog.jp...
. mayu koogei まゆ工芸 toys from silk cocoons .
mayudama 繭玉ストラップ人形 strap dolls from silk cocoons
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Kawamata Silk 川俣シルク .
Fukushima Airport Shop
Fukushima Products Made by Highly Skilled Artisans
Local Specialty Products
Sukagawa City is the hometown of Tsuburaya Eiji, creator of Ultraman.

Food specialities
- Fukushima Ryozenzuke
- Nagakubo's Shisomaki
- Iwase Cucumber Pickles
- Abukuma's Koyozuke
- Sukagawa Soba and Udon
- source : fks-ab.co.jp...
. Reference and Photos .
rookoo no te ni usukumaru ejiko kana
squatting in the hands
of the old craftsman -
this baby basket
. ejiko えじこ baby basket .
kokeshi dolls
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Fukushima
. Fukushima Folk Toys - this BLOG
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #fukushimamingei #fukushimafolkart #aizu -
Fukushima craftsman hopes Games can give daruma dolls a global boost
article in the Japan TImes
Fukushima Daruma Land
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