Mi (hitsuji) 未 Ram (sheep) The Ram is one of the 12 zodiac animals of the Asian lunar calendar. He is therefore a well-liked animal in folk art and handicraft. It comes as a papermachee doll, clay doll or clay bell and other materials. Introduction . 12 zociac animals 干支 eto, kanshi . ................................................................................. ![]() Nakayama Clay Bell 中山土鈴 Hitsuji no dorei 未土鈴 clay bells . . . CLICK here for Photos ! Hitsuji no ema 未絵馬 votive tablets . . . CLICK here for Photos ! Hitsuji no hariko 未張子 papermachee dolls . . . CLICK here for Photos ! hitsuji no ningyoo 羊人形 sheep dolls ![]() . . . CLICK here for Photos ! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ABC - List of Sheep Toys from the Prefectures ................................................................................. Aomori 青森 ![]() source : www.asahi-net.or.jp tebineri ningyoo 手捻り人形 hand-twisted dolls hitsujini noru otome 羊に乗る乙女 young woman on a sheep ... ushi nori Tenjin 牛乗り天神 Tenjin on a horse ... uma nori dattan jin 馬乗りダッタン人 Russians on horses ................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県 ![]() source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp... oogi-mochi hitsuji 扇持ち未 sheep holding a handfan ................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 Daruma in the year of the sheep - . Ichihara 市原土人形 clay dolls from Ichihara town . ................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県 source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/saitama... ................................................................................. Tokyo 東京 ![]() source : tencoo with more photos ! Tamagawa Daishi 玉川大師 at Futago Tamagawa 二子玉川 The sheep is the messenger of the deity here. quote Tamagawa Daishi ..... you should see a Buddha’s head poking out above the trees. The Gyokushin Mitsuin temple, better known as Tamagawa Daishi, was built in 1925 by Shingon sect Buddhists. Take off your shoes at the entrance, walk inside, and look to your left. You’ll notice a stairway in the corner leading down. Place ¥100 on the wooden tray, don the brown plastic slippers, and head down the steps. Almost immediately you’ll find yourself in absolute darkness with only the cold stone walls as your guide. As you shuffle slowly downward in the dark, your mind should fill with fear and doubt. But have no fear, because 5 meters below the temple you’ll emerge to an awe-inspiring sight: a snaking corridor of 300 candlelit statues of Kannon, goddess of mercy. The whole 100-meter experience represents a walk through the innards of the sect’s revered Vairocana Buddha. source : metropolis.co.jp/features ![]() Walk the 88 Shikoku Henro pilgrim temples in the dark! |
Amulets and O-Mamori
. 12 Zociac animals 干支 eto, kanshi .
. Sacred Animals and Amulets .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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