koma 駒 / uma 馬 Horse Toys Japan
kigoma 木駒 horse toy made from wood
The horse is one of the 12 zodial animals of the Asian calendar.
. 12 zociac animals 干支 eto, kanshi .
. uma 馬 koma 駒伝説 horse legends .
. hatsu uma, hatsu-uma 初午 First Day of the Horse .
hatsu uma moode 初午詣 first shrine visit on the day of the horse
. monkey leading a horse .
saru hiki uma 猿曳き馬 - 猿曳馬 // saru hiki koma 猿曳き駒 - 猿曳駒
horse heads from various temples dedicated to the
. Horseheaded Kannon (Batoo Kannon 馬頭観音) .

Kanazawa kubi uma 金沢の首馬 "horse head" from Kanazawa
Ishikawa prefecture
Ryusen-Ji 竜泉寺首馬 (Aichi, see below)

Kasadera Kannon, Nagoya 笠寺観音 Kannon at the "Rain Hat Temple"
Kasadera no fuku uma 笠寺のふく馬
Kasadera no kubi um 笠寺の首馬
source : kubiuma.htm
Even Matsuo Basho visited this famous temple:
. Owari shi Kannon 尾張四観音 -The Four Kannon Temples of Owari .
he rides alone
on his steckenpferd -
summer heat

The following HP gives a list of all the
horse toys named KOMA of Japan.
Check it out to see the photos:
source : koma no ganngu.html...

. . . . . Aichi
. haru koma 春駒 spring horse .
Ryuusenji no kubi uma 竜泉寺首馬 horse head from temple Ryusen-Ji
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. Kira no aka uma 吉良の赤馬 red horse from Kira .
Nishio 西尾
and the story of Kira Kozukenosuke 吉良上野介 and the 47 Ronin (Chushingura)
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. saru no umabiki ema 猿の馬曳き絵馬 monkey leading a horse, .
from Susaki Jinja 洲崎神社
- and
Nagoya no Kasadera no wara uma 名古屋の笠寺の藁馬 / ふく馬 fuku uma
auspicious straw horse from temple Kasadera
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kushi uma dorei 串馬土鈴 clay bell like
a head doll of a horse
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
kushi ningyoo 串人形 dolls on a stick
. . . . . Akita 田沢湖町 Lake Tawawako

komadaki dooji 駒抱き童子 child holding a horse
. . . . . Aomori

Mutsugoma, Mutsu koma むつ駒 Horse from Mutsu

Hachiman koma 八幡駒 Hachiman horse
from the shrine Kushibiki Hachimangu 櫛引八幡宮 / Hachinohe town 八戸市

- - - - - Sarunori Hachiman koma 猿乗り八幡駒 Monkey on a Hachiman horse

Nanbu koma odori 南部駒踊り Dancing Nanbu Horses
(from the festival) Towada town 十和田市
Hirosaki umakko 弘前馬コ horses from Hirosaki

uma nori dattan jin 馬乗りダッタン人 Russian on horses
. Folk Toys from Aomori .
Yawata uma 八幡馬(やわたうま) Yahata horse
. . . . . Fukuoka
. Hassaku no Uma 八朔の馬 Hassaku Horse
. WKD : Hassaku celebrations .
First day of the eighth lunar month.
. . . . . Fukushima
. Horse toys from Fukushima .
. . . . . Ibaraki
Mayumi koma 真弓駒, Mayumi uma 真弓馬 horse amulet from Mayumi
Hitachi Ota, 那珂郡 Naka district, Mayumi village, shrine Mayumi Jinja 真弓神社
This shrine belonged to
Muramatsuyama village, temple Kokuuzoo Doo 村松山虚空藏堂 Kokuzo-Do, founded by Kobo Daishi.

It has been made as an offering to the shrine from the wood of old cedar trees in the mountain forest around Mayumi village.
The wooden horse plates are colored in black, red and yellow and stand on a special tray.
The village was also famous for its horses. From a life horse to a wooden horse statue to ema votive tablets, this horse is honored at the shrine.
. makomo uma まこも馬 wild rice straw horse
. . . . . Ishikawa
harukoma 春駒 spring horse, white or red

CLICK for more samples of harukoma horses.
harukoma 春駒 clay bell
. . . . . Iwate
ita koma 板駒 horse on a plate / Hanamaki
. kiri koma, kirikoma 桐駒 / 桐馬 horses from paulownia wood .
Nanbu koma 南部駒 Nambu Horses (clay bell)
senjin koma 先陣駒 vanguard horse / Hanamaki
. Shinobigoma 偲び駒 secret votive straw horse .
shinobi no koma 忍び(の)駒 "secret horse"
Hanamaki 花巻
suzu koma 鈴駒 clay bell / Morioka
. . . . . . . . . . . . Kagoshima
. umanori, uma-nori musha 馬乗り武者 samurai soll on horseback .
. . . . . Miyagi

kinoshitagoma, kinoshita no koma 木ノ下駒 from Sendai 仙台
- quote -
The Kinoshita-koma wooden horse toy
is a traditional handicraft handed down in Kinoshita in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Kinoshita-koma, along with Yawata-goma of Aomori Prefecture and Miharu-goma of Fukushima Prefecture, are known as the three best wooden horse toys of Japan.
The origin of the Kinoshita-koma wooden horse toy dates back to the Heian period (794-1192). The Tohoku region has traditionally been a horse-breeding area and horses were indispensable for military affairs and agriculture in the old days. It is said that the provincial governors of this region always dedicated horses to the Imperial court whenever Komahiki (the horse exhibition) was held at the Imperial palace. When a horse was dedicated, a horse-shaped wooden ornament was put on the harness around the neck. Later, people began to make wooden horses modeling after this ornament.
Those wooden horses were sold at the festivals of Mutsu Kokubunji Temple or Hakusan Shrine as the talisman to protect horses and drive away evils. Gradually, they became a popular souvenir item for temple and shrine visitors and farmers began to make them during the agricultural off-season. Their cute figures attracted attention of travelers and they became known all over the country.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -
. . . . . Nagano
Kiso koma 木曽駒 Kiso horse
(the real one's were very famous)
The area along the river 木曽川 Kisogawa produced a lot of wood and wooden toys.

from the shrine 五宮神社 Itsumiya Jinja. The real horse walks along the village during the shrine festival. It carries 200 "flowers" from bamboo stripes in five colors.
- quote -
The October Festival at Itsumiya Jinja
This ceremony is carried out to pray for good harvest and safty of family.
Conducted by traditional instrument play of flutes and drums, 3 horses carrying saddle decorated with flowers on their backs walk through the town.
After the parade circle around the shrine 3 times, sightseers run up to horses and scramble for the flowers.
People take the flowers to their home and display them at the entrance of houses or ridges between rice field as the object to drive out evil spirits and insects.
- History
5 colors papers decorate 365 sticks on the horseback imitates ear of rice.
5 colors indicates "clear sky, rich harvest grain, sun, clean water, and fertile soil".
On the saddle of the 1st horse of the parade, Himorogi (on which the god ride on made of sakaki plant and white paper) is fixed.
2nd horse carries chrysanthemum (indicates good harvest), and
3rd horse carries bamboo flag (indicates ear of rice) on their backs.
- source : f-pedia.r-cms.biz -
. Kiso no hana uma 木曽の花馬 Horse and Blossoms from Kiso .
and - - - yomeiri koma, yome-iri koma 嫁入り駒 horse for a bride

Kirihara no warakoma 桐原のわら駒 straw horse from Kirihara
Dating back to the Nara period.
for the festival at the shrine 桐原牧神社 Kiriharamaki Jinja, March 8.
An amulet to protect from evil influence, have a rich harvest, keep the family happy and have many children.
It is made by the local people, with the little male symbol of the horse sticking out for extra joy.
Nowadays they are made by a group to preserve the straw horse.
ema 絵馬 votive tablet from the shrine

Kirihara used to be a famous and historical pasture area which was owned by the Imperial Court. Many fine horses were offered to the Imperial Court. People offer the Warakoma which is the shape of fine horse with some steamed red beans rice and money. This is offered to the Kiriharamaki Shrine in the festival.
source : japanguides.net/nagano
. . . . . Nagasaki

kaiun shusse koma 開運出世駒 horse for good luck and career
Hasami village 波佐見町
. . . . . Niigata

wara uma 藁馬 straw horse

Suibara no kiba 水原の木馬 wooden horse from Suibara
. Yamaguchi no kiba 山口の木馬 wooden horse from Yamaguchi town .
. . . . . Okinawa 沖縄

uma guu チンチン馬グヮー small horse with rider
. . . . . Oita
eto kago nori shusse koma 干支かごのり出世駒 horses for a career
in a basket, one for each of the 12 zodiac animals
shinme suzu, shinba suzu 神馬鈴 clay bell with sacred horse (Beppu)
. . . . . Saga
Inari koma 稲荷駒 Inari Fox God Horse
Kashima town 鹿島市
. . . . . Shimane
. kazari uma, kazariuma 飾り馬 decoration horse .
Matsue town
. . . . . Tochigi
harukoma 春駒 spring horse

A decorative item for the New Year celebrations.
. . . . . Tokyo
. akagoma, akai koma 赤駒 red horse .
. . . . . Toyama

Toga no hatsu-uma 利賀村の初午の藁馬 Toga village straw horse for the
It has a cloth bridle of red-white auspicious colors with a bell attached to it.
On the 15th day of January children come to the local Shinto shrine with these horse heads to join the procession and eventually tear off the bridle. The whole group then walks around the village from home to home.
. . . . . Wakayama
. Shoojuuji no doba 正住寺土馬 clay horse from temple Shoju-Ji .
. . . . . Yamanashi
Kaii Kurokoma 甲斐黒駒 black horse from Kaii, black pegasus
from village Oizumi mura 大泉村
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. 黒駒太子 - Prince Shotoku Taishi on his Black Horse .
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gohei koma 御幣駒 horse with gohei 御幣 ritual wand decoration
A straw horse with a ritual want to pray for good health of children. Decorated for the New Year.
Also an amulet for the silk farmers.
About 13 cm high.

Clay bells with horses (uma 馬)
(the horse is one of the 12 zodiac animals)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Regional toys with horses (uma 馬)
kyoodoo gangu 郷土玩具
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Clay dolls with horses (uma 馬)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
"Bamboo Horse"
. Takeuma, chikuba 竹馬 bamboo stilts .
Okayama 岡山 -Kurashiki town 倉敷
. momo nose uma 桃乗せ馬 horse carrying a peach.
External Link
Many clay horses come with a legend attached to a shrine or warriors of old.
kazari uma 飾り馬 Decorated Clay Horses
uma nori kitsune 馬乗り狐 fox riding a horse
... 馬乗り袴狐 fox in a hakama riding a horse
jinba 神馬 horse of the gods
... Ichinomiya onba 一宮おん馬
... Sumiyoshi jinba 住吉神馬 from Sumiyoshi shrine
... Konpira jinba 金毘羅神馬 from Kompira san
... Hakozaki-guu 筥崎宮神馬鈴 from Hakozakishrine (Fukuoka)
... Nogomi inari koma のごみ稲荷駒 (Saga prefecture)
daimyo uma 大名馬 horse of a daimyo, Nagasaki
naminori uma 波のり馬 horse riding the waves
hyootan koma 瓢箪駒 horse out of a gourd
(there is a proverb: 瓢箪から駒が出る)
Atsumori 敦盛 Lord Atsumori on a horse (Akita)
umanori heitai 馬乗り兵隊 soldier on a horse
... umanori chindai 馬乗り鎮台
umanori kodomo musha 馬乗り子供武者 child samurai on a horse
uma Takasago 午高砂 horses in Takasago pose
umanori kintoki 馬乗り金時 Kintoki on a horse
umanori kitsune 馬乗り狐 inari fox riding a horse
tenka taihei 天下泰平 peace horse
Kumagai and Atsumori 熊谷と敦盛 (famous samurai)
Okehazama 桶狭間 fight at Okehazama
source : kyoudogangu.xii.jp
And more links to horses made from
wood, straw, paper, strings, on ema votive tablets
heads of horses on a stick 首馬 kubiuma, kubi-uma, kubikonma くびこんま
ema 絵馬 votive tablet
Shirakura uma 白黒馬 white and black horse
水神宗社 丹生川上神社
Suijin soosha, shrine Niukwa jinja, Nara
When praying for rain during a drought, a black horse is offered.
When praying to stop the long rain, a white horse is offered.
This custom goes back to the Heian period.

source : blog.murakudo.com
Anyone familiar with Shinto will know about the significance of horses. They are thought to be intermediaries between this world and that of the kami. Votive tablets (ema, literally ‘horse pictures’) originated in the practice of offering horses to the kami. Still today one sees horse statues at some shrines, while others have a white horse stabled on the grounds or put on horse events during their annual matsuri.
- snip
If one thinks of Mongol warriors, then clearly the horse was a vehicle of power that enabled its rider to dispense death and destruction over wide areas. It was quite literally a seat of authority. To a lowly peasant, the fast moving creature must have seemed imbued with an air of divine power. It’s but a short step to imagine the horses descending with their godlike riders from heaven. Something of this clearly entered Japan at a time when Shinto was still in the process of formation.

* The Shoku Nihongi (797) mentions that horses were dedicated to shrines in order to stop rain (white horse) or make it rain (black horse). [If I'm not mistaken, such a practice was carried out at Kibune Jinja near Kyoto.]
* In Eastern Japan at Tanabata (July 7) a greeting horse (mukae-uma) is hung from gates and trees to be offered as a mount for the visiting deity. It’s also offered to ancestral spirits at Obon.
MORE - by Dougill John
source : www.greenshinto.com/wp
- reference -
日本三駒 Aomori, Miyagi and Fukushima
- source : kig0612.exblog.jp -
ki no uma gangu 木の馬玩具 horse toys from wood
- reference source : horse toys -
- reference source : suisui horse collection -
- source : kyoudogangu.xii.jp/uma -
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
- #umahorse #horse #komahorse #koma #hatsuuma #kigoma #woodenhorse -
komatsunagi 駒繫 (こまつなぎ) "binding a horse"
komatomehagi こまとめはぎ、umagsunagi うまつなぎ
kongoosoo 金剛草(こんごうそう) "Kongo diamond plant"
Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria
kigo for late summer
Kasa-dera ya / mora nu iwaya mo / haru no ame
Matsuo Basho
Komagome 駒込 Komagome districts "groups of horses, crowds of horses"
There are two districts with this name, one in 文京区 Bunkyo ward and one in nearby 豊島区 Toshima ward.
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