Aichi Folk Art - 愛知県
The capital of the prefecture in Nagoya 名古屋.

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The 75th Exhibition Clay Dolls of Aichi
Clay doll is the general term for the dolls made from clay. In Aichi prefecture, clay dolls have made in Nagoya, Ichinomiya, Inuyama, Hekinan, Handa, Tahara, Toyohashi and Toyokawa until the middle of Showa era.
Especially in Hekinan area, famous for tile manufacture, the ridge-end tile craftsman called “Oniitashi” made the mold of clay doll and prospered for the district of clay dolls.
This exhibition shows about 200 items of clay dolls and molds from Aichi and environs area. We introduce arious topics such as the way of the seasonal festival decoration and how to make clay doll.
You can feel the parental love which prays about grow up in good health of children through clay dolls. We are glad if you enjoy the way of the seasonal festival decoration in different area and the various clay dolls.
- source : www.mingeikan.toyota.aichi.jp
Toyohashi, Mingeikan - Namiiwa, Hiratobashi-cho, Toyota - Toyota Folk Craft Museum
Akazu yaki 赤津焼 Akazu pottery

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The origins of this ware date back to an earthenware called 須恵器 sueki that was made about 700, during the Nara period (710-794), although the traditional skills, techniques and nomenclature of Akazu Yaki that are still in use today were established during the early years of the Edo period (1600-1868). It was the period slightly prior to this that saw the establishment of glazing techniques that are still in use, namely 志野 shino, 織部 oribe, 黄瀬戸 kizeto (yellow seto), and 御深井(おふけ ofuke.
In all, seven main glazes are in use.
In addition to this some 12 different techniques are employed, including herahori in which a modeling tool is used to make a pattern on a formed piece. Then for inka, motifs are created using a stamp after forming in a mold. Using a bamboo or metal skewer, parallel lines, wavy lines, spirals, or a pattern of dots are made on the clay while the surface is still soft for kushime. For mishimade using a technique coming from Korea, a pattern of chrysanthemums is created in a white slip wash on a dark grey ground. Making full use of these techniques, tetsu-e decorations, which have been in use since the Momoyama period (1573-1600), are added in iron. Today, items associated with the tea ceremony and for ikebana are among the main pieces made along with various kinds of dishes to be used at top quality Japanese restaurants and in the home. All are highly praised by specialists as hand made articles of the very best quality.
Akazu Yaki industry cooperative association
- source : kougeihin.jp.e... -

赤津焼(あかづやき)の喜多窯(きたかま)Kitakama kiln
source : otokuinfomation.web...

ayatsuri ningyoo 名古屋の操り人形 marionette
. Ayatsuri ningyoo 操り人形 marionette .
. Asahi tsuchi ningyoo 旭土人形 Asahi clay dolls .
- 碧南市 Hekinan
Bihoku ningyoo 尾北人形 dolls from Bihoku
They have a strong influence from the Inuyama dolls and Kuboishiki dolls 久保一色 .

source : www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kyoudoningyou
Taira no Atsumori 平敦盛
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

source : blog.nihondorei.com
This doll is about 26 cm high.
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .
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Kuboishiki ningyoo 久保一色人形 Kuboishiki dolls
Clay dolls made in 小牧市久保一色 Kuboishiki village, Komaki town.
Made by 仙田市兵衛 Senta Ichibei and his son 佐太郎 Sataro.
Also called Ichibei-bina 市兵衛雛 dolls made by Ichibei.
They became extinct after WWII.

Daikoku 大黒
. Daikoku Daruma 大黒だるま .
Shuuchi gun Mori choo 周智郡森町
. hachimaki Daruma 鉢巻だるま Daruma with a headband .
Nagoya hariko 名古屋張子 papermachee dolls from Nagoya
. hatobue 鳩笛 dove flute, pidgeon whistle .
Toyohashi 豊橋

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Hanabi from Toyohashi 豊橋の花火 Toyohashi Fireworks
Writings on the fireworks in Yoshida (the former name of Toyohashi) have been found in the archives of Yoshida Shrine.
..... Fireworks in Yoshida only started to become as impressive as the current Gion Festival fireworks after the City was reformed during 1688 to 1704.
..... ll around Yoshida were shrines dedicated to fireworks festivals in the same way as Yoshida Shrine. Utari Shrine in Kozakai Town, Hoi district and many other shrines in other districts competed to produce the best fireworks. Designs unique to certain areas became apparent, and the blue, red, and yellow fireworks that are so popular today all come from the works of firework manufacturers of the Toyohashi region. To this day, fireworks are still widely used in festivals and events, weddings and other ceremonies, proving that this region is the real home of fireworks.
- more about fireworks in the region
- source : onokuni.or.jp/toyohashi/english -
. Inu Jinja 伊奴神社 "Dog Shrine" Ema and Amulets .
. Inuyama no kami tsubame 紙つばめ paper lark from Inuyama .
Temple Jakkooin 寂光院 Jakko-In
Inuyama tsuchi ningyo 犬山土人形 clay dolls from Inuyama
Inuyama 犬山
. kodomo sanbasoo 子供三番叟 child performing Sanbaso .
. Shiokumi 汐汲 人形 Shiokumi Dance Doll "Salt-scooping girl" .

歌舞伎物 Kabukimono
- see also
子供三番叟 children dancing sanbaso / 俵持ち相撲 Sumo wrestler with a rice barrel
A lot of kabukimono have been done in the Mikawa area of Aichi.
The main colors of the dolls are red and blue/green. They are made with the good white clay of the region and are almost as light as papermachee dolls
- source : www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kyoudoningyou

. Abe no Sadatoo 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato . (1019 – 1062)
Samurai from Tohoku

okoso zukin 御高祖頭巾 Woman with a special hood
A special scarf and hood used in winter to keep warm.
. Hase tsuchi ningyoo 初瀬土人形 clay dolls from Hase . - Nara
. 秀吉と三法師 Hideyoshi and Sanboshi (Samboshi) .
Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 / Taiko Hideyoshi 太閤秀吉 (1537 - 1598)
. Kajiwara Genta 梶原源太 / Kajiwara Kagesue 梶原景季 .
samurai, clay doll made by 前刀鍵蔵 Sakito Kagizo
. Yaegakihime 八重垣姫 Princess Yaegaki-Hime .
- made by 梶田屋(佐藤家)

taiko-uchi karako 太鼓打ち唐子 "Chinese Boy" beating the drum
- reference and more photos : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp... -

鯛抱き恵比寿 Ebisu holding a sea bream
- see also
静御前(義経千本桜) Shizuka Gozen / 豆撒き mame maki / 福助 Fukusuke / 大将 taisho general / 子供三味線 child playing shamisen
- source : newday.sakura.ne.jp/claydolls

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kidachi 木太刀 large wooden sword
In memory of Minamoto no Yoshitomo.
. Noma Daibo 野間大坊 - Omido-Ji - Chita .
. Kira no aka uma 吉良の赤馬 red horse from Kira .
Nishio 西尾
and the story of Kira Kozukenosuke 吉良上野介 and the 47 Ronin (Chushingura)
kirara suzu きらら鈴 Kirara bells
Nishio 西尾 (Mikawa)

made by 松田さん Matsuda san and others.
. Mikawa ningyoo三河人形 dolls from Mikawa
clay and papermachee
In the mountains of Mikawa a lot of unmo (kirara) 雲母 mica was found since the times of Kira Kozukenosuke and earlier.
Yatsuomoteyama 八ツ面山 was especially famous for it, and mica from this mountain was even delivered to the Imperial Court in Kyoto.
But during the work in the mountains there were also many human deaths by accidents, and thus it was stopped eventually.
To appease the souls of the dead workers, 加藤熊蔵 Kato Kumazo was the first to make this shimmering kirara bells. They were hung on the trees of the path where the funeral procession was walking.

tenteko suzu てんてこ鈴 Tenteko clay bell (in form of a male symbol)
for the Tenteko festival てんてこ祭り.
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An annual Tenteko festival held on January 3rd to pray for an abundant crop yield. The festival is said to have started in the Heian Period. Yaku-otoko (men of an unlucky age) wear a red costume and hang a daikon radish from their waist as a symbol of masculinity. They then march through the town and shaking their hips, accompanied by the sound of drums.
Nishio Gion Festival
Mikawa Isshiki Lantern Festival
Isshiki Festival Museum
Toba Fire Festival
- source : www.240kanko.com -

CLICK for more colorful photos !
tenteko sasa てんてこ笹 Tenteko bamboo grass

In 魚島村 Uoshima village the テンテコ踊り Tenteko dance is held at O-Bon, the Ancestor festival. People take home on branch of the bamboo grass and hang it at the entrance of their home to ward off evil in the coming year. Nexty year they float this tenteko sasa branch in the sea and get a new one.
Mikawa no gingitsune 三河の銀狐 the silver fox from Mikawa
Its arms are quite thin and easy to break off, so they are difficult to fire.
They show a mother and fox baby and are often a present for a pregnant woman.
- source : kyoudogangu.xii.jp -
. Nagoya ningyoo 名古屋人形 Nagoya Dolls
clay dolls and papermachee dolls
- Nishio ningyoo 西尾人形 Nishio Dolls - Introduction
Nagoya Hinaningyoo 名古屋雛人形 seasonal Hina dolls
. Karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 Karakuri mechanical dolls .
Nagoya karakuri ningyoo 名古屋 からくり人形
Dashi karakuri (山車からくり, festival car karakuri) were used in religious festivals, where the puppets were used to perform reenactments of traditional myths and legends, standing of festival floats (dashi).
and - as toys for children - Ushiwaka and Benkei 牛若 弁慶
Okazaki sekkohin 岡崎石工品 Okazaki stonemasonry
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Okazaki stonemasonry is stone crafts including stone carved lanterns produced in the area around the city of Okazaki in the Aichi prefecture. It is made using traditional masonry skills that were found and developed in the late years of the Muromachi period (1336-1573). The original lantern form was established in the Azuchi momoyama period (1573-1600) and the easy acquisition of fine quality Okazaki granite supported the development of the masonry industry.
Makabe in the Ibaraki prefecture, Aji in the Kagawa pefecture, and Okazaki in the Aichi prefecture are known as the three major stone production areas of Japan. Each area produces its own characteristic stone.
The Makabe region has a large variety of stone types and a high production volume because of its abundant and good quality granite. The stone craft from the Aji region has a very attractive mottled pattern unique to the region, and it is categorized as a world class stone craft. Okazaki stonemasonry has a long history and one of its characteristics is the abundance of stone with distinctive marbling such as Okazaki granite. Moreover, its masonry skills and techniques have been developed to such an extent that it is known as the stone capital of Japan, and in 1979, Okazaki stonemasonry was registered as a Japanese traditional craft.
- source and more : kogeijapan.com/locale... -
. Susaki jinja no goshiki suzu 洲崎神社の五色鈴
five-colored bells from shrine Susaki jinja .
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saru no umabiki ema 猿の馬曳き絵馬 monkey leading a horse,
ema votive tablet - from Susaki Jinja
. Sanboo koojin no osamedori 三宝荒神の納鶏
sacred rooster of the wild Sanbo Kojin deity .
. Tooshoogu no hatsuyume dorei 東照宮の初夢土鈴 .
clay bells with three auspicious symbols for the first dream :
Ichi-Fuji, Ni-Taka, San-Nasubi (一富士、二鷹、三茄子 / 1. Fuji, 2. Hawk, 3. Eggplant)
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source and more photos : nagoyanavi.jp...
Tooshoogu no dashi 東照宮の山車 festival floats of Shrine Toshogu
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Nanao Tenjinsha no kamenori ten 七尾天神社の亀乗り天
Tenjin sama riding a tortoise
from Nanao Tenjin Shrine
. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 Tenjin sama
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Nagoya no Kasadera no wara uma 名古屋の笠寺の藁馬 / ふく馬 fuku uma
auspicious straw horse from temple Kasadera
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. Ryuusenji no kubi uma 竜泉寺首馬 horse head from temple Ryusen-Ji .
kushiuma, kushi uma 串馬
takeuma, take uma 竹馬 "bamboo horse"
- - - - - and
Owari shi Kannon 尾張四観音 The Four Kannon Temples of Owari
. Horseheaded Kannon (Batoo Kannon 馬頭観音)
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
- - - - - end of Nagoya - - - - -
. Nishio Dolls 西尾人形

Nishio no inu 西尾の犬 dog from Nishio
. Inu 戌 / 犬 Dog toys and amulets .
rokkaku goma 六角ごま spinning top with six corners
Nishio 西尾

丹羽郡 Niwa district
source with photos : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp...
Ooguchi tsuchi ningyoo 大口土人形 clay dolls from Oguchi
. 鯛乗り恵比須 Ebisu on a tai fish .
静御前 Shizuka gozen
. Fuuso tsuchi ningyo 扶桑土人形 clay dolls from Fuso .
神楽 Kagura dancer
- and a legend from 扶桑村 Fuso village
Once 蛇 a serpent, which hat always come to the temple, had died. So the priest held a funeral service for it.
As he performed the rites, the serpent turned into a woman, took the bento 弁当 lunch of the priest and left the temple.
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Okoshi no tsuchiningyoo 起(おこし)起人形 / 起土人形 clay dolls from Okoshi

Half way from Nagoya to Gifu is the shrine Ichinomiya, and Okoshi dolls started from there.
中島佐右衛門 Nakamura Sukeemon.
They represent mostly historical figures in rich colors.
Okoshi was a postal town on the Mino Road 美濃路の宿場町 and clay doll makers from Fushimi, Kyoto brought their art to it..

They also make amulets for the temple 美江寺 Mie-Ji in Gifu, especially clay bells.
source : kami510.town-web.net
Bisai town 尾西

source : blog.nihondorei.com
常盤御前 Tokiwa Gozen and her children
She is the mother of Toshitsune 義経の母. Here she is shown fleeting from the 平家 Heike forces.
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .
. okoso zukin 御高祖頭巾 hood for winter .
. Kato Kiyomasa on a tiger 虎乗り清正 .
. Yaegakihime 八重垣姫 Princess Yaegaki-Hime .
. Okkawa tsuchi ningyoo 乙川土人形 clay dolls from Okkawa .
Otsugawa ningyoo 乙川人形 Otsugawa dolls
Okkawa ningyo オッカワニンギョウ .
Okkawa, a town at the river Otogawa 乙川(おとがわ)- 半田市 Handa town
The reading of the characters varies.
杉浦伊左衛門 Sugiura Izaemon / 杉浦実 Sugiura Minoru
Oohama tsuchi ningyoo 大浜土人形 clay dolls from Ohama
Hekinan 碧南
The repertoir is classic, Manekineko Beckoning cat, Tenjin sama, Yoshitsune and Benkei, Fukusuke etc.

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kobachan

Now made by Negita Tooru 禰宜田徹 Negita Toru
He follows in the footsteps of his father.
- dolls from 禰宜田徹 Negita Toru -
- dolls from 榊原庄松 Sakakibara Shoma -
瀬戸 Seto famous for its pottery
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Seto - One of Japan's six old kilns
- source : e-yakimono.net... -

uma no me zara, umanome, uma-no-me 馬の目皿 "horse eye" patterns on Seto plates and pots
. 瀬戸蝶絵馬の目皿(江戸後期)plate with butterflies .
. kuroseto 黒瀬戸 Kuroseto, black Seto .
. tako 凧 Kites of Japan - Introduction .
tako 愛知の凧 kites from Aichi / Nagoya
Nagoya Koryuu 名古屋古流凧 Old-style Nagoya kites

koryuu semi 古流蝉 old-style cicada
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KORYU-SEMI has a very excellent feature to fly stable at strong wind speed at 8-15m/sec. It is very difficult to build KORYU SEMI because it needs a special sooty bamboo for its frame, Washi(Japanese paper) and excellent technique and experience to build.
KORYU means old style and SEMI means a cicada.
Those are a horsefly (Abu) type, a cicada (Semi) type and a bee (Hachi) type in their configuration. The Nagoya Koryu shows an excellent flight feature in a strong wind such as 5m/s to 15m/s and have a hummer with high pitched sound.
Although the height of the kite usually does not exceed more than 60 cm, the flight stability in the strong wind is very excellent. The building technique is very difficult because it needs a superior craftsmanship and experiences.
Mr.Masaaki Satoh is an outstanding kite builder of Nagoya koryu.
- other motives on the page (23 illustrations) :
Okame (plain women) / Sanbanso / Ozuko (large head) / Fukusuke / Abu Beka / Abu Deko
- source - KORYU-SEMI -
Sakurai no tako 桜井の凧 kites from Sakurai
common forms are fukusuke, horsefly, bee, butterfly and Tenjin sama.
They are known for their bright colors. They are "sodedako" 袖凧 kites with sleeves.

- reference -
. Tanao ningyoo 棚尾人形 Dolls from Tanao .
- 三河人形 Mikawa Ningyo dolls
. tora dooji 寅童子 Tora Doji doll and Tokugawa Ieyasu .
Hooraisan Tooshoogu 鳳来山東照宮 Horaisan Toshogu
Horaiji-4 Kadoya, Shinshiro, Aichi
. Toyohashi ningyoo 豊橋人形 Dolls from Toyohashi .
吉田孫吉 Yoshida Magoyoshi and others
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Toyohashi fude 豊橋筆 Toyohashi brushes
Toyohashi brushes are calligraphy brushes produced in the area around the city of Toyohashi, Aichi prefecture. They are known as high quality brushes and the favorite of many calligraphers. There are over a hundred types of brushes that are not only for calligraphy but also for makeup, Japanese painting, and traditional crafts. Toyohashi brushes have the second largest brush production in Japan after Kumano brushes, from the town of Kumano, Hiroshima prefecture. The overall annual production of Toyohashi brushes is 1.8 million brushes and its premium range accounts for seventy percent of the high-end market.
The brush has smooth writing strokes and easy ink absorption. Those characteristic features are the result of carefully blending of different hairs. The hairs are carefully assessed and sorted by their length, thickness, stiffness and elasticity. The sorted hairs are then soaked in water, combed, and mixed together well to ensure easy ink absorption.
- History
In 1804, the lord of the Yoshida domain (now the city of Toyohashi) invited a brush maker from Kyoto to come and work for the domain administration. The domain was having financial difficulties and lower class samurai were making brushes for supplementary income.
Toyohashi is located in a mountainous region, making it relatively easy to secure the hair of Japanese raccoon dogs and weasels. In addition, it was one of fifty-three post towns (rest areas) of the Tokaido Highway*, helping spread the craft across the country.
In the early years of the Meiji period (1868-1912), Jirokichi HAGA promoted the production methods of a coreless brush called a suihitsu (current calligraphy brush). These new production methods, which are still in place today, improved upon the previous brushes that had wound paper in their core. His apprentice, Jusaku SANO, further improved the calligraphy brush and established a foundation for the current Toyohashi brush. The postwar baby boom and reintroduction of calligraphy to the school curriculum heralded the golden age of Toyohashi brushes. In 1976, Toyohashi brushes was registered as a traditional Japanese craft.
- General Production Process
- source : kogeijapan.com/locale... -
. Utari Jinja 莵足神社 .
- - - - - kazaguruma 風車 wind wheel
Kozakai kazaguruma 小坂井風車
. Shooki no men 菟足神社の鍾馗面 Mask of Shoki .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Isamu Folk Toys .
名古屋土人形土鈴 Clay dolls and bells from Nagoya
高砂(申), 宝船, 道祖神土鈴(二種), 松山神社の松笠鈴 . .. and many more
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Aichi and Nagoya
. Aichi Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #aichi #nagoya #okazaki #chinoike #akazu #nomadaibo -
1 comment:
虎乗り清正 Kato Kiyomasa on a tiger
Okoshi clay doll
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