- for Yaegakihime 八重垣姫, see below
Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls
kushi ningyoo 串人形 dolls on a stick
neck dolls / skewer dolls / clay heads on bamboo sticks
tsuchi kubi ningyoo 土首人形 clay dolls on a wood stick
handmade clay head mounted on a stick
These simple dolls date back the the heads for the bunraku puppets.
Many are made from the wood of paulownia (tooso ningyoo 桐塑人形 ). The wood is made to powder (kiriko 桐粉) and then kneaded with natural glue. When the form is done, it is whitened by layering it with gofun whitewash powder. Finally the colors are added.
gofun 胡粉 is made from ground oyster shells or egg shells and special glue; it produces a shining, enameling white color for the surface of clay dolls.
These simple "dolls" where quite popular in the Edo period and made in many parts of Japan. Children could play with them and dress them up as they liked.
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BUNRAKU ningyo - 文楽人形 Bunraku Dolls

The heads of traditional puppets are carved by specialists, while the bodies and costumes are often constructed by puppeteers. The heads can be quite sophisticated mechanically. In plays with supernatural themes, a puppet may be constructed so that its face can quickly transform from a nice lady into that of a fearful demon. Less complex heads may have eyes that move up and down, side to side or close, and noses, mouths, and eyebrows that move.
. . . . . Tongue Out Sanbaso 三番叟
made by Ryoji Chomei 料治朝鳴 (1899-1982)
. Bunraku 文楽. puppet theater
shibai ningyoo 芝居人形 dolls like puppets
. . . . .

Kurama yama 鞍馬山 Kyoto, Mount Kurama dolls
. Painting by Gyumei San .
horse heads from various temples dedicated to the
. Horseheaded Kannon (Batoo Kannon 馬頭観音) .

Kanazawa kubi uma 金沢の首馬 "horse head" from Kanazawa
Ishikawa prefecture
Ryusen-Ji 竜泉寺首馬 (Aichi, see below)
Kasadera Kannon 名古屋市南区 笠寺観音
source : kubiuma.htm
. . . . .
he rides alone
on his steckenpferd -
summer heat

In the book, THE JAPANESE DOLL by Luella Tilton Hart 1952,
the Kubi ningyo is described as follows:
The word "Kubi-ningyo" (neck doll) refers to the little doll or animal heads of clay (the oldest ones were likely carved from wood) on a bamboo stick. The animal type are offered at the tutelary shrines to guard children against intestinal worms, night crying and coughing. These animal heads often represent the twelve Zodiacal signs.
The Anesama kubi ningyo are doll heads on bamboo stick and are used as toy dolls. The girl may wrap bits of cloth or paper around the stick or she may insert the stick end into a homemade body.
There is an amazing resemblance between Kubi Ningyo and small Awaji rod puppet heads used by itinerant puppeteers in rites to ward off evil spirits, illness and misfortune.
Lea Baten points out that Kubi Ningyo were sold as potent souvenirs of an Awaji rod puppet festival or ceremony.
source : lotzdollpages.com
Hirano Masamichi Is A Modern Japanese Artist
Sculpting Traditional Japanese Dolls in wood,
and wood composition (toso 桐塑 tooso)
source : lotzdollpages.com
tooso ningyoo 桐塑人形
dolls from paulownia wood composition

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. . . . . some more types
eto no kubi ningyoo 干支の首人形
head dolls with the zodiac animals
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. fûzoku ningyoo 風俗人形 dolls about manners and customs .
Kubi-ningyo with historical figures from various prefectures
karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical head doll
They are made in many parts of Japan, with motives of old legends and regional heroes.
Konpira san no bikkuri deko 金毘羅でこ(びっくりでこ)
Kumamoto no obake no kinta のおばけの金太
Tottori no yoozoo 鳥取の要蔵
The heads are made of paper, with a string attached to move the head or eyes, or stick the tongue out.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kisekae ningyoo 着せ替え人形 dolls to change dress
Many of the anesama dolls can be dressed.
Matsuyama no yoroi ningyoo 松山の 鎧人形 dolls wearing armour
(a kind of musha ningyoo 武者人形 warrior doll)
Sendai no oboko 仙台のおぼこ simpleton from Sendai
... see below
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
otogibanashi kubi ningyoo お伽話首人形
head dolls from fairy tale heros
About the many folk tales of Tono in Iwate, including the water goblin Kappa and the girl ghost 座敷わらし zashiki warashi.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. otogibanashi dorei おとぎ話の土鈴 clay bells with motives of legends .
. . . . . regional head dolls
. kushi uma dorei 串馬土鈴 clay bell like a head doll of a horse
Steckenpferd als Tonglocke
. Ryuusenji no kubi uma 竜泉寺首馬 horse head from temple Ryusen-Ji .
. Nakayama no kushi ko anesama 中山の串コ姉様 elder sister dolls on a stick .
. Shitakawahara yaki 下川原焼 clay figures .
. Shimofusa kubi ningyoo 下総首人形 head dolls .
of the 12 zodiac animals
. Haramachi odoke 原町おどけ funny head dolls .
. Hanamaki kubi ningyoo 花巻首人形 head dolls .
gonin kashira 五人かしら set of five heads

Konpira deko 金比羅でこ head dolls from Konpira san
Takamatsu kubi ningyoo 高松首人形 from Takamatsu town
. Folk Toys from Kagawa - Takamatsu .
. Satsuma kubi ningyoo 薩摩首人形 head dolls .
. Kurama kubi ningyoo くらま首人形 head dolls .
from the Mount Kurama legends
. oboko おぼこ head-doll .
. kushi tenjin 串天神 Tenjin sama on a stick .
. Noroma Ningyo 野呂間 puppets of simpletons .
Sekkyo Ningyo 説教人形 puppets of preachers
Bunya Ningyo 文弥人形 puppets of storytellers
Sado Island 佐渡島
. ichibun ningyoo 一文人形 head dolls with one letter .
柞原八幡宮 Yusuhara Hachimangu, Hamanoichi 浜の市
. kideko, ki deko 木でこ head made from wood / 大友人形 Otomo dolls . .
- Beppu
. Ichiron san no kubi ningyoo いちろんさんの首人形
head dolls made by Ichiron san .
. Nasu kushi deko 那須串人形 head dolls
..... 七転八起の達磨さん seven Daruma san
. Awa kubi ningyoo 阿波首人形 head dolls from Awaji Island .
from the Awaji Joruri Puppet Theater

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. Reference .
- - - - - Yaegakihime 八重垣姫 Princess Yaegaki-Hime - - - - -
kushi ningyoo Yaegakihime ni sakura chiru
dolls on a stick -
cherry blossoms scatter
on princes Yaegakihime
Kikawada Michiho 黄川田美千穂 『貝むらさき』

Yaegaki hime is a figure from the puppet theater, later Kabuki. She was the daughter of the famous lord Uesugi Kenshin .
In Kabuki, she is daughter of Nagao Kenshin and falls in love with Minosaku, who looks like her fiance Takeda Katsuyori (who is in fact Katsuyori, who is alive).

old doll from Aichi, about 20 cm high
carrying the helmet of the warrior Takeda Shingen
made by 梶田屋 Kajitaya (佐藤家 Sato family)

Old Okoshi clay doll from Aichi. about 24 cm high
- AKAHIME - Princess in a red robe
The standard costume for hime (princesses) is a furisode (long-sleeved kimono) with matching uchikake (long outer garment) embroidered with various patterns such as the flowers of the four seasons, the shapes of clouds, or fans scattered on running water, using gold and silver threads on red fabric for both layers of the costume. This costume set is called "Akahime," which has also become the common name of the princess role. Red color represents the cuteness and innocence of the princess.
source : unesco/kabuki

. . . CLICK here for Photos of other dolls !

princess Yaegaki. The princess is the heroine of a five-act drama named Honcho Nijushiko, the 24 models of filial piety. This historical drama was first performed in 1766 as a – Bunraku (文楽) – traditional Japanese puppet theater also called Ningyō jōruri.
.... At the end, possessed by the mysterious power of the helmet and guarded by two white foxes, Yaegaki-hime sets out to pursue her lover across the frozen Lake Suwa and flies off to Katsuyori. Katsuyori was saved, Takeda and Kenshin made peace and Princess Yaegaki and Katsuyori got married and live happily ever after.
- reference source : yaegaki-kai.be/yaegaki-hime -

"Shimosuwa: Yaegaki-hime"
from the series Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaidô Road (Kisokaidô rokujûkyû tsugi no uchi)
Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861)
kushi ningyoo hatete chirishiku yuuzakura
dolls on a stick -
getting old, scattering
cherry blossoms at night
Takahashi Mutsuhito 高橋六一
source : HAIKUreikuDB
- #kubiningyo #headdolls -
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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