. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Tochigi Folk Art - 栃木県
The capital is Utsunomiya 宇都宮.
. Tosho-Gu Shrine in Nikko 日光の東照宮
Memorial shrine of Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康
. Inuki Fudo Myo-O in Tochigi 居貫不動 .
. WKD : Horse Chestnut (tochi 栃) .
under construction
- quote -
Mibu Toy Museum 壬生町おもちゃ博物館
Mibu is known as "Toy Town" thanks to this museum
During the summer months, the museum provides a large, shallow pool with some toys for children in its courtyard. Kids just change out in the open.
..... Another room gives kids a chance to dress up and take home limited-edition, handmade Rika-chan dolls, only available at the museum.
... Do you have any broken toys at home? The museum offers a free toy hospital on the third Sunday afternoon of the month.
- source : en.japantravel.com -

- HP of the museum
- source : mibutoymuseum.com -
. harukoma 春駒 spring horse .
Ashikaga town 足利

Dainichi son no kirei, oni no dorei 大日尊の鬼鈴
demon clay bell for Dainichi Nyorai
from temple Bannaji 鑁阿寺, founded in 1196 by the regent Ashikaga Yoshikane 足利義兼 . posthumous name Banna.
Famous for the square hall dedicated to the Buddhist deity :
. Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来 .
Kanuma town 鹿沼
. kibigarazaiku, kibigara no saiku きびがら細工 handicraft made from millet .
Mashiko town 益子
. Mashikoyaki 益子焼 Mashiko pottery .
Shōji Hamada (濱田 庄司, Hamada Shōji and the Mingei Movement
Nasu village 那須町
kyuubi no kitsune 九尾の狐 fox with nine tails

. Tamamo-no-Mae (玉藻前, 玉藻の前, 玉藻御前 Princess Tamamo Gozen) .
who became a fox with nine tails . . .
Nasu kushi deko 那須串人形 head dolls

the manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat
Dolls on a stick.
In Nasu, many are sold at the New Year market at the shrine Kurodahara Jinja 黒田原神社 and in many souvenir stores.
They are made from the wood of paulownia (tooso ningyoo 桐塑人形 ). The wood is made do powder (kiriko 桐粉) and then kneaded with natural glue. When the form is done, it is whitened by layering it with gofun powder 胡粉. Finally the colors are added.
七転八起の達磨さん Daruma san
to stay healthy, ward off evil, have success at school, get up eight times

source : nakususi
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
kushi ningyoo 串人形 dolls on a stick
Nikko 日光
. hikimono gangu 挽き物玩具 wood toys made on a wheel .
Nikkoo chadoogu 日光茶道具 Chadogu- wooden tea ceremony toys
mame chadoogu 豆茶道具 "small tea ceremony items"
juunie ema 十二支絵馬 votive tablets with 12 zodiac animals
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
toys with the "sleeping cat" of the Nikko Toshogu shrine:

kibori no nemuri neko 木彫りの眠り猫 sleeping cat figures
The image shows a piggy bank with the cat.
. Nikkobori 日光彫 woodcarving from Nikko .
made with a special knife with a bent blade, hikkaki ひっかき(日光三角刀) . . .

. sanen, sen-en 三猿 three monkeys .
gomen geta ごめん下駄 wooden clogs
In Nikko, where snow and hilly roads are common, people during the Edo Period (1600–1868) invented special zori with geta wooden sandals layers added on the bottom, known as gomen-geta, for use when visiting local temples and shrines.

There are unique wooden clogs called "Gomen-geta" in Nikko. Those were used as official wears of priests. Feature of wooden clogs is that front tooth is put on the point, while the back tooth is put on the tail end. However, ordinary teeth are put closer to the center.

Sole of the clogs was reformed for general public use in the middle of Meiji period. That is called 日光下駄 Nikko-geta. The feature is that bamboo sheath is knitted into the insole, clog thong is thick, there is only one hole for the thong in front and other two knots are sawn on the side.
- source : www.nikko-jp.org
Sano town 佐野
. Dolls from Sano Town 佐野 Tochigi .
Sano dorei 佐野土鈴 clay bells from Sano
Horigome ningyoo 堀米人形 dolls from Horigome village
hassaku ningyoo 八朔人形 Hassaku dolls
go ishi Daruma dorei 碁石だるま土鈴
clay bells with Daruma as stones for the Go game.
Tochigi town 栃木市
. hibuse shishi 火防獅子 lion heads to protect from fire .
. kura dorei 蔵土鈴 clay bell of a warehouse .
Sanki Son 三鬼尊 Three Venerable Demons
栃木市満福寺 Temple Manpuku-Ji

source and more : manpukujitochigi.or.jp/keidai...
Utsunomiya town 宇都宮
fukube saiku ふくべ細工 handicraft with FUKUBE gourds
fukube are a rather large kind.

... hyootan bina 瓢箪雛 hina dolls from gourds
ひさご雛 Hisagobina, Hisago hina dolls
. hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan gourd art .
ひさご Hisago - ふくべ Fukube - かんぴょう Kanpyo
. hyootan and Daruma 瓢箪 とだるま .
. Dodomeki, Todomeki 百々目鬼 / 百々眼鬼 Demon with 100 eyes .
. Kibuna, ki-buna 黄鮒 / 黄ぶな yellow crucian carp amulet .
from shrine Futarasan jinja 二荒山神社
mamedaiko, mame taiko 豆太鼓 drum with beans

It is cut from a round piece of wood, covered with a red piece of paper painted red with some white circles.
On both sides are beans on a string to hit the wood for a sound.
This drum is also sold at the New Year market of the shrine Futarasan jinja 二荒山神社.
It is a pun with "mame ni hataraku" マメに働く to work diligently - and
mame 豆 a bean
As an amulet it will bring good luck and riches to the family.
It is a kind of
. denden daiko でんでんだいこ, でんでん太鼓 twist drum .
. 二荒山神社 Futarasan Shrine, Nikko .
Uzumagawa 巴波川
. Uzuma no namazu うずまの鯰 catfish from Uzuma .
from the river Uzumagawa 巴波川
Ooya, Ōya 大谷 Oya

Ooyaishi no saiku 大谷石細工 stone work from Oya
Yashu 野洲(やしゅう) (Yasu) old name for Shimotsuke region下野(しもつけ)

source : tochigi-edu.ed.jp/furusato...
Yashu tenmari 野洲てんまり hand balls
. temari 鞠(まり)- 手毬(てまり)hand ball, rag ball .
栃木の風土と歴史に育まれた伝統工芸品 Tochigi Kyodo gangu and dento kogei
- source : tochigi-dentoukougeihin.info -
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
- #tochigi #tochigimingei #nikko -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Tochigi
. Tochigi Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #tochigi #nikko #utsunomiya -
1 comment:
Mikamo yaki pottery
This ware is fired using clay with high iron content. It is characterized by its simplistic elegance and warm aesthetic appearance. Mikamo-yaki flowerpots and other flower vessels are said to prevent water contained inside from going bad so that the flowers can live longer.
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