Nagano Folk Art - 長野県

Lake Suwa, Suwako 諏訪湖
Matsumoto Castle 松本城
. Temple Zenkoji 善光寺 .
. nunohiki ushi / nuno hiki 布引き牛 cow pulling a cloth - toy .
. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin, the Wayside Gods .

Kiso no hana uma 木曽の花馬 Horse and Blossoms from Kiso
. koma 駒 horses
Kiso koma 木曽駒 Kiso horse from 五宮神社 Itsumiya Jinja
Kirihara no warakoma 桐原のわら駒 straw horse from 桐原牧神社 Kiriharamaki Jinja

source : upp.so-net.ne.jp/u1cku/gangu5
yomeiri koma, yome-iri koma 嫁入り駒 horse for a bride
Matsumoto town 松本市

松本だるま(安曇野市豊科)Matsumoto Daruma
from Azumino, Toyoshina
. anesama 姉様人形 elder sister dolls .
. Matsumoto oshi-e bina 押し絵雛 Hina dolls from raised cloth .
. Matsumoto temari 松本手まり hand balls from Matsumoto .
. Matsumoto kagu 松本家具 Matsumoto furniture .
. Tanabata ningyoo 七夕人形 star festival dolls .
- - - - - Matsumoto Kamikochi 上高地
. kappa bobo 河童ぼぼ Kappa Bobo, baby Kappa .

hatsune 初音 Matsumoto whistle for the New Year

kushi tenjin 串天神 Tenjin sama on a stick
The head is made like a "head doll" and then stuck on a body made from papermachee. The seat is made from wood, where the stick of the head is fastened.
The maker of these complicated dolls is not alive any more.
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
kushi ningyoo 串人形 dolls on a stick
Nagano town 長野市
. Ishidoomaru 石童丸人形 Ishidomaru Dolls .
In memory of the legendary figures of Saint Karukaya 刈萱上人 - 等阿法師
and his son Ishidoomaru 石堂丸 Ishidomaru
. Iida mizuhiki 飯田水引 paper cord decorations .
Nagiso town 南木曽 "South Kiso"
Nagiso Rokuro Zaiku 南木曽 ろくろ細工 Nagiso Wood Turnery, Nagiso woodturning
hikimono 挽物 Turnery

source : kougeihin.jp.e.oo.hp.transer.com/item
originating 1,000 years ago in the Heian period ...
According to an old document found in Nagiso, turnery began here sometime during the first half of the 18th century, when unfinished forms for trays and bowls were being sent to Nagoya and Osaka. For this to happen, it must be assumed that lathes were first turning sometime before.
One of the particular merits of this turnery from Nagiso is the way that the work fully expresses the qualities of the wood, making the most of the natural grains in an unassuming fashion, while also retaining a handmade look, each piece making fine use of the minute variations of grain and color of the selected woods. Trays and bowls of many kinds are now principally being made.
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Nagiso machi is located in the southwest part of Nagano Prefecture, with about 94% of its land covered by forest. It has the smallest population in the prefecture – about 4,800 people, according to the 2010 data. Yet in such a small town, there are a number of historic and cultural heritages, including “Tsumago-jyuku” – a post station – which was certified as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings, “Momosuke-bashi” Bridge, an Important Cultural Property, and “Nakasendo” Trail, which is designated as a national historic site.
The woodturning which has been fostered in Nagiso machi involves a processing of shaping thick wooden boards and logs by grinding them with a plane while turning them on a wheel at the same time. In 1980, it was certified as a Traditional Craftwork by the Minister of International Trade and Industry.
The artisans (called kijishi) take part in the entire process themselves, from selecting wood, drying, woodturning, coating to the sale of their products. The beautiful grain of broad-leaved trees in Kisoji – zelkova, conker, kalopanax pictus and cercidiphyllum japonicum and so on – is used as natural patterns. The material trees are around 100 years old. The trees hewed out from mountains are first cut into big pieces depending on the size of each product, then ground roughly and dried, sometimes for more than 10 years. By doing so, one can prevent distortion, which can occur during the production process or after use.
The Nagiso woodturning has been used in everyday life for the making of trays, bowls and snacks or sweets containers. Recently, new products such as ballpoint pens and business card holders have been produced as well. While these items take the shape of tools that help people in contemporary society, they still show the power of life, as if their innate qualities were awakened by the techniques of kijishi artisans. Looking at the gently-shaped round forms and the countless layers of grain lines, one senses the peculiar nature of a tree’s lifespan, as its decades or centuries of history are laid bare to the naked eye. We recommend you take a look at these works of art in person.
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -
Nakano town 中野市
. Nakano tsuchi ningyoo 中野土人形 clay dolls from Nakano town .
..... Tategahana ningyoo 立ケ花人形 dolls from Tategahana
..... tsuchibina 土びな dolls from clay
Narai town 奈良井市
. Karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .
Narai tsuchi ningyo 奈良井土人形 clay dolls from Narai
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

source : blog.nihondorei.com
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .
. nohara usagi 野原うさぎ rabbit in the field .
. soba kui saru そば喰い猿 monkey eating noodles .
. shishi warabe 猪わらべ child on a wild boar .
Nozawa onsen village 野沢温泉村
. akebi saiku あけび細工akebia vine craft .
... . hatoguruma, hato no kuruma 鳩車 pidgeon, dove with wheels .

doosojin 道祖神の木像 Dosojin, wooden wayside deities

shirakaba ningyoo 白樺人形 dolls from birch wood
To ward off evil influence from the home.
(It is standing at the beginning of our staircase to watch over the ghosts at night.)
Shinano Kokubunji 信濃国分寺
. somin shorai ema votive tablet 蘇民将来小絵馬 .
from the temple 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji
. Shinshu tsumugi 信州紬 Shinshu silk pongee .
Ueda tsumugi上田紬 Ueda pongee
Suwa town 諏訪市

sumi Daruma 炭だるま Daruma from coal
It was made from the poor makers of charcoal of the region of Southern Shinano 南信濃, as a simple toy for their children.
. Black Daruma 黒字の炭だるま .
Suzaka town 須坂市

Suzaka no temari 須坂の手まり temari balls from Suzaka
Ueda town 上田市
. Somin Shoorai Fu 蘇民将来符 Somin Shorai amulet .
Togakushi town 戸隠
take zaiku 竹細工 bamboo craft
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Togakushi Takezaiku Center 戸隠竹細工センター
Togakushi Bamboo Craft Center
. Togakushi Jinja 戸隠神社 Togakushi Shrine .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
Isamu Folk Toys
Nagano Souvenirs
source : www.go-nagano.net
- #nagano #suwa #matsumoto -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Nagano
. Nagano Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
The main "Salt Road" was used for transportation of salt from Nihonkai 日本海 to 松本 Matsumoto in Nagano.
Also known as
Chikuni Kaido (Chikoku Kaido) 千国街道
Matsumoto Kaido 松本街道
Hida Kaido 飛騨街道 and Nomugi Kaido 野麦街道
The part from Toyama to Hida-Takayama is called Hida Kaido.
The part from Takayama via the Nomugi pass to Matsumoto is called Nomugi Kaido.
Used to transport buri 鰤 yellowtail fish to Takayama (Gifu) and Matsumoto (Nagano).
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