. ushi 牛と伝説 Legends about ox, bull, cow .
ushi 丑 / 牛 ox, oxen (cow, bull, calf)
The bull is one of the 12 zodiac animals of the Asian lunar calendar.
He is therefore a well-liked animal in folk art and handicraft.
It comes as a papermachee doll, clay doll or clay bell and other materials.
. 12 zociac animals 干支 eto, kanshi .

. Daruma 「 だるま」 .
and more about the Bull and Cow Deities of Japan.
ushi no dorei 丑土鈴 clay bells
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
ushi no ema 丑絵馬 votive tablets
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
ushi no hariko 寅張子 papermachee dolls
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
. tawara ushi, tawaraushi 俵牛 cow with straw bundles .

Jizo on the Bull
. Jizo and the Zodiac Animals .
Mitokusan, Temple Sanbutsu-Ji
. toogyuu 闘牛 fighting bulls .
ushi no tsuno tsuki, tsunotsuki 牛の角突き getting the horns to clash
bulls fighting, ushi zumoo 牛角力
getting the bulls together, ushi awase 牛合わせ
. Kurobeko to Kuma 黒牛と熊 The Black Bull and the Bear .
. Ojiya no mokugyuu 小千谷の木牛 wooden fighting bull .
. Okinawa papermachee dolls and stamp 沖縄張り子 .
ABC - List of Ushi dolls from the Prefectures
. Akabeko あかべこ Red Cow .
from Aizu Wakamatsu 会津若松
. Yanaizu no neushi, ne ushi 柳津の寝牛 cow lying down .
ne ushi nori Tenjin 寝牛乗り天神 Tenjin on a lying down cow
tachi ushi nori Tenjin 立ち牛乗り天神 Tenjin on a standing cow
Miyoshi town 三次市

kin no bekko 金のべこっこ golden cow
ushi nori kodomo 牛乗り子供 children riding on a cow
Takamatsu dolls for a bride 高松嫁入り人形
gankake ushi 願かけ牛 making a vow with a cow
from Sasebo 佐世保
. Ojiya no mokugyu 小千谷の木牛 wooden fighting bull .
Nagano 長野県

nunohiki ushi / nuno hiki 布引き牛 cow pulling cloth

. Zenkooji 善光寺 Zenko-Ji Nagano .
How a bad woman became pious . . .
Kibi ushi 吉備牛 (wooden) cow from Kibi
Sakushuu ushi 作州牛 cow from Sakushu, Mimasaka
made from bamboo

nadeushi, nade-ushi 撫で牛 / 撫で牛 bull to stroke
The statue is a black stone bull, lying down comfortably to bring a peaceful heart to people who look at it. It is called
ushi no gozen 牛の御前 the honorable bull
at the shrine Ushijima Jinja 牛嶋神社 in Sumida ward, Tokyo.
It also heals all your physical ailments and injuries, if you touch the bull and then your own hurting body part.

The little amulet is a clay doll from Imado and only sold once very 12 years during the "Year of the Bull" 丑年.
Just putting it in your room makes you feel better.
. The bull from 深草神社 Fukakusa Jinja, .
瓦 clay doll to heal eczema and skin rashes.
Sasanobori 笹野彫 woodcarved from Sasano
Yonezawa 米沢市, Yamagata
- - - - - External LINKS

source : Cow Toys on Stamps
from many countries
Amulets and O-Mamori
. 12 Zociac animals 干支 eto, kanshi .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. WKD : Cow (ushi) .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
-#ushi #ox #bull #cow -
1 comment:
ushi nori dooji 牛乗り童子 child riding a cow
Takamatsu hariko, Kagawa
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