Miyagi Folk Art - 宮城県
The capital is Sendai 仙台.
The famous port of Kesennuma 気仙沼 has been destroyed by the great earthquake on March 11, 2011.
It used to be a town full of restaurants serving local fish specialities.
. Toys of Kesennuma 気仙沼 .
. Akakeshi 赤芥子 Red Poppies Dolls .
and Tsutsumi Dolls from Sendai 仙台 - 堤人形
- 太鼓打ち唐子 Karako Chinese boy beating the drum

hajiki saru, hikisaru 弾き猿 "the repelled monkey"
Karakuwachoo 唐桑町
This monkey is sold at the festival of the local Hidaka Jinja 日高神社 Shrine。This shine is located at the top of the Karakuwa peninsula 唐桑半島 and therefore also called
Osaki Jinja 御崎神社 "Shrine at the top of the peninsula". (see below)
Its amulets are good for a safe journey on the sea and for good relationships.
The main festival is during the New Year season and fishermen from nearby Ofunato in Iwate also come to buy amulets. They get a set of various toy amulets, 諸玩具, the monkey being one of the toy-amulets.
They are simple toys made from babmoo and a spring to move the monkey up and down. This is a pun with

ma ga saru 魔が去る evil is leaving
. Saru 申 / 猿 monkey amulets .
. Hidenoyama ningyoo 秀の山人形 dolls of Hidenoyama .
Hide no Yama, a sumo wrestler

source : karakuwa.com/visiter...
kazaguruma 風車 windwheels
Karakuwa town 唐桑町
keibagoma, keiba no koma 競馬ごま "horse-race spinning top”
大崎 Osaki
They are part of the tradition of wooden toys (kiji gangu) from Naruko hot spring.
In the middle is a large spinning top with a long handle. Two smaller tops (the horses) are spinning on its surface until one is thrown off and out.
The diameter of the two horse tops is just a little bit different, so that one has the chance to overtake the other one.

- source : takakame.jpn.org -
made from mizuki ミズキ Cornus controversa, itaya kaede イタヤカエデ Acer mono and take 竹 bamboo.
- more toys about horse racing -
. Spinning Top 独楽(コマ) koma - Introduction .
. Kesennuma tsuchi ningyoo 気仙沼土人形 clay dolls .
- - - - - Tenjin sama 天神
. kiji gangu 木地玩具 toys from wood .
They are made in most villages which also produce kokeshi dolls.
. kinoshitagoma, kinoshita no koma 木ノ下駒 wooden horses .
. kokeshi こけし - wooden dolls .
from Akiu Onsen (Akiho) 秋保温泉, Toogatta Onsen 遠刈田温泉, Obara Onsen 小原温泉, Kamasaki Onsen 鎌先温泉, Shiraishi 白石, Sendai
- Naruko kokeshi 鳴子系こけし wooden dolls from Naruko
- Sakunami kokeshi 作並系こけし wooden dolls from Sakunami / Hot spring Sakunami onsen 作並温泉

. Matsukawa Daruma 松川だるま - Introduction .
The shrine 御崎神社 (おさきじんじゃ) Osaki Jinja, おさきさん Osaki san
is located at the top of Karakuwa peninsula.
2-3 Karakuwacho Sakihama, Kesennuma
- - - - - Deity in residence
大海津見神 Owatatsumi no Kami
- source : HP of the shrine -

sappasen 早波舟 / さっぱ船 Sappa boats / Karakuwa sappabune 唐桑のさっぱ舟
Karakuwa 唐桑町 / Kesennuma
There is a legend from a shipwrecked boat, that was rescued by a large whale fish and brought to this shore safely. Now small boats are made as amulets for safe fishing.
Many have a flag in the center as amulat for a "big catch" tairyoo 大漁.
Osaki Myoojin no engimono 御崎明神 amulets from Osaki Myojin
Karakuwa 唐桑町, shrine 日高見神社
hajiki saru, hikisaru 弾き猿 "the repelled monkey" - see above
and a legend from 三股町 Mimata
about the 御崎神社の御崎猿 Monkey from Osaki and the Garappa (Kappa) from Nagata 長田のガラッパ.

Monkey and Kappa from Mimata doing Sumo wrestling.
These two animals were really enemies of each other. When a villager crossed the bridge 一本橋 and a monkey was following him, he carried the monkey on his back with his eyes covered so he could not see the Kappa and fight with him.
. Kappa Legends from Tohoku / Tōhoku 河童伝説 - 東北 .

ponpoko yari ぽんぽこ槍 spear
They are sold at the Kokubunji temple 陸奥(むつ)国分寺・木ノ下薬師堂 in the hall for Yakushi Nyorai for the annual festival on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month.
They represent the look up to the future and the look down to the past.
Sendai hariko 仙台張り子 / 仙台張子 papermachee dolls from Sendai
. fuufu Fukusuke 夫婦福助 the couple of Fukusuke and his wife .
... Fukusuke Daruma 福助だるま
... kuma Kintaro 熊金 Kintaro with a bear

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- quote -
ABOUT Sendai papier-mâché
Handsome looking blue daruma doll, cute sparrow and expressive mask - - these are the varieties of heart-warming Sendai papier-mâché. It is said that a low-ranked samurai warrior started this as his side job.
The representative of Sendai papier-mâché is Matsukawa daruma, well known today as the blue daruma doll. The difference between Matsukawa daruma and other darumas are the blue body color and big dark brown eyes. Regular daruma dolls have a red body and its eyes are blank, but Matsukawa daruma dolls have big eyes to see all directions for protecting family. It has the blue ultramarine color lining the face and a painting of a treasure boat and god of wealth on its stomach.
- source : en.tetotetote-sendai.jp -
- quote -
Sendai Hariko is a kind of toy made from molded and colored paper, on which patterns such as Oriental Zodiac animals, Fukusuke, or various masks are painted. It is said that this craft was created by a low-ranked warrior of the Sendai domain during the Tenpo era (1830-1844) and its making was widely spread among warriors as their side jobs.
Though technical improvements
were made during the Edo period, the making of Sendai Hariko was discontinued in the Meiji period (1868-1912). It was revived by local people in 1921 and has been handed down to the present days.

The most common item of Sendai Hariko is the Matsukawa Daruma doll. The daruma is colored ultramarine around its face, and the body, in strong relief, is decorated with the god of wealth, a treasure ship, and so on. Also, it has eyebrows made of real hair and eyes made of glass. It is loved by people as a bringer of good luck.
Other lovely Hariko
such as various kinds of masks and animals are also popular. As they are all hand made, each pieces of Sendai Hariko has gentle warmth and a humorous shape that can’t be created by machines. Maybe this is why they have been loved by people for nearly 200 years
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -
Sendai no hariko men 仙台の張子面 papermachee masks
There are about 40 different types.

おかめ、ひょっとこ、大黒、/ 仙台四郎 Sendai Shiro, 花魁、柏(翁)

Different types of oni
天狗、満州烏天狗、迦樓羅(かるら) / 烏天狗、鐘馗、獅子。

All kinds of animals
monkey, fox, wild boar, tanuki . . .
- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp -
. Sendai Shiroo 仙台四郎 / 仙臺四郎 Sendai Shiro (1855 - 1902)
Haga Shiro 芳賀四郎 .
with many dolls of the "god of good fortune"

... oboko おぼこ head-doll
oboko is the local dialect for a small child. The head is made from papermachee, the stick from wood, so the doll can be clothed.
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .

shika odori 鹿踊りと deer dance dolls
toramai, tora mai 虎舞 tiger dance dolls
Ichihasama town 一迫町
. Sendai Tansu 仙台箪笥 chest of drawers .
. Somin Shoorai Fu 蘇民将来符 Somin Shorai amulet .
. . Tanabata uma 七夕馬 horse for Tanabata .
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Kurikoma town 栗駒町
. Tanabata ningyoo 七夕人形 star festival dolls .
仙台の七夕人形こけし - kokeshi
tenbata 天旗 "heavenly flag", local kites
tenbata "heavenly flag" is the local name for a kite.
. hinode tako 日の出凧 kite "sunrise" and Kesennuma 気仙沼 .

ichimon tengubata . tenbata 一文天狗旗 / 一文てんばた
"flag with tengu goblin", a kite
Kamasaki Onsen 鎌先温泉 and villages in southern Miyagi
A simple square kite with the painting of a long-nosed mountain goblin (tengu).
They have been made by Kimura Shige 木村繁, an owner of a hot spring in Kamasaki and are now sold at this place.
. Tengu 天狗 mountain goblins .

Naruko Tenbata 鳴子温泉 from Naruko Hot Spring with a famous Kokeshi design.
kokeshi tenbata こけし天旗

source : www.asahi-net.or.jp
Michinoku Tenbata みちのく天旗
Soochuu tenbata 左仲天旗(そうちゅうてんばた)
Nangoochoo 南郷町 Nangocho Tenbata

There is a "Tenbata Festival" in Kesennuma, the Kite Festival.
. Kites from Kesennuma 気仙沼 .

garamono 柄もの toys with a handle
Given to babies to make them smile.
- left - darumabue だるま笛 Daruma flute (Miyagi)
- middle - gatagata カタカタ rattle (Yamagata)
- right - furi-daiko 振り太鼓 drum to swing around (Fukushima)

kisha 汽車 train toys / Naruko
Toogatta Onsen 遠刈田温泉 Togatta Hot Spring

jidoosha 自動車 toy of a car with driver
With moving wheels. About 13 cm high
. wanage 輪投げ man throwing rings .
. tsuchi ningyoo 気仙沼土人形 clay dolls .
Kesennuma 気仙沼

Tsutsumi-yaki, also known as Sugiyama-yaki,
is a traditional form of Kenzan style pottery produced in Sendai. Tsutsumi-ningyo is a painted clay doll made locally by artisans using methods based on Tsutsumi-yaki.
The dolls are known for their vibrant colors and rich pigments.
. Tsutsumi ningyoo 堤人形 .

umoregi zaiku 埋もれ木細工 bogwood carvings
Really rare traditional artwork made from fossils of wood from five million years ago. The blackish brown lignite is made into artwork with a beautiful wood grain and delicate gloss. Broaches and serving plates are popular.
source : sentabi.jp/en/meisan
In poetry,
umoregi 埋もれ木 "buried tree" shows the true potential of associations.
. Reference .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
- reference : asahi net kiji ... -
Sendai Craft and Art
Kokeshi (traditional wooden dolls)
Sendai Hariko / Matsukawa Daruma
Sendai Hira (silk fabric)
Sendai Ofude (writing brushes)
Tamamushi-nuri lacquerware
source : sentabi.jp/...
- #miyagi #miyagifolktoys #wanage -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Miyagi
. Miyagi Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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