Saru 申 / 猿 monkey
Zodiac Animal for the Year 2016

下鴨神社 Shimogamo Jinja - Kyoto, 2016

- o-mamori kuda saru お守りくだ さる please give me an amulet
(a pun with the word saru and kudasaru)
The monkey is one of the 12 zodiac animals of the Asian lunar calendar.
He is therefore a well-liked animal in folk art and handicraft.
It is the messenger of the deity Sanno Gongen 山王権現 and sometimes seen as a deity itself, protecting people from harm and bringing good health to the children.
As an amulet,
the monkey comes as a papermachee doll, clay doll or clay bell and from other materials.
. 12 zociac animals 干支 eto, kanshi .
- Introduction -
a pun with the sound SARU 去る to go away, to leave
ma ga saru 魔が去る evil is leaving
ma saru 魔去る evil is leaving
masaru 勝る winning
- - - - - MONKEY DEITIES IN JAPAN - - - - -
MASARU 神猿 (lit. Kami Monkey).
The sacred monkey of the Hie Shrine (aka Hie Jinja 日吉神社, Hiyoshi Taisha 日吉大社). Masaru is considered a demon queller par excellence (魔が去る・何よりも勝る). Masaru is also invoked in Kōshin rituals to stop the three worms from escaping the body. . .
Literally "Mountain King Avatar." Sannō means mountain king, and gongen means avatar. The monkey is Sannō's messenger (tsukai 使い) and Sannō's avatar (gongen). At Hie Jinja shrines in Japan, the monkey also acts as the patron of safe childbirth and harmonious marriage, and red monkey charms are used to ward off evil and disease . . .
SARUGAMI 猿神 (lit. Monkey Kami).
Another term for the sacred Shintō monkey (Masaru) of Mt. Hie. Sarugami is worshipped as the deity of easy delivery and child rearing, and is the Lord of the three monkeys (see, hear, speak no evil). Closely associated with fertility . . .
JUUZENJI Juzenji 十禅師.
The tutelary deity of Juuzenji Shrine, one of the 21 Sannō shrines at Mt. Hiei (Hieizan 比叡山). Juuzenji's emissaries are monkeys. more details Details below.
In addition to the central mountain deity named SANNŌ, the Tendai shrine-temple multiplex located at Mt. Hiei is home to another powerful mountain deity. This latter deity is known as Shinra Myoujin (also called Shiragi Myōjuin). Artwork of this deity typically shows an unusual crown which has three points, in the traditional shape of a mountain. Related also to Daruma, the patriarch of Zen Buddhism . . .
猿田彦, 猿田彦神. Commonly translated as "monkey man." The long-nosed Shintō deity of the crossroads who takes on the visage of a monkey; also considered by some to be the ancestor of the long-nosed Tengu mountain goblin. This kami is often depicted as a disheveled wanderer, and is said to protect people in the course of their lives and to ward off bad influences. Sarutahiko's connection with Kōshin 庚申 rituals and three-monkey worship did not occur until the Edo period . . .
In Japan, certain Zodiac days/years of great misfortune are known as Kōshin 庚申 (Ch: keng-shen or geng-shen). On these days (year), special rites -- influenced greatly by Chinese Taoist rites involving three worms and nine parasites that inhabit the body -- are performed to ward off evil influences, to protect against sickness and misfortune, and to cure illness.
The three monkeys (see, speak, hear no evil) are closely related to Kōshin rituals
- - - - - Read the details here :
source : Mark Schumacher
. 猿田彦 Sarutahiko, Tengu and Fudo Myo-O .
飯網の権現 Izuna Gongen, Iizuna no Gongen
飯縄不動尊 Izuna Fudo Son
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Sarugami 猿神 the Monkey deity .
. monkey leading a horse .
saru hiki uma 猿曳き馬 - 猿曳馬 // saru hiki koma 猿曳き駒 - 猿曳駒
. Monkey Daruma 「申 だるま」 .
. saru no nenbutsu 猿の念仏 .
and more 年賀 New Year Monkeys for 2016
. sarumatsuri, saru matsuri 申祭(さるまつり)monkey festival .
kigo for late spring
Sannoo matsuri 山王祭 (さんのうまつり) Sanno Festival
Hiyoshi matsuri 日吉祭(ひよしまつり) Hiyoshi Shrine festival
Otsu, Shiga
. Hie Jinja sairei 日枝神社祭礼 .
Sannoo matsuri 山王祭(さんのうまつり)Sanno festival
Hie Shrine, Edo (Tokyo)
. Masaru まさる monkey amulet from Fukushima
. Karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .
soba saru そば猿 monkeys making soba buckwheat noodles
From Nagano, Narai Town 奈良井
. sarumawashi 猿廻し (さるまわし) monkey dance performance .
saruhiki 猿曳(さるひき)、猿引(さるひき)、
sarumaishi 猿舞師(さるまいし)trainer of dancing monkeys
maizaru 舞猿(まいざる)dancing monkey
tayuuzaru 大夫猿(たゆうざる)monkey as dancer
kigo for the New Year
. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

May all the bad influence (catastrophies, illness ...) go away (saru 去る) is the wish for a healthy life of the child.
saru no dorei 猿土鈴 clay bells
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . CLICK here for 申 Photos !
saru no ema 猿絵馬 votive tablets
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
saru no hariko 猿張子 papermachee dolls
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . CLICK here for 申 Photos !
under construction
ABC - List of Zodiac Animal Toys from the Prefectures
saru no umabiki ema 猿の馬曳き絵馬 monkey leading a horse, ema votive tablet
Nagoya. 洲崎神社 Susaki Jinja
. Nakayama dorei 土鈴 clay bells from Nakayama .
featuring the famous Monkey Son Goku 孫悟空, who travelled to China to obtain Buddhist sutras.
see below
sarunori Hachiman koma 猿乗り八幡駒 Monkey on a Hachiman horse
namazu nori no saru なまず乗り猿 monkey riding a catfish
. Bandai Atami no hariko 磐梯熱海の張り子 papermachee dolls
sarumawashi 猿まわし man leading a dancing monkey
. saru bobo 猿ぼぼ / saru baba ... "monkey grandmother doll"
. shikazaru, shika saru 鹿猿 dear and monkey clay bell .
. saru no sanbasoo 猿の三番叟
monkey performing the Sanbaso dance
(for the New Year)
Kanagawa / Kamakura city

source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp...
san saru dorei 三猿土鈴 clay bell with three monkeys
. hajiki saru はじき猿 "flicking monkey" .
from Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine
. Konoha saru 木の葉猿 monkey from Konoha .
. 九千坊 Kyusenbo - leader of the Kappa clan .
. shin en omamori (Masaru) 神猿お守り talisman of sacred monkey.
- saru no dorei 猿の土鈴 monkey clay bells
- yubizaru 指猿 finger monkey
Matsuzaka saru hajiki 松阪猿はじき repelled monkey from Matsuzaka town
(for some reason, it is called the opposite way in Matsuzaka)
hajiki saru 弾き猿
also made in Kuwana, Mie 桑名市.

Made with a spring from bamboo. The top decoration can vary, with feathers, a drum, a sun symbol, a bell or others. In 多度町 Tado village, a round drum is on the top.
The monkey, who carries the "misfortunes of men" is of red color, kukuri saru
厄を背負う猿は赤い "括(くくり)猿".
The monkey from Matsuzaka 岡寺観音 from the Kannon Temple 岡寺 Okadera is sold as an amulet during the festival of hatsu-uma 初午, the first day of the horse. Some sticks can be as long as one meter.

- - - - - HP of the Kannon Temple
岡寺山 継松寺 Okaderayama, Keisho-Ji / 三重県松阪市中町1952
- source : okadera.com -
. hajiki saru, hikisaru 弾き猿 "the repelled monkey" .
mayokezaru, mayoke saru 魔よけ猿 monkey warding off evil
. noborizaru のぼりざる monkey climbing a pole .
shita dashi saru 舌出し猿 monkey showing his tongue
from Hirado town
. tori daki saru 鶏抱き猿 monkey embracing a rooster .
from Koga town
torisaru 鶏猿 - 取り去る to go away (of bad luck) is especially auspicious.
. Shinano saru しなの猿 monkey from Shinano .
soba saru そば猿 monkeys making soba buckwheat noodles / Narai Town 奈良井
. Migawari-zaru Monkeys 身代わり猿 .
Monkey Charm to take on your bad luck
. . . . . and
sanshi no mushi 三戸の虫
yosegi saiku, yosegizaiku 寄木細工 yosegi-woodwork
from 川上村 Kawakami village
. kumisaru, kumi saru 組み猿 monkey combinations .
and kiki saru 喜々猿 happy monkey couple
. O-Saru Sama お猿様 Honoarble Mister Monkey .
. Hiyoshi jinja no 日吉神社の神猿 monkey deity .
. kakinori saru 柿乗り猿 monkey on a persimmon .
kaki ni noru saru - papermachee doll
Shibamata Taishaku Ten 柴又帝釈天

go-hei saru ご弊猿 monkey with a gohei ritual ward

kizaru 木猿 wooden monkey

hajiki saru はじき猿 "flicking monkey"

This monkey will "flick away evil influences from you" (yakubarai).
It is sold at various stalls along to the temple.

dorei 土鈴 clay bell

kotsu anzen 交通安全 traffic safety sticker
. Shibamata Taishaku Ten 柴又帝釈天 .
..... and
clay bell with monkey amulet - from
. Hie Shrine Festival (Hie Jinja Sairei)
. sanen, san en 三猿 three wise monkeys .
Ritsurin Hachiman no kawara saru 栗林八幡瓦猿 clay monkey
Son Goku 孫悟空, the famous Monkey King
Sun Wukong, working his Monkey Magic
The main character in the classical Chinese epic novel Journey to the West (Saiyuki, 西遊記; Saiyuuki). In the novel, he is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After rebelling against heaven and being imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha, he later accompanies the monk Xuanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from India.
source : wikipedia

google logo January 18: (万籟鳴・万古蟾)
Heroes from the "Journey to the West"
Saiyuki 西遊記
This was one title used for a popular, abridged translation by Arthur Waley.
. Monkey Heroes on Stamps .

Tamausagi - Son Goku 玉兎 孫悟空
月岡芳年 Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
The three wise monkeys
(Japanese: 三猿, san'en or sanzaru, or 三匹の猿,
sanbiki no saru, literally "three monkeys")

. The three wise monkeys .
. kooshin shinkoo 庚申信仰 ka no e saru - Koshin Shinko belief .

The popular form of Koshin worship is now associated with the famous three monkeys and also with Sarutahiko. Statues of monkeys are therefore often found at Koshin sites.
- Look at more photos of Jake Ojisan:
- source : ojisanjake.blogspot.jp-

ema votive tablet from shrine 幸神乃社 Sainokami, Kyoto.
The monkey wears an eboshi hat and carries a ritual wand.
saru ni eboshi 烏帽子 - a court hat for a monkey
A nobleman's headgear on a monkey - a proverb in Japan.
Do not try to be more than you are. Otherwise you only make a fool of yourself.
- Kobayashi Issa and the monkeys -
waga kuni wa saru mo eboshi o kaburi keri
in my province
even trained monkeys
wear noble hats

. Eboshi 烏帽子 formal court hat.
kami no saru nomi mite kureru koharu kana
sacred monkeys
pick each other’s fleas . . .
a spring day in winter
Tr. David Lanoue
ko-zaru domo kami no o-rusu o kuruu kana
these little monkeys -
while the gods are absent
they run around like crazy
. WKD : Gods are absent (kami no rusu 神の留守) .
myōjin no mashira asobu ya aki no yama
the monkeys of Myojin
are playing away -
autumn in the mountains
Tr. Gabi Greve
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .
Amulets and O-Mamori
. 12 Zociac animals 干支 eto, kanshi .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. WKD : Monkey - kigo
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- ##saru #monkey #sarumonkey #sansaru #threemonkeys -
Zen-In, Sekizan Zen-In 赤山禅院 Kyoto
and the Monkey on the Roof
Legend from Shiga 滋賀県 坂本
animal legends from Japan
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and 申八梵王 / さるはちぼんのう Saruhachi Bonno deity
and legends about its messenger, the monkey
Legend from Yamagata
shirosaru 白猿 a white monkey
On Ushu there was an office for the mountain workers, where 大山十郎 Oyama Juro worked.
In the year 1818, he took out his family heirloom sword and held it into the wind.
There came a white monkey of about 1 meter hight, took the sword away and fled.
Oyama Juro and his fellow workers run after the monkey, but lost sight of him in the mountain forest.
Next day they searched in the mountain with more people, found the monkey with the sword around his body. The monkey took the sword to fight, but the humans could not hit his body at all. They could not even hit him with a bullet. It must have been a divine monkey.
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