- - ABC-INDEX - -


kujira whale toys

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

kujira 鯨 / くじら whale toys and legends .

from Usaburo Kokeshi Shop 卯三郎こけし オンラインショップ

. Kokeshi, こけし / 小芥子 / 子消し wooden doll .


kujira hige koogeihin 鯨ヒゲ工芸品 art work from whalebone, baleen

source : クジラ屋店長の気まぐれブログ

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< 鯨ヒゲ工芸品について >

- reference source : tiki.ne.jp/~yosizen/hige/hige... -

- ABC - List of whale toys from the Prefectures

................................................................................ Fukushima 福島県

. Sora Tobu Kujira 空とぶくじら A whale flies in the sky .

................................................................................ Kochi 高知県

. kujiraguruma 鯨車 whale on wheels - cookie .

. kujiraguruma 鯨車 whale on wheels - the toy .

................................................................................ Miyazaki 宮崎県

. kujiranobori, kujira nobori 鯨のぼり streamers in the form of a whale .

................................................................................ Nagasaki 長崎県

. kujira no shiofuki 鯨の潮吹き whale spourting, blowing . .

................................................................................ Wakayama 和歌山県

. semikujira 背美鯨児持土鈴 whale fish with baby .

................................................................................ Yamagata 山形県

. kujirahigebera 鯨髭べら spatula from "whale beard" baleen .
to make takenuri shikki 竹塗漆器 bamboo items coated with laquer


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. Reference .

. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -


- - - - - Haiku and Senryu - - - - -

. kujira 鯨 whale - kigo .
hokei 捕鯨 whaling, whale hunting  
kujiranabe 鯨鍋 whale hodgepodge


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea .
His messenger is the kujirawhale.

........................................................................................... Hokkaido 北海道

nishin 鰊,kane no oto 鐘の音

........................................................................................... Mie 三重県

伊勢志摩 Ise Shima
Nakiri Jinja 波切神社 Nakiri Shrine
1 Daiocho Nakiri, Shima, Mie / 志摩市大王町波切1番地
This shrine is located in the 志摩郡 Shima district in the village of 大王町 Daio.
In its compound there are special stones.
kujira ishi 鯨石 "Whale Stone"
which is said to have been found in the stomach of a whale.

Shofukuji 正福寺 Temple Shofuku-Ji
The history of the Shima region is recorded in 志州天朗峰福寺縁起, kept at the temple Shofuku-Ji.
Once a statue of 十一面観音像 Kannon Bosatsu with 11 faces came riding on kujira 鯨魚 a whale.
She became the shugoshin 守護神 protector deity of fishermen and sailors.
source : iseshima-kanko...
. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara - ABC List .

........................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
唐桑町 Karakuwacho 気仙沼 Kesennuma

. sappasen 早波舟 / さっぱ船 Sappa fishing boats .
There is a legend from a shipwrecked boat, that was rescued by a large whale fish and brought to this shore safely. Now small boats are made as amulets for safe fishing.
Many have a flag in the center as amulat for tairyoo 大漁 a "big catch" .

........................................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県
日南市 Nichinan city

A pregnant kujira 鯨 whale had been swept on the beach.
The villagers held a special kuyoo 供養 memorial service for the animals, buried the baby whale in the compound and placed sekihi 石碑 a memorial stone on it.

........................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
佐渡 Sado island
In 1661, a solitary kujira 鯨 whale had been landed all alive and this was seen as an auspicious omen for the gold and silver mines of Sado.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
77 鯨 to collect (05)



. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #kujira #whale #walfisch #shugoshin - - - - -



Kitchomu Hirota Kichiemon Oita

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Kitchomu, Kicchomu 吉四六 - Hirota Kichiemon 廣田吉右衛門
(? - 1715)

Kitchomu is a hero in many parts of Southern Oita.
His real name was Hirota Kichiemon, who was born in 臼杵市野津町 Usuki, Notsu town.
He was the headman of the village and allowed to wear a sword in his belt and use a surname.
He was quite a tonchi とんち者 quick-witted person.

source : eonet.ne.jp/~i-kimoto...
Mask made by 吉田東光 Yoshida Toko

Kitchomu did not like the authorities and always helped the poor and people in need.
His name is also used for local rice wine, see below.
There are many stories about his activities, Wikipedia lists quite a lot of them.


- quote wikipedia -
- 吉四六話
- 柿の見張り番
- カラス売り
- 天昇り
- 悲しい木
- 川の渡し
- 甕の値段
- 首のおかわり
- 川の鰻
- どじょう鍋
- 小便酒
- 鴨撃ち
- 嘘の種本/米一俵
- ねずみの名作
- 宙ぶらりん
- 牛の鼻ぐり
- タケノコの恩
- 金を垂れる馬
- サザエ買い
- 薪買い
- 米の飯
- 尾張と陸奥
- 吉四六と庄屋/火事の知らせ
- - - - - read the stories here:
- - - in the WIKIPEDIA !




- reference source : nikaido-shuzo.co.jp/product/kicchomu... -


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. Reference 吉四六 .


- Click for photos of Hirota Kichiemon !


- quote -

Once upon a time, there was a very pleasant man called Kicchomu-san.
In Kicchomu-san’s village, there was an orphan named Naokichi.
Naokichi’s mother passed away from disease, and his father was a harpooner on a whaler, but one day he got caught in a storm and drown in the sea with the ship.
Therefore leaving his seaside home village since he was little, Naokichi was fostered by his uncle who lived Kicchomu-san’s village.
However, there was not a single day when Naokichi forgot the sea.
I will get on a whaler and be a good harpooner like Dad!
Naokichi was always thinking so.
And then, when he became 11 years old, Naokichi let his uncle know his resolution, and it had been decided that he will return to the village where he was born.
Having heard about Naokichi, all the people of the village came to say farewell to him with the gift.
“That’s the boy, Naokichi. You are your father’s son.”
“You must be a good harpooner.”
While everyone unanimously encouraged Naokichi, one youth named Sampei said to him,
“Hey, Naokichi. Everyone irresponsibly praises you a lot, but it’s not exactly admirable to be a harpooner on a whaler.”
Naokichi asked Sampei in surprise.
“What do you mean, Sampei-san?”
“I’ve heard your father drowned in the sea. I mean, I thought it might bring you bad luck if you work on the unlucky sea where your parent died.”
All the people had been pleased until while ago, but Sampei’s words pulled them in dead silence,
and Naokichi was about to burst into tears for the sudden unpleasant subject.
Kicchomu-san was listening to Sampei at the back, but came forward and asked him.
“Sampei, I have something to ask you. Where has your father died?”
”Unlike Naokichi’s father, he has fortunately and surely died in his bed at our home.”
“Uh-huh, so how about your grandfather?”
“So has Grandpa. He has not drowned in the sea like Naokichi’s father.”
Kitcchomu-san grinned to hear that.
“Then, Sampei, it makes no sense that you are against Naokichi going to sea.”
“Don’t you think so? You say the place where a parent has died is unlucky, but as for your house, not only your father but also your grandfather has died, right?”
“That’s…right, but—.”
Sampei as he was, he didn’t know how to answer.
Then the village headman beside Naokichi pat on his shoulder and said,
“Be a good harpooner, Naokichi.”
“Yes, I will do my best!”
Thus, seen off by everyone, Naokichi briskly left the village.
- - - - - The End
- source : hukumusume.com/douwa/English... -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Oita 大分県

Gaataroo ガータロ Gataro, the Kappa
Many children, who played in the river, died and people thought it must be the act of Gataro.
The strong Kitchomu came along, pulled down his pants and stuck his butt into the river to invite the Kappa.
When the Kappe grabbed his butt, he grabbed the Kappa instead.
Now the Kappa had to promise to become the protector of the local children, the villagers even made a song about this happening.

. Kappa legends from Oita 大分県 .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


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. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #kitchomu #kicchomu #吉四六 #hirotakichiemon - - - - -


ume plum art motives


ume 梅, 梅の花 plum blossom art motives - Gallery

. ume 梅 plum blossoms - Introduction.


. kamon 家紋 family crests .


. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls .

CLICK for more samples !


. tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 tsuchiningyo clay dolls .

CLICK for more samples !

. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 and the Plum Blossoms .


. dorei どれい / 土鈴 clay bells .

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. maneki neko, manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .

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. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .

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. tako 凧 kite .

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. temari 手まり、手毬 hand ball, round decoration ball .

source : creema.jp/item..
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. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

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. Netsuke 根付 .

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. kimono 着物 robes and obi 帯 sash .

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. ukiyo-e 浮世絵 "pictures of the floating world" .

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. Join the Ukiyo-E friends on facebook ! .


- - - - - More art motives - - - - -

. o-bon 梅 御盆 tray .


chawan 茶碗 tea bowls and rice bowls with

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sara 皿 plates with

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. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- #umeplum #umeartmotives #plumartmotives -


chocho butterfly art


choochoo 蝶々 Chocho, butterfly art motives - and legends

. WKD : Butterfly and Haiku .


. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .

from the shrine 三光稲荷神社 Sanko Inari Jinja, Inuyama, Aichi

CLICK for more samples !


. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls .

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. tako 凧 kite .

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. temari 手まり、手毬 hand ball, round decoration ball .

source : creema.jp/item...

CLICK for more samples !


. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

CLICK for more samples !


. kimono 着物 robes and obi 帯 sash .

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. ukiyo-e 浮世絵 "pictures of the floating world" .

魚屋北渓 Totoya Hokkei - Cat and Butterfly

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. Join the Ukiyo-E friends on facebook ! .


- Kkites and butterflies art motives from the Prefectures - this blog

Sakurai no tako 桜井の凧 butterfly kite from Sakurai, Aichi
chodako 蝶凧 butterfly kite from Isehara, Kanagawa
fuutan フータン butterfly toy from Okinawa


chawan 茶碗 tea bowls and rice bowls with a butterfly



yakimono 焼物 pottery with a butterfly

瀬戸蝶絵馬の目皿(江戸後期)Seto ware
at aucfree . com


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- Introduction -

........................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 
石城郡 Iwaki district 田人村 Tabito village

A large butterfly came into the house and fluttered around grandmother.
When she chased it away to the kitchen door, in changed to a dead person for a moment and then left the house.

........................................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 
尼崎市 Amagasaki city

O-Kiku mushi お菊虫 O-Kiku becomes an insect

The story of the Sara Yashiki is also tole in Amagasaki.
O-Kiku became a Kiku-Mushi insect and finally a butterfly.

. Sara yashiki 皿屋敷 "the Dish Mansion" .
where the ghost of O-Kiku comes out of a well.

.......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 
中頚城郡 Nagakubiki district 吉川町 Yokawa town

At a nadare 雪崩 avalanche of a steep mountain, many people died. Their souls came back to the homes as butterflies and danced around the main pillar of the home.

.......................................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 
那賀郡 Naka district 上那賀町 Kaminaka town

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Above the jabuchi 蛇淵 "serpent river pool" there is a house, where there has been no ill or wounded person in many years.
There lived a beautiful daughter in the house. At night she would leave the door open and sleep with any man coming near her. But his body was always cold.
One night she stuck a needle with a string into the robes of the man and then followed the lead, to the river pool.
Later she became pregnant and was ready to give birth. When they placed her bloody robes into a barrel of water, there were all small serpents in the water.
They emptied the barrel into the bamboo grove nearvy and a beautiful butterfly flew away.
The daughter had died.

.......................................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 
南都留郡 Minami-Tsuru district 平野村 Hirano village

Someone killed a girl of 8 years. This year during the Bon rituals for the ancestors a butterfly came and sat on the ritual rice offerings.
The butterfly just did not want to leave the home. It was the soul of the girl.


- source : nichibun yokai database -


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- #butterfly #chocho #schmetterling #蝶々 -