Wakayama Folk Art - 和歌山県
Former Kishuu domain 紀州 Kishu
Kii Peninsula 紀伊半島
. Kooya San 高野山 Koya san Mountain Monastery .
and 空海弘法大師 Kukai Kobo Daishi
. Nachi no Taki 那智の滝 Nachi Waterfall and Kumano 熊野 .
The Ancient Kumano Road 熊野古道
- not to mix with Kunano Village in Hiroshima
. Kumano fude 熊筆 brushes from Kumano, Hiroshima .
. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
Ushoonin うしょーにん in local dialect.
With various legends in Southern Wakayama
- - - - - clay bells from Wakayama

背美鯨児持土鈴 semikujira - whale fish with baby
真田庵九度山厄除鈴 Sanada bell (see below)
高野山姫だるま土鈴 Hime Daruma from Mount Koyasan
那智大社の烏天狗土鈴 crow tengu from Nachi Shrine
紀州人形土鈴 Kishu Dolls as bells
- source : nino-art.at.webry.info
Goboo town 御坊市 Gobo

nerimono 練り物 twisted clay dolls - Tenjin and Daruma
hariko 張り子 papermachee dolls - tiger

nerimono 練り物 twisted clay dolls
The hand-twisted dolls are rather small, whereas the papermachee dolls are large.
Many have yellow and red colors.

Goboo tachi-bina 御坊の立雛 standing Hina dolls
They are no longer made these days.
. nerimono 練り物 "twisted" clay dolls .
Kainan town 海南市

source : www.pref.wakayama.lg.jp
Kishuu bina, kishuubina 紀州雛 hina dolls from Kishu
Made from Kishu laquer with maki-e inserting technique.
made by Ikeshima Shiroo 池島史郎 Ikeshima Shiro and others.
Kishuu urushi 紀州漆 Kishu laquerware
- quote
The more you use Kishu lacquerware, the deeper the vermilion and black hues become.
Kishu hina dolls are also made by its traditional craftsmanship, while gorgeous and impressive Kishu temari handballs are toys that were made for princesses in olden times.
Nachi black ink stones absorb ink well and are used by calligraphers.
- source : www.wakayama-kanko.or.jp

Kishuu Kuroe Urushi 海南黒江漆 from Kurue village
Since the early Edo period, maybe even already made in the Muromachi period. For bowls and dolls.
In the Mid-Edo Period, they became even more skilfull and colorful.
. urushi matsuri 紀州漆器まつり Kishu Lacquer festival .
Kokawa village 粉河町
Kokawadera no nagashibina 粉河寺の流し雛 floating hina dolls
Kokawa Hina Nagashi festival
. Kokawa-Dera 粉河寺 Kokawa Temple .
and Mount Kazaragi san 風猛山 "Strong wind mountain"
Kooyasan 高野山 Mount Koyasan
gorintoo dorei 五輪塔土鈴 clay bell of pagoda with five tires
now extinct

Sanada dorei 真田土鈴 Sanada clay bell
with six coins, in memory of
. Sanada Saemon-no-Suke Yukimura 真田 左衛門佐 幸村 .
Tsubosakadera Kannon dorei 壷坂寺観音土鈴 temple Tsubosaka clay bell with Kannon
(no photo available)
. Tsubosakadera 壷坂寺 .
michibiki inu 導き犬 "dog leading the way" clay bell
source : ezbbs.net/cgi - 茶々丸
Nachi Katsuura 那智勝浦
. Nachi Black Stone Daruma 那智黒のだるま .
Introducint Kumano and Nachi
The Ancient Kumano Road 熊野古道 Kumano Kodo
The Waterfall of Nachi 那智の滝
. Amulets from Kumano and Nachi .
goou hooin, go-oo hooin 牛王宝印 sacred seal of the ox deity
himatsuri ningyoo 火祭り人形 doll from the Nachi fire festival
nagi ningyoo なぎ人形 dolls from sacred nagi wood
yatagarasu ema 八咫烏絵馬 votive tablet with the three-legged crow

Kumano koshiku kujirabune 熊野古式くじら舟 whaling boat of the old type
Nachi Katsuura was famous for its whaling fleet in the Edo period. Toys of colorful boats were popular with the local children.
- - - - - Kujira Daimyoojin zuka 鯨大明神塚 Memorial for the deity of whales
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kumano tairyoobune 熊野大漁舟 fishing boat for a big catch

engi sanzaru えんぎ三猿 three monkeys for good luck

iruka dorei いるか土鈴 clay bell with dolphin

kujira dorei 鯨土鈴 clay doll with whalefish

kujirabune dorei くじら舟土鈴 clay bell with whaling boat
- reference source : blog.nihondorei.com... -
Negoro 根来
. Negoro nuri 根来塗 red Negoro laquerware .
Shingu town 新宮市

hagoita 羽子板 battledore

properabune プロペラ舟 boat with propeller
Shirahama town 白浜市
Shirahama Engetsujima dorei 白浜円月島土鈴 clay bell from Engetsu island
Kishuu temari dorei 紀州てまり土鈴 clay bell with handball
Tsubaki onsen dorei 椿温泉土鈴 clay bell from Tsubaki hot spring

lacquer Hina dolls, reminding us of the Story of the Genji 源氏絵巻.
About 3 cm high
Wakayama town 和歌山市
. Anesama ningyoo 姉様人形 "elder sister" dolls .
with only a head
kawara ganguu 瓦玩具 clay toys from rooftile clay

source : mainichi.jp/articles
栗林八幡瓦猿 / 若宮八幡宮 clay monkeys from Hachiman Shrines
They are a amulet for easy birth (安産の祈願 anzan) and child rearing.
These dolls have provided some income for the rooftile makers of the region and have a religious background.
The monkey is the messenger of various shrines.
As cows eat grass (kusa), the grass is seen as a pun with kasa 瘡 eczema and skin rashes.
A clay bull is brushed over the affected skin and the following spell mumbled:
くさ喰え、くさ喰え kusa kue kusa kue (eat the grass, eat the grass)

source : asahi-net.or.jp - vc3k-nrm/gang
The bull is from 深草神社 Fukakusa Jinja, 津秦天満宮 Tsuwada Tenmangu and other Shrines.
. hada no byooki 肌の病気 skin disease and health amulets .
Shoojuuji no doba 正住寺土馬 clay horse from temple Shoju-Ji

Wakayama no uma 和歌山の馬 horse from Wakayama
A simple clay figure.
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Awashima jinja no omamori bina 淡嶋神社の守雛
hina dolls from Awashima Shrine
. WKD : 淡島祭(あわしままつり)Awashima festival
. binchoo 備長 special charcoal from Wakayama .
binchootan 備長炭 Binchotan charcoal from Wakayama
. hina matsuri 雛祭り Hina Doll Festival - March 3 .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
- reference : 和歌山県の玩具 -
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
. WASHOKU . - - - Regional Dishes from Wakayama
. Wakayama Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #wakayama #nachinotaki #koyasan #kumano #kishu -
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