Ehime Folk Art - 愛媛県
The capital is Matsuyama 松山.
Former Iyo Domain 伊予.
Ikazaki town 五十崎(いかざき)
mojidako, moji tako 文字凧 kite with characters
Ikazaki tako hakubutsukan 五十崎凧博物館 Ikazaki Kite Museum

- source : www.ikazaki.ne.jp - tako haku
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Ikazaki town is located in Ehime prefecture, Shikoku island in Japan. Ikazaki Kite Festival has its long history over 400 years. The kite festival is held on the children's day(May 5th) for praying happiness and prosperity of children who was born in previous year.
Name of the child is painted on the kite and they celebrate the children's birth and their future happiness.

The size of Ikazaki kite is 3m wide x4m high.
Kite fighting festival has more than 1000 kites in the sky and they are fighting to cut other kite's string with 'Gagari'(cutting tool) fastnend to the string.
You should visit to Ikazaki Kite Museum in which more than 400 kinds of kites and traditional kiting tools are displayed.
The festival will be held on May 5, and October every year.
- source : Kite Festivals in japan
Imabari 今治
Imabari no koma 今治の独楽 spinning tops of Imabari

Made by craftsman Akiyama 秋山吉人 in the Showa period. They are quite strong, with a body of metal, usually iron 鉄輪こま. They can be used for special tricks, like throwing the kop in the air and catching it with the rope (chongake, chon-gake ちょんがけ).
- source : koma from Shikoku

atsuwa koma 厚輪こま "top with thick rings"
chongake, chonkake koma ちょんかけ独楽 Chon'kake Goma, flying top

. koma 独楽(コマ) spinning top - Introduction .
. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
At the shrine Kamo Jinja 加茂神社 in Kikuma 菊間町, Imabari, there is the body of an Ushi-Oni with nine bodies, covered by a black cloth.
Hachiman hama beach 八幡浜
kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls
(trying to locate details)
Matsuyama town 松山
. hime Daruma 松山の姫達磨 Hime Princess Daruma Dolls
. Ikkanbari hariko 一閑張り張り子
Papermachee dolls and handicraft, Daruma - with haiku
. Kinten Daruma 金天だるま Daruma Dolls with a flat golden head .
. Kojooro the Tanuki prostitute 小女郎 Kojoro .
. Matsuyama anesama 松山姉様 "elder sister" paper dolls .
Matsuyama no mikoshi 松山のみこし mikoshi models
made from wood, 60 cm long, 18 cm high.
They are not made any more.

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
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Rakuzan ware 楽山焼 Rakuzan-yaki
is a type of Japanese pottery traditionally made in Matsuyama, Ehime prefecture.
A little red-clawed crab (赤手蟹 akategani) peeking out of the sides of the vessel is the trademark.
- source : wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakuzan_ware ... -
. Iyo Mizuhiki 伊予水引 ceremonial paper strings .
. musha ningyoo 武者人形 samurai doll .
mushadako, musha tako 武者凧 samurai kite
. Noda tenji 野田天神 Tenjin sama from Noda village .
botchan ningyoo 坊ちゃん人形 "Botchan" dolls

at Dogo Onsen hot spring, in memory of the novel of
. Natsume Soseki 夏目漱石 (1867 - 1916) .
Ozu City 大洲市 Nagahama-cho 長浜町
yatsujika odori no men 八鹿踊りの面 deer masks for the dance with 8 deer
for the autumn festival at 宇和津神社の「八鹿踊り」
shika men 鹿面 deer masks

made by Utsunomiya San 宇都宮 さん.
The dance is performed by boys of about 12 / 13 years, who bent down deeply to imitate the dear. There are bells attached to the masks to make a pleasant sound.
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The Toyoshige area in Ozu City has three Intangible Folk Cultural Properties designated by the city, namely Toyoshige Itsujika Odori, Echigojishi, and Shishimai dances.

Toyoshige Itsujika Odori (Toyoshige five-deer dance)
is said to have begun when Date Hidemune 伊達秀宗, the eldest son of the lord of the Sendai domain, Date Masamune, was appointed the lord of the Uwajima domain in 1615 and took office in the area, bringing experts in
Yatsujika Odori (the eight-deer dance),
which was a folkloric performing art of his native region. During the course of the transmission of the dance into various areas, it is said, the number of dancers was reduced from eight to five. The dance has been carried on for 165 years from around the 12th year of the Tempo era (1841) until now.
The Shishimai dance (deer dance 鹿(しし)踊り), which has a male lion dance and a female lion dance version, is also likely to have been brought together with the Yatsujika Odori dance. The Echigojishi dance, which seems to have begun in the Toyoshige East area in around the 6th year of the Taisho period (1917), is auspicious local performing arts where a red lion and a blue lion dance in unison, the red lion bringing good health, and the blue lion household harmony.
- source : bunkashisan.ne.jp

source : nippon-kichi.jp
Yusudani nanashika odori 遊子谷七鹿踊り Dance of seven Deer
Ozu washi 大洲和紙 Japanese paper from Ozu
Nomura town 野村 Seiyo 西予
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Nomura Silk 野村シルク
Known as “the town of milk and silk,” Nomura Town in Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture has long thrived on stockbreeding and sericulture. Its sericulture industry, which makes raw silk yarn from silkworm cocoons, started in the early Meiji Period (1868-1912), and by the early Taisho Period (1912-1926) as many as 1,138 sericultural farmhouses filled the town.
There are various reasons for the development of sericulture in this semi-mountainous town: the local farmland occupied a large area of sloping land, necessary for growing the mulberry trees needed to feed silkworms; a large number of workers were available compared to the area of the farmland; and sericulture was highly profitable.
In 1933,
a silk-reeling factory was established in Nomura, and the locally produced raw silk was registered with the trademark name of Camellia Silk, receiving high acclaim both domestically and internationally. However, Nomura’s silk-reeling industry declined over time, under pressure from high-volume imports of cheaper products from abroad. Today only about 10 sericulture farmers remain.
Nonetheless, the high quality of Camellia Silk has been passed down over the years. It features a unique bulkiness, which means its yarn has more expansion per unit of length than the average yarn, and also offers a fine gloss. Riding on the enduring strength of the Nomura brand, Camellia Silk is still sold in Kyoto and other areas of Japan.
Japan’s shrines have a tradition known as Sengu, when their enshrined deity is moved to a temporary shrine during reconstruction work. At Ise-jingu Shrine, one of the most important shrines in Japan, every 20 years the entire shrine is reconstructed in a ceremony referred to as Shikinen Sengu—and Camellia Silk is designated as a provider of raw silk yarn for the ceremony. It is used for making formal attire for the ceremony as well as new offerings to the god of the shrine.
Nomura’s Silk Museum
presents a number of valuable items related to the industry that supported the town’s modernization in terms of both industry and economy. Its displays include both historical documents and tools that were used in the production of cocoons and raw silk yarns. There are also programs where guests can experience making products using Camellia Silk themselves.
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -
西予市野村シルク博物館 Seiyo Nomura Silk Museum

- reference source : Nomura Silk Museum -
Seiyo-shi, Ehime Nomura 8-177-1
Saijoo town 西条 Saijo
hamaki, hama ki 破魔鬼 demon mask to ward off evil

from shrine Isono Jinja 伊曽乃神社
They also help to bring good luck. Especially bought during the New Year holidays to protect the home for the coming year. People hang it in the tokonoma, entrance hall or at the gate.
There are larger masks for grown-ups and small ones for children.
They come in black and red.
Its origin is said to be a craw tengu goblin (karasu tengu 烏天狗).
During the annual shrine festival, they are worn by men on their back, then called
onigashira 鬼頭(おにがしら) demon head

source : www.shikoku.ne.jp
Isono Shrine is well known for the autumn festival

Saijo Matsuri 伊曽乃神社例大祭(西条まつり)
- - - - - Homepage of the shrine 伊曽乃神社
. WKD : Saijo Festival and Isono Shrine .
Uwajima town 宇和島
. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
ox ogre, ox monster, bull fiend with four octopus tentacles on its back.
buuyare 菊間のぶうやれ Buyare / Puyare
puuyare ぷうやれ
. Uwajima no Daruma 宇和島のだるま .
Uwajima no koma 宇和島独楽 spinning tops from Uwajima

source : park15.wakwak.com/~eohash
Made by the craftsman shop of Watanabe 渡辺木工所.
Bull fighting was popular in the area, so was fighting with spinning tops. They are therefore rather robust. Made from the polished wood of sarusuberi tree, without any decoration.
. Crape myrtle (sarusuberi 百日紅) .
. koma 独楽(コマ) spinning top - Introduction .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Matsuyama no nana fushigi 松山の七不思議 seven wonders of Matsuyama
松山城の内堀に住む蛙は鳴かない。The frogs in the castle moat of Matsuyama do not call out.
8月の末になると長曾我部元親に敗れた伊予勢の怨霊が打つ陣太鼓の音がする。At the end of August, the war drums of Chosokabe Motochika can be heard.
紫井戸という水が紫色の水溜りがある。 In the purple well there is a pond with purple water.
里人が片身を焼いた鮒を弘法大師が放して蘇生させた。そのため片目である。There is a buna with one eye only, which Kobo Daishi had released.
弘法大師が芋を石に変えた。Kobo Daishi has changed sweet potatoes into stone.
龍隠寺境内の木立で霧のような水気が降る。In the compound of temple 龍隠寺 Ryuon-Ji there is often a fog falling from the trees.
8月に討死した霊が怪火となって出る。People who died in a battle in August will come back as ghosts with mysterious fire.
. nanafushigi, nana fushigi 七不思議 "The Seven Wonders" in Japan .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
19 松山 愛媛 to explore
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
#ehime #matsuyama #imabari #ikazaki
. WASHOKU . - Regional Dishes from Ehime
. Ehime Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Matsuyama Kaido 松山街道 Highway .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
1 comment:
Mitsu Kaido 三津街道 Mitsu Highway Legends
From Matsuyama castle (松山市大手町 Matsuyama Otemachi) to 三津浜 Mitsuhama beach.
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