. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese legends . .
Legends from Okayama 岡山の民話と伝説
. Okayama Folk Art - 岡山県の民芸品 .
- Introduction -
. Tateishi Noritoshi 立石憲利 (1938 - ) .
kataribe 語り部 storyteller from Okayama

おかやま伝説紀行 Legends from Okayama
The book contains 89 legends from 89 different villages, with short annotations.

天の邪鬼 春の日差しに 悪さなし
you can't do harm
in the spring sunshine -
pretty monsterlin
. Amanjaku no hoshitori あまんじゃくの星とり Amanojaku catching stars .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 Kappa Legends from Okyayama .
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Legends from Okayama .

. Momotaro 桃太郎 The Peach Boy .
. ama no chuusai 尼の仲裁 the mediation of a nun .
a version of the Matsuyama kagami 松山鏡 The Mirror from Matsuyama
. benjogami 便所神 Deity of the Toilet .
津山市 Tsuyama town, 瓜生原 Uryubara "gourd-growing plain"
. kohaku mochi 紅白餅 and 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji .
Niimi 新見
. Sanbo Taro, Mitsuho Taro 三穂太郎 / 三歩太郎 .
Nagi 奈義
. sennen bikuni 千年比丘尼 a young nun for 1000 years .
Tamashima 玉島 (Kurashiki)
. tanishi chooja タニシ長者 / たにし長者 Tanishi Choja
The Mud Snail Millionair .
This legend is told in many parts of Japan.
In Tottori and Okayama, it might also be a sazae サザエ conch shell.
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain - legends .
岡山の動物昔話 Animal Legends from Okayama
Tateishi Noritoshi 立石憲利 (1938 - )

bakebeso 化け臍 the monster navel
yokai database - 227 entries
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
from Kurashiki : 天狗 Tengu
Manga Nippon Mukashi Banashi まんが日本昔ばなし database - 33 stories
Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi - featured on TBS TV from 1975 – 1994.
With narrators 市原悦子 and 常田富士男
hibari mukashi 雲雀むかし swallow
tateiwa no kitsune 立岩狐
kitsune ga waratta きつねがわらった the fox who laughed
ookami to kitsune 狼と狐 the wolf and the fox
namakemono no uma なまけもんの馬 the lazy horse
madoo to yamainu sama まどうと山犬さま "mountain dog"
Tokuzenbuchi no oo namazu 徳善淵の大ナマズ big catfish
gonzoo mushi ごんぞう虫 gonzo insect
neko to nezumi ねことねずみ the cat and the mouse
akaushi ni notta sennin 赤牛に乗った仙人 red cow
meoto iwa 夫婦岩 rock of a good couple
oni no tegata iwa 鬼の手がた岩 rock with a handprint of an Oni
funayuurei 船幽霊 The Ship Ghost (various legends in Japan, wikipedia)
shakujima 杓島 Island
Chinnen to Bokunen チン念とボク念 the priests Chinnen and Bokunen
toshigamisama としがみさま the Deity of the Year
kawa o nagareta tsukimiso 川を流れた月見草 evening primrose
takara no geta 宝の下駄 the geta treasure
tsurashikurashi, tsurashi kurashi つらしくらし (Kurashiki)
Ningyoo Tooge 人形峠 Ningyotoge pass
Sasanashiyama 笹無山 Kurashiki
asekaki Jizo sama 汗かき地蔵さま
eboshi o kabutta O-Jizo san 綿帽子をかぶったお地蔵さん
kubikiri Jizo 首切り地蔵
あまんじゃくの星とり Amanjaku no Hoshitori - Ohaga
美作のあまんじゃく Mimasaka no Amanjaku
桃太郎 Momotaro
akazu no hako 開かずの箱 the box not to open
- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com -
. . minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 legends . .
- Introduction -
- - - #okayamalegends - - - - -
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. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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