kataribe 語り部 story teller, storyteller, Geschichtenerzähler
In olden times, stories were told to the children by grandma or other elders.
They were told in the local dialect, about historic events, family events or to explain proverbs and sayings.
There was even a profession for story telling, sometimes with simple illustrations.
. - kamishibai 紙芝居 "paper drama" - picture performance .

. rakugoka 落語家 comic story teller of Rakugo .
sekkyooshi 説経師 Buddhist preachers, Buddhist storytellers
see below
- ABC - List of kataribe from the Prefectures
. . . . . . . . . . Iwate 岩手県
. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Tono Monogatari - Legends of Tono .

CLICK for more photos !
Many stories are now told by the local Kataribe.
Tōno no minwa to kataribe
Mukashibanashi to kankō : kataribe no shōzō
How do the storytellers construct their performance
- reference -
. . . . . . . . . . Okayama 岡山県
. Tateishi Noritoshi 立石憲利 (1938 - ) .

おかやま伝説紀行 Legends from Okayama
Tateishi san has a regular TV program where he tells one legend and then discusses its meaning and similar legends from all over Japan.

. Legends from Okayama 岡山の民話と伝説 .

Professionelle japanische Geschichtenerzähler
Japan und das Geschichtenerzählen
. Reference - Deutsch.
. Reference .
- - - #kataribe #sekkyooshi #buddhistpreachers - - - - -
sekkyooshi 説経師 Buddhist preachers, Buddhist storytellers
sekkyoo saimon「説経祭文」(せっきょうさいもん)
sasara sekkyoo 「簓説経」(ささらせっきょう)with Sasara accompaniment
kosekkyoo, ko sekkyoo 古説経 "old Sekkyo stories"
They chanted their stories about the sutras (sekkyoobushi 説経節) at street corners (kado sekkyoo 角説教 ) or under bridges, sometimes having their own "theater" with drum accompanyment and all.
They used large paper umbrellas (ookarakasa 大唐傘).
Sometimes they used simple puppets to illustrate their preaching
sekkyoo ayatsuri 説経操り(せっきょうあやつり).
Finaly evolving into some kind of Joruri puppet theater
sekkyoo jooruri 説経浄瑠璃 (せっきょうじょうるり).
One of the most famous preachers was
Yoshichiro from Osaka 大阪の与七郎. Osaka no Yoshiroo.

説経与七郎正本『さんせう太夫』 Sekkyo Yoshichiro Daiyu
- - - - - Other famous storytellers:
Edo no Sado Shichidayu 江戸の佐渡七太夫.
Kyoto no Higurashi Kodayu 京都 - 日暮林清, 日暮小太夫
Five famous Sekkyobushi stories were published in 1661: Gosekkyoo 「五説経」Gosekkyo.
. sekkyo ningyoo 説教人形 puppets used by preachers .
A type of puppet theater where the puppet is manipulated in time to accompanied singing by a single master with his hand inside the puppet. Sekkyo puppets, which take their name from the fact that Joruri ballad dramas were preaching plays, (joruri being the old name for bunraku puppet theater) appear in plays by Chikamatsu and battle plays as well as moral tales and have been passed down through the generations as a folk entertainment.
sekkyoo ningyoo are a kind of
noroma ningyoo 佐渡のろま人形 puppets of simpletons from Sado Island, Niigata

天下無双佐渡七太夫正本『せつきやうしんとく丸』 Shintokumaru from Sado preaching
せつきやう :
「説経」 preaching the Buddhist sutras
「説教」 preaching (also used for Christian preachers)
- - - More in the Japanese WIKIPEDIA !
Wondrous Brutal Fictions
Eight Buddhist Tales from the Early Japanese Puppet Theater
Translated with an Introduction by
R. Keller Kimbrough

Wondrous Brutal Fictions
presents eight seminal works from the seventeenth-century Japanese sekkyo and ko-joruri puppet theaters, many translated into English for the first time. Both poignant and disturbing, they range from stories of cruelty and brutality to tales of love, charity, and outstanding filial devotion, representing the best of early Edo-period literary and performance traditions and acting as important precursors to the Bunraku and Kabuki styles of theater.
As works of Buddhist fiction, these texts relate the histories and miracles of particular buddhas, bodhisattvas, and local deities. Many of their protagonists are cultural icons, recognizable through their representation in later works of Japanese drama, fiction, and film. The collection includes such sekkyo "sermon-ballad" classics as Sansho Dayu, Karukaya, and Oguri, as well as the "old joruri" plays Goo-no-hime and Amida's Riven Breast.
R. Keller Kimbrough provides a critical introduction to these vibrant performance genres, emphasizing the role of seventeenth-century publishing in their spread. He also details six major sekkyo chanters and their playbooks, filling a crucial scholarly gap in early Edo-period theater. More than fifty reproductions of mostly seventeenth-century woodblock illustrations offer rich, visual foundations for the critical introduction and translated tales. Ideal for students and scholars of medieval and early modern Japanese literature, theater, and Buddhism, this collection provides an unprecedented encounter with popular Buddhist drama and its far-reaching impact on literature and culture.
- source : spot.colorado.edu/~kimbrouk -
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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