tsuzura 葛籠 / つづら wicker box, wicker clothes hamper
. kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds .
- Introduction -
Originally a kind of box or basket with a lid, is woven out of tsuzurafuji (Sinomenium acutum, otuzurafuji) vines.
Other tsuzura are made of bamboo.

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Many of these boxes are made to order, often at the wedding, and come with a family crest (kamon 家紋).
. koori 行李 wicker trunk, box to carry luggage . -
yanagigoori 柳行李 wicker trunk (made from willow branches)
fuji goori 籐行李 from wisteria vines
take goori 竹行李 from bamboo
koori, katani 行李片荷 carrying boxes for travellers
It is also used to store things in the home.
. tsuzura つづら、tsuzurakazura 葛籠葛(つづらかずら)acebia vine .
tsuzurafuji 葛藤 (つづらふじ) Sabia vine
kigo for late summer
- see below -
tsuzura is also written as '九十九' (tsukumo) - winding and twisting - is the origin of the vine of Tsuzurafuji that twists and turns.
tsuzura-ori つづらおり / 葛折り a winding zig-zag mountain road
tsuzura shokunin 葛篭職人 craftsmen making wicker boxes

source : edoichiba.jp..tuzura...
. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .
tsuzura uma 葛籠馬 Tsuzura-horse
a packhorse of the Edo period, with a luggage wicker box hanging on each side and a person sitting on its back.

source : www.tobunken-archives.jp
from Sakata, Yamagata, shrine Hie Jinja, a tsuzura-uma at the festival
酒田 日枝神社 祭礼当日の葛籠馬
. hina tsuzura 雛葛籠(ひなつづら) box for the hina dolls .
..... hina no hitsu 雛の櫃(ひなのひつ) / hina bako 雛箱(ひなばこ)
kigo for mid-spring
- see below -
In Teijo-zakki 貞丈雑記 (Teijo's memorandums) written by Sadatake Ise 伊勢貞丈 from 1763 to 1784, there is a description of a tsuzura and its material that had changed to bamboo.
In the case of a take tsuzura bamboo tsuzura, very thin bamboo stripes of the same width are woven in a matrix pattern and made into a square box shape.

source : blog.livedoor.jp/luanasakamoto
. kamon 家紋 family crest, Familienwappen .

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- quote
Iwai Tsuzura Store - Tokyo
Tsuzura is a craftwork that was first made by craftsmen in Kanda, Tokyo, early in the Genroku era. Although there were more than 250 tsuzura stores all over Japan at the beginning of the Showa era, there are only two stores left in Tokyo today. One of them is "Iwai Tsuzura ten" in Chuo-ku. The popularity of tsuzura has been growing again recently, not just as a container for kimono or accessories but as a home decoration and a gift for overseas.

... we introduce maestro Ryoichi Iwai of "Iwai Tsuzura-ten," located on Amazake Yokocho Street, Nihonbashi, the only store that crafts and sells Tsuzura products in Chuo-ku today. The store was established at the end of the Edo era, and has been handing down the traditional technique of crafting "Tsuzura" for the past 200 years, since the 17th Century.
At our store, we put "washi” - Japanese rice paper made in Ogawa city in Saitama, over the bamboo basket weaved by a bamboo craftsman in Sado, Tateyama or Kyoto, to strengthen the basket. Then, we paint with a mixture of persimmon and tannin over the paper for base coating, which holds the lacquer. I inherited this special technique from my father but it took me seven to eight years to learn it. Although I strongly hope to hand down these traditional technique to the next generation, I strongly doubt my children will inherit it because in the division of labor, other craftsmen such as basket makers and lacquerware brush makers are also decreasing. The brushes sold at home centers are not thick enough for our work. Thinking from various angles, it is difficult to pass down all these techniques to next generations,...
- source : www.tokyochuo.net/issue
Its height was from the Meiji period to the Taisho period and there were many tsuzura craftsman in Nihonbashi (Chuo Ward, Tokyo), a famous town for kimono, and there was also a tsuzura traders' union.
- quote - wikipedia -
kyoo tsuzura 京葛籠 wicker box from Kyoto

by Watanabe shop 渡邉商店
made from moosoochiku 孟宗竹 Mosochiku bamboo grown in Kyoto, which is used to the differences of temperature in summer and winter.
The corners are softened with handmade washi Japanese paper paper from 宇和島 Uwajima, Ehime.
Their boxes are well liked by Kabuki actors and Sumo wrestlers.
- source : www.shinise.ne.jp/receive - Watanabe
- different kinds of tsuzura made by Watanabe san

ageko 明荷(あけに)- for Sumo wrestlers
文楽・歌舞伎 - for Bunraku and Kabuki
道具入れ - for the tea ceremony
呉服入れ - for robes
文箱 - for letters and writing utensils
Look at photos of the production procsss and more :
- source : www.wanogakkou.com - tudura
- ABC - List of wicker boxes from the Prefectures
. . . . . . . . . . Nara
Tsuzura woven out of Tsuzurafuji in the possession of the Shoso-in Treasure Repository.

onsho no hako 御書箱 (おんしょのはこ)box for writing utensils
- and
sekishitsu nuri no yanagibako 赤漆塗柳箱 (せきしつぬりのやなぎばこ)
box woven from the thin branches of a willow tree
painted with red laquer
These boxes were important to keep robes and washi paper dry and protect them from insects in times when chests, cabinets and closets were not widely used yet.
- source : www.wanogakkou.com - tudura -
. Shoosoo-In, Shōsōin 正倉院曝 Shoso-In Treasure House .
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference .
. Omoi tsuzura and yokubari obasan / The heavy basket and the greedy old woman .
. tsuzura つづら、tsuzurakazura 葛籠葛(つづらかずら)acebia vine .
tsuzurafuji 葛藤 (つづらふじ) Sabia vine
kigo for late summer
urasenke rooma doojoo hina tsuzura
Roma training center
box for hina dolls
- source : www.mmjp.or.jp/aoi - 藍生 主宰句
. Urasenke 裏千家 and the Tea Ceremony .
Hina Tsuzura - Haiku Collection 雛葛籠: 句集
by 千代 代々木 / 代々木千代 Yoyogi Chiyo
kobusuma ya tsuzura no naka ni neru soozu
this little quilt -
the high priest sleeps
in a wicker box
Tr. Gabi Greve
imo hakobu soozu no saru ya mura shigure
the abbot's monkey
hauls potatoes ...
steady winter rain
Tr. David Lanoue
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
soozu - sôzu is one rank of a Buddhist priest, often translated as "high priest", taking care of the nuns in a temple:
大僧都 / daisoojoo 大僧正
大僧都 daisoozu
権大僧都 gon no daisoozu
少僧都 shoosoozu
権少僧都 gon no shoosoozu
大律師 dairisshi
soogoo 僧綱(そうごう)rank of Buddhist priests
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA and weblio!
shii no hana tsuzura no naka no yubi ningyoo
flowers of the Shii-oak
there are finger dolls
in the wicker box
Futamura Noriko 二村典子
. shii no hana 椎の花 (しいのはな) flowers of the Shii-oak .
kigo for mid-summer
. yubi ningyo 指人形 finger dolls .
養浩 - 芭蕉庵小文庫
- a poet with the name of Tsuzura
suteteko ya sento no aru machi ni sumi
my loose underpants -
I live in a town
with a public bath
Tsuzura Kensuke 葛籠堅助
. suteteko すててこ loose underpants for men .
kigo for summer
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #tsuzura #wickerbox -
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