kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds
zaru ざる / 笊 flat bamboo basket, bamboo tray
. tsuzura 葛籠 / つづら wicker box, wicker clothes hamper .
Baskets were made from all kinds of natural material, mostly woven to keep them as light as possible.
- quote
A basket is a container which is traditionally constructed from stiff fibres, which can be made from a range of materials, including wood splints, runners, and cane. While most baskets are made from plant materials, other materials such as horsehair, baleen, or metal wire can be used.

Baskets are generally woven by hand. Some baskets are fitted with a lid, others are left open.
Baskets serve utilitarian as well as aesthetic purposes. Some baskets are ceremonial, that is religious, in nature. While baskets are typically used for storage and transport, specialized baskets are as sieves, for cooking, for processing seeds or grains, for tossing gambling pieces, rattles, fans, fish traps, laundry, and other uses.
The phrase
"to hell in a handbasket" means to rapidly deteriorate.
- - - Look at samples from all over the world :
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
kagoshi, kago-shi 籠師 craftsman making baskets
kago shokunin 籠職人
kagozukuri 籠作り making a basket

dejoku 出職 craftsman getting an order from a client and works at client's home
ijoku 居職 craftsman working at home, after getting an order from a client
Simple baskets were made at home by anyone skilfull in a farming family furing the winter time, but many were also made by professionals, especially in the towns.

籠職人—竹編みの技 - 吉羽和夫
Click image for more books about baskets.
. List of Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 shokunin .
- - material used for baskets
. akebi あけび【通草/木通】acebia, akebia vine . - Akebia quinata
. igusa 藺 (い) / 藺草(いぐさ)い草 rush . - Juncus effusus
. take 竹 bamboo .
. too 籐 rattan / toozuru 籐蔓 rattan vine .
. yanagi 柳 willow tree shoots .
- - different kinds of weaving
ajiro 網代 wickerwork
ami 編み simple weaving
kagoyui, kago yui 籠結 two people making a basket
mutsume "six eyes", hexagonal
yotsume "four eyes", four corners

かご編みの技法大全: 編む・かがる・組む・巻く・結ぶ
by 佐々木麗子
Click image for more books about basket weaving techniques.
- three steps of weaving a basket
sokoami 底編み weaving of the bottom part
dooami 胴編み weaving of the body part
fuchi shiage 縁仕上げ finishing the top edge
- - - - and various methods for the edges
tomobuchi shiage 共縁仕上げ
makiguchi shiage 巻口仕上げ
jabara shiage 蛇腹仕上げ
nodaguchi shiage 野田口仕上げ
mekagao 目籠 openwork woven bamboo basket
kagome 籠目 holes in a basket
A corruption of "kakome" ("surround")
The shape of the holes in a traditional basket, a hexagon
The shape of the holes in a traditional, including the woven material, a hexagram (Star of David).
kagome 籠女 - a pregnant woman
kagome - a caged bird
kagome - "Circle you"

Kagome Kagome (かごめかごめ, or 籠目籠目)
is a Japanese children's game and the song associated with it. One player is chosen as the oni (literally demon or ogre, but similar to the concept of "it" in tag) and sits blindfolded (or with their eyes covered). The other children join hands and walk in circles around the oni while chanting the song for the game. When the song stops, the oni tries to name the person standing directly behind them.
The song is a subject of much interest because of its cryptic lyrics which vary from region to region, and many theories exist about its meaning and origins, but neither have been definitely explained.
かごめかごめ 籠の中の鳥は -- Kagome kagome / Kago no naka no tori wa
いついつ出やる 夜明けの晩に -- Itsu itsu deyaru / Yoake no ban ni
鶴と亀が滑った -- Tsuru to kame ga subetta.
後ろの正面だあれ -- Ushiro no shoumen daare
When, oh when will it come out
In the night of dawn
The crane and turtle slipped
Who is behind you now?
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. mekago tate 目籠立 put up a pole with a bamboo basket .
to prevent Yamanokami from coming
- Some special kinds of Japanese baskets have been introduced separately.
. ajiro 網代 (あじろ) wickerwork fishtraps .
. ajirogasa 網代笠 bamboo hat / sugegasa 菅笠 sedge hat .
. bentoobako 弁当箱 Bentobako, lunch box .
magewappa Bento Boxes まげわっぱ / 曲げわっぱ
chigibako 千木筥 / 千木箱 auspicious box
. chiku fujin 竹婦人 "bamboo wife" .
"hug basket" dakikago 抱籠(だきかご)
sleeping companion, soine kago 添寝籠(そいねかご)
kago makura 籠枕 "basket pillow"
Woven baskets, small ones for cushions and larger ones to embrace while sleeping, to keep the cool air close to your body.
. kago 篭, 駕, 駕籠 かご palanquin, sedan chair .
. meshizaru 飯笊 (めしざる) basket for rice .
..... meshikago 飯籠(めしかご)
ohachi-ire 飯櫃入 container to keep the rice warm
..... jikiroo 食籠 jikiro, lidded food container
. mushikago 虫かご / 虫籠 basket for keeping insects .
box for keeping insects, mushikago, mushiko 虫籠 insect cage
dealer for insects, mushiya 虫家, mushi-uri 虫売り
.. knowledgeable about insects, mushi-kiki 虫聞き
- kigo for all autumn -
mushikiki at Dokanyama, Edo 道灌山 道灌やま虫聞 - by Utagawa
source : surugaya.com/sensuji/sakuhin/musikago
mushiko uri 虫籠売り vendor of insect baskets
Some sold empty baskets, some came from the nearby villages to the center of Edo and sold baskets with the insects and some food already inside.

- reference source : woodblockprints.org/index -
極印千右衞門 Gokuin Senemon holding am insect cage
Utagawa Toyokuni III 歌川国貞) (三代豊国) - Gokuin Sen'emon
"Sen'emon is holding an insect cage (mushikago - 虫籠) in which you can see two lightning bugs which he has caught. He has put in a sprig of a nadeshiko (撫子) or Japanese pink as food for his captives.
"At the end of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth, Karigane Bunshichi, Gokuin no Sen'emon, An no Heibei, Hote no Ichiemon, and Kaminari Shokurō haunted the streets of Osaka, robbing, beating, and even killing fellow residents.... "
kirigirisu キリギリス / 螽斯 long-horned grasshoppers were sold for 8 Mon 八文, now about 200 Yen. So keeping an insect in autumn was quite possible for the townspeople.
The baskets to keep the insects had many forms, from square to elongated to almost round. Others had the form of a boat or a handfan.
The craftsmen who made them during the winter time took pride in making decorative cages.
They were made from thin bamboo stripes.
Many lowly samurai, who lived in 千駄ヶ谷 Sendagaya, made these baskets as their side income.
seoikago, seoi-kago 背負いかご / 背負い籠 backpack basket
They had to be especially light.

. Kanda renjaku machi 神田連雀町 Renjaku-Cho district in Edo .
The name refers to the renjaku 連尺 / 連索 basket backpacks of the street vendors who lived there, carrying their ware around Edo.
shiyoiko 背負子(しよいこ) "street vendor with a backpack"
renjaku akinai 連尺商い "doing business with a backpack"
. uzura kago 鶉籠(うずらかご)basket for a quail .
Quails were kept in special baskets and their masters meet to hear them sing.
yurikago ゆりかご / 揺り籃 cradle

zaru ざる / 笊 bamboo basket
used in the kitchen, usually flat to dry things
zarume ami ざる目編み weaving the "eyes" of a zaru

zarusoba ざるそば buckwheat noodles on a basket
zaru used to dry umeboshi 梅干し
debozaru 鉄砲ざる / てぼざる short form debo テボ
with a specially low bottom, used for making Sanuki udon 讃岐うどん
The "udon ball" (udon no tama 「(うどんの)玉」) is placed on them to re-heat quickly in hot water. This is a pun with the TAMA of a teppodama gun 鉄砲の弾.
- Proberbs with zaru
ざるで水をすくうような (いくらやっても無駄な意)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - How to make a zaru

- source : ~sao-masa/takekougei
kaikozaru, kaiko zaru 蚕ざる flat tray to keep silk worms
. kaiko 蚕 (かいこ) silkworm .
..... kokago 蚕籠(こかご) basket for keeping silkworms
..... kuwa kago 桑籠(くわかご) basket for leaves
..... mayukago 繭籠(まゆかご)cocoon basket
- ABC - List of baskets from the Prefectures
. . . . . . . . . . Fukushima 福島県
. Oku-Aizu Amikumi Zaiku 奥会津編み組細工 .
Oku-Aizu braided craft products from natural vines - kago かご baskets and zaru ざる sieves
. . . . . . . . . . Hiroshima
. hanakago mochi 花篭持ち girl carrying a flower basket .
宮の峡 Miyanokai doll
. . . . . . . . . . Kagawa 香川県 - Sanuki
Sanuki no hanakago 讃岐の花かご flowerbasket, flower basket from Sanuki

The basket is made from wrapped pine wood sheets (kyoogi 経木製), the handle is made from bamboo.
They used to be sold on the access road to the Konpira shrine, but dealers have vanished now.
In former times in the Western Sanuki region, instead of bride dolls a common present was this hanakago filled with some presents.
Now still made by Akiyama san in Marugame.
- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp
. . . . . . . . . . Shiga 滋賀県 - 甲賀市 Koga Town
Minakuchi no hanakago 水口の花籠 flower basked from Minakuchi village

From the left: Hyogo, Shiga, Fukuoka, Kagawa
They are quite small for children to go out in Spring and pick some flowers.
Most of them are not made any more.
- reference : japan-toy-museum.org -
. . . . . . . . . . Tokyo / Edo 江戸
- quote -
Tokyo Tokogei - Rattan craft
Traditional Technologies and Techniques
1. Both heat and steam are used to shape and bend rattan. Various types of equipment are also used.
2. A bark stripper is used to make incisions rather than cuts in rattan bark. The stems inside are then drawn out and cut into defined sizes.
3. Maki involves wrapping bark or stem rattan around structural joints in order to strengthen them.
4. Ami weaving using bark rattan, stem rattan and half-stem rattan is done for purposes of decoration and strengthening in accordance with product uses.
- History and Characteristics
“Rattan” describes a family of palm plants that mainly grow in South East Asia. While being lightweight, strong and offering abundant elasticity, rattan is also said to possess the longest stems of any plant in the world.
Rattan stems are jointed like bamboo. Unlike bamboo, however, they are fibrous rather than being hollow. The diameter of rattan stems ranges from around 2mm to 50mm.
Rattan possesses a hardened outer sheath with long slender leaves. Thorns are also present in places. The tensile strength of rattan is worth special mention, the stems literally being strong enough to sustain the weight of King Kong.
Bamboo is perhaps the most familiar natural material that can be “woven” or “braided” (as part of traditional crafts), however, it does not perform very well when “wrapped” or “tied.” By contrast, wrapping and tying are possible when using rattan.
Rattan also offers superior pliability, it being able to replace bamboo because bamboo cannot be bent or twisted. Rattan can also be “wrapped” and “sewn.”
Rattan is also sometimes used for the edge-wrapping of bamboo baskets.
In the Middle Ages, rattan was used in a range of products. It was used by the military classes in rattan-twined bows and on weapon shafts. It was also used for writing brushes, whistles and flutes.
In the Edo Period (1603-1868), rattan was used in wickerwork baskets, and as a surface material for pillows and sandals. The Meiji Era (1868-1912) saw the appearance of rattan prams and chairs. In the Taisho Era (1912-1926), attention was paid to the sculpting qualities of rattan, while from the early Showa Era (1926-1989), rattan began to be used for household furniture and room accessories. Such developments led to an expanding scope of usage over time.
In modern times, products manufactured from rattan possess an accessible familiarity. In the heat and humidity of the Japanese summer, due to how it feels, in addition to furniture in hotel lobbies and restaurants, rattan is used in a wide variety of locations including private households.
- Rattan Manufacturing Cooperative Association
- source : shoko/dentokogei/english... -
zarukaburi inu 笊かぶり犬 dog wearing a basket
The dog is from papermachee, the basked woven from bamboo.
The basked is an amulet for raking in good luck and a healthy upbringing of small children.
The Chinese character for bamboo basket 笊 is a pun with the meaning of the compuond images of the character, bamboo on top of a dog, which is similar to "smile" 笑. This toy will keep the children laughing.
The auspicious basket will also let the wind pass through it, so when it is hung over the baby bed, it will prevend the child from getting a stuffed nose or catch a cold.

When the children grow up, they play with these dolls and eventually break them and tear them apart. This shows the parents that the child has grown strong and healthy and they are happy about it and do not scold the kids.
. Inu 戌 / 犬 Dog toys and amulets .
. . . . . . . . . . Yamagata 山形県
. izumeko いづめ子 baby in basket .
ejiko えじこ baby in a basket
shigura ツグラ、 shibura ツブラ、izumi イズミ, bugo フゴ、ijiko イジコ / えずこ Ezuko / えじこ Ejiko / えずめこ Ezumeko
kanban de koto o osamenu kago-zukuri
This is a pun with
koto osame 事納め last ceremonies before the New Year.
. osamefuda 納札 bringing back the old year amulets .
mikankago, mikan kago みかん籠 / 蜜柑籠 "basket for tangerines"
- synonym for an abandoned child
hey, come out -
to start with you have been
an abandoned child
初代柄井川柳 Karai Senryu I (1718 - 1790)
oidipusu omae mo moto wa mikan kago
you too originally have been
an abandoned child
- source : tokyo.senryukai
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #kagobasket #basketkago #hanakago -
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