. hibuse 火防と伝説 Legends about fire prevention .
himodoshi, hi modoshi 火戻し see below
hi no yoojin 火の用心 watch out for fire - fire prevention

source : papinotegami
Fires are a problem at any time. Some seasons are more prone to fires. In Japan, we have most fires in winter, when people use heating devices and the air is dry.
During the Edo period, when people lived closely in wooden homes and used open fire for cooking, fires were especially terrible.
Fire and fighting are the flowers of Edo (kaji to kenka wa Edo no hana) is an old proverb of these dangerous times.
on the lookout for fire, hi no ban 火の番
hi no ban koya 火の番小屋 gut for the night watch
watching out for fires, hi no miban 火の見番
watchtower for a fire, hi no yagura 火の櫓
mound for the fire bell, hanshoo dai 半鐘台
. WKD : kaji 火事 fire .
kigo for all winter
hi no yoojin 火迺要慎 "beware of fire"
amulet from
. Atago Jinja 愛宕神社 Kyoto .
. Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸 / 人麿 .
venerated as 火難除けの神 Deity to prevent fire damage.

Himeji Fire Department 姫路西消防署
. hi no yoojin Daruma 火の用心 だるま .
hibuse Daruma 火防達磨 Fire and war preventing Daruma
Temple Junshin-Ji
. hibuse shishi 火防獅子 lions heads to protect from fire .

. Kitty Chan キティちゃん .

source : plaza.rakuten.co.jp/yaizunomike/

CLICK for more images .
. tenugui 手ぬぐい small hand towels .

tenugui hand towels and more goods
- source : lunatin.exblog.jp

source : www.artsou.co.jp - tenugui

poster from Hakodate
- hi no yojin - poster -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- hi no yojin - illustrations
- hi no yojin - flags 火の用心 のぼり
- hi no yojin in Edo
. Reference - "hi no yojin" .

source : kiwashichi.exblog.jp
- - - - - A golden frog to prevent burns ! - - - - -

source : jigane.com
yakedo 火傷 burn, scald the skin
yakedo no majinai, jumon 火傷の呪い / 呪文 incantation to heal a burn
himodoshi, hi modoshi 火もどし / 火戻し to give the fire back
In former times, when housewives, craftsmen and other people used open fire for many activities in daily life, they often got burns on their skin, sometimes quite severe wounds.
To seek healing people had to go to a special healer specializing in "hi modoshi no jutsu" 火戻しの術 the magic ritual of "giving the fire back"
jujutsushi 呪術師 magic healer
The healer chanted special prayers and spells and poured water over the affected body part. Soon the patient would not feel the heat of the wound any more. Often the wound healed fast and did not leave a scar.
There was no fixed payment for a healing session, since that would take away the effectiveness of the spell. But some small amount of money was passed on "from the heart" of the healed one.
This art of healing was passed on is some families. The spells were not spoken out loudly and nobody could hear them (to use them on his own). They were only given to the oldest son of a healer. Very seldom they were overheard by other children and passed on in the family.
Candles and incense sticks were placed on a table before the family Shinto altar, also offerings of purifying salt and rice. Bowing deeply tree times the healer then chants the incantations without making a sound. He then uses a bamboo grass leaf to sprinkle purified well water over the would while he chants.
Other souces quote a more simple way of healing (possibly with a stronger placebo effect).
The healer would write the character の over the affected body part, chant some incantation and that was it.
As an aside, even now mothers use the spell for all kinds of pain
itai no itai no tonde ike (tondeke) 痛いの痛いのとんでいけ pain, pain go away
The healers also knew other spells, for example to protect farmers and others walking in the dark nights of the Edo period, often without a lantern to save money for a candle. On the darkest spots of the road there were often evil spirits, malevolent Tanuki, Kitsune or other Yokai to scare and harm the people.
- reference : nippon.zaidan.info -
If someone has burnt the skin,
he goes to the local shrine to have a ritual performed:
himodoshi 火もどし to give the fire back.
Then he pours the water from the flower vase of the Butsudan on the wound.
. butsudan 仏壇と伝説 legends about the Buddhist family altar .
. placebo effect プラシーボ効果 and Yakushi Nyorai .
- - - - - Here is a story from Yamagata:

kajiya to isha to miko 鍛冶屋と医者と巫女
A blacksmith, a doctor and a Shrine maiden
むがしあったけど。Once upon a time
- to cut a long story short, the three came to hell together and were put into a hot chauldron to suffer for their sins.
But the Shrine maiden performed some "himodoshi" and they did not suffer in the boiling water.
(Maybe some kind of Hot Spring magic?)
- Read the Japanese story here ! -
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. hibuse 火防と伝説 Legends about fire prevention .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #hinoyojin #hibuse #fireprevention #fire -
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