byooma taisan 病魔退散 warding off disease
. Health Amulets 健康御守 kenkoo omamori .

source : tamapupu.blog100.fc2.com
oidashi neko 追い出し猫 cat to drive out illness and bad influence
病魔退散 / 不況退散 / 災い退散
from Miyawaka Town in Kyushu 九州宮若, made for more than 400 years!
If you turn the white cat around it shows life without any trouble :
The red manekineko is an amulet for health, good business and good luck「健康」「商売繁盛」「幸運」
source : design36cafe.blog16.fc

source : www.wakakanko.jp

They come in all shapes and sizes, with different wishes hand-painted on the stomach, if you order them HERE
- source : www.oidashineko.com
. manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .

A whole shopping street with this talisman ! And more to look at here :
- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/icd05687

. Kitty Chan キティちゃん .

with a mask tp protect against influenza - インフルエンザ対策
From shrine Shirasaki Hachimangu 白崎八幡宮, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi
In the compound is a smaller shrine, Awashima Jinja 粟島神社, dedicated to the deity
Oonamuchi no Mikoto 大己貴命 Onamuchi-no-Kami.
. gankiri 癌切り, ganfuuji 癌封じ amulets for healing cancer .
byooki heiyu 病気平癒 healing a disease
There are some specialized temples and shrines in Kyoto.
. Imakumano Jinja 新熊野神社 Imakumano Shrine .
especially for pain of the stomach 腹痛 - and also for Noh theater.
Kifune Jinja (Kibune Jinja) 貴船神社

- source : kifunejinja.jp
Yakushi Yudono 薬師湯殿 The Yakushi Bath Hall
. Ryoosenji, Ryōsen-ji 霊山寺 Ryosen-Ji . - Nara
. Saiin Kasuga Jinja 西院春日神社 Sai-In Kasuga Shrine in Kyoto .
hoosoo ishi 疱瘡石 "smallpox stone" - praying for good health
. Kegonji 華厳寺 Kegon-Ji . - Gifu
- Oizuridoo 笈摺堂 Oizuri-Do Hall
koke no mizu Jizoo 苔の水地蔵尊 / 苔ノ水地蔵]- Jizo Bosatsu with water and moss
Pilgrims wet a part of Jizo where their own body hurts and plaster a paper amulet on this place with the prayer to get well soon.
Yoshiminedera 善峰寺 / 善峯寺 Yoshimine-Dera
For nervous pains and painful hips 神経痛 / 腰痛
If you rub this amulet on the painful body part, the pain will be relieves . . .

- source : www.yoshiminedera.com
- quote
Yoshiminedera (吉峰寺)
is a temple of the Tendai sect of Japanese Buddhism located in Kyoto's western mountains. Similar to Kiyomizudera on the opposite side of town, Yoshiminedera is built along the mountain side and looks out onto Kyoto. The temple grounds are spacious and there are many buildings distributed up the mountain side.
A priest from Enryakuji, named Gesan, established Yoshiminedera as a personal retreat in 1029. In 1467 the temple was destroyed in the Onin War but was rebuilt in 1621. The temple's main objects of worship are a Kannon statue carved by Gesan and a Kannon statue given to the temple by Emperor Gosuzaku in 1042.
. . . In addition to the buildings, the temple has a few revered trees. One of these is a unique 600 year old pine tree that is only 2 meters tall but 40 meters wide. The temple area is particularly beautiful in combination with the changing colors of the fall season, which attract considerable crowds and are usually best in the second half of November.
- source : www.japan-guide.com/e
Nishino Jinja 西野神社
札幌市西区平和 - Sapporo

It comes in a small wooden box.

source : d.hatena.ne.jp/nisinojinnjya
. Isaniwa Jinja 伊佐爾波神社 Matsuyama, Ehime .
- source : www.amazon.co.jp
身体健康 病気平癒お守り桐箱入り
- source : www.amazon.co.jp

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . CLICK here for byooma taisan Photos !
. Reference .
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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