Shiga Prefecture Folk Art - 滋賀県
The capital is the city of Otsu 大津.
Shiga was known as Ōmi Province 近江
. Oomi Hakkei 近江八景 Eight Views of Omi .
. Omi Kaido 近江街道 Omi Highway .
- Shiotsu Kaido 塩津街道 Shiotsu Highway
. Biwako 琵琶湖 Lake Biwa .
. Ootsu-e 大津絵 Paintings from Otsu .
- Introduction -
. Otsu-E 大津絵 - 鬼 Demon Paintings from Otsu .
. amiori tsumugi, ami-ori 網織紬 Amiori pongee .
and Hatasho tsumugi 秦荘紬 Hatasho pongee
Gokashoo village 五個荘町 Gokasho
. Daikoku on a rabbit .
. Shoojoo 猩猩 /猩々 Shojo, a legendary drunkard
shishimai 獅子舞人形 lion dance
Obata 小幡 is a small village in Gokasho.

- source and more photos : www.gaido.jp/suteki
Obata tsuchi ningyoo 小幡土人形 clay dolls from Obata
Obata deko 木幡でこ - deko is the local dialect for "doll".
Hosoi Gengo 細居源悟 is now in the 9th generation to make them. They have a tradition of more than 300 years. The first Hosoi Yasubei, 細居安兵衛, brought the tradition from Fushimi, Kyoto.
He was a kind of mailman, running back and forth to Kyoto for many years before settling in Obata. His home was along the Nakasendo Road, so he made souvenir dolls for the travelers.
They are rather colorful and depict seasonal festival themes and good-luck themes with a repertoir of more than 400 different ones.
. dojoo sukui どじょうすくい scooping loach .
. Hideyoshi 太閤秀吉 doll made by 細井文造 Hosoi Bunzo .
. komori 子守 / 子守り taking care of a baby .
. okoso zukin 御高祖頭巾 hood for winter doll .
. Obata tsuchi ningyoo 小幡土人形 rabbit clay doll from Obata

- more samples -
They have been the subject of a New Year Stamp in 1992 / 平成4.

Obata ningyoo 小幡人形 dolls from Obata
Made in 神崎郡五個荘町

kuma Kin 熊金 Kintoki and a bear
Hikone town 彦根
cha no mi ningyoo 茶ノ実人形 dolls from tea fruit
o-cha no mi お茶ノ実 chanomi tea fruit
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
also used in family crests
Kooga 甲賀市 Koga Town
Minakuchi no hanakago 水口の花籠 flower basked from Minakuchi village

The second from the left if from Minakuchi.
- reference : japan-toy-museum.org -
Kusatsu hariko 草津張り子 papermachee dolls from Kusatsu
Kusatsu is located on the shores of lake Biwako, opposite to the town of Otsu 大津.
Dolls of this town are related to warding off smallpox (hoosoo yoke 疱瘡除け).
They are sold in the store 日用雑貨店「川源」and in Moriyama town、守山市 Asahi store 朝日.
... pinpin uma ピンピン馬 healthy horse
... pinpin tai ピンピン鯛 healthy sea bream

They come in a set.
A small Daruma figure is also part of the set. There are two pieces of red paper to place the dolls on, put rice with red beans in the small white dish and make an offering in the morning with the wish for a child to get well from the smallpox. In the evening the two pieces of paper are placed under the pillow of the child. This has to be repeated for seven days. At the end of this period the Shojo doll is taken to the village border and discarded as an offering there, taking with him the smallpox of the child.
This custom is called
yotsu tsuji shoojoogaeshi 四ッ辻猩々返し

with shoojoo 猩猩 Shojo "legendary heavy drinker"
source : kyoudogangu.xii.jp
. Shoojoo 猩猩 Shojo, legendary heavy drinker .
. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
Moriyama town 守山市
Ootsu-e juuninshuu dorei 大津絵十人衆人形土鈴
clay bells of 10 important themes from Otsu pictures
Made according to paintings by 高橋松山 Takahashi Shozan.

The 10 themes are
鬼の念仏 Oni no nenbutsu / 藤娘 Fuji Musume / 雷公 Raiko / 瓢箪鯰 Gourd and Catfish / 座頭 Zato / 槍持奴 Yakko with a spear / 鷹匠 falconer / 弁慶 Benkei / 矢の根五郎 Yanone Goro / 長寿翁 Choju Ogina
- 高橋松山 Takahashi Shozan - English Reference
born in 1932.
- Page with detailed photos of paintings and clay bells:
- reference : kyoudogangu.xii.jp/oumi -
. Otsu Paintings 大津絵 Ootsu-e .
- Introduction -
Nagahama town 長浜市
. Nagahama hikiyama no dashi 長浜曳山祭りの山車
float of the Nagahama Hikiyama festival .
. migawarigaeru, migawari kaeru 身代わり蛙 frog taking on eye disease .
from temple Kinomoto Jizo-In Kinomoto Jizo 木之本地蔵, Nagahama
Oomi Hachiman Town 近江八幡市 Omi Hachiman
. Omi Hachiman Sagicho Matsuri 近江八幡 左義長まつり .
The Sagicho Matsuri is a festival of 13 colorful Sagicho floats painstakingly made with edible materials.
Special amulets are made for the festival. The original is a 3 meter high festival float made from new straw of the year, decorated with red paper and green auspicious figures.
. Omi joofu 近江上布 Omi Jofu Ramie fabric .
. Oomi shoonin tsuchi ningyoo 近江商人土人形 clay dolls from tradesmen of Omi .
. Oomi Daruma 近江だるま Daruma from Omi .
hariko 近江張子 Ohmi, Omi Papermachee Dolls
寺井清二さんの女だるま - female Ohmi daruma dolls by Terai San
. Merchants of Edo - 豪商 gooshoo .
Hino Shoonin 日野商人 Hino Merchants from Omi
Ootsu town 大津市 Otsu
. Otsu Paintings 大津絵 Ootsu-e .
- Introduction -

Hiyoshi jinja no 日吉神社の神猿 sacred monkey from Hiyoshi Shrine
. Saru 猿 / 申 Monkey Amulets .
Ootsu matsuri no dashi 大津祭りの山車 festival float

They are made from strong cardbord (ボール紙), like the float toys from Nagahama.
But they are not made any more.
. Ootsu Matsuri 大津祭 Otsu festival, Otsu Matsuri .
- Introduction -
- - - - - Shigaraki 信楽
The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park was built as a part of the people’s recreation land project. The SCCP is intended to support various activities around the theme of ceramics, including artistic creation, training, and exhibitions. The aims of the SCCP als include the promotion of local industry and the development of culture through human, materials, and informational exchanges, interfacing with the world. The Park was completed and opened in June 1990.
Shigarakiyaki, Shigaraki Yaki 信楽焼
- source : www.sccp.jp/e -

red Shigaraki Daruma Tanuki
. Tanuki and Shigaraki Pottery 信楽狸 .
- Introduction -
. Shigaraki Tanuki Fudo 信楽狸不動 from Shigaraki pottery .
- reference : Shigaraki pottery -
Koosen ningyoo 香泉人形 Clay dolls from Kosen
Yamamoto Koosen 山本香泉 Yamamoto Kosen (? - 1963)
The first Kosen was a painter from Kochi, who later changed to making all kinds of clay dolls. His daughter 信子 Nobuko inherited the name of Kosen and continued the production, together with his younger brother, 貞彦 Sadahiko a potter from Shigaraki. But when Sadahiko died in 1972, that was the end.
- reference : kyoudogangu.xii.jp/oumi -
. Tosa Anesama Dolls 土佐姉様 by Yamamoto Kosen .
. Taroobooguu 太郎坊宮 Shrine for the Tengu Tarobo .
The Tengu 太郎坊 Taro-Bo venerated here is a symbol of victory.
He is the elder brother of Jirobou Tengu at Kyoto Kurama.
Tengu masks 天狗面 and bells 天狗鈴 are great amulets.
Yookaichi town 八日市市 Yokaichi, Yōkaichi
Yookaichidako 八日市凧 Giant Tako Kite from Yokaichi
oodako 大凧 Odako, giant kite

- quote -
Yokaichi Giant Kite Festival
The Yokaichi kite festival began during the Edo period. Kites were flown by families who had a son born during the current year. Today it is held on the fourth Sunday of May and it is competition between teams from the area. The kites, called Oodako, are designed and built by the teams using local bamboo and washi (rice paper). The face must represent a phrase or play on words – the top half is a picture of a plant or animal and the bottom is a kanji character. The giant kites average 12m x 13m and weigh as much as 700kg. The largest kite ever flown at Yokaichi was 19m x 20.5 m and weighed 1500 kg. Judging is based on the decoration, its meaning, flight time and technique. Teams of all ages participate.
..... Today, there are over 450 kinds of kites in Japan and the Japan Kite Association alone sanctions over 50 local kite festivals each year .....
- source : Melanie Hartman, 2006 -
世界凧博物館八日市大凧会館 Giant Kite Museum
- reference : oodako.net -
3-5 Yokaichihigashihonmachi, Higashiomi, Shiga
. tako 凧 Kites of Japan .
- - - - - Approved Kogeihin from Shiga 滋賀県の伝統的工芸品

網織紬 / 秦荘紬 / 綴錦 / ビロード / 正藍染・近江木綿 / 手織真田紐 / 草木染手組組紐 / 近江刺繍 / 彦根繍 / 楽器糸 / 鼻緒 / 特殊生糸 / 押絵細工 / 近江真綿 / 輪奈ビロード
信楽焼 / 膳所焼 / 近江下田焼 / 再興)
提灯 / ろくろ工芸品 / 竹根鞭細工 / 木製桶樽 / 高島扇骨 / 上丹生木彫 / 八幡丸竹工芸品 / 木珠(高級木製数珠玉)
彦根仏壇 / 浜仏壇 / 錺金具
近江雁皮紙 / 雲平筆 / 和ろうそく / 太鼓 / 大津絵 / 梵鐘 / 小幡人形 / 愛知川びん細工手まり / いぶし鬼瓦 / 神輿
- reference : pref.shiga.lg.jp/kakuka -
Koto yaki 湖東焼 Koto ware
- reference : kotouyaki.jp -
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
- #shiga #otsu #shigaraki #omihachiman #yokaichikite -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Shiga
. Shiga Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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