Kagoshima Folk Art - 鹿児島県

former Satsuma domain 薩摩
Yakushima 屋久島 Yakushima island
famous for its old pine trees, Yakusugi 屋久杉

. yakusugi 屋久杉 cedar art from Yakushima island .
. Kawanabe Butsudan 川辺仏壇 Buddhist Family Altar .
Amami Oshima 奄美大島
Amami no mari 奄美のまり / 鞠 hand ball from Amami island
maru マル (the round one) in the local dialect
The first hand balls were made to be thrown in the air and catched, but these toy balls from Amami island were made to be dipped on the floor. So they are made from very strong cotton.
. mari 鞠(まり)/ temari 手毬(てまり)hand ball, rag ball .

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Oshima tsumugi 大島紬 tsumugi silk, Amami Oshima Pongee
The textile is mainly used for kimono materials, ties, hand bags.
- - - - - Origins
Silk fabric has been made in Amami Oshima, a suitable place for sericulture, since ancient times.
While the dyeing process used on Amami Oshima was the same as that of the Japanese main islands, the native teichigi trees and other vegetation used for dyeing are said to be the roots of modern Authentic Amami Oshima Tsumugi Silk Pongee’s mud and teichigi tree dyeing techniques.
- source : google.com/site/tsumugienglish -
. Introducing tsumugi 紬 silk pongee .
- quote -
Murayama-Oshima Tsumugi - (Textured Silk Pongee)
Great Edo style casual wear that kimono experts will go for.
OshimaTsumugi (textured silk pongee), a synonym for a high-quality silk fabric, is produced on Amami-0shima Island.
Murayama-OshimaTsumugi brand fabric is made from raw silk, like OshimaTsumugi, and is produced in the Musashimurayama City area of Tokyo.
Whereas production of OshimaTsumugi requires time‐consuming mudding of the silk, Murayama- OshimaTsumugi only uses the established Itajime (board-caught) dyeing method to apply the design using boards with engraved patterns.
A reasonably priced type of Kimono with a similar texture to that of OshimaTsumugi had been produced for general sale. Its most outstanding feature is a range of delicate Kasuri (splashed) patterns.
Kasuri is a technique for creating woven patterns through a process of precise thread bundling of the dyed warp and woof to make patterns. This creates a smooth texture of the fiber threads, which is comfortable and does not stick to the wearer’s skin.
Its light weight means that it can be worn without fatigue for long periods.
Specifically, Murayama-OshimaTsumugi for men has fine Kasuri patterns and conveys an impression of simple good taste through its intricacy when viewed close up and plainness from a longer view.
Meanwhile, design is important in women’s garments and the stylish patterns and colors are suitable for any age. To assure the high quality of Murayama-OshimaTsumugi, certification stamps are only granted to those products that use traditional techniques and materials accepted by Governor and pass stringent inspection based on 28 criteria, including length, weight, absence of flaws, etc.
- - Musashimurayama City, Mizuho Town, Akishima City
- source : dento-tokyo.metro.tokyo... -
Amami Ōshima (奄美大島, Okinawan: Uushima (ウーシマ); Amami: Ushima (ウシマ))
is one of the Satsunan Islands, and is the largest island within the Amami archipelago between Kyūshū and Okinawa.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Boonotsu village, Boo no tsu 坊津 Bonotsu
in Kawanabe District
garagarabune, garagara fune ガラガラ船 gara-gara boat
katsuobune, katsuo fune 鰹舟 bonito fishing boat
Choosa village 帖佐 Chosa //Aira village 姶良町
Choosa tsuchi ningyoo 帖佐土人形 Chosa clay dolls
. okoso zukin 御高祖頭巾 hood for winter doll .

Ebisu and the seabream 鯛抱き恵比寿
They have a tradition of more than 400 years, most probably first done by Korean potters. There used to be more than 40 craftsmen doing these dolls, but now there is only one left.
The dolls are made in a mold and are colored after firing.

source : www.e-kinenkan.com
Hyottoko playing the shamisen ひょっとこ三味線
. 武内宿禰 Takeshiuchi no Sukune - Takeshi-Uchi .
holding a baby
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Choosayaki, Choosa yaki 帖佐焼 Chosa yaki pottery from Chosa
Lord Yoshihiro 義弘 had build the castle in Chosa (帖佐城 Choosa yakata) and then invited potters from Korea.
The pottery was mostly of subdued colors, like black or brown. Yoshihiro used to stamp the pieces with a special seal to make sure they were of the same high quality and not forgeries.
This region sees to have had strong ties with Korea since the Nara period.

Koreans Who Potted in Kyushu
Naeshirogawa and Tanegashima ware from Kagoshima.
source : Robert Yellin

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Samurai Guns
[Note: What is noted as "samurai guns" are referred to as "Tanegashima" 種子島 named after the Tanegashima island where a Portuguese trading ship washed ashore in 1543 during a typhoon. The Tanegashima "guns" are actually rifles or muskets. Yoshio Kusaba]
The first guns arrived with the Portuguese in 1543 and their potential was quickly recognized, changing samurai battles considerably as strategy and tactics developed. Whereas archers were previously used first and foremost, the simplicity of the gun allowed the ashigaru foot soldier with limited training, to become a formidable fighting unit. The early weapons had an effective range of about 50 to 75 meters. Guns were now frontline weapons, often backed by archers, who were themselves backed by spearmen, ready to rush forward. Just 22 years after guns had arrived, Oda Nobunaga had proven their value in defeating Takeda Katsuyori at the Battle of Nagashino in 1575, when, according to legend, his 3,000 men in ranks of three provided a near continuous volley of fire at the approaching enemy, with devastating results.
The matchlock, known as a "Hinawaju" or "Teppo" (some earlier guns were also known as Tanegashima, after the island upon which the first Portuguese had introduced the weapons) were of relatively simple construction, a steel bore fitted with a wooden stock. A priming pan on the right of the bore sat below a serpentine lever holding a length of saltpetre-impregnated cord. When the trigger was pulled, the spring-loaded serpentine dropped the slow burning cord into the priming powder in the open pan. Bang!
The ashigaru were given either a small flask of gunpowder and a smaller container of priming powder, or pre-measured powder packs in paper tubes kept in a small box tied around their waist. This made recharging quicker, and so using the wooden ramrod housed in the gun’s stock to pack the powder and ram home the lead ball meant that all could be performed ideally in as little as 40 seconds. However, during the heat of battle, on damp or windy days, reloading a matchlock weapon would take significantly longer.
It has been estimated that 25,000 matchlock guns, or 30 percent of all the guns in existence worldwide at the time were used at The Battle Of Sekigahara. In all of Europe, only 30,000 guns were believed to be in use. Japan had a total of approximately 55,000 of these projectile weapons, and in fact had more guns than any other country at that time.
- source : Samurai History & Culture - facebook
. Hyottoko ひょっとこ .
Hayatochoo, Hayato village 隼人町
Kagoshima Jingu no gangu 鹿児島神宮の諸玩具 toys from Kagoshima shrine :
. taiguruma 鯛車 sea bream on wheels .
- - - - - More toys from
. Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine .

source : oveja27

source : blog.nihondorei.com
Kagoshima tsuchi ningyoo 鹿児島 土人形 Kagoshima Clay Dolls

Satsuma kubi ningyoo 薩摩首人形 head dolls
They are made by Kagoshima Takashi san, from sticky material made from paper.
A kind of shiso ningyoo 紙塑人形 glued paper dolls.
shiso kamihari ningyoo 紙塑紙貼り人形
Paper is mixed with natural shoobunori 生麩糊 glue from wheat gluten powder. Mulberry fiber can also be used.
Dolls of this kind have a gentle touch, compared to plain clay dolls.

source : gangu shookai
. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
. shiso ningyoo 紙塑人形 dolls made from paper mixed with clay .
Kagoshima town 鹿児島市

Satsuma itobina, ito no hina 薩摩糸びな string hina dolls
Satsuma Yarn and Paper Dolls 糸雛 itobina
They were first made in the Edo period. They are made from bamboo sticks and plates and have no face. A hemp string is wrapped around the head. This is a symbol and wish for the health and long life of the girl, usually the first daughter of a family. Many of the family members make these dolls by hand for the newborn baby and bring it as a present on March 3, the Hina Doll Festival.
This custom declined after the War and even now many families had forgotten about it. After the revival they are now a famous souvenir from Kagoshima. Some can be used as bookmarks.
. itobina 糸雛 string dolls from Miyazaki .
. WKD : Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri 雛祭り) .
. karuishi ningyoo 軽石人形 dolls from lava
from the 桜島 Sakurajima volcano
Daruma and "Ta no kansaa" 田のカンサア Ta no Kamisama, the God of the Fields
kome kui nezumi 米喰い鼠 mouse eating rice
. Ne 子 / nezumi 鼠 Rat, Mouse Amulets .

umanori, uma-nori musha 馬乗り武者 samurai on horseback
A present for the Boy's Festival in May to ward off evil.
Last made by Hosoi Kimi san 細井ミキ, but now extinct.

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kinsuke mari 金助まり / 金助鞠 hand balls with gold-thread decoration
They are a present for the Girl's Festival in March, to hang down from above the Hina Doll exhibition shelf. The smaller one's are about 30 cm, larger one's can be up to 70 cm.
They come with auspicious motives, like the phoenix, peonies, Chinese lions, Pine-Bamboo-Plum 松竹梅, and others.
. . . . . in the countryside of southern Kagoshima
It is a barn of a local farm that is constructed out of huge tree trunks and stumps that look as if it was put together by giants.

- source : Jake Ojisan
Kirishima 霧島市
. ponpachi (hatsutsuzumi) 初鼓(ポンパチ)amulet paper drum .
at Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine
. WKD - hatsutsuzumi 初鼓(はつつづみ)first hitting the drum .
tsuzumi hajime 鼓始(つづみはじめ)
uchizome 打初 (うちぞめ) first hitting (the drum)
- - kigo for the New Year - -
Miyanojo 薩摩郡宮之城町(現さつま町)Now Satsuma town
Miyanojo ningyoo 宮之城人形 clay dolls from Miyanojo
Made by the nephew of the Togo doll maker 榊畩次郎 Sakaki Kesajiro, named 松永仲次郎 Matsunaga Nakajiro.
Miyanojo is quite close to Togo.
The dolls were only made about 10 years around 1930.
. tawara-nori rikishi 俵乗り角力 Sumo wrestler standing on rice bales .
Tarumizu village 垂水
Tarumizu tsuchi ningyoo
垂水土人形 / 垂水(たるみず)人形 clay dolls from Tarumizu

They were made since the beginning of the Meiji period by the 渡辺家 Watanabe family, in the tradition of the Sadowara dolls from Miyazaki and Chosayaki (see above). After WWII, they came into decline in the Watanabe family.
Later, others tried to revive the tradition, like 中村信夫 Nakamura and 中島三郎 Nakajima. With more like-minded they started the workshop 夢創庵 Muso-An.
When Nakamura san retired after about 40 years into the project, they founded the group 垂水人形研究会, which keeps the tradition alive.
Nakajima san, a former school head master, started also to make stained glass art after retirement.
Still active among others is 竹内宿禰 Takenouchi Skune, making all kinds of big clay dolls.

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. Satsuma kiriko 薩摩切子 cut glass from Satsuma .
. Satsuma tsugegushi 柘植櫛 Boxwood comb.
Satsuma ware is something between porcelain and pottery.
. Satsumayaki 薩摩焼 Satsuma ware .
Togo 東郷 / 鹿児島県薩摩郡東郷町(現薩摩川内市 Satsuma Sendai)
Toogoo ningyoo 東郷人形 Togo ningyo dolls
Started around 1900 by 戸木田伊助, but disappeared around 1935.
The earth used is thick and the dolls are strong.

rikishi 角力 Sumo wrestler

東郷文弥節 - 人形浄瑠璃 Togo Bunya-bushi ningyo joruri puppet theater
bunya-bushi, originally a storytelling performance by blind people.
Now still performed in Sago, Ishikawa and Miyazaki.
The repertoir is small, mostly "Tokiwa Gozen - yuku no dan", "Kurama kudari no dan" and "Sotobahiki".
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
Craftwork in Kagoshima
Pewter Ware
Liquor Vessels
Bamboo Products
Kagoshima armor (Katchu)
Tane-basami scissors
source : www.pref.kagoshima.jp
Satsuma Suzuki / Satsuma Tin Ware / pewter
Take Seihin / Bamboo Craftworks
Chiran Kasa Chochin / Chiran Umbrella Lantern
Yakusugi Seihin / Yaku Cedar Craftwork
Oshima Tsumugi / Oshima Silk Pongee Fabric
Tane hasami / Scissors
source : www.synapse.ne.jp
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Japan
. Kagoshima Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #kagoshima #satsuma #amamioshima #kirishima #kyushu #tanegashima #tsumugi -
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Ryumonji yaki
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