Yamagata Folk Art - 山形県
. butsudan, Yamagata Butsudan 仏壇 Buddhist Family Altar .
. hankotanna, hanko tanna はんこたんな black cloth .
Daihooji tsuchiningyoo 大宝寺土人形 clay dolls from temple Daiho-Ji
The original form is from Fushimi,
but the eyes are triangular and thus different from the Tsuruoka clay dolls.
They have been made from the end of the Edo period till Meiji.
also called Daihooji ningyoo 大宝寺人形 Daiho-Ji dolls.

source : www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp
Oboko おぼこ O-Boko
Tsuruoka ningyoo 鶴岡人形 Tsuruoka doll
Her main appeal is the facial expression. Compared to the Tsuruoka O-Hogo which has been mass-produced, this doll has the flavor of hand-made art. She is 23 cm high.

fuku suzume 福雀 lucky sparrows
Shinjo town 新庄市
. Gassan tamausagi 月山玉兎 Treasure Rabbit from Mount Gassan
. gatagata カタカタ rattle with handle .

Hanayama ningyo 花山人形 Dolls from Hanayama
Located in the plain of Yamagata, these dolls have a trong influence from the 堤人形 Tsutsumi dolls.
They are also related to the dolls of 東根市猪野沢で卯平 Uhei from Inozawa village.
. Kinkô 琴高仙人 Kinko Sennin Immortal doll .
. Hirashimizu ningyoo 平清水人形 Hirashimizu dolls .
Hirashimizu-yaki 平清水焼 Hirashimizu pottery

Inozawa tsuchiningyo 猪之沢土人形 Inozawa clay dolls
Tendoo 天童, Higashine town 東根市. (Inosawa) Inozawa "swamp of the wild boars"
Inozawa is a small village in the east of Tendo town. The dolls there have been made from the end of the Edo period till beginning of Meiji.
Now only a few are left in the stores of 谷地, 東郷村、楯岡.
Around 1819 - 1813, he village 大庄屋 leader Oyamada Rihei 小山田理兵衛 introduced them from kilns of Seto via Tsuchiaka Gorokichi 土赤五郎吉, who became interested in these dolls and studied how to make them in Sendai for a while. Gorokichi was followed by 卯平 Uhei.
Uhei was active around 1881, and then left Inozawa village to go to Hanayama.

source : folkcraft.samurai47
itajishi, ita shishi 板獅子 flat lions on a wooden board
... hirajishi 平獅子 "flat lions"
. izumeko ningyoo いづめこ人形 / いず(づ)めこ baby or dolls in a straw basket .
Tsuruoka / えずこ Ezuko / えじこ Ejiko / えずめこ Ezumeko

Kaminoyama hariko 上山張子 papermachee dolls
from the hot spring Kaminoyama onsen かみのやま温泉
made from handmade washi paper
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference : Kaminoyama Kokeshi -
made by Suisan, 萃山 ー His style is Harusame-bori.
. Kasedori dolls カセ鳥 人形 kasedori ningyoo .
Kaminoyama, Kamiyama 上山市

kawara ningyoo 瓦人形 "tile tolls"

Ebisu and Daikoku, Gods of Good Luck
They are made from the same material as roof tiles.
Tsuruoka and Shonai region 庄内
槌持ち童子 Child with a hammer, like Daikoku
庄内伏見人形 Shonai Fushimi Ningyo
Most of them are made like Fushimi clay dolls 伏見人 from Kyoto.
The dolls from Tsuruoka are a bit larger, the one's from Sakata are usually smaller. They are made by pressing the clay around a doll form by hand (nukigata 抜き型)
. Tile Dolls 瓦人形 kawara ningyoo .
. kiji gangu 木地玩具 wooden toys from Atsumi Onsen Hot Spring 温海温泉 .
- - - - - kurumamono 車もの doll on wheels :
dadakko 駄々っ子 Dadako, a brat, an unmanageable child
wa nage 輪投げ doll throwing rings
- and a visit of Matsuo Basho to this hot spring
. Kokeshi from Yamagata 山形のけこし .
. Atsumi Onsen 温海温泉
. Hijiori kokeshi 肘折系こけし
. Ginzan Onsen 銀山温泉
. Kamiyama 上山
. Onogawa Onsen 小野川温泉
. Tendoo 天童
. Tsuruoka
. Yamagata town
. Yonezawa
. Zao Onsen
. Shirabu Onsen 白布温泉 Shirabu Hot Spring Kokeshi .

mizugame to hishaku 水瓶と柄杓 water container and ladle
Kitsuneishi ningyoo 狐石人形 dolls from Kitsuneishi village
山形県東根市観音寺狐石, Higashine town
They are made in the tradition of Tsutsumi dolls 堤人形.
The have been made by Fukase Kuna / Hisashichi 深瀬久七. They are not so skilfull and have simple colors.

koi katsugi 鯉かつぎ carrying a carp - a sample from the early Meiji period.
- source : www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kyoudoningyou
. Miyauchi no Daruma piggy bank .
宮内のだるま. Nanyoo Town 南陽市
Narushima ningyoo 成島人形 Narushima dolls / 成島土人形 Narushima Clay Doll
Yonezawa - Narushima is a suburb of Yonezawa 米沢
They are not made any more.

Daruma, about 12 cm high

The soldier is about 23 cm high.
- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp
- - see also Shimokosuge Dolls below
. 犬乗り童子 boy sitting on a dog .
. Oitama tsumugi 置賜紬 Oitama pongee weaving .
also called - Yonezawa tsumugi 米沢紬 Yonezawa pongee
. 鶴岡人形 - 花魁 Tsuruoka Oiran doll .
. Otaka poppo お鷹ぽっぽ toy hawk
Sagara ningyoo 相良人形 Sagara dolls
Yonezawa 米沢
First made by 相良清左衛門 - 清左エ門厚忠 - 上杉鷹山公の家臣
- quote
For 220 years these lovely clay dolls have been produced by the Sagara Family, the retainer of the Yonezawa Clan which governed the Yonezawa area during the Edo Period (1603-1868).
Sagara Seizae-mon Atsutada built the Narushima kiln with which the Yonezawa Clan contracted, and began to make dolls from clay found in his backyard in the 1790's after retiring from his clan duties. Sagara family members have continued to produce dolls using the same clay and techniques. It has been referred to as one of the three main styles of dolls in Tohoku region, along with Hanamaki and Tsutsumi Dolls. Production was halted during World War II (1941-1945), but Takashi Sagara began making Sagara Dolls once again in 1967.

With triangular eyes and humorous narrative themes, Sagara Dolls express timeless loveliness.
Clay is pressed into the two sheets of earthen form, pasted together, and trimmed to shape, then dried and baked after being removed from the form. After that they are coated in white with chalk and colored. They feature triangular-shaped eyes unique to Sagara dolls, which are said to have been invented by either the founder or the second generation Sagara. Many dolls are only 13 centimeters high, conveying heartwarming and cute impressions with their humorous themes.
- source : www.pref.yamagata.jp/ou/shokokanko

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com
Sagara tsuchi ningyoo 相良土人形 clay dolls from Sagara
similar to the clay dolls from Fushimi

source : blog.nihondorei.com
. okoso zukin 御高祖頭巾 hood for winter - dolls .
. tako ni neko 蛸に猫 octopus and manekineko cat .
- nekotako 猫蛸 “Cat and Octopus”
. charumera ヂャルメラ持ち street vendor with flute .
. daifukuchoo 大福帳持ち福禄寿 account book and Fukuroju .
. haribako 針箱 woman with sewing box .
. taikomochi 太鼓打ち唐子 Karako beating the drum .
. tora nori 虎乗り唐子 Karako riding on a tiger .
鯉担ぎ / 内裏雛 / 三番叟 / 獅子舞 /
- reference source : upp.so-net.ne.jp/kyoudoningyou/sagara -
- Reference to google -
Terasawa ningyoo 寺沢人形 dolls made by the Terasawa family
Yonezawa, in the tradition of Sagara dolls

They are made in three traditions of clay dolls, 伏見系 from Fushimi (Kyoto), like the 堤系 Tsutsumi ningyo and like
the 御所人形 Gosho Ningyo.
- source : ww007.upp.so-net.ne.jp-

Sakata Daruma 酒田のだるま
Sakata tsuchiningyoo 酒田土人形 clay dolls from Sakata

source : blog.nihondorei.com
Kintaro and the mountain woman, Yamamba 金太郎と山姥
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .

CLICK for more dolls !
. usagi 兎 rabbit pounding mochi rice .
- - - Sakata Mingei
- more local food souvenirs
- source : sakata-kankou.com
Sasanobori, Sasano-bori 笹野彫り Sasano woodcarvings
Yonezawa 米沢市
Sasano Ittobori, carved with one knife.
. taka 鷹 The Hawk .
statue at temple Sasano Kannon 笹野観音
. ushi 丑 ox, oxen .
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Sasano Mingeikan 笹野民芸館 Sasano Folk Craft Museum

source : sasano-fom
. Shibue ningyoo 渋江人形 Shibue dolls .
Shimokosuge ningyoo 下小菅人形 dolls from Shimokosuge village

CLICK for more images !

takarabune 宝船 Treasure boat for the New Year
Together with Narushima 成島, Shimokosuge is a village about 5 km north of Yonezawa town.
Dolls have been made here since the Meiji period.
In Shimokosuge, the craftsman 山田亀蔵 Yamada Kamezo made these dolls.
In Narushima, 井上弘章 Inoue Hiroaki made these dolls in his free time as a farmer. They have a very special flavor.
. Sakata Shishigashira 酒田獅子頭 lion heads from Sakata .
. sumi ningyoo 炭人形 dolls made from charcoal .
Tozawa village 戸沢村

tai-nori Ebisu 鯛乗り恵比寿 God Ebisu on a sea bream
made from clay, in the tradition of 伏見人形 Fushimi dolls.
Made only in 鶴岡市 Tsuruoka and 酒田市 Sakata city. The one from Sakata is smaller.
The one from Tsuruoka in the back is about 25 cm.
- source - asahi-net -
tako 凧 kites
... 人凧 with humans 亀凧 with turtle 鶴凧 with crane
酒田 Sakata town
. ... kazen-dako 花泉凧 from Yamagata city .
- (not : hanaizumi dako) -
. tako 凧 Kites of Japan - Introduction .
. tansu 箪笥 / 簞笥 -- たんす chest of drawers, Kommode .
Sakata Funa-dansu (ship chests) (Sakata City)
Shōnai tansu 庄内箪笥 黒漆 The black laquer Tansu from the Shonai region are most famous.
Yonezawa Tansu (chest of drawers) (YonezawaCity)
Yamagata Sashimono (cabinetry) (Yamagata City)

tokotoko ningyoo とことこ人形 "Tokotoko dolls"
oteteko ningyoo おててこ人形 - about 15 cm high
中山町 Nakayamacho town
Very simple straw dolls, with the knot seen as the head of the doll. Stuck into a barrel of rice straw (ミゴ migo).
Taken out of the barrel they can move the legs up and down, the arms can go up in the air to make the movement of バンザイ Banzai.
With the modern maschines to cut rice, they are not made any more.
. Tsuruoka mingei 鶴岡民芸 folk art from Tsuruoka .
Tsurugaoka 鶴が岡 - Shōnai 庄内平野 Shonai plain
anesama 姉さま "elder sister" dolls
e-roosoku 絵蠟燭 / 絵ろうそく e-rosoku, erosoku, picture candles
gotenmari, goten mari 御殿まり decoration balls
warazaiku 藁細工 straw figures / wara uma 藁馬 horses from straw
- and many more
. Udogawara tsuchiningyoo 鵜渡川原土人形 clay dolls from Udogawara village .
. Uetsu shinafu 羽越しな布 Uetsu tilia bark cloth .
uma-nori Daikoku 馬乗り大黒 God Daikoku on a horse
Sakata town, Tsuruoka town

source : amanaimages.com/info
. Yamagata hariko 山形張り子 - papermachee dolls from Yamagata town .
. . . . . including Shibue ningyoo 渋江人形 Shibue dolls
. . . . . tako ni neko 蛸に猫 octopus cuddeling a manekineko cat

Yoroku tsuchiningyoo 与六土人形 clay dolls made by Yoroku

In the hamlet Kashiwagura 柏倉 in the Western Mountain region, these dolls were made from the end of the Edo period till beginning of Meiji.
Yoroku had studied tsutsumi doll making 堤人形 in Sendai and in Owari, Aichi and returned to the village in 1868.
He used vivid colors.
......................................................................................................................... .....................
. Yamagata imono 山形鋳物 ironware, cast iron, metal art .
from 山形市 Yamagata city
. mari neko まり猫 cat on a temari hand ball .
karakara senbei からからせんべい crackers with toys inside

. Reference and Photos . Asahi net - Gangu Guide .
- sakigake-one.sakura.ne... -
- www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kyoudoningyou...
- Specialities from Yamagata (external link)
Carpet (Yamanobe Town)
Shinjo Kameaya-ori Fabric (Shinjo City)
Yonezawa-ori Fabric (Yonezawa City)
Nagai Tsumugi (Nagai City)
Aoso-ori Fabric (Nan'yo City)
Shirataka Tsumugi (Shirataka Town)
Dyed Textiles
Sagae Shusse Koi-nobori (carp streamer) (Sagae City)
Benibana-zome (Safflower Dyeing) (Kahoku Town)
Other Textile Products
Knitting (Yamanobe Town)
Nagai Sashiko Quilting (Nagai City)
Shonai Sashiko Quilting (Sakata City)
Yuza Sashiko Quilting (Yuza Town)
Kaminohata-yaki Pottery (Obanazawa City)
Shinjo Higashiyama-yaki Pottery (Shinjo City)
Yonezawa-yaki Pottery Narushima-gama Kiln (Yonezawa City)
Narushima-yaki Pottery Wakui-gama Kiln (Nagai City)
Mamurogawa Shikki Lacquerware (Mamurogawa Town)
Eguchi-Shikki Kogei (Eguchi Lacquerware Workshop) (Nagai City)
Isokusa-nuri Lacquering (Sakata City)
Sakata Kokyu-bori Carving (Sakata City)
Tsuru-zaiku (vine works) (Nishikawa Town)
Sasano-bori Curving (Yonezawa City)
Kuro-shishigashira (black lion's mask) (Nagai City)
Tsuru-zaiku (vine crafts) (Oguni Town)
Precious Stones - Gassan Agate (Nishikawa Town)
Japanese Paper
Gassan Washi (Japanese Paper) (Nishikawa Town)
Miyama-washi (Japanese Paper) (Shirataka Town)
Ginzan Kokeshi (Wooden Dolls) (Obanazawa City)
Kikumaro Kokeshi (Wooden Dolls) (Nishikawa Town)
Hijiori Kokeshi (Wooden Dolls) (Okura Village)
Sagara Dolls (Yonezawa City)
Udogawara Dolls (Sakata City)
Other Crafts
Toyokuni Zori (Japanese Sandals) (Sagae City)
Tendo Shogi-koma (Japanese Chess Pieces) (Tendo City)
Kasen-dako (picture kite) (Tendo City)
Momono-mi Kogeihin (art crafts made from peach seeds) (Oe Town)
Kote-e (Decorative Relief Work on Plaster) (Oishida Town)
Mi (Agricultural Tool) (Oishida Town)
Onmyoji-dako (Kite) (Shinjo City)
E-rosoku (Picture Candles) (Tsuruoka City, Sakata City)
Sakata-tako (Kite) (Sakata City)
Kasa-fuku (Ornamental Hanging Handiworks) (Sakata City)
- source : pref.yamagata.jp/ou/shokokanko...
- Furniture - A fusion of traditional and innovative techniques gives perfect functionality and beautiful designs
- Carpets - Carpet
Excellent handcrafted carpets, made with a consistent manufacturing process from the thread, to dyeing, weaving, to the finishing process
- Okitama-tsumugi
- - - - - details
- source : www.yamagata-export.jp
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Yamagata
. Yamagata Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
. Shichi-Fukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck -
Ebisu, Daikoku . . .
- #Yamagata #hankotanna -
1 comment:
Tendo-shi shogi museum 天童市将棋資料館
We display document about world shogi and shogi including the history of piece.
and temple Koomyoo-In 光明院 Komyo-In
with Fudo Myo-O
Takamatsu Kannon hadaka mochitsuki
pounding mochi rice cakes in the nude
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