Hokkaido Folk Art - 北海道
Many toys of Hokkaido were made by the Ainu and have names of their language.
アイヌの郷土玩具 toys from the Ainu
The Ainu name of the region is Ezo 蝦夷.
Matsuura Takeshiro 松浦武四郎 (1818 - 1888)
the early Meiji government appointed Takeshiro Ezochi Development Commissioner in 1869. Right away, he proposed renaming Ezochi Hokkaido, and furthermore, the use of Ainu names for various regions and counties. This is the reason Takeshiro is known as
“The Godparent of Hokkaido”.
- source : www.city.matsusaka.mie.jp -
Hoppoo Minzoku Hakubutsukan 北方民族博物
Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples
309-1 Shiomi, Abashiri, Hokkaido

CLICK for more exhibits !
source : hoppohm.or
Asahikawa Kyoodo Hakubutsukan 旭川郷土博物館
Asahikawa Local Folkart Museum
source : www.salada-spk.net
. Ezo, Emishi 蝦夷 エゾ Ainu Culture アイヌの文化 - Yezo, Yeso, Jezo .
- Introduction -
Ishū Retsuzō 夷酋列像 Ishu Retsuzo
Nibutani Ainu Museum 二風谷アイヌ資料館 / Nibutani-attus 二風谷アツトウシ cloth
. Ainu Daruma Dolls アイヌだるま .
More INFO about the Ainu.
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Ainu ningyoo アイヌ人形 Ainu dolls
Sapporo 札幌 // Abashiri 網走 // Asahikawa 旭川
kibori ningyoo 木彫り人形 wooden dolls

Hokkaidoo Jinguu no eto suzu 北海道神宮の干支鈴
clay bells with 12 zodiac animals from
shrine Hokkaido Jingu

ema 絵馬 votive tablet for the year of the Dog
. The Hokkaido Shrine (北海道神宮, Hokkaido Jingu) .
Sapporo matsuri 札幌祭 Sapporo Festival

ikanobori, ika nobori いかのぼり kite like a squid
. inau ningyoo イナウ人形 sacred figures with wood shavings
Lake Akan 阿寒湖. inau
. Kokeshi, Wooden Dolls こけし .

Sakhalin Ainu shamans produced abstract wooden figurines called nipopo ("wooden baby"), used primarily as amulets for curing or warding off childhood disease. The addition of strips of red and blue cloth or a blue bead (on the upper figure) was thought to increase their power; such dolls were dressed in inaw-kike (wood shavings) to increase their efficacy. The two- headed figure may have been a charm to enhance the probability of giving birth to twins. (Twins were believed to bring success in fishing and hunting among the Sakhalin Ainu and neighboring Eastern Siberian groups.
A similar belief was also held by the Kwakwaka'wakw, the native people of Canada's Northwest Coast.) These nipopo were collected in Novoe, Sakhalin, in 1945. Both have the deep patina of long-held personal treasures.
source : facebook
- source : Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People
. Kokeshi - an Ainu Pair .
Kitami no koma 北見 spinning tops from Kitami town
. Spinning Top 独楽(コマ) koma .
koropokkuru コロボックル "the little people" figures
Kor-pok-un-kur, Koro-pok-guru, and Koro Pokunguru.
Lake Akan 阿寒湖
Asahikawa 旭川
The Mysterious Little People of Japan
On the island of Hokkaido, in the cold northern reaches of the Japanese archipelago, the indigenous Ainu people too have their long traditions of an ancient race of dwarf-like people thought to have inhabited the land long before humans arrived.
The name Koropokkuru is most commonly translated as “the people who live under the burdock leaves,” and implies the diminutive size of the creatures. In some stories a whole family was said to be able to fit underneath one burdock leaf, with one such leaf measuring about 4 feet across.
... The Koropokkuru and Ainu were said to have peacefully shared the land like this until a war broke out between them and the Koropokkuru were subsequently wiped out or driven away.
source : Brent Swancer
. oni no shison 鬼の子孫 / onisuji 鬼筋 - descendants of Oni .
奈良県 Nara 宇陀郡 Uda district 榛原町 Haibaracho
Families with the name 足立の安達姓 Adachi are descendants of Oni or Koropokkuru
kuma 熊 bear as woodcarving
Abashiri 網走
Asahikawa 旭川
Hakodate 函館
Otaru 小樽
Sapporo 札幌
Shiraoi choo 白老町 // Yakumo choo 八雲町
mukkuri wa kanashi kuma matsuri wa kanashi
the mouth harp is so sad -
the bear festival is so sad -
Ookuma Kusafu (Okuma Kusaoi, Kusao, Kusabu) 大隈草生
. WKD : kuma matsuri 熊祭 bear festival .
Iomante イヨマンテ

hanaya from 白老町 Shiraoi town.
During this festival richly decorated
"flower arrows" hanaya 花矢 were used.
© IOMANTE - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
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mukkuri ムックリ mouth harp
Lake Akan 阿寒湖
Asahikawa 旭川

Woodcarvings of bears are the most common in Hokkaido. They were well-loved toys and now souvenirs. Each region has its own special touch to the carving.

. nipopo ニポポ Nipopo human figures .
Abashiri 網走
. Noboribetsu 登別の鬼 The Demons of Noboribetsu .
. sewapororo セワポロロ Sewapororo figures .
Abashiri 網走

shimafukuro シマフクロウ "island owl"
Lake Akan 阿寒湖 / Asahikawa 旭川
When the deity came down to earth to create the land (kunizukuri), he was greeted by one owl and one dog. The owl kept watch from a high tree, while the dog helped the deity with little errands.
The owl with its big eyes could see in all directions.
As the work proceeded, a cloud got stuck in the high tree and a bad deity tried to come down and disturb the work. But the owl stared at the intruder with fierce big eyes. After the land was created, the deity assigned the owl as the protector deity of the Ainu people.
Now there are many figures of this owl, as protectors from evil and invadors - and as simple souvenirs.
The owl is the largest in Hokkaido, but in danger of extinction. Some still live in the town of Nakashibetsu.
. WKD : shimafukuroo しまふくろう "striped owl"
Blakiston's fish-owl . Ketupa blakistoni
. tako 凧 kites of Japan .
- - - - - Ezodako, Ezo tako 蝦夷凧 Kite from Ezo

This kite was designed in 1968 by 太田比古象 Ota Hikoso who lived in Hakodate 函館.
Ota Hikoso and
- reference : more kites of Hokkaido -
. Tokachi Daruma 十勝だるま .
From stone of Ikeda Town 池田町.
. Yuukara 優佳良織 Yukara-Ori Textiles .
. Shrine Nishino Jinja 西野神社 in Sapporo .
with many amulets for sports and martial arts
. Reference and Photos . Asahi Narumi .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . kyuhaku - Kyushu Museum .
- #hokkaido #ainu -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Hokkaido
. Hokkaido Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
Ainu Kappa Legende
Daruma daki kuma だるま抱き熊 bear holding Daruma
土人形 clay doll
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