Hyogo Folk Art - 兵庫県
The capital is Kobe city 神戸市.
former provinces of Harima, Tajima, Awaji, - and parts of Tamba and Settsu.
Banshu 播州 - Harima no Kuni 播磨国
Himeji 姫路
Himeji Castle, white crane castle 白鷺城 shirasagi joo
. Banshu soroban 播州そろばん Abacus calculator .
Akashi town 明石市
. Mikuriya Jinja Shrine amulets 御厨神社 .
. Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸) . - (c. 662 – 710). Poet
Kakinomoto Jinja 柿本神社 Shrine
in his honor, with an amulet and pottery figures :
okutopasu - オクトパス - oku to pass - octopus
if you put it up there (on your desk) you pass the examination !

. Octopus (tako 蛸 / たこ) .
- - - - -

source : city.tatsuno.lg.jp/rekibun
Kakinomoto from Akashiyaki pottery 明石焼
They were made for the shrine, but in a typoon in 1957, the kiln was destroyed.
Arima onsen 有馬温泉 Arima hot spring
. ningyoo fude 人形筆 pen dolls .
. Arima kago 有馬籠 bamboo baskets .
. Arima Hot Spring Legends .
Ashiya Chigusa Ningyoo あしや千種人形 posture dolls from Ashiya
..... handmade dolls that have been handed down and made by housewives in Ashiya as hobby handicrafts since 1951 in the postwar rehabilitation period.
Ashiya Chigusa Dolls originated from Kohagi Dolls. Kohagi Dolls have long been made in Hagi in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Our great master Ryo Araki (1900-2001) made sustained efforts to add refinements to Kohagi Dolls in accordance with the elegant character of Ashiya, thus completing Ashiya Chigusa Dolls.

The most attractive feature of Ashiya Chigusa Dolls is that we can create an abundant variety of postures and scenes according to ideas and genuine skills in spite of the familiar materials and simple structures.
source : www.chigusa-ningyo.com
Awajishima 淡路島 Awaji Island
. danjiri だんじり festival floats .
fune 舟 boats
Ame no nuboko 天沼矛(あめのぬぼこ) heavenly jeweled spear
amanonuboko あまのぬぼこ
. Izanagi Jingu 伊弉諾神宮 Shrine on Awaji Island .
Hikami village 氷上町
. Inabata tsuchi ningyoo 稲畑土人形 clay dolls from Inabata .
Himeji town 姫路市

. Himeji hariko 姫路張り子 papermachee dolls .
and more about Himeji Castle
hachimaki Daruma 鉢巻き達磨 Daruma with a headband
Himeji hariko 姫路張子 papermachee dolls
Mitsuyama Hariko, Hitotsuyama Hariko 三つ山 /一つ山張子
Himeji Papermachee Masks 姫路張子の面
Seaweed Daruma from Daikaku-ji, Amagasaki, yakuyoke Daruma
尼崎大覚寺のこんぶ達磨, 厄よけだるま to ward off evil
- - - - - Himeji Toy Museum 姫路玩具博物館
Himeji no koma 姫路のこま spinning tops
made from wood of the えごのき ego no ki, Styracaceae, also called チシャ.
There are about 10 different types、文七独楽、ぶち独楽、紋入り独楽、源水独楽、鬼独楽、糸引き独楽.
The main colors are red and green.

“Himeji Tops” have a 100-year history. They are very stable and spin for a long time. They are often given as gifts to boys in order to encourage them to become independent, as symbolized by the tops.
- source : sansenya.com/products -
. Himeji kawazaiku 姫路革細工 leather art from Himeji .
Himeji Tanned Leather 姫路革細工 / 姫路白なめし革 "white leather"
source : http://www.hyogo-tourism.jp
Myoochin hibashi 明珍火箸 Himeji Myochin Wind Chimes

The “Myochin Tong Wind Chimes” creates a clear and subtle sound. These tongs were originally used as charcoal tongs in the tea ceremony, and now the prefectural authority recognizes this traditional craft. The Myochin family, who manufactured armor for the Himeji feudal government, invented these chimes. It is said that Rikyu Sen, founder of the tea ceremony, also enjoyed using these tongs.
source : http://sansenya.com/products
Myochin hibashi :
source : http://www.hyogo-tourism.jp
Himeyama ningyoo 姫山人形 Himeyama dolls

CLICK for more photos!
“Himeyama Dolls” are carved in a way to emphasize the beauty of the grain in plain wood. Once you hold the doll in your hands and look into its face, you will be filled with warmth and tenderness.
source : http://sansenya.com/products.
Shoosha nuri 書写塗 Lacquer Ware and
Shirasagi some しらさぎ染 Shirasagi Dyed Cloth
. . . CLICK here for laquer ware Photos !
. . . CLICK here for cloth Photos !
Two traditional craft works have been revived recently: “Shosha Lacquer Ware”, handed down at the Engyoji Temple of Shosha 圓教寺(円教寺)
and “Shirasagi Dyed Cloth”, given as a gift by Hideyoshi Toyotomi to Nobunaga Oda. Both craft works are popular as souvenirs.
source : http://sansenya.com/products.
Himeji Urushi 漆工芸 laquer ware
source : himeji.jibasan.jp
. Kuroda Kanbei Yoshitaka 黒田官兵衛 孝高 .
(1546 - 1604) - and NHK Drama 2014
source : www.city.himeji.lg.jp/koho/press/
Kasai town 加西市 - 北条 Hojo
Hoojoo no futonyatai 北条の布団屋台 Hojo Futon Floats
Shizuki Mikoshi 志筑神興 mikoshi from Shizuki town
播州地方のみこし mikoshi from Banshu

source : city.tatsuno.lg.jp/rekibun
. mikoshi 神輿 festival float - Introduction .
Banshu no aki matsuri 播州の秋祭り Autumn festival at Banshu
布団屋台 special festival Mikoshi portable shrines
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the festival !
dai hagoita 大羽子板 great battledore
They were given to girls on New Year to pray for health and good luck.

- source : city.tatsuno.lg.jp/rekibun/gangu -
Kami town 加美町
Sugihara shi, Harima shi 播磨紙 washi paper from Sugihara valley 杉原谷
- quote -
The greatest characteristic of Sugihara-gami is its whiteness. While there are some bleached white paper today, Sugihara-gami has more natural whiteness compared to those produced in other places. The black color of “Sumi”, the ink for calligraphy stands out, if you write letters with it on Sugihara-gami.
To create this whiteness, craftsmen never fail to perform a process of Kawasarasi (washing paper in the river for bleaching) in winter. Its fluffiness is another characteristic of Sugihara-gami; Its processed products are very soft to the touch.
A designated traditional craft by Hyogo Pref.
- source : jtco.or.jp/en/japanese-crafts -
Kinosaki onsen 城崎温泉 Kinosaki hot spring
mugiwarazaiku 麦わら細工 handicraft from wheat straw
Museum for straw craft 城崎麦わら細工伝承館
source : www.kinosaki-spa.gr.jp
About two hundred eighty years ago, a craftsman came to Kinosaki for bathing in the hot springs. He sold flutes, tops, and other items that had colored straw pasted on them for the first time. Characteristically, crafts using straw have a pleasant feel, like silk, and high-grade luster.
In the museum, the works of modern craftsmen and the works from the Edo to Showa periods are on display.
source : www.hyogo-tourism.jp

CLICK for more samples of other parts of Japan !
- quote -
Straw Work 麦藁細工
Many worshippers visited Kishimojin in Edo,
and a large number of teahouses, restaurants and souvenir shops were lined up in front of the gate.
Among the souvenirs, the most famous were pinwheel, lions made of straw and owl dolls
made of the bundle of ears of Japanese pampas grass.
It is said that the "Kakubei-jishi" made of straw and sold at Kishimojin were
toys imitating a child's figure wearing a lion's head.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -
. Kishibojin, Kishimojin 鬼子母神 .
Temple in Zoshgaya, Edo.
. mugiwara hebi 麦藁蛇 serpent or dragon made from straw .
. Omori mugiwara zaiku 大森麦藁細工 from Edo .
. mugikarazaiku 麦稈細工 straw craft from 修善寺 Shuzen-Ji .
- Shizuoka
. warazaiku 藁細工 things made of straw .
Kobe city 神戸市
. Kobe ningyoo 神戸人形 automated Kobe dolls .
- obake ningyoo お化人形 dolls like little monsters
. kanju manju no suzu 干珠満珠の鈴 clay bells of ebb and tide .
海神社満珠 Watatsumi Jinja - Tide Jewels
poppen ポッペン popping glass, glass ball plopping

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. poppen, hoppen ぽっぺん / ポッペン glass ball plopping .
- Introduction -
suzume no sugomori 雀の巣ごもり sparrows in a nest
temple 太福寺 Taifuku-Ji
148 Dojocho Ikuno, Kita Ward, Kobe, Hyogo

source : asahi-net.or.jp/~vc3k-nrm
Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 got smallpox when he was 3 years old. He then stood under a waterfall and prayed to get well. Next morning he remembered a dream where Kannon Bosatsu told him that he would be healed. So he had the temple 太福寺 built at that spot.
Now people come here to pray for the health of boys born in the year before February 11 each year, to the 太子祭り Daishi Festival. Then they get this amulet of a pair of sparrows in a nest to put at the entrance of their home to ward off further evil.

They also eat some はらみ餅 harami Mochi rice cakes, to pray for a safe pregnancy. .
harami suzume 孕み雀 (はらみすずめ) pregnant sparrow
haramidori 孕鳥(はらみどり)pregnant bird
. sparrow kigo for mid-spring .
. Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 - Introduction .
Ninomiya Jinja 二宮神社 Shrine Ninomiya
. clay bell Katsu Daruma 勝だるま .
It is one of the "Eight shrines of Kobe" 神戸八社, details are in the Katsu Daruma LINK.
. Kobe Nagata Jinja 長田神社 Nagata Shrine .
with the following three items explained in detail:
shinkei 神鶏 sacred rooster and chicken
aka-ei no ema あかえいの絵馬 votive tablets of a red manta
Nagata jinja kamibina 長田神社神雛 paper dolls from Nagata shrine.
. Tsunashiki Tenmangu Shrine 綱敷天満宮 .
Suma-Ura Park 須磨浦公園
Nishinomiya town 西宮市
e roosoku 絵ろうそく candles with pictures

CLICK for many more candles !
Matshumoto Shouten 松本商店 Matsumoto Shoten
- source : warosoku.com -
Ooshio village 大塩町 - (part of Himeji). lit. big salt
. Tanabata ningyoo 七夕人形 star festival dolls .
Sayoo village, Koozuki 佐用郡上月村 Sayo, Kozuki
. Hayase tsuchi ningyoo 早瀬土人形 clay dolls from Hayase .
Shimotaki 兵庫県丹波市山南町下滝 / Sannancho Shimotaki
. oogimochi 扇持ち woman with hand fan (ogi) .
Tajima 但馬
. Kirinjishi 麒麟獅子 Kirin Lion Head .
Tanba 丹波 / 旦波
Tanba no kuni 丹波国 the Tamba province of the Edo period, now parts belong to Hyogo, others to Kyoto.
. Inabata ningyoo 稲畑人形 Inabata dolls .
Inabata (not Inahata) is a hamlet in 氷上町 Higami village.
赤井若太郎忠常 Akai Wakataro Tadatsune.
Tatsuno たつの市
A museum of folk art with 360 pieces, with the following samples
稲畑土人形(稲畑:丹波市)/ 葛畑土人形(葛畑:養父市)
播州地方のみこし(姫路)- Mikoshi from Banshu
姫路ごま(姫路)/ 面(姫路)
明石焼柿本人麻呂像 - Akashi no Kakinomoto
北条の大羽子板(北条:加西市)- Kasai
- - - - - 兵庫県たつの市龍野町上霞城128-3 / 龍野歴史文化資料館
- source : city.tatsuno.lg.jp/rekibun/gangu -
Yabu village 養父(やぶ)郡関宮町葛畑
. Kazurahata tsuchi ningyoo 葛畑土人形 clay dolls from Kazurahata .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
Hyogo Dento Kogei - Traditional Folk Craft
Clay Bells from Hyogo 土鈴 a great collection !
source : www.eonet.ne.jp
#Hyogo #Kobe #himeji #harima
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Hyogo
. Hyoogo Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
Matsuo Basho visiting Akashi
蝸牛 角ふりわけよ 須磨明石
katatsuburi tsuno furiwake yo Suma Akashi
Harima Kaido 播磨街道 Harima Highway
播磨大路 Harima Oji // 播磨大道 Harima Daido
From Harima (Himeji, Hyogo prefecture) to 岡山県 Okayama
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