Yamaguchi Folk Art - 山口県
The capital is Yamaguchi town.
Hagi town 萩市
Iwakuni 岩国
. Kotozaki Hachimangu 琴崎八幡宮 amulets .
山口県宇部市上宇部大小路 - Ube town
Shirasaki Hachimangu 白崎八幡宮 - Iwakuni
. Omamori - amulets from this shrine .
. byooma taisan 病魔退散 amulet warding off disease .
. momo no hana omamori 桃の花 お守り amulet with a peach blossom .
Hagi town 萩市
garasu 萩のガラス工芸 glass art from Hagi
Hagi glass is created during Bakumatsu in 1860 by a scientist from Nagato-han named Nakayama Jihei. It is now finally restored over 145 years period.
Quartz basalt from the volcano is used to make the extremely tough glassware here.

Hagi glass was much loved by Takasugi Shinsaku. He loved the "decahedral kiriko glass"
- reference : glass from Hagi -
- quote -
Takasugi Shinsaku 高杉晋作 (1839 – 1867)
was a samurai from the Chōshū Domain of Japan who contributed significantly to the Meiji Restoration. Takasugi was born in the castle town Hagi, the capital of the feudal domain of Chōshū (present-day Yamaguchi prefecture)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Choomon hariko 長門張り子 Chomon hariko -
papermachee dolls from the Chomon gorge .
. Hagi no takezaiku 竹細工 bamboo craft from Hagi .
Kohagi ningyoo 小萩人形 small dolls from Hagi

made by 柳橋貞子 Yanagibashi Teiko in 1935. She learned how to make dolls from Matsumura Nobu 松村ノブ.
Since the beginning of the Showa period, the ladies from Hagi began to make these small dolls, representing topics from the traditional dance, buyoo 舞踊.
Most are between 11 and 19 cm.

ishoo ningyo 衣裳人形 dolls dressed in real robes with expensive material.
Most are topics of famous dances - Maiko Dance Girl Dolls
「藤娘」Fuji Musume, 「舞妓 / 舞妓」「Maiko, 「八重垣姫」Yaegaki Hime, 「汐汲」Shiokumi,
「七枚笠」Nanamaigasa (doll with seven large straw hats)
. . . CLICK here for more Photos - 衣裳人形 !

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Nanamaigasa (Shichimaigasa) 七枚笠 doll with seven red straw hats
from a scene of the Dojo-Ji dance.
- reference -
maiko ningyoo 舞妓人形 Maiko Dance Girl Dolls
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Mishima no oni yoozu 見島の鬼揚子
Oniyozu demon kite from Mishima island
yoozu is the local name for a kite.
This kite has been used since the Heian period. It is flown on the New Year in a family where a boy was born, with a prayer for the health of the child when growing up.
. Marugame tsurigane tako 丸亀釣り鐘凧 kite like a temple bell .
with a painting of 雷神 Raijin, the God of Thunder
Iwakuni town 岩国市

ishi ningyoo 岩国の石人形 dolls from stone
... ningyoo ishi 人形石
They are hand-made stone dolls, made from the nest of an insect called “ningyoo tobikera 石蚕” which is found in the very clear and clean rivers in Iwakuni. The dolls are said to be the incarnations of the souls of people who died during the construction of the Kintai bridge 錦帯橋 or were human offerings made during that time (hitobashira 人柱).
The most common are the seven gods of good luck, Jizo Bosatsu and other religious figures.
source : www.iwa.gr.jp
. hitobashira 人柱 human sacrifice, "human pillar" .
- ikenie 生贄 / 生け贄 human sacrifice - Introduction
. shooryuu magatama omamori 昇龍勾玉お守り
Rising Dragon and Magatama amulet .
Shrine Shirasaki Hachimangu 白崎八幡宮
Ooshima town 大島町 Oshima
. Yanai no kingyo choochin 柳井の金魚堤灯 goldfish lanterns from Yanai village .
and the 柳井金魚ちょうちん祭り Yanai Goldfish Festival
Shimonoseki town 下関
. kanju manju no rei 干珠満珠の鈴 clay bells of ebb and tide .
Iminomiya jinja 忌宮神社
- Introducing the Tide Jewels -
. fugu choochin ふぐ提灯 puffer fish lantern .
fugu fue 下関のふぐ笛 puffer fish whistle
. tairyoo ningyoo 大漁人形 doll for a good catch of fish .
at Dan no Ura 壇ノ浦
. . . CLICK here for Photos - DannoUra Dolls !
. Battle of Dan-no-Ura 壇ノ浦の合戦 .
the Genpei war. 源平
Toyoura 豊浦付近 Toyoura inlay
tohetohe uma とへとへ馬 Tohetohe straw horse

tohe no uma とへの馬 Tohe straw horse
とへとへ馬:山口県豊浦郡豊浦付近 Tohetohe Uma in Toyoura
とへの馬:山口県岩国市周辺 Tohe no Uma in Iwakuni
A kind of wara uma わら馬 straw horse from the region 中国地方.
Yamaguchi town 山口市
. Oouchi Daruma 大内だるま Ouchi Daruma
and more Ouchi Laquer ware 大内人形 Ouchi ningyoo
. Kumiki gangu 組木玩具 wooden puzzle toys .
木村菊人 Kimura Kikuto
. Kosen rei 古銭鈴 clay bell like an old coin .
The first coin money made in Japan at the Heian period was made in Yamaguchi. It had the inscription 和同開珎, with the wish to bring peace to the land.
Now this clay bell is a mascot for peace and richess.
More clay bells from :
source : 内田延子 Uchida Nobuko
花神鈴 - with Omura Masujiro 大村益次郎
代神楽獅子頭鈴 Kagura Lion Dance
やたがらす鈴 three-legged crow
大内人形鈴 Ouchi Laquer dolls in clay
十二支鈴 zodiac animals
sagi mai さぎ舞鈴 dancing cranes from Tsuwano

from shrine 弥栄神社 Yasaka Jinja in Shimane, Tsuwano town
amulet for the happiness of the whole family
. Tsuwano Heron Dance 津和野の鷺舞 Tsuwano no sagimai .
clay doll of the Heron Dance
famous washi paper dolls from Tsuwano
. sumi ningyoo お炭人形 dolls made from charcoal
Yamaguchi hariko 山口張り子 papermachee dolls
Yamaguchi ningyoo 山口人形 Yamaguchi Dolls
They are not made any more, the Dan no Ura fishing doll was the last one.
They used to have a small bell inside the doll to make a sound.

. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
. WASHOKU . - Regional Dishes from Yamaguchi
. Yamaguchi Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #yamaguchi #hagi -
1 comment:
Hagi ookan 萩往還 Hagi Okan Road
Yamaguchi Kaido 山口街道 Yamaguchi Highway
Connecting Hagi city at the Sea of Japan and 三田尻 Mitajiri (now 長府 Chofu) on the Inland Sea, via Yamaguchi city.
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