Ishikawa Folk Art - 石川県

The capital is Kanazawa town 金沢.
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The Kaga Domain 加賀藩 Kaga han, also known as
Kanazawa Domain (金沢藩 Kanazawa han), was a Japanese domain of the Edo period. It is associated with the provinces of Kaga, Noto and Etchū in modern-day Ishikawa Prefecture and Toyama Prefecture on the island of Honshū.
Maeda Toshiie was a distinguished military commander, a retainer of Oda Nobunaga and a close friend of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. . . . . .
The Maeda clan ruled Kaga until the abolition of the domains in 1871.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Maeda Toshiie 前田利家 (1538 - 1599) .
and the Tea Culture of Kanazawa
Kanazawa Castle (金沢城 Kanazawa-jō)
The castle's distinctive, whitish roof is made of lead plates fixed on wood. The reason for that is not only that they are fireproof, but legend says that also that in times of siege, the tiles could be melted down and cast into bullets.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Kaga 加賀
Kaga mizuhiki 加賀水引 Gift Wrapping String from Kaga
. Mizuhiki 水引 ceremonial paper strings .
Kaga ningyoo 加賀人形 dolls from Kaga domain

- source : nakashimamenya.jp/kaganingyo -
Kaga okiagari Daruma 加賀起き上がりだるま

Kaga Hachiman Okiagari 加賀八幡起上がり
. Kanazawa Hariko 金沢張子 Papermachee Dolls .
. Kaga temari 加賀手まり hand balls from Kaga .
and Kaga yubinuki 加賀 指ぬき thimble for sewing
. Kaga tsuri ruaa 加賀釣りルアー luer for fishing .
Kaga Fishing Flies
. Kaga yuuzen 加賀友禅 Yuzen from the Kaga region .
Kanazawa town 金沢
anesama 金沢の姉様(たちこさん) Kanazawa no tachikosan
. anesama 金沢の姉様人形 "elder sister" dolls .
. Kanazawa no benjo no kami 金沢の便所の神サン Toilet God Dolls .

Kaga no shishigashira 加賀の獅子頭 lion head mask
. Shishigashira 獅子頭 lion head mask . and Kaga doll with mask
kinpaku 金沢金箔 gold foil, gold leaf foil
Kanazawa haku 金沢箔 - leaf foil of gold, silver or platinum
Ishikawa prefecture produces almost 100% of the gold foil used in Japan. It is also used in Kyoto, for example for repairs of the Golden Pavillion Kinkaku-Ji 金閣寺.
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A gold leaf is made by beating gold into an extremely thin sheet with a thickness of 0.1 to 0.125 millionths of a meter. It is so thin that it will disappear when you rub it with your fingers.
The production of gold leaf started in Kanazawa at the end of the 16th century. The Maeda family, who ruled the Kaga Clan (the present Ishikawa and Toyama areas) in feudal times, invited many artisans to Kanazawa. The Shogunate in Edo (present Tokyo), however, allowed gold beating in limited areas, such as Edo and Kyoto. Therefore, it is around the second half of the 19th century when the production of gold leaf was revived publicly in Kanazawa.
A rolling mill is used to thin gold mixed with a little silver and copper. The thinned gold sheet is sandwiched with special paper and beaten with a machine repeatedly to a thickness of around 2/10,000 mm. Presently, Kanazawa produces 99% of domestic gold leaf and 100% of domestic silver leaf and platinum leaf. These products generically called "Kanazawa haku" are Japan's designated traditional handicrafts.
Gold leaf is used for handicrafts, such as vessels and ornaments, as well as the decoration of temples, shrines, Buddhist altars, and Buddhist instruments. Gold leaf technical stores in the city sell a variety of products, such as tissues using special paper used for the production of gold leaf, cosmetics containing gold leaf, and food containing gold leaf, besides gold leaf handicraft including chinaware, woodenware, ornaments, and accessories. Moreover, there are stores where you can see the production of gold leaf or experience gold leaf pasting to goods, such as vessels.
source : kanazawa-tourism.com/eng
. 金沢金箔ラスク Kanazawa Kinpaku Rasuku (rusk bread) .
and Golden Daruma
. imono 鋳物 ironware, cast iron, metal art .
- Introduction -
. mochitsuki usagi 餠搗き兎 rabbit pounding rice .
. kome kui nezumi 米喰鼠 rat eating rice .
. Kanazawa hariko 金沢張子 papermachee dolls .
. . . . Kaga mayoke tora 加賀魔除虎 tiger warding off evil .
... monkey, dog
Kanazawa no nerimono 金沢の練り物 hand-twisted toys

A little dog beside the famous Princess Daruma.
. nerimono 練り物 "twisted" clay dolls .
- Introduction -
Kanazawa no kachi kabuto 金沢のかち兜 / 勝兜 winning helmet
(decoration for the Boy's Festival)
Oyama Jinja 尾山神社
. Oyama matsuri 尾山祭 Oyama Shrine Festival .
in memory of the entry of the daimyo Maeda Toshiie to Kanazawa Castle in 1583.
御陣乗太鼓 big war drum from Wajima 輪島市

Fukutoku Senbei 福徳せんべい Lucky Waffles
. Kanazawa Daruma and Fukutoku .
. kiri-zaiku, kirizaiku 桐細工 paulownia wood art .
Kanazawa shikki 金沢漆器 lacquerware from Kanazawa
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Kanazawa-shikki lacquerware is made in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture,
and is known for its "Kaga" gold lacquer paintings. Kanazawa lacquerware was first produced circa 1630 when the master gold lacquer artisan Igarashi Doho was invited to the region to teach his decorative techniques. Lacquer work was also introduced.
The main products are furnishings and tea ceremony utensils, but Kanazawa lacquerware is also used in creating works of art. Production is still by hand, and the coating process, normally carried out by more than one person, is completed by a single craftsman. Kanazawa lacquerware was designated a traditional Japanese craft in 1980.
- source : jnto.go.jp/eng -

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Shikki is called "japan" in English.
As its name suggests, shikki is a typical handicraft of Japan. Japanese lacquer is repeatedly applied to processed hard wood, such as cypress and zelkova wood, to complete shikki. The Maeda family, who ruled the Kaga Clan (the present Ishikawa and Toyama areas) in feudal times, invited a master artisan early in the 17th century. This master artisan introduced Kanazawa Shikki. Japanese lacquer has an adhesion function. Therefore, a picture or pattern is drawn on the surface with gold powder, silver powder, and seashells put onto the surface. Kanazawa Shikki, which has splendid decoration, has been developed as furniture and artistic handicraft articles for the lord.
Besides, although shikki is weak to direct rays or dryness, it resists water and heat, and its gloss deepens while it is in use.
- source : kanazawa-tourism.com -
. shikki 漆器 Introducing laquer ware .
. Kanazawa wagasa 金沢和傘 paper umbrella .
Kutani 九谷
. Kutaniyaki, Kutani yaki 九谷焼 Kutani Pottery .
Oohiyaki 大樋焼 Ohi ware
Ohi Chozaemon introduced Ohi ware in 1666.
He accompanied the Urasenke Grand Tea Master when the Maeda family, who ruled the Kaga Clan (the present Ishikawa and Toyama areas) in feudal times, invited the Grand Tea Master to Kaga. Chozaemon remained in Kanazawa and worked for the Maeda family. Ohi ware is lightweight ceramic ware shaped by hand and with a spatula and baked at a comparatively low temperature. The simple but beautiful shape with amber glaze and a gentle touch of the ware are highly evaluated.
Ohi Chozaemon 長左衛門(芳土庵) 1631 - 1712 / first generation
十代 同 長左衛門(陶冶斎) 1927 - / 10th generation
- source : ohimuseum.com -
Noto 能登
Noto no kiriko 能登のキリコ Lanterns from Noto

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Kiriko are huge lanterns with their height ranging from 4 to 15 meters.
These Kirikos are integral parts of the various Festivals of Noto Peninsula celebrated in summers. Kiriko Kaikan or Kiriko Lantern Museum displays beautiful Kiroko lanterns painted in Wajima lacquer style used in Wajima Festival besides the regular display of Kirikos from different parts of Noto Peninsula used in different festivals. Thus, it's possible to get a taste of the festive atmosphere any time of the year.

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A number of tall Kirikos - some of them as tall as 10 meter, lined next to each other is a grand sight. Apart from Kiriko festivals the Museum also has a number of displays related to Noto's other festivals. If one wants to get an idea about history and customs of people living in Noto, Kiriko Kaikan is the place.
Tsukada-machi 3-22-2, Wajima City - Kiriko Lantern Museum
- source : hot-ishikawa.jp/kanko -
. Noto joofu 能登上布 Noto Jofu hemp cloth .
. Ushikubi tsumugi 牛首紬 Ushikubi pongee .
produced in 白峰村 Shiramine mura
Yamanaka Onsen Hot Spring 山中温泉
Yamanaka Lacquerware - Lacquerware Museum
Yamanaka Lacquerware Festival
- - - The Festival is held during May 3rd and 4th of Golden Week

Detailed explanations of the history and craftsmen of Yamanaka Lacquerware.
The origin of Yamanaka lacquerware can be traced to the Tensho Era (1570-1592). Everything started with a woodturner, who moved from Echizen to Manago Village, about 20 km up from Yamanaka along the Taiseiji River. He brought the woodturning techniques to the area.
- source : shofu.pref.ishikawa.jp
- Specialities from Yamanaka Hot Spring -
NyaNya Manju (Sweet Buns)
"Uma-no-kuso Dango" (Literally means "Horse Droppings Rice Cakes") - Horse Patty
Ousen Tamago (Hotspring Eggs)
Jinenjo Potatoes
Yamanaka Local Sake "Shishi-no-sato"
- - - - - Koorogi-bashi こうろぎ橋 (Cricket Bridge)
Associated with the poem
"Kagari bi ni/Kajika ya nami no/Shita musebi"
by Poet Basho, the "Koorogi-bashi" is prepared using fine selected red beans from Hokkaido. Red beans are slowly cooked to bring out their natural sweet flavour; you can also enjoy the scent of Yamanaka through this confectionary.
source : www.yamanaka-spa.or.jp...
Visiting Yamanaka Onsen
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
- - - - - Kanazawa handicraft - - - - -
Kaga Zogan 象嵌 (Inlay) . Kaga-nui 加賀縫い Embroidery / Futamata's Japanese Paper
source : kanazawa-tourism.com
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Ishikawa
. Ishikawa Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #ishikawa #kanazawa #kaga -
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