Tottori Folk Art - 鳥取県 . Tottori Sand Dunes 鳥取 砂丘 Sakyu . and the Sand Art Museum . Mount Daisen 大山 . . Harbour Sakai Minato 境港 and Fish Dishes . . Chizu town 智頭 . ![]() . Mizuki Shigeru and Gegege no Kitaro 水木 しげる, Mizuki Shigeru / ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 . Izumo Kaido 出雲街道 . The Old Trade Road of Izumo and related to the . Folk Toys from Shimane . . Mitoku San, Temple Sanbutsu-Ji 三徳山三仏寺 . . Kurayoshi town 倉吉 . . San-In 山陰 region . San-In-gasuri 山陰絣 San-In Kasuri - Ikat from Tottori 鳥取県 Hirose-gasuri, Hirose Kasuri 広瀬絣 Kurayoshi-gasuri, Kurayoshi Kasuri 倉吉絣 Yumihama-gasuri, Yumihama Kasuri 弓浜絣 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() Tottori Mingei Bijutsukan 鳥取民藝美術舘 Folk Art Museum Tottori - Folk Craft Museum Tottori 鳥取市栄町651 http://yokoso.pref.tottori.jp/dd.aspx?menuid=2096 Saihakuchoo Rekishi Minzoku Shiryookan - Saihaku 西伯町歴史民俗資料館 Folk Craft Museum 鳥取県西伯郡西伯町法勝寺341 Warabekan わらべ館 museum of children's songs and toys Tottori. Located in the building of the prefectural library. Toys from all over the world are on display, also cartoon figures, old Japanese toys and moving toys. More famous spots of Tottori : source : www.city.tottori.... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Anzai Mizumaru 安西水丸 (1942 - ) ![]() is a illustrator, writer, and children's book artist. He published many books with Murakami Haruki. Somehow, he loves Tottori. He is a snow globe (dome) collector. source : www.japanartsandcrafts.com ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Tanaka Tatsunosuke 田中達之助 He is the first of the 柳屋 Yanagiya family. He repaired many toys of the region, from papermachee to wooden toys and had a great collection. His children in the Yanagiya family keep the collection going. - - - - - 柳屋さんの郷土玩具 きりん獅子(張子) きりん獅子にまつわる張子のお面 : 猩々 しょうじょう / 鼻たれ / ぬけ 因幡五狐 (five foxes from Inaba) : おとん女郎 / 経蔵坊 / しょろしょろ狐 / 恩志の狐 / 尾無し狐 堂内天神 土人形 ![]() 4面かぶり おかめとひょっとこ 布・紙・竹製 dolls on a bamboo stick, which can move the arms up and down and put on a mask over the face. Their robes are made from cloth, the rest of strong Washi paper. Peddlers used to sell them on their routes through Japan. Apart from these here, O-Kame san and Hyottoko, there are also 天狗・鬼・きつね・さる Tengu, Oni demons, foxes, monkeys and others. - reference : seigensha.com/oton_collection - 柳屋の先代・田中達之助さん : 豆天神 / 堂内天神 / - reference : pref.tottori.lg.jp - ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Inshuu washi 因州和紙 Inshu Washi paper from the Inaba region Saji village 佐治村 Kaminggu Saji かみんぐさじ is a paper-making facility located in Saji Town, one of the homes of traditional Japanese paper (inshu-washi). It produces the largest amount of Japanese paper in Japan, displays and sells artifacts and folk crafts made from Japanese paper and also offers hands-on paper-making classes. . . . CLICK here for Photos ! Aoya Washi Studio あおや和紙工房 Aoya town Besides conducting paper-making classes this facility also offers courses on Chigiri-e, a collage technique using torn colored Japanese paper, and organizes regular as well as special displays centering on the theme of Japanese paper and light. . Inshuu washi 因州和紙 Inshu Washi Paper . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hoojoo town 北条市 Hojo ![]() Hoojoo tsuchi ningyoo 北条土人形 clay dolls Here are the god of thunder and lightning made by Katoo Renbei 加藤廉兵衛 ![]() Exhibition at 北条歴史民俗資料館 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Horikoshi town 堀越 Horikoshi - Yazu district 八頭郡八頭町堀越 Horikoshi tsuchi ningyoo 堀越土人形 / 堀越人形 Clay dolls from Horikoshi Now, extinct. made by 木曽金次郎 Kiso Kinjiro. ![]() - source and 3 more photos : kyuhaku-ningyo.jp/admin... - dancing lady 舞い女 ![]() 竹内宿弥 Takenouchi Sukune and 神功皇后 Emperess Jingu about 37 cm high . Takenouchi no Sukune 武内宿禰 / 竹内宿禰 / 建内宿禰 . (? - ?) he lived for 317 years .................................................................................................................................................................. Inaba 因幡 . The White Rabbit of Inaba 因幡の白兎 . ![]() Inshuu Wakazakura yaki 因州若桜焼 clay dolls from Wakazakura in Inaba Made by Ootsubo Eiji 大坪英治 Otsubu Eiji. They ward off evil. ![]() negaibina 願いびな Hina Dolls to make a wish The workshop is located with a view to Mount Hyoonosen 氷ノ山 in the Yazu region of Tottori, close to Hyogo prefecture. Otsubo san also makes pottery for the tea ceremony. MORE source : www.pref.tottori.lg.jp 八頭郡若桜町若桜1173番地 .................................................................................................................................................................. Iwai hot spring 岩井温泉 ![]() kiji ganguu 木地玩具 wooden toys They are all prepared on a rokuro ロクロ pulley wheel. Most famous are the 12 zodiac animals. Standing in the back is the "hot spring steam doll". Iwai Pottery Kiln 岩井窯 - reference source : iwaigama.com... - ....................................................................... Nakai Pottery Kiln 中井窯 鳥取県鳥取市河原町中井243-5 // 243-5 Kawaharachō Nakai, Tottori town, Tottori - reference source : nakaigama.jp - ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Izumo region 出雲地方 tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 clay dolls 天神とそえものの土人形 Tenjin sama ![]() source : ningyodo.library.pref.osaka.jp... doro Tenjin, dorotenjin 泥天神 Tenjin from mud Simple dolls given to boys at the "Boy's Festival" on May 5. They are famous in the Hoki region (Hooki choo 伯耆町). In Kurayoshi, they are painted all red. Izumo taisha itajishi, ita shishi 大社の板獅子 lion head on a board see : . Folk Toys from Shimane . Hidarimae ningyo 左前人形 dolls from Hidarimae / Izumo ....................................................................... ![]() jooki じょうき boat floats Made in the form of traditional boats 尾形舟や千石舟 They are rather colorful and are floated for the O-Bon festival. ....................................................................... ![]() iwaidako 祝い凧 kites for celebrations taisha no iwaidako 大社の祝凧 Izumo iwaidako 出雲祝凧 Celebrating the birth of a child or a wedding. The read one reads tsuru 鶴 the black one reads kame 亀 . Tsuru Kame and Daruma 鶴亀とだるま . Both animals are symbols for a long life. In former times, the head priests of Izumo shrine lived on two mountains behind the shrine. The Kitajima family on Kameyama 亀山(北島家) the Senke family on Tsuruyama 鶴山(千家家) They used to fly a kite with their mountain name for their celebrations, but soon the custom spread to the region. Now small kites are sold as amulets for mayoke, to keep off evil with an additional small bow. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Kurayoshi town 倉吉市 Kurayoshi hariko 倉吉張り子 papermachee dolls and - - - tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 clay dolls ![]() source : www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kyoudoningyou hagoita musume 羽子板娘 girl playing shuttlecock She is not expecially beautiful and her pink robe with red flower patterns is rather simple. She is a real girl from the countryside. Most traditional artist families went out of business around 1955. Now only Miyoshi Akira 三好明 in the 6th generation seems to be making them. ![]() ![]() Kurayoshi hakota ningyoo 倉吉はこた人形 Hakota dolls Hakota dolls are made of papermachee. Their limbs are not painted. Probably around 1785 they were introduced from the Bingo province by Bingoya Jihei 備後屋治兵衛 They are given to children by their parents or grandparents as amulets to prevent danger and evil influence. Now they are a popular souvenir. - quote - Kurayoshi Pottery Studio 陶芸館 Kurayoshi Pottery Studio is situated in Akagawara 11th Bldg. One can learn the art of making 打吹焼 Utsubuki pottery through step-by-step hands-on instructions. - source : tottrip.jp/data... - ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mikuriya town 御来屋 鳥取県西伯郡名和町 Saihaku district, Nawacho Mikuriya ningyo 御来屋人形 Mikuriya clay dolls Made until the early Showa period by 林原岩吉 Hayashibara Iwayoshi, 坂田来太郎 Sakata Raitaroand others. The dolls are almost as thin as papermachee dolls. They break easily. Mikuriya is a small fishing town with a pleasant harbor, wide high street and welcoming fish market. The sunset atmosphere is very pleasant. . Kato Kiyomasa doll 加藤清正 . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mochigase town 用瀬(もちがせ)市 ![]() nagashibina 流し雛 "floating old hina dolls" The old custom is kept well in this town. A couple of paper dolls on a round straw boat is floated to take away bad luck and troubles. A small hishimochi rice cake and a branch of a peach tree are added on the float. Nagashibina no Yakata 流雛の館 is a museum for the traditional Nagashi-bina custom of Mochigase Town. It displays Hina dolls from the Edo period (17th - 19th century) collected from all over Japan. The museum itself is a rare example of large-scale wooden structures built with traditional methods in modern Japan, displaying both grandness and architectural beauty. ![]() Nagashibina are floated in many villages of Tottori. Sometimes pieces of 10 or more simple bamboo dolls are fixed on one float together. .................................................................................................................................................................. Oota village 大田 Ota ![]() Kazari men 飾り面 decorative masks They are a gift when a baby boy is born. One wild deity and one tengu mask to ward off evil. Now also given for a wedding or when moving into a new home. 島根県大田市大田町天神 ....................................................................... Sajidani banashi 佐治谷話(さじだにばなし) Telling old stories from the Sajidani region ![]() 昔々、佐治谷のだらず(鳥取弁で「ばか」という意味)が嫁さんの里に呼ばれることになった. ... 昔々、佐治谷の男が町にカラスを売りに出た。 ... © More in the Japanese WIKIPEDIA ! ![]() Sajidani usu no ro 佐治谷うすのろ old woman doll from Sajidani Sajidani was famous for its many legends told by the elders. .................................................................................................................................................................. shanshan odori しゃんしゃん踊り Shanshan dance ![]() doll of the Shanshan dance shanshan matsuri シャンシャン祭 festival in Tottori town During the O-Bon festival. The dance in Tottori is famous for the large colorful paper umbrellas (kasa odori 傘踊り). Legend knows that during a drought period there was an old man named Gorosaku, who danced in his village to pray for rain. . . . CLICK here for Photos ! . Regional Festivals of Japan . Tottori . .................................................................................................................................................................. Tottori town 鳥取市 Tottori hariko 鳥取張り子 papermachee dolls . . . CLICK here for Photos ! ....................................................................... daikichigoma daikichi no koma 大吉ごま spinning top for divination ![]() Made from paulownia wood 桐, in a shape with eight sides. A stick of bamboo to bring it in motion. The sides are referring to the eight possibilities of the game: daikichi 大吉 great luck / hankichi 半吉 half luck yasumi やすみ take a pause / gomushin ご無心 akabe あかべ /あかんべい ichimai 一枚 / nimai 二枚 / sanmai 三枚 When the spinning top comes to a halt the side showing up is the answer to a wish or question. Tops with eight sides of this kind are rather rare in Japan. ![]() source : asahi-net.or.jp The top on the left has the images of symbols of good luck to make a divination. 一富士 Fuji、ニ鷹 Hawk、三なすび eggplant、四だるま Daruma、五虚無僧 Komuso monk、六西行 Saigyo. . Spinning Top 独楽(コマ) koma . ....................................................................... ![]() Sanyoo chihoo kibigara anesama 山陰地方のきびがら姉様 elder sister dolls from dried skin of maize. Made in Inaba, Hoki and the Izumo region. . kibigarazaiku きびがら細工 craft from millet . . Kirinjishi 麒麟獅子 Kirin Lion Head . and Kirin Lion Dance from Inaba ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Yonago town 米子市 . Yonago Daruma 米子だるま . 象唐子 elephant and Chinese child . 米子人形 Yonago Ningyo Doll . Yodoegasa 淀江傘 paper umbrellas . made with Inshu washi paper ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Yamata no Orochi 八岐の大蛇 Serpent with eight heads ![]() This monster serpent is killed by the deity Susanoo 素戔嗚尊, a story well-loved in Kagura. . Kagura Dance 神楽 . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . Legends about foxes from Tottori 狐と伝説 kitsune densetsu . Inaba gogitsune 因幡五狐 / / 因幡の五狐 five foxes from Inaba: ![]() Oton Joroo おとん女郎 Oton Joro Fox Prostitute shoroshorogitsune しょろしょろ狐 Shorshoro Kitsune Onji no kitsune 恩志の狐 The Fox from Onji onashigitsune, o nashi kitsune 尾無し狐 "fox without a tail" and Keizooboo 桂蔵坊 Keizobo the Fox / Kyoozooboo 経蔵坊 The Fox Kyozobo - Hikyakugitsune 飛脚狐 the Fox messenger "with flying legs" ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() source : pref.tottori.lg.jp Collection from Yanagiya 柳屋 . Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide . . Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys . Reference and Photos . Folkcraft Samurai 伝統の技 source : www.pref.tottori.lg.jp ....................................................................... Arts and Crafts: Hamono knives Nichinan-cho Museum Paper Lamp Taiko - Drum Tottori Ceramics Tottori Mokko (Tottori Wooden Works) Wooden Accessories Ueda Shoji (1913 - 2000) Wakasa Railway Yoshida Shoya (1898 - 1972) Yumigahama Gamaguchi http://www.japanartsandcrafts.com/tottori1.html Shimane - Tottori Meibutsu Introduction 雲州そろばん 奥出雲銘木製品 出雲民芸紙 出雲織 Izumo ori weaving 出雲石灯ろう stone lanterns 出雲今市土人形 Imaichi clay dolls 長浜人形 Naganama Dolls 出雲めのう細工 meno agate art 出雲鍛造工芸品 swords, knives, metal work 武者絵五月幟 隠岐黒曜石細工 松江和紙てまり Matsue temari balls from washi --- Matsue is Shimane 八雲塗 Yagumo laquer, Matsue 松江筆 Matsue fude pens 石見神楽面 Kagura masks from Iwami http://www.tokusen.info/kougei/guide.html 現代之妖怪絵巻 illustrated books about Yokai monsters 妖怪ドット絵ストラップ Yokai strap Welcome to online shop site of our handmade goods. - reference source : toritori-craft.net - ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: source : yokoso.pref.tottori.jp Inaba Manyo History Museum 因幡万葉歴史館 Tottori. 鳥取市国府町町屋726 This museum was built in honor of Otomo no Yakamochi, the compiler of the Manyoshu, Japan's oldest collection of poems, and to commemorate the moment when he read the last poem of it here. There is a beautiful courtyard, in which about 50 types of flowers that appear in the Manyoshu poetry collection are planted. This museum displays historic relics which evoke the images of the 7th ~ 8th century and introduces folk entertainments passed down in the eastern part of Tottori Prefecture such as the "Kirin-lion Dance" (Kirinshishimai) and the "Umbrella Dance" of Inaba (Inaba no kasa odori). 新しき年の始の初春の 今日降る雪のいや重け吉事 atarashiki toshi no hajime no hatsuharu no kyoo furu yuki no iyashige yogoto Like the snow that falls on this first day of the year in early spring, From today may our blessings Accumulate forevermore ! Tr. Edwin A. Cranston 新たな年の始めである今日という日の雪がつもるように 今年も良いことが重なるといいなぁ。 written in 759 Otomo no Yakamochi - Ōtomo no Yakamochi 大伴 家持 (c. 718 – October 5, 785) was a Japanese statesman and waka poet in the Nara period. He is a member of the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals (三十六歌仙, sanjūrokkasen). He was born into the prestigious Ōtomo clan; his grandfather was Ōtomo no Amaro and his father was Ōtomo no Tabito. Ōtomo no Kakimochi was his younger brother, and Ōtomo no Sakanoe no Iratsume his aunt. His granduncle is possibly Ōtomo no Komaro who came to Japan in the time of Empress Jitō. ![]() He was Inaba no kami 因幡守 Governor of Inaba Province at age 42. © More in the WIKIPEDIA ! |
- #tottori #inaba #daisen #izumokaido #sakaiminato -
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Tottori
. Tottori Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
1 comment:
Inaba Kaido 因幡街道 Inaba Highway
Connecting Himeji in 兵庫県 Hyogo with 鳥取 Tottori.
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