Shimane Folk Art - 島根県
The capital is Matsue 松江
Lake Shinjiko 宍道湖
The Sanin Region, San-In, San'In 山陰地方
Tsuwano 津和野
Okinoshima 隠岐の島
. Lafcardio Hearn 小泉八雲(ラフカディオ・ハーン) Koizumi Yagumo .
. Iwami Ginzan 石見銀山 Old Silver Mines at Iwami .
石州街道 Sekishu Kaido Highway
. Izumo Kaido 出雲街道 The Old Road of Izumo .
. Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .
with enmusubi amulet for a good couple
. Izumo washi 出雲和紙 Washi paper from Izumo .
. Sekishu washi 石州和紙 Sekishu Paper - Iwami .
The Izumo region is a famous producer of menoo めのう (瑪瑙) , 出雲めのう agate stone.
. Agate from Izumo - magatama jewel production .
Shussai yakimono 出西窯 Shussai pottery
島根県出雲市斐川町出西3368 // 3368 Hikawachō Shussai, Izumo city, Shimane
- reference source : shussai.jp/about -
Yumachigama 湯町窯 Yumachi kiln / owner 福間琇士
965-1 Tamayucho Yumachi, Matsue, Shimane
- reference source : kotori-kogeisya.com... -
Fujina 布志名
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布志名焼 Fujina-yaki Fujina ware, pottery
Fujina ware is pottery made in Fujina in the town of Tamayu, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, and is situated near Shinji Lake.
It is said that the pottery began with a man called Funaki Yojibe Muramasa, who started making pottery at Fujina. The clan chief of Matsue, Matsudaira Harusato liked his work and became a patron.
There are many kilns around here and each has its own name. It is collectively called Izumo ware; the place where pottery is prosperous.
In the Showa period, a technique of patterning with cosmetic mud, called ‘slip ware’, was adopted. It gives an original feel to the pottery.
Most of the works have soft and warm images and consisted of everyday ware with yellow or blue glazes, called Izumo Blue. Now four kilns are at work. They also produce ware in European style, and are constantly creating new designs.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Hamada town 浜田

Nagahama ningyoo 長浜人形 / 長浜土人形 clay dolls from Nagahama
This region is famous for its contact with Korea since ancient times. Nagahama dolls have a history of more than 400 years, when Korean craftsmen came to Japan. They used the localclay to make these dolls. Topics are dolls for the Girls and Boys festival, Nagahama Tenjin sama, the 12 zodiac animals and others.

釣鐘抱え金時 Kintoki carrying a temple bell

Iwami kagura men 石見神楽面 Kagura dance masks from Iwami
. Kagura Dance (kagura 神楽) .
Hirata village 平田
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Hirata momen kaido 平田の木綿街道 Hirata Cotton Road
Hirata is a small town situated near the shore of Lake Shinji, part way between Izumo and Matsue...
... its prosperity peaked in the late Edo Period when locally produced Hirata Cotton became much sought after, especially in the Kansai region in the large cities of Osaka and Kyoto.
... there are sake breweries, soy sauce breweries - where, if you are feeling adventurous, you can try soy sauce flavored ice cream!

Isshiki Kazari 一式飾
This is a unique type of folk art created locally in Hirata known as Isshiki Kazari, which is best translated as 'decoration made from a single type of goods'.
The most common materials are ceramics, but anything else can be used, wood, paper, metal even.
There is a famous sculpture of a lobster
made completely out of bicycle parts. Now, you may say that there are plenty of examples of art made from everyday objects, but it's the rules of Isshiki Kazari that mark it as a unique art form.
The objects that make up the sculpture
cannot be altered or damaged in any way. There can be no drilling, cutting, welding or gluing etc. Everything is held together by being tied with thin wire, the reason being that after the sculpture is made it is dismantled and all the objects can be reused again for their original purpose.
These rules can be traced back
to the origins of the artform in the early 18th century when a local man made a statue of the god Daikoku out of tea utensils to present to the local Tenmangu shrine.
The tradition continues and in July when the shrine festival is held is the best time to view a large selection of the creations.
It is worth repeating that this is a "folk" art, made by townspeople not professional artists.
... Kokokuji Temple
- source : japanvisitor.com -

CLICK for more photos !
- source and more photos : issiki-kazari.com -
Iwami village 石見

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yakimono 石見焼物 / 石見陶器 Iwami Ware
Iwami ware may not be very well known to Japanese people these days, but every family used to have one at home back in the day when running water was not available. Each family needed a large pot to store water. The Iwami giant pot, called “Hando”, was of a size big enough for a child to hide inside. It was very popular, and faced a huge demand from all over Japan. The special ceramic method that Iwami made famous was first introduced to this area from Iwakuni province around Yamagata prefecture in 1763. It had a strong water resistance characteristic because of the type of local clay used and the high temperature of its firing. Thus, it was ideal for making a water pot.
As municipal water systems became more prevalent in the 1950s, storing water became less necessary. Furthermore, the introduction of plastic containers caused a further deterioration of the Iwami wares industry. However, the craft survived by adapting to social changes and catering its pottery to the masses. The most common Iwami pots were for storing pickled vegetables/fruits and miso, because they helped food from being spoiled from acidification and alkalization. Iwami ware was registered as one of the Traditional Crafts of Japan in 1994.
Iwami ware originally came in reddish brown and/or semi-clear blue glazes. However, that eventually changed, and different glazes were introduced as well. Flower vases, tableware, mugs and umbrella stands are also made in the Iwami style, and they all radiate the warm energy of the earth. Recently, local businesses announced a collaboration had begun between the nearby hot spring resort of Arifuku Onsen and Iwami ware makers to showcase a fine dining experience with Iwami-made tableware. This type of project is sure to attract nationwide publicity.
- - - - - 405 I Kakushicho Gotsu-shi Shimane-ken
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -
Izumo town 出雲市
. hariko 張り子虎 papermachee tiger .
. ryuu 竜 dragon
Izumo take ningyoo 出雲竹人形 bamboo doll from Izumo, and see below

tsuchi ningyoo 出雲土人形clay dolls
... shiro Tenjin 白天神 white Tenjin sama from Hooki 伯耆(ほうき)Hoki
It was decorated on the Doll festival on March 3 for a boy who was born in the year before.

出雲今市土人形 Izumo Imaichi clay dolls

They have been made since the Taisho period around 1915. Dolls of Tenjin Sama for the Seasonal Boy's Festival were quite common in the region. So the craftsmen used their skills for other dolls too, applying 胡粉 white gofun powder.
Kumura village 久村
. Kumurayaki, Kumura Yaki 久村焼 Kumura Pottery .
Unshū Kumura Nagasawa Ware Kiln Site 雲州久邑長沢焼窯跡
Izumo Bunka Densho-kan 出雲文化伝承館 Izumo Cultural Heritage Museum
Matsue town 松江

. Anesama ningyoo 姉様人形 "elder sister" dolls .
In Matsue, anesama dolls are called
hina san ヒナサン, or kamibina san 紙びなさん paper Hina dolls.
They have been made by the wives of lowly samurai.
Lafcadio Hearn praised them widely and made them known to the Western world.
ito temari 糸てまり string handballs
- - - - - ai-temari 藍てまり made with Indigo threads

source : nagomi1ban.com/matue-ai
They come with various patterns for the four seasons.
. temari 鞠(まり)-手毬(てまり)hand ball, rag ball .
kazari uma 飾り馬 decoration horse
Nowadays only small versions of this horse are made, by 大野博さん Ono san.

source : sanshisuimei.moo.jp/image/gangu
mishadako, misha tako みしゃ凧 Musha samurai kite
(misha is the local dialect for musha)
Now made by 洋服店「ひつじや」Hitsujiya, 深津美晴さん, as a hobby.

source : sanshisuimei.moo.jp/image/gangu

o-miya お宮 the shrine (small Izumo Taisha shrine)
. Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .

jookisen 蒸気船 steam boat
. fuku nezumi 福鼠 lucky mouse/rat .
. fuku kozuchi 福小槌 lucky hammer, mallet of Daikoku .
. Daikoku Ten 大黒天 .
. haori sumoo 羽織相撲 Sumo wrestler with Haori coat .
袖師窯 Sodeshi-gama Pottery
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Close to Shimane Art Museum, the kiln is an old Japanese house found off the main road. Sodeshi kiln was built in 1877 by Tomoichi Ono the first generation of the Ono family in Matsue. His son Iwajiro moved the kiln in 1893 to Sodeshi for easy access to Lake Shinji’s boat transportation and he built 5 kilns and since then it has been known as Sodeshi-yaki pottery.
The third generation potter Toshiro was sympathetic to Muneyoshi Yanagi’s Mingei folk art movement (Muneyoshi was also known as ‘Soetsu’). He received Kanjirou Kawai, Shoji Hamada and Bernard Leach at the kiln, this influenced greatly the characteristics of Sodeshi pottery.
Toshiro Ono’s Sake bottle and cup set was awarded a Grand Prix at the 1958 Brussels Expo.

The current generation potter Shinya and his 2 sons Tomohiko and Akihiko use materials such as persimmon, cobalt, iron oxide, straw ash and cinnabar together with various drip-painting, brush-painting, nail-fingering and comb-tracing techniques. They studied under Tatsuzo Shimaoka, another great Japanese potter who worked under Shoji Hamada in Mashiko, Japan.
- source :connect-shimane.com/crafts -
Okinoshima, Oki no Shima 隠岐の島
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Oki gun 隠岐郡 Oki District, Shimane Prefecture
the traditional name for all four inhabited Oki Islands.
Okinoshima occupies all of the island of Dōgo, in the Oki Islands archipelago in the Sea of Japan, along with numerous offshore uninhabited islands and rocks. For administrative purposes, the Japanese government officially considers the disputed islet of Takeshima to be a part of the town of Okinoshima.
Okinoshima Town formed from the merger of Fuse, Goka, Saigō and Tsuma on October 1, 2004.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. umajiya no suzu 駅鈴(うまじやのすず)clay bell of the horse station .
stable bells (umaya no suzu うまやのすず)
ekirei, eki-rei 駅鈴(えきれい) / road bells (ekiro no suzu 駅路(えきろ)のすず)
Tamawakasumikoto Jinja 玉若酢命神社 Tamawakasu Mikoto Shrine
Tsuwano 津和野町
Popularly known as the "Little Kyoto of San-In," Tsuwano is known for its picturesque street, 殿町通り"Tono-machi," which is lined with buildings from the Edo period and has many carp ponds.
(Tsuwano is not located in Yamaguchi.)
koobako 香箱 Kobako, lit. "incense box"

It was used to put in official presents during a wedding ceremony. One of the items was a small bag with incense, hence the name.
It is made from strong paper, often by the mother of the bride.
Sada village 佐田町

Izumo take ningyoo 出雲竹人形 bamboo dolls from Izumo
They are well crafted and some have even won prizes at competitions.
One famous craftsman is Katsube 勝部, who carves each figure with great diligence.
He chooses his themes from the deities and legends of Izumo, from the folk dances and customs of his region
(どじょう掬い dojo sukui、さぎ舞 sagi mai、牛突き ushi tsuki) and others.
Katsube san had been in a Siberian prisoner's camp for many years, where he also learned to carve birch tree wood.
. take gangu 竹玩具 bamboo toys and dolls .
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Taisha village 大社町 - - (with the grand shrine of Izumo)
. Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .
. iwaidako 祝い凧 kites for celebrations .
. jooki じょうき boat floats .
taichoochin, tai choochin 鯛堤灯 / taiguruma 鯛車 sea bream on wheels

source : nowaki3jyo.exblog.jp
The square block is made from bamboo, covered with bee's wax. The frame of the sea bream is also made from bamboo, covered with Izumo Washi paper, mostly in red. A candle is placed inside when used outside as a decoration for the Tanabata festival until the O-Bon Ancestor festival. They used to be made by each family with children, so the kids could pull the floats around on the village road in the evening.
Taisha no ita shishi 大社の板獅子 lion head on a wooden board

source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/ibaraki
Sold also at other sub-shrines of Izumo in Japan.
An amulet for 縁結び enmusubi, 開運 kaiun good luck, 商売繁昌 good business, 厄除け warding off evil、農業 a good harvest and fish catch 漁業, protection from illness 医療.
Yasugi village 安来
. Yasugibushi 安来節 dolls from the Yasugi song and dance .
Shimane and the Izumo cult are also represented in
. Folk Toys from Tottori .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
clay bells from Shimane, a large collection
一畑寺(一畑薬師) / 日御碕大神宮授与鈴・鬼 / 安来節 / しあわせ鈴 / 京峯窯・鬼瓦 / 泥鰌すくい - どじょうすくい / 連土鈴・七福神 and many more
- source : eonet.ne.jp/~i-kimoto/Furusato -
. Shimane 島根県 鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Shimane, Izumo, Matsue
. Shimane Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #shimane #matsue #izumo #hirata #okinoshima -
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