Hiroshima Folk Art - 広島県
Old domain of Bingo 備後 and Aki 安芸 .
. Atomic Dome in Hiroshima 原爆ドーム .
. Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima 宮島の厳島神社 .
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Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum
The Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum is located in the heart of Hiroshima City and adjacent to one of Japan's great scenic spots Shukkeien, famous for its wealth of natural beauty. Throughout each of the four seasons, one can enjoy the scenery of Shukkeien, a garden constructed for the Asano Clan, the daimyo (feudal lords) of Hiroshima Province, from the museum's lobby or resting lounge.
The museum's collection of over 4,500 pieces covers several different themes, such as "Works of Art Related to Hiroshima", which includes Important Cultural Properties such as "Imari Porcelain Flower Bowl", "Itsukushima Folding Screen" and other works by such artists as Aimitsu, Katsuzo Entsuba and Ikuo Hirayama; "Craft Art of Japan and Asia", including works of folk art by representative artists such as Kanjiro Kawai and Shoji Hamada, as well as metalwork and works of dyeing and weaving art from Central Asia; and "Works of Art of the '20s and '30s", including Salvador Dali's "Dream of Venus", Isamu Noguchi's "Tsuiso (Reminiscences)" and others. ...
Hiroshima Castle
Shukkeien . . . and more
Kami-nobori-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima
- source : hiroshima-navi.or.jp -
Fukuyama 福山市
. Fukuyama koto 福山琴 Koto harp from Fukuyama .
Hatsukaichi town 廿日市

Hatsukaichi hariko 廿日市 張り子 papermachee dolls
Their history dates back to 1695, when craftsmen from Omi settled here and founded the shop Otsuya 大津屋.
They made their own Washi paper.
Some of the old forms of the dolls date back to 1835.
The dolls are said to ward off evil, so they are given as a present when a child is born.
kendama 剣玉 cup and ball game
Legend says this game originated in Hatsukaichi.
. Cup and Ball けん玉 kendama .
Joge town 上下町
. Jooge ningyoo 上下人形 Joge dolls .
Tenjin 天神

Joge was a postal station on the highway connecting Sanin and Sanyo, 石州街道 Sekishu Kaido, Iwami Ginzan Highway.
It preserved its traditional atmosphere with white walls and lattice windows.
The Joge dolls are close to the Miyoshi dolls.
Some craftsmen were 安友徳吉 and 唯一郎父子.
The dolls became extinct in the early Showa period.
. Iwami Ginzan Kaido 石見銀山街道 Silver Trading Highway .
. Iwami village 石見 Shimane .
Kumano town 熊野町
. Kumano fude 熊野筆 brushes from Kumano, Hiroshima .
Mihara town 三原市
. Mihara Daruma 三原だるま - Introduction .
Shinmei Daruma 神明だるま
Hiromushi Daruma 広虫だるま remembering princess Wake no Hiromushi
和気広虫(わけのひろむし), the nun Hookin ni 法均尼
tako Daruma たこだるま octopus Daruma
and more Mihara ningyoo 三原人形 dolls from Mihara
. Mihara Yassa Daruman やっさだるマン .
Mihara Yassa Matsuri 三原やっさ祭り Yassa Festival
Miyajima craftwork 宮島の諸玩具
Miyajima Traditional Crafts Center
There are many traditional industrial art crafts of Miyajima, from the nationally famous Miyajima wooden rice scoops to five-colored toothpicks, turnery works, wooden spoons, woodcarvings and many more.
- source : www.miyajima.or.jp/english
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shikazaru, shika saru 鹿猿 dear and monkey clay bell
A deer carries a monkey on its back. Both are sacred animals on the island of Itsukushima. Legend has it that deer came swimming from Honshu, and the clever monkeys, who saw this, jumped on their back for a free ride to the island.
So they are a symbol for co-operation and good luck.
. Mingei Kukkii みんげいクッキー Mingei Folk Art Cookies - deer .
Miyajima dorei 宮島土鈴 clay bells

Miyajima torii 宮島鳥居 Torii gate of Miyajima

Miyajima hariko 宮島張り子 papermachee dolls
Other craftwork is made from wood, like chestnut, cherry tree or zelkova wood.
Bamboo ladles for rice (shakushi, shamoji) are especially famous.
. Miyajima shamoji 宮島しゃもじ rice paddles .
Miyajimabori 宮島彫り woodcarvings from Miyajima
Miyajima zaiku 宮島細工 handicraft from Miyajima
Done with fast bold strokes, to bring out the sacred motives of the island.

With more samples
- source : www.miyajima-wch.jp/jp

With more samples of artists :
小松昭雄 / 広川和男 Hirokawa Kazuo / 佐藤満 / 藤本悟 / 平山宣昭 / 大野浩
- source : miyajima-zaiku.blogspot.jp
Miyoshi town 三次

tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 clay dolls
宮の峡(海)土人形(廃絶)Miyanokai clay dolls
These dolls are also called "shining dolls", because they have a special glazing which makes them so bright.
And another old 宮の峡 Miyanokai doll

hanakago mochi 花篭持ち girl carrying a flower basket
Miyanokai dolls were the fore-runners of Miyoshi dolls, They were first made by
大崎忠右衛門 Osaki Chuemon and became extinct in the Showa period.
Miyoshi ningyoo 三次人形 dolls from Miyoshi
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
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Miyoshi dolls, also known as Miyoshi-deko (clay figure), have a peculiar gloss all over them, especially on their faces. So some call them hikari-ningyo, or shiny dolls. They are simple but have a hint of beauty, too.
In the past the deko-ichi or clay figure fair, a harbinger of spring, was held in Miyoshi. From mid-March, a large number of clay figures were displayed for
sale at shops on Miyoshi Hondori Avenue. They say it drew many people from the suburbs, too. Unfortunately the fair is no longer held.
Legend tells us that every time a child was born to one of his retainers, Nagaharu Asano, the first feudal lord of Miyoshi-han, gave a clay doll as a
present to show his blessings. Since then, there still remains the custom of presenting a clay figure of Tenjin to a boy on his first Boys' Festival, and one
of Machimusume to a girl on her first Girls' Festival.
The dolls are 10-30 centimeters tall and come in various kinds. A particularly interesting one among them is Tenjin-deko. The Miyoshi district has a longstanding custom of worshipping Tenjin, or the deified spirit of Michizane Sugawara, who is supposed to be a patron of learning. Matsuoi Tenjin is a doll of
Tenjin with a green pine tree behind his back. This design is excellent and well-known.
Formerly, clay dolls were also made in the Mihara, Joge and Shobara areas in this prefecture. Now only Miyoshi dolls keep their place in our lives.
- - - Memo
The origin of Miyoshi dolls is said to date back to 1630, when Chuemon Osaki came to Miyoshi, found some good clay in Yamaga (now Yamaga-cho, Miyoshi City) and settled there to build a kiln. Following that, in 1641, Nagaharu Asano, the founder of the Miyoshi-han (feudal clan), had clay dolls baked by Kisaburo Mori, a doll maker in Asakusa, Edo (now Tokyo). Those were said to be the first Miyoshi dolls.
Currently only one pottery shop in Tokaichi-cho, Miyoshi City makes Miyoshi dolls. The skill is handed down from father to son in the Marumoto family.
- source : hiroshima-bunka.jp -
Numakuma gun 沼隅郡常石

dragon on a telephone card
. Tatsu 辰 Dragon Amulets .
Shobara city 庄原市
Shoobara ningyoo 庄原人形 dolls from Shobara
First known in 1972.
Made only by 樽岡甚作 Taruoka Jinsaku, who moved to Shobara at the end of the Meiji period.
The dolls are very similar to Miyoshi dolls.

tachi musume 立娘 standing girl
Tookaichi 十日市 Tokaichi - Miyoshi
Tookaichi tsuchi ningyoo 十日市土人形 clay dolls from Tokaichi

botan mochi musume 牡丹持ち娘 girl carrying a peony
about 43 cm high
The craftsman 大崎忠右衛門 Osaki Chuemon had come from Iwami to Bingo (now Hiroshima) in the late Edo period (1854) and started to make clay dolls.
丸本儀十郎 Marumoto Gijuro married his granddaughter and kept the tradition alive. His descendant,
丸本たかし Marumoto Takashi now makes clay dolls.
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .

source : blog.nihondorei.com
This doll is about 23 cm high.
常石 Tsuneishi
Tsuneishi hariko 常石張り子 papermachee dolls from Tsuneishi

Tsuneishi Daikoku

Tsuneishi Dogs, about 13 cm high
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
First made by 宮本久平 Miyamoto Kyuhei, who was originally a maker of clay dolls. Many of his clay dolls were broken during the long transportation to shops for sale, so he turned to papermachee figures. Similar to the one's from Miyoshi and Mihara, but they have a gentle, simple touch.
His most favorite figures are 八垣姫 Yaegaki Hime, おいらん Oiran Geisha and 立娘 Standing Girl.

source : post.japanpost.jp/kitte
The Third Miyamoto, 宮本嘉孝 Miyamoto Yoshitaka, had his clay doll of a dragon as a stamp in 1991.
There is also a Daruma-mochi Musume だるま持ち娘 from the craftsman in the third generation, a papermachee doll of a girl holding Daruma on her left shoulder.
. Inu 戌 / 犬 Year of the Dog 2018 .
. okoso zukin 御高祖頭巾 hood for winter - doll .
Tsuneishi tsuchi ningyoo 常石土人形 / 常石人形 clay dolls
made by 宮本久平 Miyamoto Kyuhei

musume sanbasoo 娘三番叟 Girl dancing the Sanbaso
. Sanbasoo 三番叟 Sanbaso Dancer .
Onomichi town 尾道市

tanomobune, tanomo fune 田面船 Tanomo boat
made by Honjoo Masakichi 本庄政吉.
He was a craftsman for Buddhist home altars and made these boats on the side. They are all made carefully by hand. On the day of hassaku (first of the eighth old lunar month), now September 1, they are given to families where a boy has been born during the year. The parents would then make a visit to a shrine for the newborn baby, Ubusuna no Kami 産土(うぶすな)神.
The real ships were used for trade with Hokkaido, to bring herring and kombu to Western Japan. The side of the boat was painted with auspicious symbols, like pine, wave patterns, crane and sea bream.
. WKD : Hassaku celebrations .
First day of the eighth lunar month.
. santai mikoshi 三体みこし three mikoshi .
for the Gion Festival of Onomichi 尾道祇園祭
Betchaa, Betcher Festival, Ichinomiya shrine
The autumn festival at shrine Kibitsuhiko jinja 吉備津彦(きびつひこ)神社 in Onomichi. (November 3)
betchaa is the sound children make when playing the festival instruments.
There are three main masks of a tengu, big serpent and a bad man
These masks are also put on clay bells.
betchaa men べっちゃー面 masks
bechaa dorei べっちゃー土鈴 clay bells

Ootake town, Otake shi 大竹市

kami koi 紙鯉 paper carp
The koinobori carp streamers from washi paper have a long history.
handmade washi paper is a tradition of the town.
The koinobori 鯉のぼり carp can be up to six meters long. They come in six basic colors and many variations.
nagashibina 流し雛 "floating old hina dolls"
The dolls are glued to thin plywood or cardboard, the head made of clay and painted white. Dresses are from paper.
The history of floating dolls on March 3 is old and had once been lost during the war. Now it is recreated and became quite a tourist attraction.
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
. WASHOKU . - Regional Dishes from Hiroshima
. Hiroshima Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #hiroshima #miyajima #miyoshi #mihara #onomichi -
Miyajimabori 宮島彫り woodcarvings from Miyajima
Tojo Orai, Tōjō ōrai 東城往来 Tojo Roads
Many roads starting at the town of Tojo (広島県庄原市東城町 Hiroshima, Shobara city, Tojo town)
Tojo Kaido 東城街道 Tojo Highway
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