. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Daruma and others with a mask だるまにマスク
. coronavirus spreading コロナウイルス COVID-19 .
- Introduction -

- source - 旅猫雑貨店

- source - 旅猫雑貨店

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darumasuku だるマスク Darumasks from Daruchan

- reference source : Daruchan on facebook -
#だるマスク #darumask #だるチャン
コロナ終息願い巨大マスク 神岡の銅像「立ちだるま」
岐阜県飛騨市神岡町 Gifu, Kamioka town, Funatsu
The bronze Daruma statue is 8.9 m high !
- source : news.yahoo.co.jp/articles August 2021 ... -

- reference source : "Le chat botte" -

イオンモール常滑 - お多福 Tokoname

photo by Makuta san, facebook
source : Samantha Lemieux / サマンサ リミュー / SamInJapan
Ehime Newspaper 愛媛新聞社 on Twitter

- source - facebook -
Kamakura Daibutsu 鎌倉 大仏 マスク

Okuninushi and the White Hare at Inaba
photo by 加來英樹, facebook
Matsuo Basho 松雄芭蕉

Kamenoko station, Okayama 亀甲のJR津山線

Mona Lisa covid
Dragon with a mask

Lion with a mask, Mitsukoshi Store, Tokyo

黄金の織田信長像 - マスク Golden Statue of Oda Nobunaga

Statue of Hachiko in Shibuya

source : trend.nikkei.com...

. coronavirus COVID-19 August 2020 .

from Camping Lover, facebook
Tanuki Mask
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
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The history behind Japan’s love of face masks
In Japan, it’s sometimes said that the eyes speak as much as the mouth.
Perhaps the proverbial phrase captures the essence of the nation’s affinity for face masks, a relationship that can be traced back centuries and a custom to which is attributed Japan’s lower number of deaths from COVID-19 compared with Western nations — in particular the United States, where wearing a mask has recently become a politically charged issue.
Masks are now omnipresent in Japan as a result of the pandemic, thanks in part to an inherent mask-wearing culture. Besides being sporadically worn during hay fever and influenza seasons, masks have expanded beyond their traditional role over the years and have even been adopted by the fashion and beauty industries.
There are masks that cut ultraviolet rays and prevent glasses from fogging, and masks that make the face look slimmer. There’s even a term for women who look good in masks — masuku bijin (masked beauty) — and contests are held to decide who among them looks the most attractive donning one. The key, apparently, is the enhancement of the eyes.
It’s good business, too. With global cases of the novel coronavirus on the rise as Japan’s humid summer arrives, companies across industry lines are rushing to produce cooling and drying face masks to help cope with the sweltering heat that medical experts warn could lead to breathing difficulties and dehydration.
On June 19, the day the Oklahoma Supreme Court rejected a requirement for face masks and social distancing at Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa, hordes of customers weathered the rain and queued at Uniqlo shops in Japan. They were there to purchase the apparel giant’s Airism brand face masks with breathable fabric, which went on sale that day. The masks sold out almost instantly, and shoppers accessing the firm’s online store crashed the site.
“We can’t disclose sales figures, but the reception is overwhelming,” says a spokesperson for the company, adding that Uniqlo plans to produce 500,000 Airism masks a week for the time being.
Other, lesser known makers are also devising creative ways to make masks bearable in the summer heat. Knit Waizu, a Yamagata Prefecture-based knitwear manufacturer, began selling reusable cloth masks in refrigerated vending machines in mid-March when cases of COVID-19 began climbing and a nationwide shortage of masks made headlines.
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- source : Japan Times Jul 4 2020 -
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. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- - - #maskdaruma #darumamask #coronavirus #covid #monalisa #daibutsu #kamakura - - - - -
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