. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
tanmono 反物 / たんもの fabric, cloth

Tanmono has two main meanings.
One meaning is the fabrics used for kimonos.
The other meaning is a one-tan sized piece of fabric (‘tan’is the unit for one kimono for an adult)
Usually, tanmono are rolled on a board which equals one unit. Or tanmono are wound on a bar with a radius of 1.5 cm. Or they are folded and wrapped in cardboard.
Ojiya-chijimi, 小千谷縮 which are rolled without a core, are an exception.
In old times, one-tan was 9 sun 5 bu in width and 2 jou 6 or 8 shaku in length (1 shaku equals about 30.3 cm, 1 sun equals 0.1 shaku, 1 bu equals 0.01 shaku, and 1 jou equals 10 shaku). Today, sizes are defined inthe metric system; for silk fabrics, generally, one-tan equals about 36 cm in width and about 11.4 m in length.
source : nippon-kichi.jp...
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About the size of tanmono (a roll of kimono cloth)

the traditional cloth of Japan that has developed for exclusively making a kimono, has a unique size specification. As a result of the restriction of hand loom and the exclusive use for kimono, a tanmono is commonly produced in about 0.38m × 12.5m size. Let’s see more details on the specification of tanmono.
The width size of tanmono
is about 38cm (42cm for men’s), and the length is about 12.5m. This is the necessary and sufficient size for making a suit of women’s kimono (the necessary length is shorter for men). In order to make a kimono, the 0.38×12.5m rectangular fabric is divided into the 8 parts. Compared to the complex pattern-cutting of Western clothes, The cutting of a tanmono for tailoring a kimono is so simple. Making a kimono is done by the minimum required fabric without the leftovers. ...
... Basically, the width of a tanmono is 38cm. Yet, the custom-order can wider the width to some extent. While it depends on the weaving regions, the maximum width for the custom-order would be about 45cm. This is because of the structural limitation on the handloom generally used. The more than about 45cm width would require a new design of loom, manufacturing equipments or processes.
- source : hirotatsumugi.jp... -
. Ojiya tsumugi 小千谷紬 Ojiya pongee / 縮 chijimi .
Made in and around Ojiya city, Niigata
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference .
. kimono 着物 Japanese robes .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
いわき市 Iwaki city 好間町 Yoshima town
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
Where the river separates into two, there is one house on the side of the smaller river.
However much flooding happens, this house is always safe.
In former times, this area was always affected by flooding. Grandmother was always worried and said she would give one of her three daughters to the master of the river, the 大蛇 Daija, if this would protect her home. From that time on a young man came to the home and said he would protect if from flooding if he could marry the daughter.
After the wedding the father of the woman had a dream: He saw his daughter wash her hair at the riverpool. When he woke up he found a piece of tanmono 反物 cloth made from three hairs of the beard of the serpent.
Twice there was a celebration in the family, and they placed this cloth near the riverpool. In response they get "trays and bowls" for all the guests.
The third time when they brought the bowls back, one lid fell into the river and swam away. From that time on they never got "trays and bowls" any more.
They brought the cloth to the temple 竜門寺 Ryumon-Ji to have it purified and properly venerated. The well from the temple is directly connected to the riverpool.
. Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls". .
................................................................................. Kagoshima 鹿児島県
大島郡 Oshima district
ikimaburi 生き霊 / イキマブリ a living soul
A woman who had died about 200 years ago once went to buy some tanmono 反物 cloth.
But the money she used to pay for it soon turned into leaves.
Kagoshima 曽於郡 Soo district
nitan bae ニタンバエ / 二反生え the monster Nitanbae

In 中川内 Nakagawachi there was once a monster "of two Tan size", coming out at night.
It came from a field where nobody wanted to plant anything any more.
. Ittan Momen 一反木綿 Roll of Cotton Yokai .
................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県
小千谷市 Ojiya city
. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
A woman came to the rich neighbour to help with the birth.
As thank-you present she got a length of cloth and some money.
When she looked at this next morning, her body was full of Tanuki hair and the money had changed into the leaf of a tsubaki 椿 camellia.
................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県
下曽根村 Shimo-Sonemura village
Mitsumune San ミツムネサン / Mitsumine Sama 三峯様 The Mitsumine Deity
The family had a small Shrine for Mitsumine San in the back of their storehouse.
One evening a burglar came and stole the tanmono 反物 fabrics.
Next morning they found them at the gate of the temple 実成寺 Jissei-Ji in the next village.
This must have been the beneficial deed of Mitsumine San.
. Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 / 三峯神社 Mitsumine Shrine .
Chichibu, Saitama - and wolf worship
小谷村の三峯様 (三峯さま) Otani village - Mitsumune sama
The piles of straw for the deity
北安曇郡 Kita-Azumi, Nagano

- reference source : yatsu-genjin.jp/suwataisya... -
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
- - - - - Haiku and Senryu - - - - -
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. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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