. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
komori 子守 / 子守り taking care of a baby
. Mikomori Myōjin 御子守明神 protector of children .
Mikumari Jinja 御子守神社
- Introduction -
Baby sitting was important in all times. There are many paintings and figures about it.
It was often done by an elder sister. The baby is bound on the back so her hands are free to do some work in the kitchen or the fields.

from がねこ堂
dorei 土鈴 clay bell


爪楊枝入れ container for toothpicks
koppa ningyoo 木端人形 wooden doll
- ABC - List of Komori dolls from the Prefectures
................................................................................ Aichi 愛知県

komori musume 子守り娘 girl as baby sitter
about 17 cm high.
. Asahi tsuchi ningyoo 旭土人形 Asahi Clay Dolls .

. Okkawa tsuchi ningyoo 乙川土人形 clay dolls from Okkawa .

made by 杉浦松太郎 Sugiura Matsutaro
. Tanao ningyoo 棚尾人形 Dolls from Tanao .
................................................................................ Akita 秋田県

about 15 cm high. early Showa period
. Nakayama tsuchi ningyoo 中山土人形 clay dolls from Nakayama .
................................................................................ Aomori青森県

盃・傘女・筆持ち・ 子守り komori ・犬斜め・犬たて / 獅子舞・蛸・俵・纏い
. Shitakawara Tsuchiningyoo 下川原土人形 .
................................................................................ Fukuoka 福岡県

komori men 子守面 ”babysitting faces”
They are much smaller that the mekaeshi faces and have bamboo stick of about 1 meter.
They are also called ororondako おろろん凧.
ororon is the local dialect to pacify a baby. In former times when mothers carried the babies on their back, they would stick the bamboo with the child so it has something to watch.
. Kites from Kyushu 九州 - Fukuoka .
................................................................................ Kochi 高知県
. 十市人形 Tochi Dolls / 十市土人形 Tochi clay dolls .
................................................................................ Niigata 新潟県

Yamaguchi clay dolls 山口人形
................................................................................ Shiga 滋賀県

Obata tsuchi ningyoo 小幡土人形 clay dolls from Obata
about 20 cm high. Made by 細居源助 Hosoi Gensuke in the 7th generation.
. . . CLICK here for Photos - 子守人形 !
. Reference 子守人形 .
. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Kagawa 香川県
aoboozu 青坊主 Ao-Bozu "Blue Priest" Yokai monster
When the babysitter was preparing food for the family and bring it to the fields, an Ao-Bozu came into the kitchen and suggested she should hang herself from the neck.
The babysitter tried to ignore the monster, but he grabbed her and made her loose conscience. The baby begun to cry out loud and grandmother from the other room came to pry into the kitchen.
The babysitter had already hung herself from the neck. Grandma cut the rope and placed the girl on the floor, where she came to herself and was saved.
. Aobōzu 青坊主と伝説 Legends about Aobozu .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
22 子守り (01)
09 青坊主 (01)
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- - - #komori #babycare #babysitter - - - - -
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