nuri-e 塗り絵 - 塗絵 - ぬりえ drawing for coloring
shakyoo 写経 / shabutsu 写仏 copying of sutras and Buddha images
Abmalen von Sutras und Buddhas

CLICK for many samples !
. o-kyoo お経 sutra, sutras .
The Buddhist practice of Shakyo and Shabutsu are means of spreading the Buddha Way among people through transcribing. It is also for praying for the fulfillment of one’s greatest wish. But today, besides these overtly religious purposes, shakyo and shabutsu allows one to reflect on ourselves, or to attain mental well-being by mindfully tracing the sacred scriptures and images. It does not matter if one has faith in Buddhism or not, or if one’s writing is good or not.

In modern situation, we can cherish quiet and serene moments fostered by shakyo and shabutsu, through calligraphy as Zen to deeply look at the self, which is an essential part of our everyday life.
Japan Foundation Los Angeles
source : www.jflalc.org/zen-calligraphy
The next step after copying the painting of a Buddha is
nuri-e 塗り絵 - 塗絵 - ぬりえ drawing for coloring

やさしい写仏ぬり絵帖 - 陽菜雛子[ヒナヒヨコ]

CLICK for more illustrations of Daruma san 塗り絵 だるま.
Even a meiro 迷路 maze, labyrinth with Daruma to paint and color!

There are all kinds of drawings available, here I will concentrate on Fudo Myo-o.

source : www.syabutu.com/omie

source : www.syabutu.com
from 岩谷堂箪笥

more from source : rakushisha.ocnk.net
Fudo by 鳥居清忠の不動明王の画像 - original and nuri-e
(the large PDF file is available online)
- source : www.creyon-nurie.com/ukiyoe-next

and the nuri-e

Torii Kiyotada 鳥居清忠, active about 1716 - 36
He produced woodblock prints of Kabuki actors - Ishikawa Danjuro as Fudo

- reference about Kiyotada

CLICK for more photos !
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
- Introduction -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference .
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #shakyo #shabutsu -
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