chizu 日本地図 Japan maps as art motives
chizu moyoo 地図模様 pattern of a map, atlas pattern
- - - - - chizu no gara 地図の柄
Some pieces of art, especially plates, have old maps of Japan as decoration.

source : item.rakuten.co.jp/kuramoto
- - - - - chizusara 地図皿 plates with a map
great plates from old Imari 古伊万里大皿

source : item.rakuten.co.jp/kuramoto

source : www.seikado.com/

source :www.geocities.jp/isonaga_toua
Arita pottery 有田焼
modern bowl for ramen soup お椀の底に日本地図

source : tabelog.com/kanagawa
- - - - - plate with directions and a ship

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Japan’s Shifting Position on Maps of the World in the Late Edo Period
Dr Radu Leca

Eurasia and Africa, late 18th c., Gennai ware
- quote -
After the fall of the Ming dynasty, the validity of the Sinocentric ‘Middle Kingdom’ world view formed an enduring point of contention among intellectuals in Japan. In the late Edo period, the proliferation of ‘Dutch studies’ together with recent contact with foreign ships brought about a renewed awareness of a ‘home territory’ in a wider international context. This led to a variety of cartographic responses, which arguably reflected an anxiety with the role of Japan in the world. On the one hand, geographically accurate world maps were published by the polymath Shiba Kokan and the Osaka-based physician Hashimoto Sokichi. On the other hand, maps based on Matteo Ricci’s 1602 Kunyu wan guo quantu continued to be reprinted with the inclusion of news-like updates, while also reproduced on a variety of media such as folding screens and ceramic dishes.
The case of Nagakubo Sekisui is representative. After publishing the first map of Japan using latitude and longitude, in 1788 Sekisui also published a map of the world based on Ricci’s model. The map was nevertheless updated with information on the presence of the Dutch in Java and the establishment by the Dutch of a ‘New Holland’ in the Southern Continent corresponding to Australia. This example, among others, indicates that maps originating in Ricci’s model - usually considered ‘antiquated’ - emerged as newly relevant through their proclamation of ‘Myriad Worlds’ of which Japan was but one.
Lecture January 2016
(Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures)
- source : soas.ac.uk/jrc/events -

Yokohama City University Collection and Database
- source : www-user.yokohama-cu.ac.jp -
. byoobu 屏風 Byobu, folding screens .

source : www.geocities.jp/saitohmoto
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zabuton cushion cover ゴブラン織りのクッションカバー
ゴブラン織り with gobelin stiching

source : www.netsea.jp/shop
. obi 帯 sash, belt .

With a map pattern almost as seen from an aeroplane 航空写真のような地図の柄
- source : www.soubien.jp
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
1 comment:
National Archives of Japan 国立公文書館
- Exhibition catalogue -
Maps of Edo chaning to Tokyo !
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