tsurushibina, tsurushi bina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls
sagemon さげもん, sagarimono さがりもの, tsurushi kazari つるしかざり
kasafuku 傘福 - "umbrella for good luck"

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These small dolls are suspended from the ceiling, an umbrella or a large branch in the room decorated for the Girl's Hina Doll Festival on March 3.
They are often made by mother or grandmother with special wishes for the child to grow up healthy, wealthy and well.
Some villages and towns hold special exhibitions during February and March to show these family treasures.
. Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri 雛祭り) .
under construction
Many items are added to the hanging dolls with a wish for the girl to grow up happy, healthy and well.
The following is a list of various motives used for the dolls:
There are plant, animal and cultural motives to explore:
. ajisai 紫陽花 (あじさい) hortensia, hydrangea .
. asagao 朝顔 (あさがお) morning glory flowers .
awase no kimono 合せの着物 (あわせのきもの)
. kimono 着物 Japanese robes .
. choochoo 蝶々 (ちょう) butterfly .
. denden daiko, dendendaiko でんでん太鼓 twist toy drum on a stick .
. ebi えび / 海老 / 蝦 lobster, prawn, shrimp .
fukinotoo, fuki no too ふきのとう spring butterbur
. fuki no too 蕗の薹 butterbur sprouts . - Petasites japonicus
. fuku kozuchi 福小槌 lucky hammer, mallet of Daikoku .
. fukuroo 梟 auspicious owl .
fuufu meoto himedaruma 夫婦姫だるま princess Daruma couple - see below, Onjuku
. hagoita 羽子板 battledore, shuttlecock .
. haiko ningyoo 這い子人形 babies crawling around .
hamaguri 蛤(はまぐり) venus clams - Meretrix lusoria
. . . CLICK here for hamaguri Photos !
harukoma 春駒(はるこま) "spring horses"
. . . CLICK here for harukoma Photos !
. hato はと pidgeon, dove .
. hoozuki ほおずき / 鬼燈 / 鬼灯 Lampionflower .
ichigo 苺(いちご) strawberries
. . . CLICK here for ichigo hotos !

. Inoshishi イノシシ 猪 「亥」 Wild Boar amulets .
inu 犬(いぬ) dog
. . . CLICK here for inu Photos !
. Issun Booshi 一寸法師 Issun Boshi "Tom Thumb" .
kabocha 南瓜(かぼちゃ)pumpkin
. . . CLICK here for kabocha Photos !
kabura, kabu 蕪(かぶら、かぶ) turnips
. . . CLICK here for kabura Photos !
. kaki 柿(かき) persimmon .
. kame 亀 turtoise, turtle .
. kamifuusen, kami fuusen 紙風船 baloon from paper, toy baloon, "wind ship" .
. kani かに / 蟹 crab .
. kappa 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ Kappa, the water goblin .

CLICK for more samples !
. kazaguruma 風車 windwheel .
kiku 菊(きく) chrysanthemum
. . . CLICK here for kiku Photos !
. kinchaku 巾着 drawstring bag、money pouch .
kingyo 金魚(きんぎょ) goldfish
. . . CLICK here for kingyo Photos !
. Kintaroo 金太郎 Kintaro, the Strong Boy .
. kinmedai 金目鯛 "Golden Eye" sea bream, alfonsino .
matsu 松(まつ)pine
. . . CLICK here for matsu Photos !
. momo 桃 peach .
. momo no hana 桃の花 peach blossom .
ninjin 人参(にんじん)carrots
. . . CLICK here for ninjin Photos !
. Okamesan おかめ / お亀, O-Kame san - お多福 O-Tafuku .
. okatagoro, o-kata goro おかたごろ aristocratic lady dolls .
. okurumi ningyoo おくるみ人形 wrapped baby dolls .
. ondori and mendori おんどり - めんどり chicken - cock and hen .
renkon 蓮根(れんこん) lotosroot,lotus root
. . . CLICK here for renkon photos !
. sakura さくら / 桜 cherry blossom .
. sanbasoo 三番そう Sanbaso dancer .
. sankaku 三角 triangle / sankaku hi-uchi 三角火打 (さんかくひうち) .
. sanshoku dango 三色だんご dumplings in three auspicious colors .
. sarukko 猿 - さるっ子 small red monkey baby .
semi 蝉(せみ) cicada
. . . CLICK here for semi Photos !
. sensu, oogi 扇子、扇 handfan, folding fan .
. shippoo, shichihoo mari 七宝まり / 七宝鞠 hand ball with seven treasures .
shoobu 菖蒲(しょうぶ) iris
. . . CLICK here for shobu Iris Photos !
suzume 雀(すずめ) sparrow
. . . CLICK here for suzume Photos !
. tai たい - 鯛 auspicious sea bream fish .
. takarabukuro 宝袋 the treasure bag of Hotei .
take, takenoko 竹、竹の子 bamboo shoots
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. tawara nezumi 俵ねずみ mouse on a straw bag of Daikoku (filled with rice) .
. temari, mari 手毬(てまり) 鞠(まり)toy balls .
. tsubaki 椿 camellia blossoms .
tsubame 燕(つばめ) swallow
. . . CLICK here for tsubame Photos !
. tsuru つる/ 鶴 crane .
. toogarashi とうがらし / 唐辛子 red pepper .
uguisu 鶯(うぐいす)nightingale
. . . CLICK here for uguisu Photos !
. usagi うさぎ white rabbit with red eyes .
. yodarekake よだれ掛け - 涎掛け bib, Kinderlatz .
. zoori 草履 sandals .

. tenugui 手ぬぐい hand towels .
- ABC - List of tsurushibina from the Prefectures
- - - The three most famous are
福岡県柳川市のさげもん - Fukuoka
静岡県東伊豆町稲取地区の雛のつるし飾り - Shizuoka
山形県酒田市の傘福 - Yamagata
. . . . . . . . . . Chiba
Onjuku choo 御宿町, Onjuku

- source : onjuku.or.jp/tsurushibina/gallery
fuufu meoto Daruma 夫婦姫だるま princess Daruma couple
With the wish for a happy married life.
. fuufu, meoto Daruma 夫婦だるま Mr. And Mrs. Daruma .
. . . . . . . . . . Fukuoka
sagemon さげもん, sagarimono さがりもの
from Yanagawa town 柳川地区
They are exhibited from the first day of the third lunar month to the 3rd day of the fourth lunar month for people as they walk along the town shops.

They have seven strings with 7 dolls each and 2 more balls in the middle. Two decorations form a set hung at each side of the Hind Doll display.
Smaller versions have 5 strings with 5 dolls each and only one ball.

source : fukuoka-now.com/event
Little girls in bright kimono ride on river boats for their first festival, while the reflections of sagemon (hanging ornaments unique to the Yanagawa region) glimmer on the river. Enjoy this colorful girls’ festival and its Japanese atmosphere.
Sagemon are displayed until April 3.
- - - - - Enjoy some Hina Doll events in Fukuoka :
- quote
Yanagawa Hina Festival Sagemon tour
Chikugo Yoshii Hina doll tour
Village of Hina Dolls – Yame Bonbori Festival
Chikuzen Iizuka Hiina Festival
- source : fukuoka-now.com/article
. . . . . . . . . . Shizuoka
hina no tsurushi kazari 雛のつるし飾り

Tsurushibina from Inatori, Shizuoka, since the Edo period
During the Edo period, the fishermen of Inatori were very poor and could not buy expensive hina doll displays for their girls. So the mothers used their old clothes and made small dolls
There are 5 strings with 11 dolls each, two forming a set for each side.
- source : www.inatoriso.com
. . . . . . . . . . Yamagata
kasafuku 傘福 - "umbrella for good luck"
From Sakata town 酒田地区
They have been introduced in the Edo period along with the sea traffic to Hokkaido.
A special cloth is fixed inside the umbrella and the dolls hung from it.
- quote
What are kasafuku? Literally “happy umbrella”, they are little dolls made from cloth in many different shapes and arranged on strings hanging from an umbrella-type structure.

The craft of making kasafuku, unique to Yamagata Prefecture, is a dying species like so many other traditional crafts in Japan. Such hanging ornaments have been part of Japan’s traditional culture since the Edo Era.
- source : en.japantravel.com

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference - tsurushibina .
つるしびな大百科 Tsurushibina Great Dictionary
- source : www.tsurushi.jp/yurai
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. bonbori ぼんぼり / 雪洞 paper lantern .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #tsurushibina #sagarimono -
quoting Mark Schumacher
Hina Matsuri 雛祭 or 雛祭り
Doll Festival, Girls' Festival
Snake Festival, Peach Blossom Festival,
or Drinking Around a Rolling Stream Festival
Origin = Japan, but with Chinese Antecedents
Japan's Doll Festival has a very curious history, one largely forgotten in contemporary times. Held annually on the first day of the snake on the third day of the third month in the old lunar calendar (March three in modern times) since the mid-to-late Edo period (1600-1867), it was originally a day for ritual purification known in Japanese as Jōshi no Sekku 上巳の節句 (literally “Seasonal Festival of the Snake”) when people would rub their bodies with crude human-shaped figurines made of paper, straw, clay or wood. These figurines served as “scapegoats” for taking on (exorcising) the spiritual pollution and bad karma of the devotee (see below). The word for snake (Jōshi) sounds like the word for girl (Joshi 女子), so the festival eventually became a day devoted to girls. Today the festival is a major joyous event but not a national holiday. Geared towards girls -- the first sekku 節句 (seasonal festival) after the birth of a baby girl -- it is a day when charming dolls are set out for display to symbolize the family's wish that their daughter will be healthy, free from calamity and able to obtain a happy life with a good husband. Also called the Peach Festival or Momo no Sekku 桃の節句, as March is the season when peach flowers are in bloom.
hina matsuri 雛祭と伝説 Legends about the Doll Festival
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