. Yamagata Folk Art - 山形県 .
Udogawara tsuchiningyoo 鵜渡川原土人形
clay dolls from Udogawara village

This Kintoki Strong Boy has the eyes raised and holds a rather cute bear.
They have been made from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of Meiji. They are even older than the "Old Sakata Dolls 古酒田人形 using mineral colors.
For Udogawara dolls, plant colors are used.
There are only a few samples still to be found now.

The soft plant colors are still to be enjoyed to our day.
- source: www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kyoudoningyou

馬乗り武者 samurai on a horse, 24 cm high

鯛掴み恵比寿 Ebisu with a sea bream
Meiboku Sendai Hagi 伽羅先代萩 Kabuki figures 政岡と鶴千代 Masaoka and Tsuruchiyo
- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp/~vc3k-nrm

izumeko 「いづめ子」baby in basket えずこ Ezuko / えじこ Ejiko / えずめこ Ezumeko
女子 two girls
鯛持ち holding a sea bream
- source : indymuseum/page130

There is now a group of more than 60 members to preserve these dolls, make new ones and hold exhibitions.

Some new dolls made by the group, even a penguin.
izumeko ningyoo いづめこ人形 a baby in a straw basket
LOOK at more samples
- source : 4071.net/udogawara/

with a viedo about making the dolls
- source : yamagata-furusatojuku.jp

Souvenirs from Sakata
- source : sakata-kankou.com

sleeping baby in a basket えじこ ejiko
ejiko were made from straw, woven around a bucket. They were layered with special material to absorb little accidents, with a special hole for the buttocks of the baby. The urine could be collected in the lower part of the bucket.
They are a speciality of Tohoku to keep the babies warm in the cold winter months.
In the many local dialects they are called
shigura ツグラ、 shibura ツブラ、izumi イズミ、izume イズメ、bugo フゴ、ijiko イジコ、ejiko エジコ
Sometimes the kokeshi can nodd with the little head.
source : kijidaruma.com - 31
. Reference and Photos . Asahi Narumi .
- sakigake-one.sakura.ne -
Yamagata Festivals - each month
source : www.yamagatakanko.com
. WASHOKU . - Regional Dishes from Yamagata
. Yamagata Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
. Shichi-Fukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck -
Ebisu, Daikoku . . .
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