Kitty Chan キティちゃん

Kitty chan is a well-liked character in Japan.
. Princess Daruma Kitty .
from Dogo Onsen, Shikoku
Hime Princess Kitty 姫だるまキティ
. Kibuna, ki-buna 黄鮒 Kitty riding a yellow carp .
From Utsunomiya, Tochigi
. Manekineko and Kitty Chan
The Beckoning Cat 招き猫とだるま
. oidashi neko 追い出し猫 kitty to drive out bad things .
from Miyawaka Town in Fukuoka 九州宮若
. Reference : Hello Kitty .

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Amulets from
. Shrine Mikuriya Jinja 御厨神社 .

Kittichan キティちゃんお守り Kitty chan, the cat
キティちゃんミニお守り Kitty mini mamori
キティちゃんお守りストラップ Kitty strap
キティリボンお守り Kitty ribon
キティ卯ぬいぐるみお守り kitty cuddely doll
キティ虎ぬいぐるみお守り Kitty tiger
キティ牛ぬいぐるみお守り Kitty cow
キティ巫女ぬいぐるみお守り Kitty Miko girl
キティふうせんお守り kitty baloon
キティアップルお守り Kitty apple
キティちゃん矢 Kitty arrow
キティヘリコプターお守り kitty helicopter
キティちゃん安産お守り Kittichan safe birth
キティちゃん交通お守り Kittichan safe traffic
キティちゃん土鈴 Kitty clay bell

キティちゃんかぐや姫お守り Kitty Kaguyahime

ダニエル・キティ人形お守り Daniel and Kitty


List of Sanrio characters サンリオ
This is a list of characters from Sanrio, a Japanese company specialized in creating cute characters. Beginning in 1962, Sanrio sells and licenses products branded with these characters and have created over 400 characters, with the most successful and best known being Hello Kitty.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Kerokerokeroppi (1988)
Keroppi Hasunoue (はすの上 けろっぴ, Hasunoue Keroppi)
(Also known as Kerokerokeroppi) is a frog character with large eyes and a V-shaped mouth. Keroppi loves adventure, and his bubbly personality makes him popular around Donut Pond. He has a brother called Koroppi and a sister called Pikki. Most often he is seen with his little snail friend Den Den, always tagging along a little behind. Keroppi is a fantastic swimmer and singer (but not at the same time.) Keroppi has appeared in video games like: Kero Kero Keroppi no Bouken Nikki, Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken, and Sanrio World Smash Ball!. Keroppi was created in 1987 and his birthday is on July 10.
His hometown is Donut Pond.
Donut Pond -
the sound of fun
with Kitty chan

Keroppi o-mamori ケロッピお守り
. Shrine Mikuriya Jinja 御厨神社 .
- quote
The confounding case of Japan’s creativity crisis
As Japan enters the new year, pundits and panjandrums across public, private and academic landscapes are agonizing over what they call the country’s “creativity crisis.”

. . . Sherlock Holmes gathered evidence by following the oldest of maxims:
We have two eyes and two ears but only one mouth,
so we can look and listen twice as much as we speak.
Nothing escaped the attention of Sherlock Holmes
because Sherlock Holmes was always paying attention.
- source : Japan Times, January 2014

. More : Kitty Chan Amulets .
. hi no yoojin 火の用心 watch out for fire - fire prevention Kitty .
1 comment:
Hello Kitty is having a midlife crisis.
Sanrio Co., the owner of the 39-year-old white cat character with no mouth and a red bow on her ear, has made a fortune licensing its brand to other companies, letting them bear the risks of making and selling the goods. Now it is shifting strategy to sell more of its own merchandise, prompting the biggest stock drop in 19 years and wiping almost $450 million off its market value Thursday.
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