. ema 絵馬 と伝説 Legends about votive tablets .
ema 絵馬 votive tablets
Please read my main entry HERE and come back:
. EMA Votive Tablets and Prayer Boards 絵馬 .
. Iwate - Nanbu no ema 南部の絵馬 votive tablets from the Nambu domaine .
Here I am going to present a few special ones.
kokoro 心 the heart, the soul

source : www.city.himeji.lg.jp
kokorodachi, kokoro tachikiru 心断ち "cutting of the heart"
From Tochigi prefecture 栃木県
This helps to cut off a bad habit, like drinking too much.
The character for HEART 心 is cut to pieces by craftsmen with axes and saws.
kokoro ni kagi 心に鍵 "a lock for the heart"
Here is a similar one, putting a lock in front of the heart (to keep it from wandering in un-wanted directions) .
This amulet is useful for couples to make sure the vows are kept.

From temple Kanzan-Ji 舘山寺, Shizuoka, Hamamatsu
The lock is in the form of the character 心。

ema with the zodiac animals, in the form of a heart

The other zociac animals are HERE:
source : ameblo.jp/fprecon

Matsuo Basho at Yamadera 山寺立石寺 in Yamagata
shizukasa ya iwa ni shimiiru semi no koe
oh in this quietude
seeping into the rock
the voices of cicadas
- - - Station 26 - Ryushakuji - 立石寺 Risshaku-Ji - - -
. Oku no Hosomichi 奥の細道 .

Eiyoo Gongen 栄誉権現 Venerable Guard Deity
at Ueno Toshogu Shrine, Tokyo
This shrine is quite in the back of the Ueno shrine complex, where a lot of monsters and demons used to live in Edo. Only in the Taisho period were the ghosts driven out of this shrine.
To pacify their souls, the venerable badger guard Eiyo Gongen was introduced. He is also worshipped to bring good luck and help students to pass an examination for a good career.
On the votive tablet, there is a badger in a purple priest's robe. The two characters
TA「他」and NUKE 「抜」are written on it too.
This is a pun with the name of the badger, TANUKI.
. Tanuki 狸 Badger amulets and toys.
Another Ema from the Toshogu shrine, this time with the parade.
On one of the floats there are mechanical dolls.
On the left, there is Benkei with Ushiwakamaru on the Gojo Bridge in Kyoto.

. Karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .

source : facebook 仏像
地蔵縁起絵巻 Jizo Engi Emaki - Yatadera 矢田寺, Kyoto
and another Yatadera in Nara
矢田寺大門坊 奈良県大和郡山市矢田町3549 0743-53-1445
- Homepage of the temple - for Jizo and Ajisai Hydrangea
- source : www.yatadera.or.jp
With a pilgrimage to 10 Jizo temples. 大和地蔵十福霊場会
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
With the growing popularity of Yokai on the internet, some temples and shrines are catering to the need with Ema.

Asahina modoki 朝比奈もどき

dondon byoshi どんどん拍子

oogijuu 扇獣

chitori 血取り

from 妖怪神社 the Shrine Yokai Jinja, dedicated to Mizuki Shigeru
- quote -
Yokai (Monsters) Jinja
Yokai Jinja is a shrine located on Mizuki Shigeru Road in Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture. A ceremony for building completion and consecration for this shrine ceremony was held by Mizuki Shigeru, who produced a manga Gegege no Kitaro at midnight on January 1, 2000. This shrine was built as home for monsters and with wish to preserve and grow an environment of Yokai-no-sato (house for monsters) where monsters find it easy to live. Torii (gateway to shrine) is built with motif of Ittan-momen (monster of cloth) at the entrance. After you go through, there are black graphite ad 300-year old Keyaki tree (Japanese tree of the genus zelkova) consecrated by Mizuki Shigeru, which is go-shintai (an object of worship).
Behind the go-shintai, Medama-ishi (eyeball of stone) is placed, which has a mysterious anecdote. At the consecration, Mizuki said pointing a part of go-shintai, "it would be good to put an eyeball here," and then the part peeled off. You should wash your hands at Medama Oyaji Kiyome-no-Mizu, where a stone shaped like the popular character of Gegege no Kitaro, Medama no Oyaji (Kitaro-'s father who is an eyeball), before praying in front of alter. Then pray by bowing twice, clap twice and bow once. Here you can buy and enjoy Karakuri Yokai Mikuji, a written oracle with 200 yen. A Yokai Karakuri Ningyo (a mechanical doll shaped like a monster) even can perform the purification ceremony for you, bow and bring the oracle to you. Also Yokai ema (votive picture), amulets and charms are sold.
It is a site you should visit if you go to see Mizuki Shigeru Road.
- source : japanhoppers.com/en/chugoku/yonago_sakaiminato... -
. 水木しげる, Mizuki Shigeru .
- - - - - Ge Ge Ge no Kitarō (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎, Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro)

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference .
. . . . .
Ema collection related to HEALTH
source : www.eisai.co.jp/museum
source : yamaguchi-zukan
Ema collections
龍・蛇系 / 神仏像 / 神の使い・動物 / 人物・祭り・図柄
source : www.zoeji.com
Ema collection from most regions 絵馬コレクション
source : okamoto.n

kane ni naru ki 金に成る木 - a tree to become rich
. my PHOTO album of the Dewa Mountains .
. kane no naru ki 金の成る木 a tree to become rich .
. Ema for Shichi-Go-San 七五三 Festival in November .
. Choomeiji 長命寺 Chomei-Ji . - Nerima ward, Tokyo
. Hakone Jinja 箱根神社 . white horse
. Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 Akasaka 赤坂 Tokyo .
. Iminomiya Jinja 忌宮神社 . Yamaguchi
Ema for Shichi-Go-San 七五三 -children's festival in November
. Isaniwa Jinja 伊佐爾波神社 . - Matsuyama, Ehime
. 大国魂神社 Okunitama Jinja . Tokyo
yamiyo matsuri 闇夜祭り night festival ema and more
. Suitengu 水天宮 Shrine for the Water God .
. TAKO Yakushi 多幸薬師 with Octopus 蛸 .
Tokyo, Meguro
. tsubaki no hana 椿の花 camellia blossom on ema .
. Tsuruoka Tenjin 鶴岡天神 - Big Ema Parade 大絵馬パレード.
鶴岡天神祭 Tsuruoka Tenjin Festival, Yamagata
. Uji Jinja 宇治神社 - Ise .
ashigamisan 足神さん Ashi no Kamisama - Deity for Strong Legs
waraji no ema わらじの絵馬 votive tablet with straw sandals
. Yakimono - toosei ema 陶製絵馬 ema from pottery .
Sueyama Jinja 陶山神社, Arita

Gankake Daruma, Fujiidera 願掛けだるま 葛井寺
大阪府藤井寺市藤井寺一丁目16番21号 Osaka
ema uri, ema-uri 絵馬売り vendor of votive tablets
emagaku uri 絵馬額売り
A lot of them where seasonal workers, mostly from Shinano, called "mukudori", who came to Edo in the 11th lunar month and left again in the second lunar month. They walked the streets, calling out their merchandise
ema yaaa, gaku yaaaaa 絵馬や 額や々々々
On the first day of the horse these votive tablets were sold at Inari fox shrines 稲荷神社 as offerings to the deity. This custom had become a favorite with the Edoites in the second half of the Edo period. They came in various sizes, the street vendors selling the smaller ones. Larger ones were sold at the Inari shrine markets of the festival day.
These tablets were made at various small shops, one of the more famous one's is the
Hidakaya 日高屋 in Asakusa.
. WKD : hatsu uma, hatsu-uma 初午 first day of the horse .

source : www.han-nari.com
mukudori ga sudachi o suru to ema ya gaku
the seasonal workers
are about to take off -
votive tablets and frames
. mukudori 椋鳥 gray starling .
kigo for autumn
with a few haiku by Issa about the seasonal workers.
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .
. Doing Business in Edo .
. Ema for 2012, year of the Dragon .
. ema 絵馬 と伝説 Legends about votive tablets .
. My EMA collection - Regional Folk Toys .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #ema #votivetablet -
bafunkaki 馬糞掻き, bafun tori 馬糞とり horse-shit collectors
collecting horse dung, horse droppings, horse manure in Edo
Tosa, Shikoku
Kure Hachimangu 久礼八幡宮
高知県高岡郡中土佐町 - Takaoka, Nakatosa
Ema votive tablets of the famous katsuo bonito and the sashimi speciality of Tosa.
Hida Takayama - Gifu
Ema-ichi (A fair to sell paintings of horses)
In days of old, farmers dedicated paintings of horses to the Matsukura Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) located southwest of Takayama, wishing for the safety of their cows and horses and a rich harvest of silk from cocoons, or even actually took horses or cows to be blessed by goddess.
The Ema-ichi Fair is to sell paintings of horses. Likening the painted horses to fine, expensive horses, people trade these paintings calling out, “10 million ryo, 20 million ryo, etc. (“ryo” being old unit of Japanese money)”, which is called ”Matsukura Price”. A painting of horse posted on the wall at the entrance to a house is believed to bring good fortune to the family, so, many houses still have these paintings at the entrance.
Matsukura Kannon (Goddess of Mercy), in front of Jinya, Honmachi 2-chome, at Sogenji Temple in Higashiyama Teramachi
inoshishi イノシシ 猪 「亥」 Wild Boar
When you hear the word "ema", what kind of scene does it remind you of? You may have seen ema displayed at shrines, or you may have dedicated an ema with a wish for success in an entrance examination, for example. It is thought that ema originated from the offering of the horse itself to the gods, and that clay or wooden horse figures in the shape of a horse were used instead. As people began to pray for worldly benefits in their faith, the subject matter became more diverse, including ema depicting prayers other than those of horses.
During the Edo period (1603-1867), paintings of warriors, theatrical performances, livelihood, customs, and other subjects were depicted, offering a glimpse into the prayers and lifestyles of the people of that time. The museum has in its collection actual and reproductions of ema (votive tablet) paintings of various motifs, sizes, and shapes from the Edo period to the Showa period (1926-1989). This exhibition introduces the richly varied world of ema, focusing on the objects in the museum's collection.
Kochi Prefectural Museum of History, Nankoku City, Kochi
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